Dell Connections License Manager Owner's Manual

Release Notes
Dell Connections License Manager 1.0
This file contains updated information for "Dell Connections License Manager Version 1.0." You can access the related documentation from the Dell support website at "" Dell Connections License Manager 1.0 is used for managing licenses and the licensable features provided in Dell Connections products. Use Dell Connections licenses to enable server management capabilities and integrations such as out-of-band monitoring in the Dell OpenManage Connections and Integrations suite of products.
With Dell Connections License Manager 1.0, you can do the following:
Import Dell Connections licenses into the Connections License Manager.
View and manage license information, like Entitlement ID, feature description, Licensed node, Nodes in use, Remaining nodes and so on.
Export licenses.
Delete licenses.
For more information on the License Manager, see the following documents:
Dell Connections License Manager Version 1.0 Install Guide.
Dell Connections License Manager Version 1.0 User’s Guide.
1.0 A02
Release Date: October 28, 2013
Previous Version
1.0 A01
RECOMMENDED: Dell recommends the customer review specifics about the update to determine if it applies to your system. The update contains changes that impact only certain configurations, or provides new features that may/may not apply to your environment.
Platform(s) Affected NA
What is Supported
Particulars Requirement Hard Disk 10 GB (minimum) RAM 8 GB (minimum)
Operating Systems Windows Server 2012 R2,
Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64), and Windows
Server 2008 SP2 (x86) Network 100 Mbps or higher Screen Resolution 1024 X 768 .NET Framework 3. 5 full version Database Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or
later Web Servers IIS 8.5 or II8.0 Web Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or
Internet Explorer 10 and Mozilla
Firefox 22.0 or Firefox 23.0
For the list of supported hardware, software, operating systems, web browsers and license requirements, see “Dell Connections License Manager Version 1.0 User’s Guide."
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