Software Installation Guide
Installs Cubase® LE 4, X-Edit, and USB Drivers
Table of ConTenTs
1. Congratulations ................................................................................................................. 1
2. Computer Minimum Requirements ............................................................................. 1
3. Software Installation for Windows® Vista and XP Users ........................................ 1
A. Installing Software for Windows ...............................................................................1
B. Set Up Windows Audio and MIDI (Optional) ........................................................2
C. Cubase® LE 4 Device Setup for Windows .............................................................3
4. Software Installation for Mac® Users ........................................................................... 4
A. Installing Software for Mac .........................................................................................4
B. Cubase LE 4 Device Setup for Mac ..........................................................................4
5. Recording With Cubase LE 4 (Windows and Mac) ................................................. 6
A. Creating a new project ................................................................................................6
B. Setting the input of the track to record ................................................................7
C. To start recording ........................................................................................................9
1. CongraTulaTions
Congratulations on your purchase of the RP500. This guide contains the instructions on
installing and setting up Steinberg Cubase® LE 4 recording software, X-Edit™ Editor/
Librarian, and the required USB drivers for Windows® Vista, Windows XP or Mac® OSX
computer systems. Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure smooth installation of each of these components.
2. CompuTer minimum requiremenTs
Pentium 4/Athlon 1.4 GHz
512 MB RAM (1GB recommended)
Windows XP (SP 2 installed)
DVD-ROM drive
Internet access required for Cubase LE 4 license activation
Power Mac G4 1 GHz or Core Solo 1.5 GHz
512 MB RAM
OS X Version 10.4 or later*
DVD-ROM drive
Internet access required for Cubase LE 4 license activation
* X-Edit™ Editor/Librarian is compatible with Mac OS X Version 10.5 operating systems only
when they are running on Mac Intel Core computer systems.
sofTWare insTallaTion for WinDoWs®
Vista, XP Home, or XP Professional
VisTa anD Xp users
a. insTalling sofTWare for WinDoWs
You must install the USB drivers to use your RP500’s USB connection with your computer. You can then install and use the Cubase LE 4 and X-Edit applications. You can also
install Adobe® Reader® (if it isn’t already installed on your computer) which is necessary
to access Cubase LE 4 documentation. Follow the on-screen directions to successfully
install these items.
Close any open programs you have running on your computer and place the
RP500 Software DVD in your DVD-ROM drive.
The installer should automatically run. If it does:
XP users
Go to step 3.
Vista users
Select Run This Application.
If the Installer does not automatically run, select Start>Run (XP) or Start>All
Programs>Accessories>Run (Vista) and type in D:\RP500Install.exe
(where D:\ is the letter of your DVD ROM drive) and click OK.
Once the installer begins, the software installation menu will appear.
Click the “RP500 Drivers” button and follow the onscreen instructions to install
the necessary drivers for using X-Edit and Cubase.
Click the “X-Edit” button and follow the onscreen instructions to install the
X-Edit Editor/Librarian software. During the X-Edit installation, you may be
prompted to install Microsoft .NET 2.0 which is required to use the X-Edit
application. Agree to the terms and follow the onscreen instructions to install
.NET 2.0. Once the .NET installation is complete, continue with the X-Edit
Click the “Cubase LE 4” button and follow the onscreen instructions to install
Cubase. During the Cubase installation you may be prompted to install the
Syncrosoft License Control software. This is a license management application
that is used once you register Cubase at the Steinberg website. Agree to the
terms and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the Syncrosoft installation.
If you don’t have Adobe® Reader® installed on your computer, click the “Adobe
Reader” button and follow the onscreen instructions to install Adobe Reader.
You will be taken to Adobe’s website, where you can select and install the
appropriate version of Acrobat Reader for your computer. Adobe Reader must
be installed to view the Cubase LE 4 documentation.
Once installation is completed, continue to Section B - Setup Windows
Audio and MIDI to configure the newly installed software.
Note: When Cubase® LE 4 is first launched, it will be running in fully functional
demo mode for 30 days. Before the 30 day trial expires you will need to register online at Steinberg’s website to receive an unlimited use license. Click the
“Register Now” button to visit the Cubase LE 4 website and follow the instructions there to register Cubase LE 4 and receive an activation key. When the
activation key is received via email, follow the instructions included in the email
to download and install it and enable unlimited use of LE 4.
b. seT up WinDoWs® auDio anD miDi (opTional)
When the USB Audio and MIDI drivers were installed, Windows may have automatically
selected them as your default audio and MIDI outputs. This means that your Windows
sounds will be sent to the RP500 rather than your computer’s sound card. We need to
check if these have been changed and return the settings to what they were before.
Select Start>Control Panel>Sounds and Audio Devices (XP) or
Hardware and Sound (Vista).
Select the Audio tab (XP) or Manage Audio Devices (Vista).
Under Sound Playback>Default device (XP), or Playback (Vista), make
sure your computer’s sound card is selected as the default device.
Under Sound Recording>Default device (XP), or Recording (Vista), make
sure your computer’s sound card is selected as the default device.
Under MIDI Music Playback>Default device, open the pull-down menu and
make sure Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth is selected as the default device (XP