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Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide7
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8Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
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Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide9
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10Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
About This Document
● Supported hardware and software.................................................................................. 11
● What's new in this document...........................................................................................12
Supported hardware and software
In those instances in which procedures or parts of procedures documented here apply to some switches
but not to others, this list identifies exactly which switches are supported and which are not.
Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by Brocade
Communications Systems, Inc. for Fabric OS 7.3.0, documenting all possible configurations and
scenarios is beyond the scope of this document.
The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of Fabric OS:
● MAPS interoperability with other features....................................................................... 14
● Restrictions on MAPS monitoring................................................................................... 15
● Firmware upgrade and downgrade considerations for MAPS.........................................15
● Fabric Watch to MAPS migration ................................................................................... 16
MAPS overview
The Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS) is an optional storage area network (SAN) health
monitor supported on all switches running Fabric OS 7.2.0 or later that allows you to enable each switch
to constantly monitor itself for potential faults and automatically alerts you to problems before they
become costly failures.
MAPS tracks a variety of SAN fabric metrics and events. Monitoring fabric-wide events, ports, and
environmental parameters enables early fault detection and isolation as well as performance
MAPS provides a set of predefined monitoring policies that allow you to immediately use MAPS on
activation. Refer to Predefined policies on page 44 for information on using these policies.
In addition, MAPS provides customizable monitoring thresholds. These allow you to configure specific
groups of ports or other elements so that they share a common threshold value. You can configure
MAPS to provide notifications before problems arise, for example, when network traffic through a port is
approaching the bandwidth limit. MAPS lets you define how often to check each switch and fabric
measure and specify notification thresholds. Whenever fabric measures exceed these thresholds,
MAPS automatically provides notification using several methods, including e-mail messages, SNMP
traps, and log entries. Refer to MAPS groups overview on page 35, MAPS rules overview on page
50, and MAPS policies overview on page 43 for information on using these features.
The MAPS dashboard provides you with the ability to view in a quick glance what is happening on the
switch, and helps administrators dig deeper to see details of exactly what is happening on the switch
(for example, the kinds of errors, the error count, and so on). Refer to MAPS dashboard overview on
page 75 for more information.
MAPS provides a seamless migration of all customized Fabric Watch thresholds to MAPS, thus allowing
you to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of MAPS. MAPS provides additional advanced
monitoring, such as monitoring for the same error counters across different time periods, or having
more than two thresholds for any error counters. MAPS also provides support for you to monitor the
statistics provided by the Flow Monitor feature of Flow Vision. Refer to Differences between Fabric
Watch and MAPS configurations on page 17 and Fabric Watch to MAPS migration on page 16 for
Activating MAPS is a chassis-specific process, and you can activate only one chassis at a time. On a
given chassis there can be multiple logical switches. Activating MAPS enables it for all logical switches
in the chassis, however each logical switch can have its own MAPS configuration.
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
MAPS license requirements
MAPS activation is a non-reversible process. Downgrading the switch firmware to an earlier
version of Fabric OS will enable Fabric Watch with its last configured settings. If you then reupgrade the switch firmware back to the later version (such as Fabric OS 7.3.0), Fabric Watch
will continue to be enabled.
MAPS automatically monitors the management port (Eth0 or Bond0), as the rule for Ethernet port
monitoring is present in all three default policies. While these cannot be modified, the management
port monitoring rules can be removed from cloned policies. Refer to Predefined policies on page 44
for more information.
MAPS license requirements
The Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS) is an optionally licensed Fabric OS feature.
MAPS requires an active and valid Fabric Vision license. If you already have a license for Fabric
Watch plus a license for Advanced Performance Monitoring, you will automatically get MAPS
functionality without having to obtain an additional license. Refer to the Fabric OS Software LicensingGuide for more information about licensing and how to obtain the necessary license keys.
MAPS configuration files
The MAPS configuration is stored in two separate configuration files, one for the default MAPS
configuration and one for the user-created MAPS configuration. Only one user configuration file can
exist for each logical switch. A configuration upload or download affects only the user-created
configuration files. You cannot upload or download the default MAPS configuration file.
Deleting a user-created MAPS configuration file
To remove the user-created MAPS configuration, complete the following steps.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter mapsconfig--purge.
