Swing Stick
Oscillating bar movement and refl ex body
tensioning for intense training
Fitness Swing Stick
Eff ective fi tness equipment for strength and endurance
training and burning fat
Oscillating bar movement and refl ex body tensioning
for intense training
Increases metabolic activity and works the entire
muscular system
Ideal for improving posture and enhancing concentration
Strengthens intrinsic muscles and tightens
connective tissue
Light, sturdy and durable fi breglass construction
with non-slip grip and TPR ends
Practical carry bag with shoulder strap
IAN 57308
Wragekamp 6
D-22397 Hamburg
Delta-Sport Nr. SW-1366
4 032611 168707
Includes DVD
with exercise

Instructions for use
Contents .............................................3
Technical Data .........................................3
Intended use ..........................................3
Safety notice ..........................................4
General Training Hints ................................. 5 - 7
Main Exercises ..................................... 7 - 20
Advice on disposal .....................................21
Care and storage ......................................21
3 Year guarantee ...................................... 22
Read through the instruction manual carefully before use.
Make sure you keep the instructions for future reference!
1x Fitness Swing Stick
1x Bag
1x DVD with comprehensive training description
Technical Data
Weight: 635 g
Intended use
This article has been designed for private training purposes. This article is not
suitable for therapeutic or commercial purposes.
Safety notice
- Use this article at your own risk.
- Consult your doctor as to whether you are fit enough to use this article before beginning to train using it.
- If you experience health problems whilst using this article, stop using it immediately and consult your doctor.
- This article should only be used under adult supervision and should never be
used as a toy.
- Implement your training programme making sure that you have enough
space not to injure yourself by coming into contact with other persons or
- This article should only be used by one person at a time.
- Retain the information leaflet and keep it near the article itself in order to
consult for training exercises.
- Before each use check the item for damages or wear. Should you find cracks
in the plastic parts or in the fibreglass for example then refrain from using the
- Only use this article indoors and keep it out of direct sunlight!
- This article should only be used when in good condition. Only use original
spare parts.
- Never use this article near stairs or on landings.
- Pregnant women should only use this article after consulting their doctor.
3 4

General Training Hints
Before beginning to train with the Fitness Swing Stick it is important to warm
up and stretch the body. The Fitness Swing Stick is a sports device and is
not designed for medical or commercial purposes. Should you have health
problems or allergic reactions or you are currently recovering from an injury
then please speak to your physician first before using the product. Should you
feel ill during an exercise then stop immediately and contact your physician.
Function of the Fitness Swing Stick
The Fitness Swing Stick uses the advantages of vibration-training, which up until now was only possible on large, bulky and expensive machines. Whereas
the Fitness Swing Stick is small and light and as such also easily stowed away
at home when not needed. The Fitness Swing Stick consists out of thin fibreglass and has a practical grip in the middle. There are small weights at both
ends of the Fitness Swing Stick, which allow for an upward and downward
swinging through moving the Fitness Swing Stick when holding it on its grip.
Vibrations are created through that, which are transported through the body
at an optimal frequency for vibration-training.
When the vibrations stream through the body, the equilibrium centre is
brought slightly out of balance. As a result the smaller deeper stabilising muscles alongside the spine have to work harder. When these muscles are tensed
up, the spine is relieved and an upright posture is made easier.
Furthermore, the vibrations promote blood circulation and as such help to
remove toxicities out of the blood and to expedite healing of chronic injuries.
The correct grip
Depending on the exercise, hold the Fitness Swing Stick with one or both
hands on the plastic handle. You should have an easy and relaxed grip. Always hold the Fitness Swing Stick in the middle of the handle.
Notice: The grip of the Fitness Swing Stick is partially movable and can be
turned a bit on the stick.
This product characteristic is no defect but serves the purpose of
durability of the item!
The correct swing
A slight movement with the hand is already enough to
bring the Fitness Swing Stick into motion. Move your
hand in the rhythm of the Fitness Swing Stick to keep
the motion going. A strong motion has no influence
on successful training, but rather damages the Fitness
Swing Stick!
- Do not exceed the maximum deflection of the Fitness
Swing Stick ( see illustration A ).
- Exceeding the maximum deflection of the Fitness
Swing Stick ( see illustration B ) can lead to injuries
and permanent damage of the Fitness Swing Stick.
A damaged Fitness Swing Stick may no longer be
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