DoC No: NK0944-01 (l/2)
EC Declaration of Conformity
Brother Industries, Ltd.
15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8561, Japan
Zhuhsd Brother Industries, Co., Ltd.
254 Gangchang Eoad, Gongbei, Zhuhai City S.E.Z., Guang Dong, China
Declare under our sole responsibihty that the equipment:
Products description : Label Printer
Model Niunber : PT-9500PC
(in case of using PT-9500PC with AC Adapter AD9000)
is in conformity with provisions of the Directives apphed : Electromagnetic Compatibihty
Directive 2004/108/EC.
Harmonized standards applied:
EMC EN55022:2006-i-Ai:2007 Class B
EN55024: 1998 -t- Ai:2001 -i- A2:2003
EN61000-3-2: 2006
EN6IOOO-3-3: 1995 -t Ai:2001 + A2:2005
In addition:
• The Adapter (AD9000) is in comphance with the essential requirements and conforms
with EN60950-1:2001+Al 1:2004 and other relevant provisions of the Low Voltage
Directive 2006/95/EC.
Year in which CE marking was first affixed : 2008
Issued by
Brother Industries, Ltd.
30th November, 2009
Nagoya, Japan
Kimiyoshi Kawaura
General Manager
Quahty Management Dept.

DoC No: NK0944-01 (2/2)
EC Declaration of Conformity
Brother Industries, Ltd.
15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8561, Japan
Zhuhai Brother Industries, Co., Ltd.
254 Gangchang Road, Gongbei, Zhuhai City S.E.Z., Guang Dong, China
Declare under our sole responsibdity that the equipment:
Products description : Label Printer
Model Number : PT-9500PC
(in case of using PT-9500PC with AC Adapter AD9100)
is in conformity with provisions of the Directives appHed : Electromagnetic Compatibihty
Directive 2004/108/EC and European Regulation 1275/2008 following the provisions of
Directive 2005/32/EC.
Harmonized standards apphed:
EMC EN55022:2006-i-Ai:2007 Class B
EN55024:1998 + Ai:2001-I-A2:2003
EN61000-3-2: 2006
EN6IOOO-3-3: 1995-I-Ai:2001 + A2:2005
In addition:
• The Adapter (AD9100) is in compHance with the essential requirements and conforms
with EN60950-i:2001+Al1:2004 and other relevant provisions of the Low Voltage
Directive 2006/95/EC and European Regulation 278/2009 following the provisions of
Directive 2005/32/EC.
Year in which CE marking was first affixed : 2008
Issued by
: Brother Industries, Ltd.
: 30th November, 2009
Nagoya, Japan
Kimiyoshi Kawaiura
General Manager
Quahty Management Dept.