Canon X Mark I Pro User Instruction

About Using the Manual
• This basic manual briefly introduce X Mark I Pro functions, specification and usage precautions.
• To familiar with X Mark I Pro, you can read the Calculation Examples for a series of examples, operation procedure’s; and the calculation range of major functions.
Statistical Type Selection......................................................P.16
Statistical Data Input.............................................................P.16
Editing Statistical Sample Data.............................................P.16
Statistical Calculation Screen ...............................................P.17
Statistical Menu ....................................................................P.17
Statistical Calculation Example.............................................P.18
Distribution Calculations .......................................................P.18
Advanced Scientific Calculations
Equation Calculations ..................................................... P.19-20
Solve Function ......................................................................P.20
CALC Function .....................................................................P.20
Differential Calculations ........................................................P.21
Integration Calculations ........................................................P.21
Matrix Calculations ...............................................................P.22
Vector Calculations...............................................................P.23
Inequality Calculations .........................................................P.24
Ratio Calculation ..................................................................P.25
Function (x, y) Table Calculation ..............................................P.25
Battery Replacement...................................................................P.26
Advice and Precautions .............................................................P.26
Specifications .............................................................................P.26
Getting Started
Power On, Off......................................................................... P.2
Display Contrast Adjustment ................................................. P.2
Mode Selection....................................................................... P.3
Application Function Menu ..................................................... P.3
Calculator Set-up Menu.......................................................... P.4
Before Using the Calculator.................................................... P.5
Inputting Expressions and Values
Input Capacity......................................................................... P.6
Input Editing ........................................................................... P.6
Inputting and Display Result in Mathematics Mode .................P.6
Input Range and Error Messages .............................................. P.7
Order of Operations................................................................ P.7
Calculation Stacks .................................................................. P.7
Error Messages and Error Locator ......................................... P.7
Basic Calculations
Arithmetic Calculations ........................................................... P.8
Memory Calculations .............................................................. P.9
Fraction Calculations .............................................................. P.9
Percentage Calculations....................................................... P.10
Degree-Minutes-Seconds Calculations ................................ P.10
Replay & Multi-statements.................................................... P.10
Constant Value Calculations ................................................ P.11
Metric Conversions............................................................... P.11
Functional Scientific Calculations
Square, Root, Cube, Cube Root, Power, Power Root,
Reciprocal and Pi ................................................................. P.11
Logarithm, Natural Logarithm, Antilogarithm and Log
b ....... P.12
Angle Unit Conversion.......................................................... P.12
Trigonometry Calculations.................................................... P.12
Permutation, Combination, Factorials and Random
Number Generation .............................................................. P.12
Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Divisor ...... P.13
Prime Fractorization ............................................................. P.13
Quotient and Remainder Calculations.................................. P.13
Coordinate Conversion......................................................... P.14
Absolute Value Calculation................................................... P.14
Engineering Notation ............................................................ P.14
Display Values Exchange..................................................... P.14
Complex Number Calculations ............................................. P.14
Base-n Calculations and Logical Calculations...................... P.15
<Status Indicators>
S : Shift key A : Alpha key M : Independent Memory STO : Store Memory RCL : Recall Memory STAT : 1-Var & 2-Var Statistics Mode CPLX : Complex Number Calculation Mode MATX : Matrix Calculation Mode VCTR : Vector Calculation Mode EQN : Equation Calculation Mode D : Degree Mode R : Radian Mode G : Gradient Mode FIX : Fixed-decimal Setting SCI : Scientific Notation LINE : Line Display Mode : Up Arrow : Down Arrow Disp : Multi-statements Display
Getting Started
Power On, Off
First time operation:
1. Remove the battery insulation tab to load the battery.
2. Press to initialize the calculator.
Power ON: When is pressed.
Power OFF: When are pressed.
Auto Power off Function:
When the calculator is not used for approximately 7 minutes, it
will automatically power off.
Display Contrast Adjustment
Press (6: CONT ), to enter the
Display Contrast Adjustment screen.
Press to make the display contrast darken. Press to make the display contrast lighten. Press or to confirm and clear the screen.