For more information on this command, refer to the Fabric OS Command Reference.
MAPS interoperability with other features
MAPS interacts in different ways with different Fabric OS features, including Virtual Fabrics, Fabric
Watch, High Availability, and Admin Domains.
The following table outlines how MAPS interacts with specific features in Fabric OS.
14Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
Interactions between Fabric OS features and MAPSTABLE 3
FeatureMAPS interaction
Restrictions on MAPS monitoring
Virtual FabricsWhen using Virtual Fabrics, different logical switches in a chassis can have different MAPS
Fabric WatchMAPS cannot coexist with Fabric Watch. Refer to Fabric Watch to MAPS migration on page
High AvailabilityMAPS configuration settings are maintained across a High Availability (HA) failover or HA
Admin DomainsMAPS is supported on switches that have Admin Domains. There can only be one MAPS
16 for information on this migration.
reboot; however, MAPS will restart monitoring after a HA failover or HA reboot and the cached
MAPS statistics are not retained.
configuration that is common to all the Admin Domains on the chassis. Users with Administrator
privileges can modify the MAPS configuration from any Admin Domain.
If MAPS is enabled, do not download configuration files that have Admin Domains defined in
them, as this may cause unpredictable behavior.
Restrictions on MAPS monitoring
The following restrictions apply globally to MAPS monitoring.
• Small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceivers on simulated mode (SIM) ports cannot be monitored
using MAPS.
• If a SCN pertaining to the FRU (such as PS_FAULTY, or FAN_FAULTY), occurs before the
dashboard starts monitoring then it may not be shown in the dashboard.
Refer to Restrictions on Flow Vision flow monitoring on page 72 for additional restrictions on
monitoring Flow Vision flows.
Firmware upgrade and downgrade considerations for MAPS
The following firmware upgrade and downgrade considerations apply to the Monitoring and Alerting
Policy Suite (MAPS) in Fabric OS 7.3.0.
Firmware upgrade considerations
There are no direct upgrade considerations. However, MAPS Fabric Performance Impact monitoring
and the legacy bottleneck monitoring feature are mutually exclusive. If the legacy bottleneck monitoring
feature was enabled before the upgrade, MAPS will not monitor fabric performance. Refer to Fabric
performance monitoring using MAPS on page 85 for additional information.
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide15
Firmware downgrade considerations
Firmware downgrade considerations
When downgrading from Fabric OS 7.3.0 to any previous version of the operating system, the
following MAPS-related behaviors should be expected:
• When an active Command Processor (CP) is running Fabric OS 7.3.0 or 7.2.0 with MAPS disabled,
and the standby device has an earlier version of Fabric OS, High Availability will be synchronized,
but MAPS will not be allowed to be enabled until the firmware on the standby device is upgraded.
The mapsConfig--enablemaps command fails and an error message is displayed.
• When an active CP is running Fabric OS 7.3.0 or 7.2.0 and MAPS is enabled, but the standby
device is running Fabric OS 7.1.0 or earlier, then High Availability will not be synchronized until the
standby CP is upgraded to Fabric OS 7.3.0 or 7.2.0.
• On devices with a single CP, there is no change in behavior when downgrading to an earlier version
of Fabric OS.
• Downgrading to versions of Fabric OS prior to version 7.3.0 will fail if some features are not
supported in the earlier firmware and their loss could impact MAPS functionality. In this case, MAPS
provides instructions on how to disable these features before firmware downgrade. An example of
this is if either MAPS actions or rules include Fabric Performance Impact monitoring or port
decommissioning. Refer to Port decommissioning and firmware downgrades on page 54 for
additional information.
• Downgrading to versions of Fabric OS prior to version 7.3.0 will trigger a warning message if any
feature is not supported in the earlier firmware and keeping the feature configuration is harmless. In
this case, MAPS provides a warning message similar to the following, but does not block the
WARNING: <A>, <B>, <C> feature(s) is/are enabled. These features are not
available in FOS <a.b.c> release.
Do you want to continue?
Examples of this condition include MAPS having any user-created rules pertaining to monitoring the
• Downgrading to versions of Fabric OS prior to version 7.3.0 is not allowed if the MAPS “Fabric
Performance Impact monitoring” feature is enabled. You must disable FPI using the mapsConfig –
disablefpimon command before starting the firmware downgrade.
