Dell™ PowerConnect™ 5524/5548/5524P/5548P
PowerConnect 5524/5548/5524P/5548P
Release Notes
Date: May 2012
System Firmware Version
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Firmware Specifications 1
Functionality change in this phase 2
Egress Classification (ACL) ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Auto-Create VLAN ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
802.1x VLAN name support ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Detecting HW failure during boot time ....................................................................................................................... 2
Disable Password-Recovery ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Issues resolved 2
Prevent creating duplicate AC E s per ACL ................................................................................................................. 2
The command "boot host dhcp" needs to st ay in the configuration if without autosave option. ................................. 2
Link issues between PC5548 and e63 20 (Dell) laptop (EEE interoperability on Intel NIC) ...................................... 3
PC55xx Port-channel inconsistent configuration in general mode ............................................................................ 3
PC55xx - FATAL ERROR and crash when changing por t mode. .............................................................................. 3
PC55xx v4.0.1.0 LAG issue using 10Gb interfaces ................................................................................................... 3
PC55xx Unable to reach Storm Control page via GUI (Japanese Internet Explorer) ................................................ 3
55xx - Cannot modify port description in GUI on active fiber-optic interface ............................................................. 3
PC55xx - show clock detail output different to user manual ...................................................................................... 4
Incorrect OID returned on SNMPGetNext 55xx ......................................................................................................... 4
PC55xx - SNMP ifType value of 6 for port-channel interfaces ................................................................................. 4
GUI shows a fan led in red which does not match the physical status of the front led .............................................. 4
PC55xx Connectivity issues with fixed port setting and stacking. ............................................................................. 4
PC55xx switch crashed on snmpgetnext 9.2.2 ..................................................................... 4
PC55xx - unable to set speed 1000 via web GUI on t en gi gabit interfaces ............................................................... 5
PC55xxP – Power to PDs lost every once in a while ................................................................................................. 5
Known Restrictions and Limitations 5
WEB GUI Page “Utilization Summary”, "Interface Utilization field" s ometimes displays “-“ ....................................... 5
USB key might hang after several quick inserts and removals requiring a reboot. .................................................... 5
Cisco Phones 7960 interoperability problem ............................................................................................................. 5
Documentation updates 5
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
CLI command "show processes cpu" app ears in CLI guide but is not supported on d ev i ce ..................................... 5
PC55xx - Incorrect documentation in relation to RDP and ACL ................................................................................ 6
Mistake in PC55xx User Guide regarding enable HTTPS command ........................................................................ 6
55xx HDMI documentation ........................................................................................................................................ 6
55XX ip source-guard , command is not present ...................................................................................................... 6
End of Release Notes 6
System Firmware Version Subject to Change Without Notice i

System Firmware Version Subject to Change Without Notice ii