To initialize the LCD contrast, press outside the Display Contrast Adjustment screen.
Mode Selection
Press to enter the Calculation Mode Selection screen.
Press / for next / previous pages.
The default mode is COMP mode.
Application Function Menu
The Apps menu contains mathematical functions. In each Calculation Mode, the listed functions are different. Press and corresponding number to enter the
Calculation Mode. Press to enter the Apps menu. Press / for next / previous pages.
i) COMP Mode ii) CPLX Mode
iii) STAT Mode
In SD mode In REG mode
Press [ ] or [ ] key
iv) BASE Mode
COMP Normal calculations
Complex number calculation
EQN Equation solution EQN
TABLE Function table generation
MATX Matrix calculations MATX
VCTR Vector calculations VCTR
INEQ Inequality calculations
RATIO Ratio calculations
Statistical and regression calculations
Calculations involving specific number systems
v) EQN Mode
Press [ ] or [ ] key
Press [ ] or [ ] key
Press to exit the Apps menu.
vii) VCTR Mode
vi) MATX Mode
viii) INEQ Mode
ix) Ratio Mode
Press [ ] or [ ] key
Calculator Set-up Menu
Press to enter the Calculator Set-up Menu;
press / for next / previous pages.
To select the calculator input & output format [1] Maths
or [2] Line
[1] Maths – (Mathematics mode): The majority of calculation input and output (e.g. Fraction, pi, square root number) are shown in Mathematics textbook format.
Mathematics mode
Press [ ] or [ ] key
To select the angle unit [3] Deg, [4] Rad or [5] Gra
[3] Deg: Angle unit in Degree [4] Rad: Angle unit in Radian [5] Gra: Angle unit in Gradient
90º = radians = 100grads
To select display digit or notation [6] Fix, [7] Sci or [8] Norm [6] Fix: Fixed Decimal, [Fix 0~9?] appears, specify the number
of decimal places by pressing [0] – [9]. Example: 220 ÷ 7 = 31.4286 (FIX 4) = 31.43 (FIX 2)
[7] Sci: Scientific Notation, [Sci 0~9?] appears, specify the
number of significant digits by pressing [0] – [9]. Example: 220 ÷ 7 = 3.1429x101 (SCI 5) = 3.143x101 (SCI 4)
[8] Norm: Exponential Notation, [Norm 1~2?] appears, specify
the exponential notation format by pressing [1] or [2].
Norm 1: Exponential Notation is automatically used for integer
values with more than 10 digits and decimal values with more than TWO decimal points.
[2] Line – (Line mode): The majority
of calculation input and output are shown in the line format. The “LINE” icon will be shown.
For the STAT, EQN, MATX, VCTR, INEQ, RATIO mode, the
Input & Display format will switch to Line mode automatically.
Line mode
Before Using the Calculator
Check the current Calculation Mode
Be sure to check the status indicators that indicate the current calculation mode (COMP, STAT, TABLE), display formats setting and angle unit setting (Deg, Rad, Gra)
Return to initial setup Press (YES) to return the initial calculator setup Calculation mode : COMP Input/Output Format : Maths Angle unit : Deg Display Digits : Norm 1 Fraction Display Format : d/c Statistical Data Input : OFF Decimal Point format : Dot This action will not clear the variable memories.
Initialize the calculator When you are not sure of the current calculator setting, you are recommended to initialize the calculator (resets calculation mode “COMP”, angle unit “Degree”, clears reply and variable memories), and resets LCD contrast) by performing the following key operations: (All) (YES)
Norm 2: Exponential notation is automatically used for integer
values with more than 10 digits and decimal values with more than NINE decimal places.
