BENDIX SD-13-4986 User Manual

The Bendix® ESP® EC-80™ Controller
The Bendix® ESP® EC‑80™ Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is a member of a family of three Bendix®‑brand electronic Antilock Braking System (ABS) devices used to help improve the braking characterist ics of air‑braked heavy‑ and medium‑duty trucks, tractors, and buses:
1. The Bendix® ABS ESP® ECU uses wheel speed sensors to monitor four wheel‑ends to detect wheel‑slip or wheel lock‑up during braking. The system inter venes when needed — using Pressure Modulator Valves (PMVs) to adjust and/or pulse the brake pressure — in order to optimize the contact bet ween the t ires and t he road surface.
2. The Bendix® Automatic T raction Control (ATC ) EC‑80 ECU provides standard ABS; improves vehicle traction during acceleration; and aid lateral stability while driving through curves. The Bendix® A TC E CU communicates with the engine’s Controller to provide Engine Torque Limiting (ETL), and/or use Differential Braking (DB) to make brake applications at individual wheels.
3. The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller provides — in addition to the ABS and ATC functions described above — advanced braking features referred to as the Bendix® ESP® Electronic Stability Program. The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller analyzes the vehicle's motion compared to the driver 's intended path and provides Yaw Control (YC) and Roll Stability Program (RSP) capabilities. When necessary, the s ystem will intervene to reduce the engine throt tle, and/or apply the brakes at one or more of the wheel ends — to help the vehicle return to the intended direction.
Label Shows ECU
The driver is always responsible for the control and safe ope rat io n of th e vehicl e at a ll ti me s. The Bendix® ABS system does not replace the need for a skilled, alert professional driver, reacting appropriately and in a timely manner, and using safe driving practices.
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‑4
Indicator Lamps and Power‑Up Sequence . . . . . 8‑9
ABS Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9‑10
ATC Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11‑12
ESP ABS With Stability Control . . . . . . . . . . . 12‑13
Important Safety Information About
The ESP Stability System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13‑14
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17‑62
See page 63 for the full Table of Contents
System Name
ABS “Standard”
ATC “Premium”
EC‑60™ ECU) Designations
Previous (Bendix
ECU; Pressure Modulator Valves (PMVs); Four Wheel Speed Sensors.
Items above, plus: Automatic Traction Control (ATC) Valve; Option of two more Wheel Speed Sensors and PMVs.
All items above, plus: Yaw Rate Sensor; Steering Angle Sensor; Load Sensor; Steer‑axle ATC valve; Brake Demand Sensor; and an Additional PMV
Key Components
ESP® is a registered trademark of DaimlerChrysler and is used by BCVS under license.
Key System Features
(ECU Designation Shown
on the ECU Label)
ABS [Antilock Braking]
(EC‑80 ABS)
ABS plus ATC [Traction Control]
(EC‑80 ATC)
ABS plus ATC plus ESP
[Yaw Control (YC) and
Roll Stability Program (RSP
(EC‑80 ESP)
Two SD‑13‑4983
Three SD‑13‑4983
Service Data
When working on or around a vehicle, the following guidelines should be observed AT ALL TIMES:
▲ Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the
parking brakes and always block the wheels. Always wear personal protection equipment.
▲ Stop the engine and remove the ignition key
when working under or around the vehicle. When working in the engine compartment, the engine sho uld be shut off and the ig nition key should be removed. Where circumst ances require that the engine be in operation, EXTREME CAUTION should be used to prevent personal injury resulting from contact with moving, rotating, leaking, heated or electrically-charged components.
▲ Do not att empt to install, remove, dis assemble
or assemb le a component until you have re ad, and thoroughly understand, the recommended procedures. Use only the proper tools and observe all precautions pertaining to use of those tools.
▲ If the wor k is being per formed on th e vehicle’s
air brake system, or any auxiliary pressurized air systems, make ce rta in to drain th e air pressur e from all rese rvoirs before be ginning ANY work on the vehicle. I f th e vehicle i s equip ped wi th a Bendix® AD-IS® air dryer system, a Bendix® DRM™ dryer re se rvoir modul e, o r a B en di x® AD-9si™ air dryer, be sure to drain the purge reservoir.
▲ Following the vehicle manufacturer’s
recommended procedures, deactivate the electrical system in a manner that safely removes all electrical power from the vehicle.
▲ Never exceed manufacturer’s recommended
▲ Never connect or disconnect a hose or line
containing pressure; it may whip. Never remove a compone nt or plug unless you ar e certai n all system pressure has been depleted.
▲ Use only genuine Bendix
parts, components and kits. Replacement
hardware, tubing, hose,  ttings, etc. must be of
equivalent size, type and strength as original
equipment and be designed speci cally for such
applications and systems.
▲ Component s with st rippe d threads o r damaged
part s should be replaced ra ther than repaired. Do not attempt repairs requiring machining or
welding unless speci cally stated and approved
by the vehicle and component manufacturer.
▲ Prior to retur ning the vehicle to ser vice, make
certain all components and systems are restored to their proper operating condition.
▲ For vehicles with Automatic Traction Control
(ATC), the ATC function m ust be disabled (ATC indicator lamp should be ON) prior to performing any vehicle maintenance where one or more wheels on a d rive axle ar e lifted of f the groun d and moving.
▲ The power MUST be t emporarily disco nnected
from the radar sensor whenever any tests USING A DYNAMOMETER are conducted on a Bendix Wingman® Advanced™-equipped vehicle.
brand replacement
▲ You should consult the vehicle manufacturer's operating and service manuals, and any related literature,
in conjunction with the Gu ideli nes above.
Even with the Bendix® ESP® system with the EC-80™ Controller, the driver remains responsible for ensuring vehicle stability during operation. The braking system can only function within the limits of physics. The system helps mitigate potential vehicle stability incidents, but cannot prevent them in all cases.
Other factors such as driving too fast for road, trafc
or weather conditions, oversteering, an excessively high vehicle Center of Gravity (CG), or poor road conditions can cause vehicle instability that is beyond the capability of any stability system to mitigate. In addition, the effectiveness of Bendix ESP system with the EC-80 Controller can be greatly reduced on vehicles towing multiple trailer combinations.
The Bendix ESP system with the EC-80 Controller (see page 12) may only be used on vehicles tested and approved by Bendix engineering. The tests produce a validated parameter data set for use by the vehicle’s Bendix ESP EC-80 Electronic Control Unit (ECU).
When replacing an ECU, only specic Controllers —
with the correct parameter set — may be used. See
“Obtaining a N ew Bendix ES P EC‑ 80 C ontroller ” on page 17 for further details.
Bendix ESP system with the EC-80 Controller-equipped
ve hi c les should not be dr i v e n on hi g h -ba n k e d ro a d s —
such as those found on high-speed test or race tracks. Test per sonnel must have the Be ndix ESP system's stability features disabled prior to operating a vehicle on such tracks.
For vehicles with the (optional) Hill Start Aid (HSA) system (sometimes referred to as a “Hill Start Assist”, or simply “Hill Start ”), this feature interfac es between the transmis sion and the braking system. HSA helps the driver prevent the vehicle from rolling downhill w hen m oving up a steep incline from a stationar y position. See page 6 for more
A Bendix® EC‑80™ ESP® Controller includes Yaw Control (YC) functionality. Yaw Control has the ability to apply brakes to individual wheel ends, as well as applying the trailer brakes, to counteract trailer “pus h” that — during cert ain maneuvers — could lead to a loss‑ of‑control or a jackknife incident. See " Yaw Stability" on page 13 for
further details.
