Bio-Rad CFX Manager Service Manual

CFX Manager™ Software Data Analysis Quick Guide
Quantitation Tab
Data Viewing
The amplification chart displays traces of the relative fluorescence collected from each well at every cycle of the experiment.
Choose the fluorophore data you want to display by clicking the fluorophore checkboxes located under the amplification chart (Figure 1).
Click on wells, rows, or columns in the well selector (Figure 1) to display fluorescence traces and data for selected wells. Selected wells are blue; unselected wells are light gray.
Position the cursor over a fluorescence trace, over a well in the well selector (Figure 1, well 3A), over a cell in the data spreadsheet, or over a point on the standard curve to highlight corresponding information in all four locations.
Data Analysis Options
CFX Manager software automatically subtracts the baseline from well data. Select Settings from the menu bar, and then select Baseline Threshold to change the baseline range for any well.
The software automatically calculates the position of the threshold line. Click and drag the threshold line to manually position the line.
Fluorophore checkboxes
Fig. 1. Quantitation tab in the Data Analysis window shows FAM data for all wells; information for well 3A is highlighted.
Tab includes (counterclockwise from top left) the amplification chart, well selector, data spreadsheet, and standard curve.
Click the View/Edit Plate icon on the toolbar to edit well contents, temporarily exclude wells from analysis, create well groups, and add or remove wells from analysis.
Char t Options
Right-click on any chart to copy or save the image, or to select Chart Options to change axis scales or remove grid lines (Figure 2).
Click the Trace Styles icon on the toolbar or right-click on any chart to customize the trace colors for specific wells.
Left-click on any chart, then hold down and drag the cursor to zoom in.
Fig. 2 . Pop-up menu revealed by r ight-clicking on the amplification chart.
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Well Group Data V iewing
Use the Select Well Group drop-down menu on the toolbar to view data for a specific well group (Figure 3). The software treats well groups as independent experiments, and each can be analyzed with its own settings and, if applicable, with its own standard curve.
Quantitation Data Tab
Display Options
Click the Quantitation Data tab in the Data Analysis window to view numerical data calculations and statistics, including threshold cycle (C
) for each well
and the mean and standard deviation for replicates (Figure 4).
Click on any column header to sort rows based on that column. Right-click on the spreadsheet and select Sort to sort rows based on multiple columns.
Left-click on any column header and drag the column to the left or to the right to rearrange the order of the columns in the spreadsheet.
Right-click on the spreadsheet, and select a format to export data as text, XML, or Microsoft Excel file (Figure 4).
Fig. 3. Well group selection.
Fig. 4. Quantitation data tab. Inset, pop-up menu is revealed by
right-clicking on spreadsheet.
Select Plate from the drop-down menu under the Quantitation Data tab to display well data for a selected fluorophore in a plate grid format.
Repor t options list
Creating a Report
Display Options
Click the Report icon on the toolbar of the Data Analysis window (Figure 1) to open the Report window (Figure 5).
Click checkboxes in the report options list to include specific information in the report, which is displayed in the preview section (Figure 5).
Click File on the toolbar and select Save to save the report as a PDF or select Print to print the report.
Save the report template for use with other data files, if desired.
Fig. 5. Report window. Report options list includes checkboxes for choosing information to include in report.
Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Bio-Rad’s real-time thermal cyclers are licensed real-time thermal cyclers under Applera’s United States Patent No. 6,814,934 B1 for use in research and for all other fields except the fields of human diagnostics and veterinary diagnostics.