Fabric Watch to MAPS migration
Fabric Watch and MAPS cannot coexist on a switch. To use MAPS, you must migrate from Fabric
Watch to MAPS.
On a switch running Fabric OS 7.2.0 or later, or when you upgrade your existing switch to a later
version, Fabric Watch is enabled by default. On an upgraded switch, Fabric Watch continues to
monitor as in Fabric OS 7.1.0 until MAPS is activated.
When you start MAPS for the first time, it can automatically convert the Fabric Watch configurations to
ones that are compatible with MAPS so you do not need to recreate all of the thresholds and rules.
However if you do not make the conversion as part of the initial migration, you will need to configure
the rules manually.
Refer to Enabling MAPS using Fabric Watch rules on page 19 for instructions on starting MAPS
using your existing Fabric Watch rules.
16Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
Differences between Fabric Watch and MAPS configurations
Differences between Fabric Watch and MAPS configurations
The monitoring and alerting configurations available in the MAPS are not as complex as those available
in Fabric Watch; as a consequence MAPS lacks some of the functionality available in Fabric Watch.
The following table shows the differences between Fabric Watch and MAPS configurations and
Comparison of Fabric Watch and MAPS configurations and functionalityTABLE 4
ConfigurationFabric Watch behaviorMAPS behavior
End-to-End monitoring
(Performance Monitor class)
Frame monitoring
(Performance Monitor class)
RX, TX monitoringOccurs at the individual physical
Pause/Continue behaviorOccurs at the element or counter
CPU/Memory polling interval Can configure the polling interval
E-mail notification
Temperature sensor
SupportedSupported through flows.
SupportedSupported through flows.
port level.
level. For example, monitoring
can be paused for CRC on one
port and for ITW on another port.
as well as the repeat count.
Different e-mail addresses can be
configured for different classes.
Can monitor temperature values. Can monitor only if the sensor state is in or out
Occurs at the trunk or port level as applicable.
Occurs at the element level. Monitoring can be
paused on a specific port, but not for a specific
counter on that port.
This configuration can be migrated from Fabric
Watch, but cannot be changed.
E-mail configuration supported globally.
of range).
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide17
Differences between Fabric Watch and MAPS configurations
18Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
The Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS) is not enabled by default.
If you want to use the existing Fabric Watch rules in MAPS, you must convert them before enabling
MAPS. Once you have done this, you can enable and configure MAPS.
Enabling MAPS using Fabric Watch rules
If you are already using Fabric Watch and would like MAPS to use the same thresholds, you can
convert the Fabric Watch policies into MAPS policies and then enable MAPS using the policy named
“fw_active_policy”. This provides the same monitoring functionality as Fabric Watch.
You can monitor your switch for a while using the MAPS policy, and then fine-tune the policy as
necessary to fit your environment. When you are satisfied with the configuration settings, you can
specify the actions you want to occur when thresholds are crossed.
To monitor a switch in this manner, complete the following steps.
1. Migrate from Fabric Watch by entering mapsConfig--fwconvert to import the Fabric Watch rules.
2. Enable MAPS by entering mapsConfig--enablemaps-policyfw_active_policy.
Upon successful completion of this command, the following happens:
• The Fabric Watch configurations are converted to MAPS policies.
• Fabric Watch monitoring and commands are disabled.
• MAPS commands are enabled.
• The MAPS “fw_active_policy” policy is enabled.
3. Set global actions on the switch to “none” by entering mapsConfig--actionsnone.
Setting the global actions to “none” allows you to test the configured thresholds before enabling the
4. Monitor the switch by entering mapsDb--show or mapsDb--showall.
5. Fine-tune the rules used by the policy as necessary.
6. Set global actions on the switch to the allowed actions by using mapsConfig--actions and
specifying all of the actions that you want to allow on the switch.
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
Enabling MAPS without using Fabric Watch rules
The following example enables MAPS, loads the policy
“dflt_conservative_policy”, sets the actions to “none”, and then sets approved
This command enables MAPS and replaces all Fabric Watch configurations and
monitoring. Once MAPS is enabled, the Fabric Watch configuration can't be converted
to MAPS. If you wish to convert your Fabric Watch configuration into MAPS policies,
select NO to this prompt and first issue the "mapsconfig --fwconvert" command. Once
the Fabric Watch configuration is concerted into MAPS policies, you may reissue the
"mapsconfig --enablemaps" command to continue this process. If you do not use
Fabric Watch or need the configuration, then select YES to enable MAPS now.
