Bosch D9131A User Manual

Parallel Printer Interface D9131A

Installation Guide


The Bosch Security Systems, Inc. D9131A Parallel Printer Interface is an accessory for the Bosch D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D9412G, D7412G, D7212G, D9412, D7412, D7212, and D9112 Control Panels. The D9131A connects to a standard parallel printer via a standard parallel printer cable. A four-wire connection, of up to 305 m (1000 ft), connects the remotely located D9131A Printer Interface to the control panel. The D9131A prints a two-line message for each selected event that occurs. The D9412GV2, D9412G, D9412, and D9112 supervise three printers. Each printer requires a separate D9131A Printer Interface Module. The D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D7412G, D7212G, D7412, and D7212 supervise one printer with a D9131A.

On-premises recording of selected events allows you to review events on an as-needed basis. This capability reduces the number of telephone calls to the receiver from both the user and the technician, as well as reducing the number of reports from the control panel to the receiver.


Operating Voltage

12 VDC nominal, powered by the control panel



Current Draw

Idle: 21 mA


Transmitting: 23 mA

Operating Temperature

0°C to +50°C (+32°F to +125°F)

Wire Distance

Maximum of 305 m (1,000 ft) using 22 AWG solid


copper wire

Parallel Data Output

Data is sent to the D9131A at a rate of 9600 baud on the


SDI Bus. The actual print time depends on the printer





LED Indicators

The green LED on the back of the D9131A indicates the


D9131A is being addressed by the control panel and the


D9131A has successfully decoded the information.


Continuous-feed printers, such as dot matrix printers, are



T h e D 9 1 3 1 A is co m p a tib le o n ly w i th t he D 9 4 1 2 G V 2 , D 7 4 1 2 G V 2 , D 7 21 2 G V 2 , D 9 41 2 G ,

D 7 4 12 G , D 7 2 1 2G , D 9 4 1 2 , D 9 1 1 2 , D 7 4 1 2 , a n d D 7 2 1 2 C o n tr o l P a n e l s. I t is n o t c o m p a ti b le w ith th e D 91 1 2 B 1 , D 7 2 1 2B 1 , o r D 71 1 2 C o n tro l P a n e ls .

O n ly th e D 9 4 1 2 G V 2 a n d D 7 4 1 2 G V 2 a re 9 th E d itio n U L 8 6 4 lis te d p a n e ls . T h e D 94 1 2 G , D 7 4 12 G , D 9 4 1 2 , D 91 1 2 , a n d D 7 4 1 2 a r e 8 th E d iti o n U L 8 6 4 li st e d c o n tro l p a n e ls s u ita b le fo r r e tr o fit a p p lic a tio n s o n ly .

T h e I C P - S D I- 9 11 4 m o d u le is re q u i re d fo r C o m m e rc ia l F ire a p p lic a tio n s . F o r w ir in g re q u i re m e n ts , re fe r t o th e IC P - S D I - 9 11 4 S D I S p l it ter In sta lla tio n G u i d e (P / N :

F 0 1 U 0 3 0 0 6 8 ) .

F o r a ll a p p lic a ti o n s , in s ta l l th e D 9 1 3 1 A in th e s a m e r o o m a s th e p rin te r .

Bosch D9131A User Manual



Uses a standard parallel printer

On-premises recording of D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D9412G, D7412G, D7212G, D9412, D9112, D7412, and D7212 system events

• Simple four-wire installation

• Installation up to 305 m (1,000 ft) from the control panel

• Complete event information including Date, Time, Event, Account Number, Area Number, User ID, Point Number, and Point Text

Three supervised D9131As and printers supported by one D9412GV2/D9412G/ D9412/D9112. One supervised D9131A and printer supported by the D7412GV2/ D7212GV2/D7412G/D7412/D7212G/D7212

• Programmable "Scope" allows the printer


to print a specific area's information, an


account's information, or panel-wide




• You can program the control panel to

Bosch Security Systems D9131A

report the following selected events: Fire


Events, Burglar Events, Access Events


(D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D9412G, D7412G,


D9412, D7412 only), User Events, Test Events, Diagnostic Events, Auto Function Events, RAM Events, Relay Events, Point Events, User Change Events

D9131A Installation Guide


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