The Bendix ABS solution that helps decrease vehicle speed by reducing the engine's throttle and applying all vehicle brakes as needed, mitigating the vehicle's tendency to roll over. RSP focuses on reducin g the vehicle’s speed below the critical ro ll thre sho ld dur in g direc ti on‑changing maneuvers — such as driving on curved highway exit ramps or obstacle avoidance maneuvers on dry, high friction sur faces. See " ESP ABS with Stabilit y Control"
on page 12 for further details.
Roll Stability Program (RSP), is an all‑a xle
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller 's ESP/RSP function utilizes the following additional components:
A Steer Axle T raction Control V alve (may be integral to the service brake Relay Valve or a stand‑alone device)
Straight Speed
90° Speed
(Port 2)
Exhaust (Port 3)
(Port 1)
During an RSP syste m intervent ion, the vehicle automatically decelerates. RSP can slow the vehicle with or without the operator applying the brake p edal, and even when the o perator is applying the throttle.
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller’s ABS function utilizes the following components:
• Bendix® WS‑24™ Wheel Speed Sensors (four or
six, depending on the conguration), each with a
clamping sleeve. [Refer to SD-13-4860]
• Bendix® M‑40QR™ or M‑40‑HF™ Pressure Modulator
Valves (four, ve, or six may be present) [refer to SD-13-4958]. For legacy systems where a Bendix®
M‑32™ or M‑32QR™ Pressure Modulator Valve is used, refer to SD-13-4870.
• A dash‑mounted tractor ABS Indicator Lamp
• A service brake Relay Valve
• A dash‑mounted trailer ABS Indicator Lamp
• An optional blink code Activation Switch
• An optional ABS Off‑road Switch
• A dash‑mounted ESP Status/Indicator Lamp (also serves as the ATC Status/Indicator Lamp)
• A Bendix® SAS‑60™ Steering Angle Sensor (mounted to the steering column ‑ See Figure 4)
When replacing a steering wheel, take care not to damage the Steering Angle Sensor or interfere with its operation, and the Steering Angle Sensor must be recalibrated (see Troubleshooting section.)
90° Connectors
• Bendix® YAS‑60™ or YAS‑70X™ Yaw Rate/Lateral Acceleration Sensors (typically mounted to a cross‑ member near the back of the vehicle cab). See
Figure 5.
• Brake Demand Sensors (installed in the primary and secondary delivery circuits)
A Load Sensor (typically installed in the suspension air bag)
An additional Modulator Valve (Bendix® M‑40QR™ or M‑40HF™ Pressure Modulator Valve) that controls the pressure applied to the trailer brakes during a system intervention
The Bendix® ESP® EC‑ 80™ Controller's ATC function utilizes the following additional components:
A drive axle Traction Control V alve (may be integral to the service brake relay valve or a stand‑alone device)
• A dash‑mounted ATC Status/Indicator Lamp
• A J1939 serial communication Control Module
• A J1939‑ or ECU hardware‑provided Stop Lamp Switch Input
• An optional ATC Mud/Snow Switch (sometimes referred to as an ATC off‑road switch)
Brake Demand/
Load Sensor
Bendix® RV-3
Reducing Valve
Bendix® AT-3
Traction Control
Bendix Double Check
The Bendix® eTrac™ automated air pressure transfer system is used on 6 x 2 semi‑trac tors that feature Bendix® ATC and ESP Antilock Brake Systems (ABS). This system complements the Bendix® S MART AT C™ traction control feature of our ABS system to provide improved traction at low speeds (e.g. pulling away on an inclined ramp, or in slippery conditions such as mud or snow‑covered surfaces, etc.) When active, the Bendix eTrac system vents — or “dumps” — the air pressure of the tag axle susp ension air bags, and increases the air pressure in t he drive a xle suspension air bags to a pre‑determined maximum. This action helps the drive axle to gain more traction.
See SD-13-21021 for more information about the Bendix® eTrac™ Automated Air Suspension Transfer System.
Accelerator Sensors
(Two examples
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller's Hill Start Aid function utilizes the following additional components:
• A Bendix® AT‑3™ Traction Control Valve
• A dash‑mounted Hill Start Status/Indicator Lamp
• A dash‑mounted Enable/Disable Switch
• A Bendix® RV‑3™ Pressure Reducing Valve
• A Bendix® DC‑4® Double Check Valve
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller is not protected against moisture, and must be mounted in an environmentally protected area.
All wire harness connectors must be properly seated. The use of secondary locks is strongly recommended.
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller utilizes connectors from the AMP MCP 2.8 product family.
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers support applications up to six sensor/six modulator (6S/6M) installations with ATC and drag torque control. They can also support Hill Start functions. All 12 volt models suppor t Power Line Carr ie r (PLC). 24 volt models do not support PLC. See Figure 7
for more details.
Hill Start
Aid Feature
Optional Optional Optional 12/24 4/5/6 4/6
For information about the Bendix® eTrac™ automated air suspension transfer system, see SD‑13‑21021
All new towing vehicles built since March 1, 2001 , have had an in‑cab trailer ABS Indicator Lamp installed.
Trailers built since Marc h 1, 2001, transmit the status of the trailer ABS over the power line (the blue wire of the J560 connector) to the tractor using a Power Line Carrier (PLC ) signal. See Figures 8 and 9. Typically the signal is broadcast by the trailer ABS Electronic Control Unit (ECU).
Suggested oscilloscope settings are AC coupling, with one volt/div, 100 µsec /div. The signal should be measured at the ignition power input of the Bendix EC‑80 Controller.
Note: An ABS trailer equipped with PLC, or a PLC diagnostic tool, must be connected to the vehicle in order to generate a PLC signal on the power line.
Battery and Ignition Inputs
The Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller oper ates at a nominal supply voltage of 12 or 24 volts, depending on the ECU. The battery input is connected through a 3 0 amp fuse directly to the battery.
The ignition input is applied by the ignit ion switch circuit through a 5 amp fuse.
The application of PLC technology fo r the heavy vehicle industry in North America is known as “PLC4Trucks.”
The Bendix® ESP® EC‑ 80™ Controller supports PLC communications in accordance with SAE J2497.
An oscillosc ope can be used to measure or identif y the presence of a PLC signal on the power line. The PLC signal is an amplitude and frequency‑modulated signal.
Depending on the ltering and load on the power line,
the PLC signal amplitude can range from 5.0 mVp‑p to
7.05 Vp‑p.
Ground Input
The Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller supp orts one gr ound input. See pages 52 and 53 for wiring system schematics.
ABS Indicator Lamp Ground Input
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller requires a second ground input (X1‑12) for the ABS indicator lamp. The X1 wire harness co nnector contains an AB S indicator lamp interlock (X1‑15), which shorts the ABS indicator lamp circuit (X1‑18) to ground if the connector is removed from the ECU.
Bendix® WS-24™ Wheel Speed Sensors
Wheel speed data is provided to the B endix ESP EC‑ 8 0 Controller from the Bendix® WS‑24™ wheel speed sensor (see Figure 2). Vehic les have an exciter ring (or “tone ring”) as part of the wheel assembly. As the wheel turns, the teeth of the exciter ring pass the whee l speed sensor, generating an AC signal. The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller receives the AC signal, which varies in voltage and frequency as the wheel speed changes.
Vehicle axle configurations determine the number of Bendix WS‑24 wheel speed se nsors that must be used. A vehicle with a single rear axle requires four wheel speed sensors. Vehicles with two rear axles can utilize six wheel speed sensors for optimal performance.
Diagnostic Blink Code Switch
A momentary switch that grounds the ABS Indicator Lamp output is used to place the ECU into the diagnostic blink code mode and is typically located on the vehicle’s dash panel.