Do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
MAPS is enabled.
If you are not already using Fabric Watch, or do not wish to continue using the Fabric Watch policies,
you can quickly start monitoring your switch using MAPS with one of the predefined policies delivered
with MAPS.
If you follow these instructions, the Fabric Watch configurations are not converted to MAPS policies as
part of the migration, Fabric Watch commands are disabled, and MAPS commands are enabled.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter mapsPolicy--enable-policy followed by the name of the policy you want to enable. The
default policies are:
• fw_conservative_policy
• fw_aggressive_policy
• fw_moderate_policy
You must include an existing policy name in this command to enable MAPS.
3. Set global actions on the switch to “none” by entering mapsConfig--actionsnone.
Setting the global actions to “none” allows you to test the configured thresholds before enabling the
4. Monitor the switch by entering mapsDb--show or mapsDb--showall.
5. Fine-tune the rules used by the policy as necessary.
6. Set global actions on the switch to the allowed actions by using mapsConfig--actions and
specifying all of the actions that you want to allow on the switch.
20Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
Monitoring across different time windows
The following example enables MAPS, loads the policy “fw_aggressive_policy”,
sets the actions to “none”, and then sets approved actions.
This command enables MAPS and replaces all Fabric Watch configurations and
monitoring. Once MAPS is enabled, the Fabric Watch configuration can't be converted
to MAPS. If you wish to convert your Fabric Watch configuration into MAPS policies,
select NO to this prompt and first issue the "mapsconfig --fwconvert" command. Once
the Fabric Watch configuration is concerted into MAPS policies, you may reissue the
"mapsconfig --enablemaps" command to continue this process. If you do not use Fabric
Watch or need the configuration, then select YES to enable MAPS now.
Do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
MAPS is enabled.
For additional information refer to the following links.
Refer to Predefined policies on page 44 for details on the default MAPS
Refer to Viewing the MAPS dashboard on page 78 for details on the mapsDb
command output.
Refer to MAPS rule actions on page 50 for details on configuring MAPS rule
Monitoring across different time windows
You can create rules that monitor across multiple time windows or time bases.
For example, if you want to monitor both for severe conditions and separately for non-critical but
persistent conditions, you would construct rules similar to the following.
1. Enter mapsRule --create severe_rule_name -monitor monitor_name -group group_name timebase time_base -op operator -value time -action action_1, action_2, …
2. Enter mapsRule --create persistent_rule_name -monitor monitor_name -group group_name timebase time_base -op operator -value time -action action_1, action_2, …
3. Enter mapsRule--showsevere_rule_name to confirm the rule values.
4. Enter mapsRule--showpersistent_rule_name to confirm the rule values.
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide21
Setting the active MAPS policy
Both of the following cases could indicate potential issues in the fabric.
Configuring rules to monitor these conditions allows you to correct issues
before they become critical.
In the following example, the definition for crc_severe specifies that if the
change in the CRC counter in the last minute is greater than 5, it must trigger
an e-mail alert and SNMP trap. This rule monitors for the severe condition. It
monitors sudden spikes in the CRC error counter over a period of one minute.
The definition for crc_persistent specifies that if the change in the CRC counter
in the last day is greater than 20, it must trigger a RASLog message and e-mail
alert. This rule monitors for slow occurrences of CRC errors that could
accumulate to a bigger number over the period of a day.
switch1234:admin> mapsrule --create crc_severe -monitor crc -group ALL_PORTS -t min op g -value 5 -action email,snmp
switch1234:admin> mapsrule --create crc_persistent -monitor crc -group ALL_PORTS -t
day -op g -value 20 -action raslog,email
For more information, refer to Predefined policies on page 44.
Pausing MAPS monitoring
You can stop monitoring a port or other element in MAPS. You might do this during maintenance
operations such as device or server upgrades.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter mapsConfig--configpause followed by both the element type and the specific members for
which you want monitoring paused.
