Citizen CH-671F User Manual

English Español Português Deutsch
- Eng 1 -
General remarks on blood pressure an d blood p re ss ur e measurement
1. If the cuff is to be deflated quickly, depress “POWER” switch.
2. The attached cuff is suited for a wrist circumstance of 13.5 cm to 19.5 cm.
3. When attaching the cuff, the body of a blood pressure monitor should be placed on the inside of your wrist.
4. Sel f measuremen t is not therapy! In no case may you change the dosage of medication prescribed by your physician.
5. In preparation for blood pressure measurement, you should urinate and then remain relatively still for 10 to 15 minutes prior to measurement.
6. Exercising, eating, drinking, smoking, etc., prior to measurement may affect the results.
7. Blood pressure varies constantly throughout the day. Measurement should be made regularly at the same time each day.
8. DO NOT be too impressed by the results of one measurement. Keep a record of blood pressure variations. Many reading tell a story.
9. Emotional stress may tend to cause blood pressure to rise.
For proper measure of blood pressure
1. Take a deep breath five or six times and then relax before measuring your blood pressure. If you are tense when taking the measurement, you will not get a valid reading.
2. Blood pressure will be elevated when you are in a worrisome or irritated state, suffering from lack of sleep or constipation, or after exercise or a meal.
3. Wrap the cuff around your wrist snugly. (See page 14)
4. DO NOT measure blood pressure after bathing or drinking.
5. When you feel like relieving yourself, you should do so before measuring your blood pressure.
6. Measure your blood pressure where the room temperature is about 20°C. DO NOT measure blood pressure when it is too cold (below 10°C) or too hot (above 40°C) in the room.
- Eng 2 -
7. DO NOT try to measure blood pressure immediately after drinking coffee or tea or smoking.
8. Measure blood pressure with a relaxed and quiet posture. Keep the center of the cuff at the level of your heart, and DO NOT move your arm or talk.
9. DO NOT measure blood pressure after the cuff has been on your wrist for a few minute, as you arm will have built up higher blood pressure, and you will not get valid reading.
10. Next figure shows the classification of blood pressure according to WHO-standard.
The graph is not exact, but may be used as a guide in understanding non-invasive blood pressure measurements. The device intended for use in adult population.
Definition and Classification of Blood Pressure Levels
Measure your blood pressure at the same time on a daily basis. * The blood pressure changes at all times. This means that data
gathered over a long period has great significance instead of data on just one measurement. It is therefore necessary to measure your blood pressure on a daily basis. Ideally, you should measure your blood pressure daily at the same time.
- Eng 3 -
Precautio n for use
1. If you suffer f rom h eart dis ea se, h igh b lood pre ssure or ot her circula tory di se ase, pl ease cons ult you r do ctor fi rst.
2. If you fee l abnorm al press ure of the cuff duri ng use or any oth er irregul arity, reduce the pr essur e by immedi ately swit ching off the power or rem ove th e batter ies an d cons ul t the sale s outlet whe re purchas ed.
3. If y ou th ink t he me as ured value is a bnorm al or if m easur in g mak es you feel un well, d is conti nue use and c onsul t yo ur doct or.
4. Measurem ent of blood pres su re may not be possibl e fo r so meone with a weak p ulse or a rr hythm ia.
5. If bl ood pr essure is me asured repeat edly, cong es tion, swell ing, e tc. may occur i n some pe op le.
6. If bl ood pressur e is measu red re peate dl y, an a cc urate resul t wi ll not be achiev ed. An int er val of ab out 10 minu tes sho ul d be allo wed.
7. Consul t y our phys ician be fore use if yo u s uff er a s evere di sorder of blood circ ul ation in the arms. Fa il ure to do so may ca us e health hazards .
8. Measur ement may not be p ossib le fo r som eone with an insufficient blood fl ow in the area to be m ea sured or f re quent irr eg ular heartbe ats. Co ns ult you r physici an for ju dgment.
9. DO NOT wrap the w ri st cuff a round a n injured w rist.
10. DO NOT wrap th e wr ist cuff to the wri st wher e a drip (in trave nous infusio n) or blood t ra nsfus io n under m ed ical trea tment. Fa ilure to do so may caus e an inju ry o r a serio us accide nt.
11. DO NOT use in the vi cinit y of flam mable g ases su ch as ane sthetic gases bec ause of t he r isk of ig nition an d explo si on.
12. DO N OT use in enri ch ed oxyge n env ironmen ts such as a h ospital ’s hyperba ric ch amber or oxygen tent becaus e of the ri sk of igniti on and fire.
13. DO NOT u se a mobi le phone ne ar the un it. Doing so may res ult in malfunc tion.
14. The power of this bloo d pr essure moni tor may be s hut off by e lectr o­static di scharge f rom the hum an b ody. This is only a tempor ary phenome non. You c an m easur e th e bl oo d me saure the b lood correct ly afte r pressin g the POW ER s witch o nce again .
- Eng 4 -
15. If you use a c ardiac pa ce maker, con su lt your doc tor befor e us e.
16. Be sur e to us e this uni t only for mea su ring blood pressu re . DO NOT use i t for any oth er p urpose.
17. DO N OT use th is u nit on an inf ant.
Recaution for maintenance
1. DO N OT stor e th e blood pre ss ure monit or w here it will be exposed t o di rect sunlig ht, high temp erature (over 60°C ), l ow tempera tu re (bel ow -20° C) , high re la tive humi dity (ove r 95%) or in a dusty pl ac e.
