Canon T6i Basic Operating Instructions Manual

UMKC Communication Studies Dept
Canon DSLR Basic Operating Instructions
(This is for a T6i model, but other Canon DSLR’s will have
similar settings)
Power & Shooting Mode settings
Power switch should be set to movie mode = camera icon.
Shooting mode should be set to M for manual on the mode dial.
Recording Mode settings & SD Card Format
Go to the main menu, then to movie record size. Set it to the 1920x1080 resolution,
23.98P fps (frames per second) frame rate.
The go to the menu, and set picture style. Generally, set to either N for neutral or
S for standard. Neutral will be a flat image. Standard will be more saturated.
Insert an SD card into the slot on the right side of the camera. Go to the menu, then
to format card. Click OK. Do this every time when using a NEW card. This function deletes all data and footage from the card, leaving it completely blank for new recordings.
ISO and White Balance Settings
The ISO selects the sensitivity of the image sensor and is set by pressing the ISO
button which brings up a menu of numbers from 100 to 6400. 100 or 200 are typical ISO settings for sunny exteriors. Interiors would likely require a higher setting like 400 or 800. Try to keep the ISO at no more than 800. Settings higher than 400-800 introduce visual noise to the picture. Also avoid using the AUTO function, as it will likely push the ISO past 800 causing a noisy picture.
White balance is the next thing to set. It can be set a couple of ways: a Quick
White Balance Preset, or a Custom White Balance setting.
Quick WB Preset
First select the quick control button on the back of the camera & then
select an appropriate preset white balance for the lighting condition for which you’re shooting, using the touch screen.
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