You must specify both the type and the member information in the command; you specify multiple
members by separating them with a comma for individual members, or a hyphen for a range of
Pausing MAPS monitoring
The following example pauses MAPS monitoring for ports 5 and 7.
switch:admin> mapsConfig --config pause -type port -members 5,7
Resuming MAPS monitoring
Once you have paused monitoring, you can resume monitoring at any time.
To resume monitoring a paused port or other element in MAPS, complete the following steps. This
resumes MAPS monitoring for the specified element member.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter mapsConfig--configcontinue followed by both the element type and the specific members
for which you want monitoring resumed.
You must specify both the type and the member information in the command; you specify multiple
members by separating them with a comma for individual members, or a hyphen for a range of
The following example resumes MAPS monitoring for port 5.
switch:admin> mapsConfig --config continue -type port -members 5
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide23
Resuming MAPS monitoring
24Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
The Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS) has the following structural elements: categories,
groups, rules, and policies.
The following table provides a brief description of each structural element in MAPS.
MAPS structural elements TABLE 5
ActionThe activity performed by MAPS if a condition defined in a rule evaluates to true. For more
CategoryA grouping of similar elements that can be monitored (for example, "Security Violations"). For more
ConditionA true or false trigger created by the combination of a time base and a threshold value. For more
ElementA value (measure or statistic) that can be monitored. This includes switch conditions, data traffic
GroupA collection of similar objects that you can monitor as a single entity. For example, a collection of ports
RuleA direction associating a condition with one or more actions that must occur when the specified
PolicyA set of rules defining thresholds for triggering actions MAPS is to take when that threshold is
information, refer to Working with MAPS rules and actions on page 56.
information, refer to MAPS monitoring categories on page 25.
information, refer to MAPS conditions on page 49.
levels, error messages, and other values.
can be assembled as a group. For more information, refer to MAPS groups overview on page 35.
condition is evaluated to be true. For more information, refer to MAPS rules overview on page 50.
triggered. When a policy is enabled, all of the rules in the policy are in effect. For more information,
refer to MAPS policies overview on page 43.
MAPS monitoring categories
When you create a rule, you must specify an category to be monitored.
MAPS provides you with the following monitorable categories:
• Switch Policy Status on page 33
• Port Health on page 26
• FRU Health on page 27
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
Port Health
• Security Violations on page 28
• Fabric State Changes on page 29
• Switch Resource on page 30
• Traffic Performance on page 31
• FCIP Health on page 32
• Fabric Performance Impact on page 32
In addition to being able to set alerts and other actions based on these categories, the MAPS
dashboard displays their status. Refer to MAPS dashboard overview on page 75 for information on
using the MAPS dashboard.
Port Health
The Port Health category monitors port statistics and takes action based on the configured thresholds
and actions. You can configure thresholds per port type and apply the configuration to all ports of the
specified type. Ports whose thresholds can be monitored include physical ports, D_Ports, E_Ports,
F_Ports, and Virtual E_Ports (VE_Ports).
The Port Health category also monitors the physical aspects of a small form-factor pluggable (SFP)
transceiver, such as voltage, current, receive power (RXP), transmit power (TXP), and state changes
in physical ports, D_Ports, E_Ports, and F_Ports.
The following table describes the monitored parameters in this category. In the “Monitored parameter”
column, the value in parentheses is the value you can specify for the mapsRule-monitor parameter.
Port Health category parameters TABLE 6
Cyclic redundancy
check (CRC with
good EOF (crc
g_eof) markers)
Invalid transmission
words (ITW)
Sync loss
Link failure (LF)The number of times a link failure occurs on a port or sends or receives the Not Operational
Signal loss
Protocol errors (PE) The number of times a protocol error occurs on a port. Occasionally, protocol errors occur
The number of times an invalid cyclic redundancy check error occurs on a port or a frame
that computes to an invalid CRC. Invalid CRCs can represent noise on the network. Such
frames are recoverable by retransmission. Invalid CRCs can indicate a potential hardware
The number of times an invalid transmission word error occurs on a port. A word did not
transmit successfully, resulting in encoding errors. Invalid word messages usually indicate a
hardware problem.