Example: 1 ÷ 1000 = 1x10-3 (Norm 1) = 0.001 (Norm 2)
To select the fraction format [1] a b/c or [2] d/c [1] a b/c: specify Mixed fraction display [2] d/c: specify Improper fraction display
To select the complex number display format [3] CLPX ([1]
a+bi or [2] r< )
[1] a+bi: specify Rectangular Coordinates [2] r< : specify Polor Coordinates
To select the statistical display format [4] STAT
([1] ON or [2] OFF)
[1] ON: Show FREQ (Frequency) Column in Statistical Data
Input Screen
[2] OFF: Hide FREQ (Frequency) Column in Statistical Data
Input Screen
To select the decimal point display format [5] Disp ([1] Dot
or [2] Comma)
[1] Dot: specify dot format for Decimal point result display [2] Comma: specify comma format for Decimal point result
To Adjust Display contrast [6] CONT Refer to the “Display Contrast Adjustment” section.
*1. Omit multiplication sign (x)
- Input before an open parentheses : 1 x (2+3)
- Input before scientific functions that includes parenthesis: 2 x cos(30)
- Input before Random number function
- Input before Variable (A, B, C, D, X, Y, M), π, θ
*2. Scientific functions come with the open parenthesis. Example: sin(,
cos(, Pol(, LCM(…. You need to input the argument and the close
parenthesis . *3. Omit the last close parenthesis before the , , , and .
Insert and Overwrite Input mode
In Line mode, you can use INSERT or overwrite mode for inputting.
- In Insert mode (Default input mode), the cursor is a vertical flashing line “ ” for inserting a new character.
- In Overwrite mode, press key to switch the cursor to a flashing horizontal “ _ ” and replace the character at the current cursor position.
In Mathematics mode, you can only use the insert mode. Whenever the display format changes from Line mode to
Mathematics mode, it will automatically switch to the insert mode.
Deleting and Correcting an Expression
In Insert mode: Move the cursor to the right of the character or function that needs to be deleted, then press . In Overwrite mode: Move the cursor under the character or function being deleted, then press .
X Mark I Pro allows you to input a single calculation with up to 99 bytes. When input capacity is less than 10bytes, the input cursor will change from “ ” to “ ” signaling that the memory is running now.
Input Editing
New Input begins on the left of display. When the input data is more
than 15 characters (Line Mode) / 16 characters (Maths mode), the line will scroll to the right consecutively. You can scroll back to the left by using and to review the input.
Omit the multiplication sign and final close parenthesis.
Inputting Expressions and Values
Input Capacity
EX #1
Example: 2 x log 100 x (1+3) = 16 .......
EX #5
Inputting and Display Result in Mathematics Mode
In Mathematic Mode, the Input and display result of fraction or
certain functions (log, x
x3, x , , 3 , , x
-1 ,
10 , e , Abs) is
shown in Handwriting/Mathematics format.
(1) Replace an entry (1234567 1234560) ......
(2) Deletion (1234567 134567).......
(3) Insertion (889900 2889900) .......
EX #2
EX #3
EX #4
Example: 1234567 + 889900
Display of results using Calculation results may be displayed using when in all of the following cases:
1. When intermediate and final calculation results are displayed in the following form:
2. When the number of terms in the intermediate and final calculation result is one or two.
Input Range and Error Messages
Errors are cumulative in the case of consecutive
calculations, this is also true as internal consecutive calculation are performed in the case of ^(xy), x√y, 3√, x!, nPr, nCr , etc. and may become large.
Calculation Precision, Input Range please refer to ...
EX #6
EX #7
Order of Operations
This calculator will automatically determine the operation priority of each individual command as
Error Messages and Error locator
The calculator is locked up while an error message is shown
on the display to indicate the cause of the error.
Press to clear the error message, then return to the initial
display of latest mode.
Press or to display input expression with the cursor
positioned next to the error.
Press to clear the error message, replay memory
history and return to the initial display of the latest mode.
Calculation Stacks
This calculator uses memory areas, called “stacks”, to temporarily store numeric value (numbers) commands (+, –, x…) and functions according to their precedence during calculations. The numeric stack has 10 levels and command stack has 128 levels. A stack error [Stack ERROR] occurs whenever you try to perform a calculation that exceeds the capacity of stacks. Calculations are performed in sequence according to “Order of Operations”. After the calculation is performed, the stored stack values will be released.
(1) Some input expressions cause the height of a calculation
expression to be greater than one display screen. Maximum input capacity: 2 display screens (31 dots x 2).
