Fire Alarm Systems | D9124 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)
D9124 Addressable Fire Alarm Control
Panel (FACP)
24 VDC, 4 A power for initiation circuits and NACs;
12 VDC, 1.4 A power for system accessories
Up to eight supervised or 32 unsupervised remote
One-man Fire Test Mode
Schedules (Skeds function) service reminder for local
Low battery, AC power supply, and battery lead
Dual phone line monitor
The D9124 FACP controls complex alarm systems used in
schools, universities, manufacturing plants, and health care
facilities. Program it for fire, fire supervisory, intrusion, or
access control applications. Program it locally using the
D5200CE hand-held programmer or remotely using RPS
over telephone lines or local-area or wide-area networks
(LAN or WAN).
The D9124 FACP is a modular assembly, installed in a red
steel enclosure, which can be surface- or flush-mounted.
The enclosure has keyed controller access making it
suitable for installation in public access areas.
Alarm Verification
The alarm verification feature reduces potential false alarms
by requiring a reset and a second alarm signal from the
device before the control panel raises an alarm condition.
Auxiliary and Standby Power
The 4 A, 24 VDC power supply charges the standby batteries
and powers auxiliary devices. The power supply responds
to low battery or battery disconnect conditions with a
Trouble LED and a Trouble Relay for sounders or lights.
Five system power trouble conditions are selected by DIP
switches. They can be individually linked to a central
station, or grouped to activate a trouble relay, allowing a
single supervised address to monitor the power supply.
A pair of 12 V batteries provides standby power. Two
additional batteries provide standby power for initiating
devices and notification appliances. All four batteries are
housed within the panel enclosure.
Note Batteries are not included in the D9124 and
must be purchased separately.
Central Station Communication
Events can be communicated to a central station by the
digital communicator or by adding an optional Ethernet
interface module. The optional Bosch D6500 or D6600
NetCom Receiver and Modem IIIa2 reporting format provide
individual point reporting to monitoring facilities.
The D5500 Remote Programming Software (RPS) allows
the following to be controlled from a central station:
Resetting notification appliances
Activating or deactivating remote annunciation
Activating or deactivating relays
Supervising battery condition
Setting point status and armed status
Enabling or disabling reporting functions
Shunting reporting points during servicing

2 | D9124 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)
Event Log Storage, Viewing, and Printing
The D9124's memory log stores time, date, point, and user
ID for up to 1000 events. Programming options allow
restricting specific event reports to the central station
receiver. A programming option allows the log to record
certain functions entered at command centers.
Display the 1000 events in memory at the fire system
controller(s) or retrieve them with a single phone call by a
central station using Bosch RPS version 3.7.025 or higher.
The D9131A Parallel Printer Interface Module allows an onsite parallel printer to print events as they are stored in the
log: recording time, date, account number, event, point ID,
point text, and if the message was transmitted to a receiver.
The D9124 Control Panel is a 127-point addressable system
that is expandable to 246 addressable points. The control
panel receives information from alarm initiating points
through integrated devices over a two-wire multiplex zone
expansion system. Each addressable point accommodates
both normally-open and normally-closed devices with endof-line (EOL) resistor supervision. Each point is
programmable for fire, fire supervisory, intrusion, or access
control applications.
System notification appliance capacity can be extended
beyond the two supervised circuits by adding D8129 Octorelay Modules. Up to 128 relay outputs can be operated
through the controller or the central station, or they can be
programmed for automatic operations.
Notification appliances can be programmed for steady,
pulsed, California March Time, or Temporal Code 3
patterns. Temporal Code 3 patterns can be synchronized
using the appropriate synchronization modules.
Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs)
The D9124 FACP has two supervised, on-board NACs with
individual circuit silencing.
User Interface
A D1256 Fire Alarm keypad is visible and accessible behind
a locked, clear sliding panel located on the enclosure door.
It displays programmable text identifying specific initiating
and supervisory devices. It also provides point
annunciation, signal silence, trouble silence, detector reset,
and annunciator reset. The sliding panel lock is keyed to
match the Bosch manual pull stations for resetting the
Also available as options are:
D1255R Security/Fire Keypad
D1257 Remote Fire Alarm Annunciator
D1260 Keypad
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
USA UL AMCX: Central Station Alarm Units
(UL1610, UL1635), APAW: Police Station
Alarm Units (UL365, UL464), UOJZ:
Control Units, System (UL864)
CSFM 7165-1615: 113 and 7170-1615:
144 July 2008
NYC-MEA 12-92-E, Vol. IV 12-92-E, Vol. IV
12-92-E, Vol. X11 12-92-E, Vol. 12
Hong Kong HKFSD
Installation/Configuration Notes
Compatible Products
The following products are compatible with the D9124
Category Product ID Product Description
Batteries and
Power Supply
Detectors D285 Photoelectric smoke head
Keypads and
Modules D125B Powered loop interface module
BATB-40 Battery box
BATB-80 Battery box
D126 12 V, 7 Ah standby battery
D1218 12 V, 18 Ah standby battery
D7038 Power supply address circuit module
D285TH Photoelectric smoke head with heat
D298M Zonex smoke master base
D298S Zonex smoke single base
FMM-462 Manual station
D603 Rate-of-rise heat detector head
D604 Fixed (135°F) heat detector head
D605 Fixed (190°F) heat detector head
D720B/R Security and fire keypads
D1255B/R Security and fire keypads
D1256 Fire command center
D1257 Remote fire alarm annunciator
D1260 ATM keypad
(Dual, Class B)
D129 Initiation circuit module
(Dual, Class A)
D130 Relay module
D136 Plug-in relay
D192C Bell supervision module
D192E Bell supervision module