Carpigiani UC1131 G, UC-1131G-P Specifications

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Carpigiani UC1131 G, UC-1131G-P Specifications


Double Flavor Twist

Counter Model

State-of-the-art design and technology makes this compact soft serve machine both simple and efficient to operate. Dispense two individual flavors or a combination twist of your favorite frozen dessert. Choose a simple gravity model to begin your profit opportunity, or select a pump model for greater performance and profits.

Features Include:

Touchpad controls provide fingertip command of machine functions

Low mix indicator light with audible signal

Gravity and pump mix feed systems offer simple operation and smoother, creamier product

Standby/energy conservation mode reduces cost of operation during idle periods

Cylinder design optimizes refrigeration efficiency

Self-monitoring system minimizes costly errors

Built-in memory stores information to facilitate repairs

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