Canon MLT F User Manual

CXDI Image Processing Software
User’s Manual
Before using the instrument, be sure to read this manual thoroughly. Also, read the manuals of other instruments in this system. Keep the manual where it is easily accessible.
Please Note
1. In no event will Canon be liable for direct or indirect consequential damage arising out of the use of this product. Canon will not be liable for loss of image data due to any reason.
2. Please have this product installed by Canon representative or distributor.
3. Canon reserves the right to change the specifications of the product without prior notice.
© CANON INC. 2008 All rights reserved.
Under copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Canon.
1. Overview ......................................................................................1
1.1 About MLT (F) .......................................................................................1
1.2 Available Functions of MLT (F) .............................................................2
2. Edit Exposure Mode Settings ......................................................3
2.1 Procedures to Edit Exposure Mode .......................................................3
2.2 Setting DWT ENHANCE. Tab ...............................................................7
2.3 Setting DWT DEP Tab ........................................................................10
2.3.1 Setting DWT DEP for High-Density Field .........................................................10
2.3.2 Setting DWT DEP for Low-Density Field .........................................................11
2.4 Setting DWT NOISE R. Tab ................................................................13
3. QA Mode Settings ......................................................................14
3.1 Procedures to Change Parameters .....................................................14
3.2 Changing DWT ENHANCE. Tab .........................................................17
3.3 Changing DWT DEP Tab ....................................................................22
3.3.1 Changing DWT DEP for High-Density Field ....................................................22
3.3.2 Changing DWT DEP for Low-Density Field .....................................................24
3.4 Changing DWT Noise R. Tab ..............................................................26
4. QA Parameters ..........................................................................27
Notation Conventions
Notation 1
In this manual, the name of button is enclosed with a pair of brackets [ ], and the buttons that are selected in succession are connected with > to indicate the order.
Example: On the Exposure screen, touch the followings:
Operation: Touch the SYSTEM button on the first screen, and then touch the SETUP MENU button on
the second screen.
Touch the SYSTEM button (left), and then touch the SETUP MENU button (right)
Notation 2
If any detailed explanation for the operation or setting is available on other page in this manual, the page to refer is indi­cated with ( page number).
Example: For details of the EFFECT parameter, refer to the step 2 in 2.2 Setting DWT ENHANCE. Tab
( P.7)
Content: On page 7, detailed description of the EFFECT feature is provided.
Notation 3
When description of the procedure or setting continues from an odd-numbered page (right page) to the subsequent even­numbered page (left page), a small note, [Continued on the following page »] appears at the bottom-right of the odd­numbered page to draw your attention.

1. Overview

1.1 About MLT (F)

NOTE: MLT (F) is supported by CXDI System Software Version 4.3 or later.
The CXDI Image Processing Software MLT (F) (called “MLT (F)” in this manual) is designed to extend the image processing functions provided with the CXDI series of Canon dig­ital radiography system (called “CXDI” in this manual). By installing MLT (F) on the Control PC, the advanced image processing features of MLT (F) are brought into full scope both in the Edit Exposure Mode and QA Mode. The following examples show the QA Mode screens of CXDI System Software version 6.3.
Standard QA Mode Screen (DEP Tab)
QA Mode Screen Extended by MLT (F) (DWT DEP Tab)
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1.2 Available Functions of MLT (F)

This manual describes the operating procedures of the following three image processing func­tions that are available with MLT (F). For details and information on other image processing functions, please refer to Operation Manual and Setup Guide.
DWT*1 Edge Enhancement ( P.7)
The DWT ENHANCE. tab provides the function to accentuate edge details of the expo­sure image by specifying the three parameters; the degree of enhancement (EFFECT), type of enhancement (FREQUENCY BASE), and type of density dependent of the image (DENSITY BASE).
DWT DEP*2 ( P.10)
The DWT DEP tab provides the function to compress the dynamic range of the exposure image by specifying the six parameters; the density to start compression (STARTING
DENSITY), compression ratio (DEP WEIGHT), and intensity of com pression (DEP EFFECT) for both the High-Density Field (HIGH-DENS.) and Low-Density Fi eld
(LOW-DENS.). The imaging area on film or monitor is widened by decreasing the pixel value range in the second region of interest, without changing the minute structures in the first region of interest.
DWT Noise Reduction ( P.13)
The DWT NOISE R. tab provides the function to reduce the noise components of the exposure image, and improve it’s granularity by specifying the two parameters; the degree of enhancement (EFFECT) and upper limit of density (PROCESSING UPPER
NOTE: The effects resulting from chang es to the parameters may be difficult to check
in the exposure image of the QA mode screen. In these cases, check by touching [MAG.] or [QA-MAG.] to display the enlarged screen.
Display of the Tabs
At the time of installation, the service person can specify the fixed parameters, and set MLT (F) not to display the tabs for the individual settings of the DWT Edge Enhancement, DWT DEP and DWT Noise Reduction.
*1 This is an abbreviation for Discrete Wavelet Transform. This method of image
processing is also called Multi-Frequency Processing.
*2 This is an abbreviation for Display Enhancement Processing. This method of
image processing is also called Dynamic Range Compression Processing.
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2. Edit Exposure Mode Settings

The examples used in this chapter are the screens of CXDI System Software version 6.3.

2.1 Procedures to Edit Exposure Mode

Display the Edit Exposure Mode screen
On the Exposure screen, touch the followings:
Sensor Unit
Category Tab
Edit Exposure Mode Screen
Select the Sensor Unit
If two or more sensor units are being used in the system, touch the Sensor Unit button, then select the Sensor Unit.
Select the Category tab
Exposure Mode
If eight or more categories are registered in the system, touch the or button to dis­play the Category tabs that are not currently visible.
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Continued on the following page >>
2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings
Select the Exposure Mode
Make sure that [EDIT PARA.] at the top-left is highlighted, and select the desired Expo- sure Mode. The EDIT PARA. screen appears.
EDIT PARA. Screen (first page)
Display the next page
Touch [NEXT PAGE].
Availability of Frequency Processing Mode
If your CXDI System Software is the version 5.0 or before, there is no need to select the frequency processing mode as described in the nex t st ep (step 6). Skip the step 6 and proceed to the step 7.
EDIT PARA. Screen (second page)
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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings
If MLT (F) FREQUENCY is not currently selected (in this case, the DWT ENHANCE., DWT DEP, and DWT NOISE R. tabs are not displayed), touch the Frequency Pro­cessing Mode button to open the window, then touch [MLT (F) FREQUECY].
Frequency Processing Mode Window
Select the tab
Touch the desired tab from among three tabs: DWT ENHANCE., DWT DEP, DWT NOISE R.
Set the parameters
Set the parameters provided with the selected tab, referring to the corresponding descrip­tions; 2.2 Setting DWT ENHANCE. Tab ( P.7), 2.3 Setting DWT DEP Tab (
P.10), 2.4 Setting DWT NOISE R. Tab (→ P.13).
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Continued on the following page >>
2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings
Save the parameters
Touch [OK]. The window displaying the following message appears: Save the changed parameter. Then, touch [OK].
When Password is required
If the password is specified, a different message is displayed in the window as follows:
Administrator’s authority is needed. Enter system password.
In this case, touch anywhere within the frame to display On-Screen-Keyboard, and type your password, then touch [OK].
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