The number of times a synchronization error occurs on the port. Two devices failed to
communicate at the same speed. Synchronization errors are always accompanied by a link
failure. Loss of synchronization errors frequently occur due to a faulty SFP transceiver or
Primitive Sequence (NOS). Both physical and hardware problems can cause link failures.
Link failures also frequently occur due to a loss of synchronization or a loss of signal.
The number of times that a signal loss occurs in a port. Signal loss indicates that no data is
moving through the port. A loss of signal usually indicates a hardware problem.
due to software glitches. Persistent errors occur due to hardware problems.
Link reset (LR)The ports on which the number of link resets exceed the specified threshold value.
26Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
Port health and CRC monitoring
Port Health category parameters (Continued)TABLE 6
Class 3 timeouts
State changes
SFP current
SFP receive power
SFP transmit power
SFP voltage
SFP temperature
The number of Class 3 discard frames because of timeouts.
The state of the port has changed for one of the following reasons:
• The port has gone offline.
• The port has come online.
• The port is faulty.
The amperage supplied to the SFP transceiver in milliamps. Current area events indicate
hardware failures.
The power of the incoming laser in microwatts (µW). This is used to help determine if the
SFP transceiver is in good working condition. If the counter often exceeds the threshold, the
SFP transceiver is deteriorating.
The power of the outgoing laser in microwatts (µW). This is used to help determine if the
SFP transceiver is in good working condition. If the counter often exceeds the threshold, the
SFP transceiver is deteriorating.
The voltage supplied to the SFP transceiver in millivolts. If this value exceeds the threshold,
the SFP transceiver is deteriorating.
The temperature of the SFP transceiver in degrees Celsius. A high temperature indicates
that the SFP transceiver may be in danger of damage.
Port health and CRC monitoring
There are two types of CRC errors that can be logged on a switch; taken together they can assist in
determining which link introduced the error into the fabric. The two types are plain CRCs, which have
bad end-of-frame (EOF) markers and CRCs with good EOF (crc g_eof) markers. When a crc g_eof
error is detected on a port, it indicates that the transmitter or path from the sending side may be a
possible source. When a complete frame containing a CRC error is first detected, the error is logged,
and the good EOF (EOFn) is replaced with a bad EOF marker (EOFni). Because Brocade switches
forward all packets to their endpoints, changing the EOF marker allows the packet to continue but not
be counted.
For thresholding and fencing purposes, only frames with CRC errors and good end-of-frame markers
are counted. This enables you to know exactly how many errors were originated in a specific link.
FRU Health
The FRU Health category enables you to define rules for field-replaceable units (FRUs), including small
form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceivers, power supplies, and flash memory.
MAPS monitors FRUs (except for SFP FRUs) in the default switch only, this means that you will not get
FRU-related alerts for other switches, nor will the FRU category in the MAPS dashboard be updated for
FRU alerts on other switches.
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide27
Security Violations
The following table below lists the monitored parameters in this category. Possible states for all FRU
measures are faulty, inserted, on, off, ready, and up.
FRU Health category parametersTABLE 7
Monitored parameterDescription
Power Supplies
Fans (FAN_STATE)State of a fan has changed.
Blades (BLADE_STATE) State of a slot has changed.
SFPs (SFP_STATE)State of the SFP transceiver has changed.
WWN (WWN_STATE)State of a WWN card has changed.
State of a power supply has changed.
Security Violations
The Security Violations category monitors different security violations on the switch and takes action
based on the configured thresholds and their actions.
The following table lists the monitored parameters in this category.
Security Violations category parametersTABLE 8
Monitored parameterDescription
DCC violations (SEC_DCC)An unauthorized device attempts to log in to a secure fabric.
HTTP violations (SEC_HTTP) A browser access request reaches a secure switch from an unauthorized IP
Illegal command (SEC_CMD) Commands permitted only to the primary Fibre Channel Switch (FCS) are
Incompatible security DB
Login violations (SEC_LV)Login violations which occur when a secure fabric detects a login failure.
Invalid Certifications
No-FCS (SEC_FCS)The switch has lost contact with the primary FCS.
SCC violations (SEC_SCC)SCC violations which occur when an unauthorized switch tries to join a secure
SLAP failures
Telnet violations
28Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
executed on another switch.
Secure switches with different version stamps have been detected.
