Before you begin the installation: a checklist
To ensure a smooth and successful installation, take some time before you begin to plan and prepare
for the installation process.
Connect the printer to the parallel port on your computer
The printer must be connected to your computer to install the software.
Turn on computer. Start Windows.
Close applications.
If any Windows applications (including any virus checkers) are open, close the applications. With
the applications closed, you ensure that the software installs properly.
~~~~ NOTE
If you are using Windows NT, you must log on as Administrator or have Administrator
privileges before installing the software. If you do not Administrative privileges for
Windows NT, ask your system administrator to install the Canon FAX suite software on
your PC.
Installing the Software
To install the software:
1. Insert the installation disk into your disk drive.
2. If AutoRun is enabled, the installation starts automatically. Click Next to proceed.
If installation does not start automatically:
• On the Windows taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.
• In the Run dialog box, type the following command and click OK
(where D: is your disk drive containing the installation disk).