2. DO N OT dr op or exp os e the blo od pressu re monito r to unde r force or vi br ation.
3. Re mo ve the batt ery/bat te ries when n ot in use for a l on g period.
4. DO N OT disa ss emble the a pparatu s.
5. DO NOT be nd t he cuff o r air hose un ne cessari ly.
6. NEVER wi pe t he blood press ur e mo ni tor wi th thi nn er o r benzen e, as they may d am age it.
7. Wh en the mon itor i s very di rty, wi pe it clean w ith a c loth moisten ed w ith sterili zi ng alcoho l or a neutr al d etergen t, a nd t hen wipe it wit h a dr y cloth. DO N OT use th in ner or benz ene.
Nature and frequency of maintenance:
This pro du ct is des ig ned f or use over an extend ed period of time; however, it is g enerall y rec om mended that it be in spected ever y two years to en su re proper f unction a nd p erforma nce.
Protect the nature environment:
Please help protect natur al env ir onment by re spectin g natu ral an d/or local re cy cling re gulatio ns whe n disp os ing of th e batter ie s and the product s at t he end of the ir useful l iv es.
- Eng 5 -
If you want to dispose this product, do not mix with general household waste. There is a separate collection systems for used electronics products in accordance with legislation under the WEEE Directive (Directive 2002/96/EC) and is effective only within European Union.
Reference European standard:
The blood pressure measuring device corresponds to regulation EN60601-1-2.
The device has been tested and homologated in accordance with
EN60601-1-2 for EMC. This does not guarantee in any way that the device will not be affected by electromagnetic interference. Avoid using the device in high electromagnetic environment.
European Representative:
Name : WvW elektronische Geräte Vertrieb GmbH Address : Fintelmannstraße 20/Eingang, Martin-Heydert-Straße,
D-14109 Berlin, Germany
- Eng 6 -
MODE switch
MEMORY switch
POWER switch
Wrist cuff
SET switch
Battery box
Time/Date display section
Systolic blood pressure display section
Diastolic blood pressure display section
Pulse display section
Th e product has b een d ev eloped th rough t he con ce pt of Universal Design to ensure safe and easy use for a wide range of users. The product, which is designed laying importance on Universal Design, adopts a product shape and color that conv ey s an im ag e of “w ar mt h” and “ ge ntleness” and has functions that cope with hu ma n body, which are “e as y to understand”, “safety in use” and “easy to use”.
- Eng 7 -
Remove the battery box from the unit. Install two “AAA” alkaline batteries, observing the proper battery polarity (“+/–”).
Whi l e pin c hing th e sto p per
tabs, pull the battery box in the dir e ction of the a rrow to remove from the unit.
Ins ert the bat ter ies int o th e
battery box, ensuring a correct match with posi tiv e + and – negative terminals.
* The battery goes in negative – side first.
Re-attach the battery box to the
unit with the battery’s visible side facing up.
* Make sure not to depress the switch when
you re-attach the battery box into the main unit.
* Install the battery box properly. Improper
installatio n may prev ent proper disp lay
when the is pressed.
* After replacing the batteries, be sure to set the
clock. ( See page 10
* The data in memory is kept after the batteries are replaced.
- Eng 8 -
Pull the battery box to remove from
the unit.
( See page 8 “HOW TO LOAD BATTERIES”.)
Push up each battery by lifting up its
pos i tive + en d si de w i th y o ur fingertip.
* Use caution when removing batteries that are held
in place by the springs in the battery box. Failure to do so may cause injury to your fingernail.
Re-attach the battery box to the unit.
( See page 8 “HOW TO LOAD BATTERIES”.)
Replacing the batteries
• Replace the batteries with two new “AAA” alkaline batteries when appears on the display, or when nothing appears on the display when the POWER switch is pressed.
• Be sure to replace both batteries with new ones.
• Use the commercial alkaline dry cells. Do not use rechargeable batteries.
• Batteries included are for demonstration purposes only. Battery life may be shorter than specified.
• Dispose of used batteries properly in accordance with local regulations.
- Eng 9 -
The device is equipped with a built-in clock allowing you to record your pressure readings with time and date information. Set the clock properly to keep a precise record of the time and date of your measurement results. The clock-setting procedure goes in the following order: Year/Month/Date and then Hour/Minute.
The clock has been factory preset to 12:00AM on January 1, 2004. After batteries have been replaced, the clock will indicate the time and date of the most recent measurement data in memory.
Example: Set the clock to 08:05 PM on May 1, 2004.
After making sure that the power is
turned off, press and hold for
more than a second.
The last figure of the Year (A.D.) will appear on the pulse display section and Month/Date will appear on the Time/Date display section. The
Year blinks and then will be corrected.
“ ”
Set the “Year”.
Press to set the current year.
* The “ ”Year can be set between 04(2004)and
Press .
This will finalize the “ ”Year setting. Th e digits representing the “ ”Month On the da te di splay section will flash.
- Eng 10 -
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