Certificates are not valid.
fabric. The WWN of the unauthorized switch appears in the ERRLOG.
SLAP failures which occur when packets try to pass from a non-secure switch to a
secure fabric.
Telnet violations which occur when a Telnet connection request reaches a secure
switch from an unauthorized IP address.
TS out of sync (SEC_TS)Time Server (TS) violations, which occur when an out-of-synchronization error
has been detected.
Fabric State Changes
The Fabric State Changes category contains areas of potential inter-device problems, such as zone
changes, fabric segmentation, E_Port down, fabric reconfiguration, domain ID changes, and fabric
The following table below lists all the monitored parameters in this category.
Fabric State Changes category parametersTABLE 9
Monitored parameterDescription
Domain ID changes
Fabric logins (FLOGI)Activates when ports and devices initialize with the fabric.
Fabric reconfigurations
Monitors forced domain ID changes. These occur when there is a conflict of
domain IDs in a single fabric and the principal switch must assign another domain
ID to a switch.
Tracks the number of fabric reconfigurations. These occur when the following
events happen:
• Two fabrics with the same domain ID are connected
• Two fabrics are joined
• An E_Port or VE_Port goes offline
• A principal link segments from the fabric
E_Port downs
Segmentation changes
Zone changes (ZONE_CHG) Tracks the number of zone changes. Because zoning is a security provision,
Percentage of devices in a
Layer 2 fabric
Tracks the number of times that an E_Port or VE_Port goes down. E_Ports and
VE_Ports go down each time you remove a cable or an SFP transceiver (where
there are SFP transceiver failures or transient errors).
Tracks the cumulative number of segmentation changes. Segmentation changes
occur because of one of the following events occurs:
• Zone conflicts
• Domain conflicts
• Incompatible link parameters
During E_Port and VE_Port initialization, ports exchange link parameters, and
incompatible parameters (uncommon) result in segmentation.
• Segmentation of the principal link between two switches
frequent zone changes may indicate a security breach or weakness. Zone change
messages occur whenever there is a change in zone configurations.
Monitors the percentage of imported devices in a Fibre Channel fabric relative to
the total number of devices supported in the fabric, whether they are active or not.
The switches in a pure Layer 2 fabric do not participate in the metaSAN.
Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide29
Switch Resource
Fabric State Changes category parameters (Continued)TABLE 9
Monitored parameterDescription
Percentage of devices in a
FCR-enabled backbone fabric
Used zone configuration size
Number of FCRs in backbone
fabric (BB_FCR_CNT)
Monitors the percentage of active devices in a Fibre Channel router-enabled
backbone fabric relative to the maximum number of devices permitted in the
metaSAN. This percentage includes devices imported from any attached edge
Monitors the “used zone configuration” size relative to the maximum zone
configuration size on the switch.
Monitors the number of Fibre Channel routers configured in a backbone fabric.
Switch Resource
Switch resource monitoring enables you to monitor your system’s temperature, flash usage, memory
usage, and CPU usage.
You can use Switch Resource monitors to perform the following tasks:
• Configure thresholds for MAPS event monitoring and reporting for the environment and resource
classes. Environment thresholds enable temperature monitoring, and resource thresholds enable
monitoring of flash memory.
• Configure memory or CPU usage parameters on the switch or display memory or CPU usage.
Configuration options include setting usage thresholds which, if exceeded, trigger a set of specified
MAPS alerts. You can set up the system monitor to poll at certain intervals and specify the number
of retries required before MAPS takes action.
The following table lists the monitored parameters in this category.
Switch Resource category parametersTABLE 10
Monitored parameterDescription
Temperature (TEMP)The ambient temperature inside the switch in degrees Celsius. Temperature
Flash (FLASH_USAGE)The available compact flash space, calculated by comparing the percentage of
CPU usage (CPU)The percentage of CPU available, calculated by comparing the percentage of
Memory (MEMORY_USAGE)The available memory, calculated by comparing the percentage of memory
Management Port
sensors monitor the switch in case the temperature rises to levels at which
damage to the switch might occur.
flash space consumed with the configured high threshold value.
CPU consumed with the configured threshold value.
consumed with the configured threshold value.
The status of the management port (Eth0 or Bond0).
30Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator's Guide
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