(2) Calculator memory limits how many functions or
parentheses can be input in any single expression. In this case, divide the expression into multiple parts and calculate separately.
(3) If part of the expression you input is cut off after calculation
and in the result display screen, you can press or to view the full expression.
• Press or to display the location of the cause of an error and make required corrections.
• Press or to display the cursor at the location of the error, make appropriate corrections
Error Message
Cause Action
• The intermediate or final result is outside the allowable calculation range.
• An attempt to perform a calculation using a value that exceeds the allowable input range.
• An attempt to perform an illogical operation (division by zero, etc.)
Check the input values and make sure they are all within the allowable ranges, Pay special attention to values in any using memory areas
• The capacity of the numeric stack or operator stack is exceeded.
• Simplify the calculation.
• Divide the calculation into two or more separate parts.
• Under Matrix and Vector mode, the dimension (row, column) is over three.
• An attempt to perform an illegal matrix/vector operation.
Syntax ERROR
• An attempt to perform an illegal mathematical operation.
Insufficient MEM
Can’t Solve ERROR (only in SOLVE function)
• The calculation result of Function Table mode parameters caused more than 30 x-values to be generated for a table
• Narrow the table calculation range by changing the start, end, and step values, and try again.
• The calculator could not obtain a solution.
Dimension ERROR (only in Matrix or Vector)
• Check for errors in the equation that you input.
• Input a value for the solution variable that is close to the expected solution and try again.
Variable ERROR (only in SOLVE function)
Time Out ERROR (only in Differential or integration Calculations
• Press or to display the location of the cause of an error and make required corrections.
Argument ERROR
• Improper use of an argument.
• Equation is not a correct equation.
• Equation does not include variable X.
• The solution variable is not similar to the specified variable in the expression.
• Under Matrix and Vector mode, the dimension (row, column) is over three.
• An attempt to perform an illegal matrix/vector operation.
(refer to P.20)
• The current differential or integration calculation ends does not fulfill an ending condition.
• The calculator could not obtain a solution.
(refer P.21)
Error Message
Cause Action
Arithmetic Calculations
• To calculate the negative values (exclude the negative exponent) enclose then within the parentheses.
• This calculator supports 99 levels of parenthetical expression.
Press to enter COMP mode.
During the busy calculation, the calculator shows the message
[PROCESSING] (without any calculation result). Press key to interrupt the calculating operation.
Basic Calculations
EX #8
Memory Calculations
Memory Variables
• There are 19 memory variables (0 – 9, A – F, M, X and Y), which store data, results, or dedicated values.
• Store values into memory by pressing + Memory variable.
• Recall memory values by pressing + Memory variable.
• Memory content can be cleared by pressing
+ Memory variable.
Example: 23 + 7 A (30 store into A), calculate 2 sinA
and clear memory A ......
Independent Memory
• Independent memory uses the same memory area as variable M. It is convenient for calculating cumulative totals by pressing (add to memory) or (subtract from memory).
• Memory contents are retained even when the calculator is powered off.
• Clear independent memory (M) by pressing
• Clear all memory values by pressing 2(MCL)
EX #9
Answer Memory
• The input values or the most recent calculation result will be automatically stored into Answer memory whenever you press
, , , , . Answer
memory can hold up to 18 digits.
• Recall and use the latest stored Answer memory by pressing
• Answer memory is not updated when an error operation has been performed.
• Answer memory contents can be maintained even after pressing , changing the calculation mode, or turning off the
calculator. ......
Fraction Calculations
The calculator supports Fraction calculation and the conversions between Fraction, Decimal point, Mixed fraction and Improper fraction.
• Specify the fraction calculation result display format by selecting either mixed fraction ( ) or improper fraction
( ) in set-up menu.
• At the default setting, fractions are displayed as improper fractions ( ).
• Mixed Fraction display results are only available after selecting
( ) in the setup menu.
Maths Mode
Line Mode
Mixed Fraction
(a b/c)
Improper Fraction
2 3
EX #10
+ 19 hidden pages