Optional ABS Off-Road Switch and Indicator Lamp Operation
Vehicle operators use an optional dash‑mounted switch to place the Bendix® ESP® EC‑ 8 0™ Controller into the ABS off‑road m ode. See "Optional A BS Off- Road Mode" on page 10 for further details. In some c ases, ECUs may also be put into the ABS off‑road mode by one of the other vehicle control module s, using a J193 9 message to the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller.
(If you need to know if a specic Bendix ESP EC‑80
Controller uses a J1939 message to operate the lamp, contact the Bendix Tech Team. E‑mail the Tech Team at (be sure to specify the ECU par t number), or call 1‑800‑AIR‑BRAKE (1‑800‑245‑2725).
The ABS off-road mode should not be used on normal, paved road surfaces because vehicle stability and steerability may be adversely affected. When the ECU is placed in the ABS off-road mode,
the ABS Indicator Lamp will ash constantly (at a
rate of onc e per 2 .5 secon ds) to notif y th e vehicle operator that the off-road mode is active.
Optional ATC Mud/Snow (Off-Road) Switch and Indicator Lamp Operation (also see page 8.)
The Bendix ESP system uses a dash‑mounted switch for the operator to place the ECU into the ATC Mud/Snow mode.
Optional Hill Start/Hill Start Assist Feature Switch and Lamp Operation (see also page 8.)
ESP Controllers use a dash‑mounted switch for the operator to place the ECU into the hill star t mode. This feature interfaces between the transmission and the braking system to help the driver prevent the vehicle from rolling downhill when moving up a steep incline fro m a stationary position.
With Hill Start Aid Feature option you lose the ABS off-road function and the retarder relay output.
When the ECU is placed in the Hill Start Aid (HSA) feature
mode, the HSA Indicator Lamp will ash constantly (at a
rate of once per 2.5 seconds) to notify the vehicle operator that the HSA mode is active. The ECU receives J1939 messages from the t ransmissi on to engage the H S/HSA components. When engaged, the system applies 44 psi to the rear brakes for three (3) seconds then releases. This function is totally controlled by the automatic transmission.
Stop Lamp Switch (SLS)
The Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller monitors the vehic le stop lamp status. Certain vehicle functions, such as ATC and All‑Wheel Drive (AWD), use the status of the stop lamp to determine when the driver makes a brake application. This c an be provided to the ECU via J1939 communications, or hardware input.
Brake Demand Sensors
The brake demand sensors provide the Controller with an indication of driver‑applied brake pressure. One is installed in the primary air brake circuit, and another is installed in the secondary air brake circuit.
Load Sensor
The load sensor provides the Controller with an indication of the vehicle load. It is typic ally installed in one of the suspension air bags.
Bendix® SAS-70X™ Steering Angle Sensor
Bendix® brand Steering Angle Sensors (SAS) are used to report the steering wheel position to the Controller, utilizing a dedicated serial communications link that is shared with the Y a w Rat e Sensor. The Controller supplies the power and ground inputs to the Bendix® SAS‑70X™ sensor.
The Bendix SAS‑70X sensor is available with two different styles of wire harness connectors. (See Figure 4.)
Bendix® YAS-60™ or Y AS-70X™ Yaw Rate/Lateral Acceleration Sensors
Bendix® brand yaw rate/lateral acceler ation sensors are used to provide the Controller an indication of vehicle lateral acceleration an d rotati on around t he ver ti c al ax is. This information is provided to t he Controller, utilizing a dedicated serial c ommunications link that is sha red with the Bendix® SAS‑60™ sensor. The Controller supplies the power and ground inputs to the yaw rate sensor.
Bendix® M-40QR™ and M-40HF™ Pressure Modulator Valves (PMVs)
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller operates Bendix® M‑40QR™ and M‑40HF™ Pressure Modulator Valves (PMVs) to modify the dr iver‑applied air pressure to the servic e brakes during ABS, ATC, RSP or YC activation (see pages 9-13). The PMV is an electropneumatic control valve and is the last valve that air passes through on its way to the brake chamber. The modulator hold and release solenoids are activated to "modulate" or "control" the brake pressure during an antilock braking event. The hold solenoid is normally open and the release solenoid is normally closed, such that the PMV nominally allows air to
ow through. This design allows for air delivery to brake
chambers in the event of electrical trouble.
The Bendix® ESP® EC‑ 80™ Controller also utilizes an additional Pressure Modulator Valve (PMV) for control of the trailer service brakes during stability interventions.
Traction Control Valve (TCV)
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers use two TCVs, one on the steer axle and one on the dr i ve a x l e. The TCV may be a separate valve or integrated into the rear axle relay valve.
The Controller will activate the drive axle TCV during differential braking ATC events.
During stabilit y interventions, the Controller will act ivate both the steer axle and drive axle TCVs as required.
Stop Lamp Output
The Controller provides an output to control a relay that illuminates the vehicle stop lamps during stability interventions. This information is also available using the J1939 serial communications link.
ABS Indicator Lamp Control with Optional Diagnostic Blink Code Switch
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller has internal circuitry to control the ABS Indicator Lamp on the dash panel.
The ABS Lamp Illuminates:
1. During power up (e.g. when the vehicle is started) for approximately three (3) seconds and turns off after the self‑test is completed, providing no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are present on the ECU;
2. When full ABS operation is not available due to the presence of a DTC on the ECU;
3. If the ECU is unplugged or has no power;
4. When the ECU is placed into the ABS off‑road
mode (the lamp ashes steadily at a rate of once per
2.5 sec.); or
5. To display blink codes for diagnostic purposes after the external diagnostic switch is activated.
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller may communicate with other vehicle control modules to operate the ABS Indicator Lamp using serial communications. (If you need to know if this Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controll er uses serial communications to operate the lamp; e‑mail ABS@, (be sure to specify the ECU part number), or call 1‑800‑AIR‑BRAKE/1‑800‑247‑2725 and speak to the Bendix Tech Team.)
Indicator Lamp Control Using Serial Communications Links
As mentioned above, depending on the vehicle manufacturer, the dash indicator lamps (ABS, ATC, ESP, and trailer ABS) may be controlled using serial communications links. In the se cases, the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller will send a serial communications message over the J1939 link, indicating the required status of the lamp(s). Another vehicle contro l module receives the message and controls the indicator lamp(s).
Dynamometer Mode Indicator Lamp Operation
When the Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller is put into the Dynamometer mode for testing purposes, the ATC Indicator Lamp will be illuminated.
Retarder Relay Disable Output
The retarder relay disable output may be used to control a
retarder disable relay. When congured to use this output,
the ECU will energize the retarder disable relay and inhibit the use of the retarder as needed.
If the ECU is congured for the Hill Start/ Hill Start Assist
feature (HS/HSA), the retarder relay output pin is used to control the Hill St art status lamp. As a result, the vehic l e loses the retarder relay function when it has the Hill Start feature.
SAE J1939 Serial Communications
A Controller Area Network (CAN) data link (SAE J1939 ) is provided for communication. This link is used for various functions, such as:
• Diagnostic purposes.
• To disable retarding devices during ABS operation.
• To request that the torque converter disable lock‑up during ABS operation
• To share information such as wheel speed and ECU status with other vehicle control modules.
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers utilize the J1939 data link for:
• ATC and drag torque control functions.
• Vehicle stability functions.
Trailer ABS Indicator Lamp Control
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller will activate a trailer ABS Indicator Lamp (located on the dash panel) that indicates the status of the trailer ABS unit on one, or more trailers, or dollies that are equipped with PLC functionality. T ypically , the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller directly controls the trailer ABS Indicator Lamp based on the information it receives from the trailer ABS, via PLC.
Alternatively, some vehicles require the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller to activate the trailer A BS Indicator Lamp by communicating with other vehicle Controllers using serial communications.
