Some time ago, pre pare d animal inte stine, then
horsehair and later braided silk lines were used as
fishing lin es. To d a y, you fish using the mo nofil
nylon line and the multifil Dyneema line.
The monofil nylon line has many advantages:
1. It offers a correspondi ng load bearing capacity
despite being very thin.
2. Under load, its stretching is very low.
3. If maintained correctly, it has a relative long
service life.
Monofil lines
must be treated
c o r r e c t l y. A l r e a d y
when ree ling the
line you ha ve to
see to it tha t no
twis t is tran sfe rred. It is best to
lead the line from
the bough t line
spool th roug h the side s of a thi ck book onto the
Monofil industrial yarns are available in approximately 70 different colours and 30 different qualities.
The smal lest ca pacity of the spools is 25m. T h e y
are also called leader spools as mainly leaders are
produced of the 25m line.
The lengths that are most often bought are 200 to
300 m bonus spools.
Monofi l l ines are ava ilable in differe nt d iameter s
and colours. The general rule is: the finer and lighter rod and reel are, the thinner and weaker the line
may be. The stronger rod and reel are desig ned,
the stronger the line must be. In case of doubt, you
have to prioritise the stronger line.
It is true that monofil lines have many advantages;
there are, however, also disadvantages. The line is
very sensitive to heat an d ( UV) light. If i t lies, for
example, for several days on the hat rack of a car
durin g summer, it loo ses up to 90 percent of its
load bearing capacity. Monofil lines are also sensitive to the rougheni ng up of the surfac e. Even
finest te ars deepen q uick ly and d estroy the l ine.
That is why all parts being in contact with the l ine
(bail arm, line roller, edge of the spool and all rings)
must always be smooth and free from damage.
After fishin g, e spe cial ly a fte r bottom fishing, the
fron t piece of th e line should be ch ecke d. If it is
roughened up, you have to cut it off. At home, you
should wind the cut off piece round your hand and
cut it several times. If you l eave it on site, animals
and human
being s could
get caug ht up
in the line and
could be inj ured or even killed.
After fishin g in
salt water, the
line must be
properly rinsed with fresh water. The salt c r y s t a l s
destroy the line.
Due to the inf lue nce of light, air, water, the load
during cast and drill as well as over-expansion, the
line se asons. In most c ases, the line has l ost 50
percent of i ts q ualities a fter one a vera ge fish ing
y e a r. Thus, a new fishing season should only be
started with a new line.
The leader, also called "pre-line”, is the connection
between the main line and the hook.
The leader must always have a lower load bearing
capacity than the main line. So it is guaranteed that
in the case of an overload, only the leader and not
the main line will tear.
Fishing with weaker leaders is fish and environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly as only a small
piece o f nylo n remains in nature if the leaderline
tears and fish friendly as the hooked fish is only left
with a small piece of line."
There are different leader designs and lengths. T h e
normal, mon ofil leade rs to which the sin gle hook
for catching non-predacious fish is attached are 40
to 70 cm long. Leaders for catching predatory fish
are in most cases made of fine, plastic-coated steel
fibres that cannot be damaged or bitten through by
the fish. These steel leaders are available from 15
cm to 1 m. For catching sharks, steel leaders up to
a length of 9.65 m are used.
All conne ctio ns are esta blished usin g knots or a
SIMPL (easy).
The knot is the weakest link in the chain. A s i m p l e
knot in the line, for example, reduces the load bearing capacity by up to 50 percent.
There are four different kinds of knots:
1. Knots for compactly linking two line ends.
One of these knots is called "double blood knot”.
And although i t reduces the load bearing capacit y
by 10 to 15 percent, it is to this day the best knot for
connecting two lines.
The double blood knot is often used in surf fishing
where the mai n li ne i s co nnected with the shock
2. Knots for secure ly conn ecting th e li ne with an
eye like swivel, artificial fly and eyed hook.
The eye and the line are often connected using a
half, locked blood knot.
This knot reduces the load bearing capacity by 15
A secure connect ion without reduction of the load
bearing capacity is established by the knots shown
in the two drawings.
None of th e two kno ts did res ult in a lo ss of the
load bearing capacity; in tests, the line always only
tore in the free part.
3. Knots for tying a loop.
The mo re tu rns the loop has, the higher the load
bearing capacity is. If you have 5 turns, this results
in alm ost 100 pe rcent. The pro babi lity of the line
tearing is then the same in the free part of the line
as at the knot.
4. Knots for connection the line with a shaft and/or
spade end hooks.
The figures sho w the ideal shaft knot for connecting spade end hooks.
Using this knot, the load bearin g ca pacity is only
reduced by 5 percent. This is an acceptable value.
Anoth er si mple hel p for connecting lines and
hooks, swivels or lines with each other is the
SIMPL. Apart from
the s impl e handling, the SI MPL
maintains 100 percent of the knot’s
load bearing capacity as a knot in the usual sense is not attached.
In many countries, people still fish without rod and
reel or other accessor ies. Line and hook are,
h o w e v e r, indispensable. The first fishing hooks, so-
called ratchet hooks or toggle hooks, have already
been produc ed several 1000 yea rs ago. The ratchet hooks were r eplaced by the bent fish hoo k.
These hooks are still used today.
The line can be fastened at an eye or a plate using
d i fferent knots or the SIMPL, at an eyed hook using
a half, lo cked blo od knot, at a spa de end hook
using a special hook knot.
Depending on the kind of fishing, there are diff e r e n t
hook size s a nd forms . Th e si ze scale goes from
10/0 to 28.
For fresh water, the following rule applies: The higher the hook n umber, th e sm aller the hook. T h e
hook gets, however, larger if
the number is higher if there
is a /0 behind the number
(4/0 is larger than 3/0).
When it co mes to the h ook
form s, there are the following differences:
The most popular forms are
the Limerick form and the
round bend hook . Ve r s i o n s
of the simple fish hoo k are
the b arbless hook a nd the
hook with jigge red poin t
used f or fishing to control
and contain certain species.
Apart from that, there are
twin, treble and quad hooks.
They mu st not be u sed for
fishing no n-pred acious fish
but ar e mainly use d together with art ific ial baits and
when fishing predacious
So that the h ook point is always sharp, it sho uld
regularly be re-grinded using a grinding stone.
To d a y, fish hooks are made of fine ste el an d are
thus especially thin-w ired. In order to prote ct the
hook against rust, it is burnished, nickel or gold plated.
To d a y, particularly high-quality hooks are produced
of so -called carbon st eel. So that the point s are
particularly fine an d sharp, th ese ho oks a re cut
using a lase r. In addition to the usual te mpering
procedures hea tin g and quenching, the ho ok is
moreover tempered in chemical baths.
Tips and tricks for fishing
Useful things about lines, h o o k s, fl o ats and leads
Double blood knot
Half locked blood knot
Correct winding up
of the line onto the
Correct chopping
of the used line
Normal loop knot
Loop knot with safety loop
Filling of the spool
Too much Too little
Ratchet hook
Main line
Limerick hook
Round bend hook
Hook wi th jigger ed
point/barbless hook
treble hook
1. Leader,
2. Hook point,
3. Barb,
4. Small plate/eye,
5. Hook shank,
6. Hook bend