(If you need to know if this Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller uses a serial communications message to operate the lamp, e‑mail (be sure to specify the ECU part number), or call 1‑800‑AIR‑BRAKE (1‑800‑245‑2725) and speak to the Bendix Tech Team.)
Interaxle Differential Lock Control (AWD Transfer Case)
Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controllers c an control the intera xle differential lock (AWD transfer case) . This is recommended
on AWD vehicles, but the ECU must be specially congured
to provide this feature. E‑mail for more details.
NOTICE: The vehicle operator should Verif y the proper
operation of all installed indicator lamps (ABS, ATC/ESP, and trailer ABS) when applying ignition power and during vehicle operation. See Figure 10.
Lamps that do not illuminate as expected when ignitio n power is applied, or remain illuminated, indicate the need for maintenance.
Dash Lamp Behavior for the
Bendix® ESP® EC-80™ Controller
Ignition on ‑ start up
[trailer with Power Line
Carrier (PLC)]
3 seconds after ignition
At Vehicle Startup
[with no Diagnostic
Trouble Codes (DTCs)]
Vehicles with Hill Start Aid (HSA):
Special Mode Operation
During an Automatic Traction Control (ATC) Event Flashes quickly • Reduces wheel slip during acceleration at low speeds
During Dynamometer Mode
During an ATC
‑— OR, depending on vehicle options (a vehicle can have either ABS off‑road or HSA) —
During HSA Mode
(“Hill Start” / “Hill Start Assist”)
Normal OFF
During an ATC/ESP
During an ESP Event Flashes quickly
ON for
three (3)
Lamp OFF* Lamp OFF* Lamp OFF**
Lamp ashes
slowly (every 2.5
OFF Flashes quickly
ON for 2.5
Lamp OFF
Flashes quickly
During HSA Event Lamp OFF
HSA Manually Disabled
Flashes slowly
(every 2.5
Lamp ON
ABS Lamp
• Uses dash switch
• Not for rm road surfaces
• Allows more wheel lock‑up (less ABS intervention)
• Mode only applies under 25 mph (Over 25 mph, the system reverts to
• Disables ATC monitoring functions
• When not in Dynamometer Mode, an illuminated lamp indicates an ATC DTC is present
ON for
three (3)
full ABS ‑ including ATC/ESP — and upon exiting off‑road mode, the ATC lamp extinguishes.)
• Uses dash switch
• Increases allowable wheel slip during ATC interventions
• Not for rm road surfaces
System intervenes to reduce the risk of rollovers, loss‑of‑control, etc.
ON for
three (3)
If any of the described lamp behaviors
do not occur — or if the lamp remains on during operation — have the vehicle
serviced by a qualied mechanic as
soon as possible to restore full system functionality.
Some vehicle manufacturers may
illuminate the trailer ABS indicator lamp at power‑up regardless of whether a PLC signal is detected from the trailer or not. Consult the vehicle manufacturer’s documentation for more details.
• The HSA lamp is illuminated only at power‑ up, or if an HSA DTC is present
0.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 (sec.)1.5
ATC/ESP System
Status Indicator
at Start-Up
or ATC
ABS System
Status Indicators
at Start-Up
Powered Vehicle ABS
Indicator Lamp
Trailer ABS
Indicator Lamp
(PLC Detected)**
Trailer ABS
Indicator Lamp**
(PLC Not Detected)
0.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 (sec.)1.5
ABS Indicator Lamp Operation (Bulb Check)
The Bendix® ESP® EC‑80™ Controller will illuminate the ABS Indicator Lamp for approximately three seconds when ignition power is applied, after which the lamp will extinguish if no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are detected.
The Controller will illuminate the ABS Indicator Lamp whenever full ABS operation is not available due to a DTC. In most cases, partial ABS is still available.
ATC/ESP Status/Indicator Lamp Operation
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller will illuminate the A TC/ ESP lamp for approximately 2.5 seconds when i gnition power is applied, after which t he lamp will extinguish if no DTCs are detected. The Controller will continuously illuminate the AT C/ESP Indicator Lamp whenever ESP or ATC is disabled due to a DTC.
During an ESP or ATC intervention, the lamp will ash
rapidly (2.5 times per second). When the C ontroller is placed in the ATC Mud/Snow (off‑ road) mode, the lamp
will ash slowly at a rate of once every 2.5 seconds.
Trailer ABS Indicator Lamp Operation
The Controller will control the Trailer ABS Indicator Lamp when a PLC signal (SAE J2497) from a trailer ABS ECU is detected.
Hill Start Assist (HSA) Indicator Lamp Operation
Vehicles with HSA enabled, will illuminate the HSA Indicator Lamp when ignition power is applied. The lamp will extinguish if there are no issues with the HSA system.
This test is performed only when the vehicle is stationary (if the vehicle moves, the Chuff Test will not be performed).
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller will per form a PMV Chuff Test on all installed modulators in the following order:
• Steer Axle Right PMV;
• Steer Axle Left PMV;
• Drive Axle Right PMV;
• Drive Axle Left PMV;
• Additional Axle Right PMV;
• Additional Axle Left PMV; then
• Drive Axle TCV The pattern will then repeat itself. See Figure 11. Vehicles with a Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller — following
the completion of the second round of PMV & TCV Chuff
Tests — the Controller (if congured to do so) will perform
a test to cross‑ check the trailer PMV o peration with the vehicle stop lamps. If the trailer PMV c irc uit i s mis‑wired (including the steer axle TCV), the PMV will exhaust a large amount of air, or none at all.
NOTICE: If there are any active DTCs, the stop lamp cross‑check portion of the Chuff Test will not be carried out until all DTCs are fully diagnosed and the corresp onding repairs are succes sfully conduc ted. The ESP/ATC dash indicator will also illuminate when there are ac tive ABS, ATC or ESP DTCs.
The ECU will not perform the PMV Chuff T est when wheel speed sensors show that the vehicle is in motion.
Pressure Modulator Valve (PMV) and Traction Control Valve (TCV) Chuff Test
Right Steer
Left Steer
After the performance of the conguration test, the Bendix
ESP EC‑80 Controller will perform a Bendix‑patented PMV and TCV Chuff Test. The Chuff Te st is an elect ric al and pneumatic PMV test that can assist maintenance personnel in verifying proper PMV wiring and installation.
When ignition power is applied, eac h m odulator so le noi d
is briey energized. If the air system is fully charged and
the servic e brake pedal is depres sed during i gnition, the modulator creates a single, sharp audible “chuf f” of air pressure. The modulators are energized in a certain pattern: right front; left front; right rear; then left rear.
Right Drive
Left Drive
Bendix® ABS uses wheel speed s ensors, ABS pres sure modulator valves, and an ECU to control either four or six wheels of a vehicle. The Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controlle r monitors individual wheel tur ning motion during brak ing, and adjusts or modulates the brake pressure at the wheel end. When excessive wheel slip — or wheel lock‑up — is detected, the Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller will act ivate the pressure modulator valves to automatically reduce the brake pressure at one or more of the wheel ends. By these actions, the A BS system helps to maintain the vehicle's lateral stability and steerability during heavy brake applications and during braking on slippery surfaces.
Steer Axle Control
Although both wheels of the steer axle have their own wheel speed sensor and pres sure modulator valve, the Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller blends the applied braking force between the two steering axle brakes. This Bendix patented brake application control, called Modified Individual Regulation (MIR), is designed to help reduce steering wheel pull during an ABS event on road surfaces with poor tracti on, or areas of poor tracti on (e.g. asphalt road surfaces with patches of ice).
Single Drive Axle Control (4x2 Vehicle)
For vehicles with a single rear drive axle (4x2) , the brakes are operated independently by the Bendix® ESP® EC‑80™ Controller, based on the individual wheel behavior.
Dual Drive Axle Control (4S/4M Conguration)
For vehicles with dual drive axles (6x4) using a 4S/4M
conguration, one ABS modulator controls both of the
right‑side rear whe els; the other modulator c ontrols both of the left‑side r ear wheels. Both wheels on each side receive equal brake pressure during an A BS stop. The rear wheel speed sensors must b e installed on the axle with the lightest load.
Dual Rear Axle Control (6S/6M Conguration)
For vehicles with dual rear axles (6x4, 6x2) using a 6S/6M
conguration, the rear wheels are controlled independently.
Therefore, brake application pressure at each wheel is adjusted according to the individual wheel behavior on the road surface.
6x2 Vehicles with 6S/5M Conguration
6x2 vehicles can utilize a 6S/5M conguration, with the
additional axle (a non‑driven rear axle) having two sensors, but only one Pressure Modulator Valve (PMV). In this case, the PMV controls both wheels on the additional axle. The additional axle wheels would receive equal brake pressure, based on the wheel that is currently experiencing the most wheel slip.
Normal Braking
During normal braking, brake pressure is delivered through the ABS PMV and into the brake chamber. If the ECU does not detect excessive wheel slip, it will not activate ABS control, and normal vehicle service braking is applied.
Retarder Brake System Control
On surfac es with low trac tion, applic ation of the retar der can lead to high levels of wheel slip at the drive axle wheels, which can adversely affect vehicle stability.
T o prevent this, the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller switches off the retarder as soon as a lock‑up is detected at one (or more) of the drive axle wheels.
When the ECU is placed in the A BS off‑road mode (on vehicles equipped with this optional feature), it will switch off the retarder only w hen ABS is active on a steer a xle wheel and a drive axle wheel.
Optional ABS Off-Road Mode
On some road conditi ons, particularly when the drivin g surface is s oft, the stopping distance with conventional ABS may be longer than witho ut ABS. This can occur when a locked wheel on soft ground or loose gravel plows up the road surface in front of the tire, changing the rolling friction value. Alt hough vehicle stopping dist ance with a locked wheel (in the absence of ABS) may be shorter than
corresponding stopping distanc e with conventional ABS control, vehicle steerability and stability would be reduced.
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers have an optional dash
switch that initiates a modied ABS control mode (known
as "off‑road A BS") that more effectively ac commodates these soft road c onditions to shorten stopping distanc e while maintaining optimal vehicle steerability and stability.
Note: Off‑road mode is not available if the vehicle is equipped with Hill Start / Hill Start Assist (HS or HSA).
The ABS off-road mode should not be used on normal, paved road surfaces because vehicle stability and steerability may be reduced. The ABS
Indicator Lamp will ash slowly to indicate to the
driver that the ABS off-road mode is engaged.
When ABS off-road mode is engaged, stability functions are disabled at speeds below approximately 25 mph/40 kph. The A TC/ESP dash lamp will illuminate to indicat e to the driver that t he stability syst em is disabled.
The vehicle manufacturer should provide the optional ABS off‑road function only for vehicles that operate on unpaved surfaces — or that are used in off‑road applications — and is responsible for ensuring that vehicles equipped with the ABS off‑road function meet all FMVSS‑121 requirements and have adequate operator indicators and instructions.
The vehicle operator activates the off‑road function with a
switch on the dash panel. A ashing ABS Indicator Lamp
indicates to the driver that the A BS off‑road function is engaged. To exit the ABS of f‑road mode, depress and release the switch. A new ignition cycle w ill also cause the ECU to exit the ABS off‑road mode.
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) Vehicles
AWD vehicles with an engaged interaxle differential (steer axle to rear axle) / AWD transfer case, may have negative effects on ABS performance. Optimum ABS performance is achieved when the lockable differentials are disengaged, allowing individual wheel control.
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers can be programmed
specically for this conguration to control the differential
lock/unlock solenoid in the AWD transfer case. When programmed to do so, the ECU will disengage the locked interaxle/AWD transfer case during an ABS event and reengage it once the ABS event has ended.
ATC Functional Overview
Just as ABS improves vehicle stabilit y during braking, Automatic T raction Control (A TC ) improves vehicle stability and traction during vehicle acceleration. The Bendix® ESP® EC‑ 80™ Controller's ATC function uses the same wheel speed information and modulator control as the ABS function. The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller detects excessive drive wheel speed; compares the speed to the front, non‑driven wheels; and reacts to help bring the wheel
spin under control. The Controller can be congured to use
engine torque limiting and/or differential braking to control wheel spin. For optimal AT C performance, both methods are recommended.
ATC/ESP Lamp Output/ATC Mud/Snow Switch Input
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers operate the AT C/ESP dash lamp as follows.
The ATC/ESP dash lamp illuminates:
1. During power up (e.g. when the vehicle is started) for approximately 2.5 seconds and turns off after the self test is completed, providing no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are present.
2. When ESP or ATC is disabled for any reason.
3. During an ESP or ATC event (the lamp will ash rapidly
at a rate of 2.5 times per second).
4. When the ECU is placed in the ATC off‑road mode
(the lamp will ash steadily at a rate of once every 2.5 seconds). This noties the vehicle operator that the
ATC Mud/Snow mode is active.
5. When the ECU is placed in the ABS off‑road mode. When in this mode, ESP will be disabled below 25 mph and its inactive status will be indicated by a steadily illuminated A TC/ESP lamp.
Differential Braking
Differential br aking within ATC is automatically activated when drive wheel(s) on one side of the vehicle are spinning excessively. This typically occurs on road sur faces with patches of ice. The tract ion system will then lightly apply the brake to the drive wheel(s) that are spinning excessively. The vehicle differential will then drive the wheels on the other side of the vehicle.
Differential braking (as part of A TC functionality) is available at vehicle speeds up to 25 mph/40 kph.
Disabling ATC Differential Braking
ATC differential braking is disabled under the following conditions:
1. During power up (e.g. when the vehicle is started), until the ECU detects a service brake application.
2. If the ECU receives a J1939 message indicating that the vehicle is parked.
3. When the dynamometer test mode is active. The Dynamometer test mode is entered using the diagnostic Blink Code Switch or by using a diagnostic tool (such as Bendix® ACom® Diagnostics).
4. In response to a serial communications request from a diagnostic tool.
5. If ATC Differential Braking function is activated for a long time period to avoid overheating of the brakes. It would take approximately three (3) continuous minutes of activation for the time‑out to occur. Once timed‑out, approximately two (2) minutes of "cool off" time would be required before A TC Dif ferential Braking can be used again.
6. When certain DTC conditions are detected.
Traction Control with Engine Torque Limiting
The Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller uses Engine Torque Limiting to control drive ‑ axl e wheel slip. This is c ommu ‑ nicated to the engine contro l module (using J19 39), and is available at all vehicle speeds.
Bendix® SMART ATC™ System
The Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller has an additional feature known as the Bendix® SMART ATC™ system. This system monitors the accelerator pedal position (using J1939) to help provide optimum traction and vehicle stability. By determining the driver’s throttle input and adapting the target slip of the drive wheels to the dr iving s ituation, th e Bendix SMART ATC system allows higher wheel slip when the accelerator pedal is applied above a preset level.
The wheel slip allowed by the Bendix SMART AT C system is decreased when dri ving through a cur ve for improved stability.
Disabling ATC Engine Control and the Bendix SMART A TC System
A TC Engine Control and the Bendix SMART AT C system will be disabled under the following conditions:
1. In response to a serial communications request from an off‑board tool;
2. At power‑up until the ECU detects a service brake application;
3. If the ECU receives a J1939 message indicating that the vehicle is parked;
4. If the dynamometer test mode is active. This may be accomplished via an off‑board tool or the diagnostic Blink Code Switch; or
5. When certain DTC conditions are detected.
Optional ATC Mud/Snow (Off-Road) Mode
In some road conditions, the vehicle operator may desire additional drive wheel slip when ATC is active. The Bendix® ESP® EC‑8 0™ Controller has an optional c o ntro l m od e to permit this desired performance.
The vehicle operator can activate the Mud/Snow function with a switch on the dash panel. Alter nately, a J1939 message may be used to place the vehicl e in this mo de.
The ATC/ESP Indicator Lamp will ash steadily at a rate of once every 2.5 seconds to conrm that the ATC mud/
snow mode is engaged. T o exit the A TC Mud/Snow mode, depress and release the
ATC Mud/Snow switch.
The Bendix ESP system with the EC‑80 Controller reduces
the risk of rollovers, jackkning and other loss‑of‑control
events. Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers include Roll Stability Program (RSP®) and Y aw Control (YC) functions. During operation, the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller constantly compares performance models to the vehicle’s
Drag Torque Control Functional Overview
Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers have a feature referred to as drag torque control which reduces wheel slip on a driven axle due to driveline iner t ia. This c on dition i s address ed by increasing the engine torque to overcome the inertia.
Drag torque control increases vehicle stabilit y on low‑ traction road sur faces during down‑shifting or retarder braking.
actual movement, using wheel speed sensor s; a lateral acceleration sensor, a yaw rate sensor, and a steering angle sensor. If the vehicle shows a tendency to leave an appropriate travel path, or if criti cal threshold values are approached, the system will intervene to assist the driver.
A Real World Example Of How The RSP System Operates:
Excessive speed for road conditions creates forces that exceed the threshold at which a vehicle is likely to rollover on a higher‑ friction surface.
The system automatically reduces engine torque and applies the service brakes (based on the projected rollover risk) to reduce the vehicle speed, thereby reducing the tendency to roll over.
A Real World Example Of How Yaw Control Operates:
Excessive speed exceeds the threshold, creating a situation where a vehicle is likely to spin and jackknife.
The Bendix and selectively applies brakes to reduce the tendency to jackknife.
Y aw Control system reduces engine throttle
Bendix® Roll Stability Program (RSP®)
Bendix RSP — an element of the overall Bendix® ESP® system with the EC‑8 0™ Controller — addresses r ollover conditions. In the c ase of a potential roll event, the ECU will override the throttle and quickly apply brake pressure at all wheel ends to slow the vehicle co mbination. The level of braking application during an RS P event will be proportional to roll risk. See Figure 12.
Yaw Stability
Y aw stability counteracts the tendency of a vehicle to spin about its vertic al axis. Dur ing operation — if t he frict ion
between the road surface and the tires is not sufcient
to oppose lateral (side) forces — one or more of the tires can slide, causing the truck/tractor to spin. These events are referred to as either an "under‑steer" situation (where there is a lack of vehicle response to steering input due to tire slide on the steer axle), or an "over‑steer" (where the tractor's rear end slides out due to tire slide on the rear axle) situation. Generally, shorter wheelbase vehicles (tractors, for instance) have less natural yaw stability, while longer wheelbase vehicles (straight trucks, for instance) have
greater natural yaw stability. Factors that inuence yaw
stability are: wheelbase, suspension, steering g eometry, weight distribution front to rear, and vehicle track width.
Yaw Control
Yaw control responds to a wide range of low‑ to high‑ friction sur face scenarios including rollover, jackknife and loss‑of‑control. It is the recommended system for all power vehicles and especially cr itical for trac tors pulling trailers. In the case of vehic le slide (over‑steer or under‑ steer situations), the system will reduce the throttle and then brake one or more of the “four corners” of the vehicle (in addition to potentially applying the trailer brakes) , thus applying a counter‑force to better align the vehicle with an appropriate path of travel.
For example, in an over ‑steer situation, the system applies the “outside” front brake; while in an under‑steer condition, the “inside” rear brake is applied. (See Figure 13)
The Bendix ESP EC-80 Controller may reduce the vehicle speed automatically.
The Bendix® ESP® system can make the vehicle decelerate automatically and can slow the vehicle w ith or wit h o ut the operator
applying the brake — and even when the
throttle is being applied.
T o minimize une xpected deceleration and reduce the risk of a collision, the operator must:
Avoid aggressive driving maneuvers, such as sharp turns or abrupt lane changes at high speeds, which might trigger the stability system; and
Always operate the vehicle safely, drive defensively , anticipate obstacles and pay attention to road,
weather and trafc conditions. Bendix ABS, ATC
and ESP systems are no substitute for prudent, careful driving.
Towing Doubles Or Triples May Reduce The Effectiveness Of Stability Systems
The Bendix ESP syst em wi t h th e EC-80 Con t roll er i s designed and optimized for trucks and for tractors that tow single trailers. If a tractor equipped with Bendix ESP is used to powe r multiple trail er combination s (known as “doubl es” or “trip les”) the eff ectiveness of the Bendi x ESP system may be greatly r educed. Extremely careful driving is always required when towing doubles or triples. Excessive speed and
aggres s i v e ma n e uv e r s — such as sha r p tu r ns , su d den steering inputs, or abrupt lane changes — should be
Limitations Of Stability Systems
The effectiveness of the Bendix ESP system with the EC‑80 Controller may be greatly reduced if:
• The load shifts due to improper retention, accident damage, or the inherently mobile nature of some loads (for example, hanging meat, live animals or partially laden tankers),
The vehicle has an unusually high — or off‑set — center of gravity (CG),
• One side of the vehicle drops off the pavement at an angle that is too large to be counteracted by a reduction in speed,
• The vehicle is used to haul double or triple trailer combinations,
• If very rapid steering changes are attempted at high speeds,
• There are mechanical problems with suspension leveling of the tractor or trailer resulting in uneven loads,
• The vehicle is maneuvering on a high banked road creating either additional side forces due to the weight (mass) of the vehicle, or a deviation between expected & actual yaw rates,
• Gusty winds are strong enough to cause signicant
side forces on the vehicle and any towed vehicles.
To Maximize The Effectiveness Of The Bendix®
System with the EC-80™ Controller:
• Loads must be properly secured at all times.
• Drivers need to exercise extreme caution at all times, plus avoid sharp turns, sudden steering adjustments or abrupt lane changes at high speeds, particularly if:
› the vehicle hauls loads that could shift; › the vehicle or load has a high or off‑set center of
gravity (CG) when loaded; or
› the vehicle tows doubles or triples.
Truck Chassis Modications
If the vehicle’s chassis components are altered (for example, a wheel base extension or reduction; tag axle addition or rem oval; a major body change suc h as conversion of a tractor into a truck; or an axle, suspension,
or steering system component modication) the Bendix
system must be disabled. Have a qualied mechanic
replace the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Co ntr o lle r w it h a B e ndi x®
ATC EC‑80™ Controller and secure the X4 connector (which will no longer be used). The ATC/ESP indicator lamp would continue to function as an A TC indicator lamp, and should be designated as ATC only.
If a modied vehicle does not have the Bendix
ESP® system disabled, serious vehicle braking and performance issues could result, including unnecess ary ESP syst em inter vention s. This can lead to a loss-of-control of the vehicle.
In addition, remove all cab signage (e.g. visor labels, etc.) that were used to show that the Bendix ESP system was installed. Make any necessar y notations in the vehicle manual(s), so that drivers do not misunderstand which ABS options are installed on the vehicle.
Sensor Location Modications
The location and orientation of the Steering Angle Sensor and Y aw Rate Sensor must not be altered. When servicing, an identical component must be used in the same orientation (using OEM brackets & torque requirements). During installation follow the OEM leveling guidelines.
Steering Angle Sensor Re-Calibration
Whenever maintenance or repair work is performed to the steering mechanism, linkage, steering gear, adjustment of the wheel track, or if the steering angle sensor is replaced, a recalibration of the Steering Angle Sensor must be performed.
If the Steering Angle Sensor is not recalibrated, the yaw control system ma y not function properly, which can result in incidents leading to loss of vehicle control. See page 19 of this document for more
details on this procedure.
Bendix ATC and ESP systems must be disabled prior to conducting any dynamometer testing. When the Dynamometer Test Mode is engaged, the Bendix ATC EC‑80 Controller's brake control and engine control — along with drag torque contr ol and Bendix ESP system functions — are disabled. This test mode is used to avoid torque reduction or torque increase and brake control activation when the vehicle is operated on a dynamometer for testing purposes.
The Dynamometer Test Mode may be activated by pressing
and releasing the diagnostic Blink Code Switch ve times
or by using a hand‑held or PC‑based diagnostic tool. During Dynamometer Test Mode the AT C lamp remains ON. Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controllers will remain engaged in
the Dynamometer Test Mode even if power to the ECU is removed and re‑applied. To exit the test mode, press and release the Blink Code S witch three time s, or use a hand‑held or PC‑based diagnostic tool.
The ECU requires a precise rolling circ umference ratio between steer axle and dr ive axle tires in order for the Bendix ABS, ATC, and ESP systems to perform in an optimal manner. For this reason, a continuously monitoring process takes place in which the precise ratio is calculated. This calculated value is stored in the ECU memory provided the following conditions are met:
1. Rolling‑circumference ratio is within the permissible range;
2. Vehicle speed is greater than approximately 12 mph/19 kph;
3. No acceleration or deceleration is taking place; and
4. There are no active speed sensor Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
The ECU is provided with a ratio value of 1.00 as a default setting. If the automatic tire size alignment c alculates a
different value, this is used to overwrite the original gure
in the memor y. This process adapts t he ABS and ATC function to the vehicle.
Acceptable Tire Sizes
The speed calculatio n for an exciter ring with 100 teeth is based on a default tire size of 510 revolutions per mile.
This gure is based on the actual rolling circumference of
the tires, which varies with tire size, tire wear, tire pressure, vehicle loading, etc.
The ABS response sensitivity is reduced when the actual rolling circumference is excessive on all wheels. For a 100 tooth exciter ring, the minimum number of tire revolutions per mile is 376, and the maximum is 665. T he ECU will set a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) if the number of revolutions is out of this range.
In addition, the size of the steer axle tire s compared to the drive axle tires als o has to be within t he A BS system design. To avoid DTCs, the ratio of the effective rolling circumference of the steer a xle, divided by the effective rolling circumference of th e drive axle, must be bet ween
0.85 to 1.15.
Drive Axle/Additional Axle Wheel Speed Sensor DTC
The Bendix ATC and E SP systems are disabled. In a four sensor system, ABS on the affected wheel is disabled, but ABS on all other wheels remains active.
In a six sensor system, ABS remains active by using input from the remaining rear wheel speed sensor on the same side.
ATC Modulator DTC
The Bendix ATC and ESP systems are disabled. ABS remains active.
J1939 Communication DTC
The Bendix ATC and ESP systems are disabled. ABS remains active.
The Bendix ABS, ATC, and ESP systems are disabled. The system reverts to normal braking.
The Bendix® ESP® system with t he EC- 80 Cont roller effectiveness relies on the accuracy of vehicle speed.
If a major ch a n g e on the tire siz e s is ma d e — su c h that
the odometer setting needs to be changed to correct
for the new tires — the Bendix ESP EC-80 Controller's
setting o f tire sizes must al so be reprogramme d to revised values.
Depending on which component the DTC is detected, the Bendix ABS, ATC, and ESP system functions may be fully or partially disabled. Even with the ABS indicator lamp illuminated, the Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller m ay still provide ABS function on wheels that are not affected. The ABS system Controller shoul d be servic ed as soon as possible.
Steer Axle ABS Modulator DTC
ABS on the affected wheel is disabled. ABS and ATC on all other wheels remains active. The Bendix ESP system with the EC‑80 Controller is disabled.
Drive Axle/Additional Axle ABS Modulator DTC
ATC is disabled. ABS on the af fec ted wheel i s disabled. ABS on all other wheels remains active. The Bendix ESP EC‑80 system is disabled.
Steer Axle Wheel Speed Sensor DTC
The wheel with the DTC is still controlled by using input from the remaining wheel speed sensor on the steer axle. ABS remains active on the rear wheels. The Bendix ATC and ESP systems are disabled.
Voltage DTC
While voltage is out of range, Bendix ABS, A TC, and E SP systems are disabled. The system reverts to normal braking. When the co rrect voltage level is restored, full ABS and ATC function is available. The operating voltage range is 9.0 to 17.0 VDC for 12 volt systems, and 20 to 33.5 volts for 24 volt systems.
Steering Angle Sensor DTC
The Bendix ESP system is disabled. Bendix ABS and ATC systems remain active.
Yaw Rate/Lateral Acceleration Sensor DTC
The Bendix ESP system is disabled. Bendix ABS and ATC systems remain active.
Brake Demand Pressure Sensor DTC
The Bendix ESP system is disabled. Bendix ABS and ATC systems remain active.
Load Sensor DTC
The Bendix ESP system is disabled. Bendix ABS and ATC systems remain active.
Steer Axle Traction Control Valve (TCV) DTC
The Bendix ESP system is disabled. Bendix ABS and ATC systems remain active.
Trailer Pressure Modulator Valve (PMV) DTC
The Bendix ESP system is disabled. Bendix ABS and ATC systems remain active.
The Bendix® ESP® EC‑ 80™ Controller is designed to allow the technician to change the default system settings (chosen by the vehicle OEM) to provide additional or customized features.
Depending on the model, the customizable features include ABS control settings, engine module c ommunication etc.
Many of these settings can be recongured using a hand‑
held or PC‑ based sof t ware, such as t he Bendix® ACom® Diagnostic software.
Reconguring a Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller may be
carried out by using the B link Code S witch or by using a hand‑held or PC‑based diagnostic tool.
Note: During the reconfiguration process — and
independently from any reconguration being carried out
by the technician — the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) will automatically check the J1939 serial link and communicate with other vehicle modules. In particular, if the serial link shows that the vehicle has a retarder device present, the
ECU will congure itself to communicate with the retarder
device for improved ABS per formance. For example, if the ECU detects the presence of a retarde r disable r elay
during a reconguration, it will congure itself to control the
relay to disable the retarding device as needed.
Depending on the product type and version, Bendix® brand ECUs may store data related to troubleshooting, diagnostics, service needs, vehicle system operating status, and vehicle operator inputs. No personally identifying data (e.g. name, gender or age) is recorded. Bendix will not acces s stored ECU data or share it with others except: with the consent of the vehicl e owner; in
response to an ofcial request by law enforcement or
other governmental agency; as par t of Bendix’s defense of litigation; or, as otherwise required by law. Data that Bendix receives may also be used for research purposes or made available to others for research purposes, where
a need is shown and the data is not linked to a specic
vehicle or owner. Bendix brand antilock ECUs are not designed to store
data for purposes of acc ident rec onstruc tion and Bendi x ACom Diagnostic Software is not intended to retrieve data for purposes of accident reconstruction. Bendix makes no representations as to the acc uracy of data retrieved and interpreted from Bendix ECUs for purpose s of accident reconstruction.
Reconguration Using the Blink Code Switch
With ignition power removed from the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller, depress the Blink Code Switch. After the ignition power is activated, depress and release the switch
seven (7) times to initiate a reconguration event.
Diagnostic Tool
A reconguration event may be initiated using a hand‑held
or PC‑based diagnostic tool to communicate with the ECU over the SAE J1939 diagnostic link.
6S/5M Conguration
A Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller will congure for 6S/5M operation when a reconguration event is initiated, and the
ECU detects that an additional‑axle Pressure Modulating Valve (PMV) is wired as follows:
PMV Connector ECU Connector
Hold Right Additional Axle Hold Release Left Additional Axle Release Common Right Additional Axle Common
Troubleshooting: General
Read and follow the General Safety Guidelines shown on page two (2) of this document.
1. Turn vehicle ignition off.
2. Remove as much contamination as possible prior to disconnecting electrical connections.
3. Note the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller assembly mounting position on the vehicle.
4. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the Controller.
5. Remove and retain the mounting bolts that secure the Controller.
The VIN of th e vehicle is stored in the Be ndix ESP EC-80 Controller's internal memor y, and is cross­checked by the E lectronic Co ntrol Unit (ECU) using information obtained from other vehicle Controller( s). If the VI N stored i n the ECU doe s not match t he VI N obtained from the other vehicle Controller(s), the ECU will generate an ECU Internal VIN Mismatch Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC).
Accordingl y, d o not attempt to move a Bend ix ESP EC-80 Controller from one vehicle to another.
Should the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller require replacement, certain steps must be followed:
1. Record the vehicle model, VIN, year and date of manufacture from the vehicle.
2. Record the part number of the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller.
3. Provide this information to your local OEM vehicle service department to obtain a new Bendix ESP EC‑80 ECU. The OEM service department will install the same parameter set in the new Controller that was loaded into the original ECU at the vehicle OEM assembly facility .
When replacing the Bendix ESP EC-80 Controller, verif y with the OEM service depart ment that the unit you are installing has the correct parameter set. Failure to do so could re sult in a loss of f eature s or degraded ESP performance.
For further information, contact either the vehicle manufacturer, Bendix, or your local authorized Bendix distributor.
1. Position and secure the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller in the original mounting orientation using the mounting bolts retained during removal. Use no more torque than
is necessary to rmly secure the ECU into position.
Over‑tightening the mounting hardware can cause damage to the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller.
2. Reconnect the electrical connectors to the Bendix EC‑80 Controller.
3. Apply power and monitor the Bendix ESP EC‑80 Controller power‑up sequence to Verify the proper system operation.
See Troubleshooting: Wiring section beginning on page 45 for more information on wire harnesses.
The Bendix ESP system with the EC-80 Controller is
validated with specic Bendix
Always use Bendix brand replacement parts to prevent compromising system performance. Bendix is not a ble t o validat e th e safe an d relia ble use of substitute or alternate components that may be available f rom other ma nufactu rers, since supplier s of a non-Ben dix brand ABS com ponent may implement design changes in their component (without the knowledge or approval of Bendix) which could negatively af fect antilock system reliabilit y and braking performance issues.
brand components.
Service Checks:
1. Check all wiring and connectors. Some installations also include an intermediate connector from the steering angle sensor to the main vehicle wire harness. Make sure all connections are free from visible damage.
2. Examine the sensor. Make sure the sensor, its mounting screws, and the interface between the hub and the steering column are not damaged.
The Bendix in conjunction with a Bendix® ESP® EC‑80™ Controller. No independent diagnostics can be performed on the sensor.
See pages 38-39 for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) associated with this device.
1. Remove steering column sheathing.
2. Depending upon manufacturer, the steering angle sensor could be located either near the steering wheel, necessitating the removal of the steering wheel, or near the joint to the vehicle steering mechanism, necessitating the disconnection of this linkage.
3. Unplug sensor cable assembly from body of sensor. Squeeze the mounting tabs and pull gently on the connector until it disengages.
4. Unscrew all three of the mounting screws that hold the body of the sensor to the steering column body.
5. Slide the sensor over the column to remove. Take note if the sensor label is facing upward or downward.
1. Obt ain a new senso r. The sensor is not repairable in
the eld.
2. Slide the sensor over the column. The center hub of the sensor must be aligned with the c o r re sp onding n otch in the column. Dif ferent column manufacturers may implement this hub alignment in dif ferent ways. The sensor label should be facing in the same direction as the removed sensor.
brand steering angle sensor is only operational
3. Assemble to column non‑moving plate with three self‑ locking screws.
4. Tighten screws to steering column manufacturer's
recommended torque specication.
5. Reconnect the connector. Ensure that there will be no force applied to the sensor be cause the c onnec tor is pulling on the sensor body.
6. If the wire harness leading to the sensor is being replaced, ensure that it is adequately tie wrapped so that the full motion of the steer ing column can b e achieved without pulling apart the connectors.
7. Reinstall the column sheathing. The sensor is not protected against dirt or water intrusion, so care must be taken not to introduce these elements during installation.
The steering angle sensor calibration can only be achieved when the sensor is powered by the Bendix ESP EC‑ 80 Controller. No stand‑alone sensor calibration can be carried out. The calibration procedure is performed using Bendix® ACom® Diagnostic software V6.7. 2.5 or higher. See “Troubleshooting Diagnostic Trouble Codes:
Steering Angle Sensor (Bendix® SAS-60™)” for the calibration procedure using this tool. The sensor must be
recalibrated using ACom Diagnostic Software after any of these situations:
• Replacement of the steering angle sensor;
• Any opening of the connector hub from the steering angle
sensor to the column;
• Any maintenance or repair work on the steering linkage,
steering gear or other related mechanism;
• Adjustment of the wheel alignment or wheel track; or
• Af ter an accident that may have led to damage of the
steering angle sensor or assembly
If the steering angle sensor is not properly recalibrated as needed, the yaw control system may not funct io n p roperly, which can re sul t in a l o ss o f vehicle control.
Different generations of yaw rate/lateral acceleration sensors are not compatible. Only replace these sensors with exactly the same device.
Service Checks:
1. Check all wiring and connectors. Make sure all connections are free from visible damage.
2. Examine the sensor. Make sure the sensor, its mounting bolts, and the mounting bracket are not damaged.
3. Check t he vent hole in under body of sens or housing. The vent hole should remain free from paint and debris at all times.
The yaw rate sensor is only operational in conjunction with a Bendix® ABS, ATC or ESP® system with the EC‑80 Controller. No independent d iagnostics can be performed on the sensor. See pages 40-41 for Diagnostic Trouble
Codes associated with this device.
1. Unplug the sensor cable assembly from body of sensor. The connector must be t wisted and pulled gently to release.
2. In some mounting congurations, the sensor can be
removed independently from its mounting bracket. Otherwise, remove entire assembly, then remove sensor from bracket.
3. Take note of the direction in which th e connector is pointed.
1. Obt ain a new senso r. The sensor is not repairable in
the eld.
The location of the Yaw Rate Sensor on the vehicle, the means o f fa ste ning t he un it to t he vehi cle , and the sensor's orien t at io n, M UST NOT BE A LTERED. When ser vicing, an ident ical component mu st be used in the sa me or ien tat ion (using OE M brac kets & torque requirements). During installation, follow the OE M leveling guidelin es. If any of the se requirements are not followed, the Bendix ESP system may not function properly, which can result in incidents leading to loss of vehicle control.
2. Assembly yaw rate sensor housing to mounting bracket. The bracket must be the same design as used on the
original vehicle conguration.
3. For Bendix® YAS‑60™ Yaw Rate Sensors, the correct
fasteners are three M8 size bolts, and the xing torque
should be 20 Nm (±2 Nm). For Bendix® Y AS‑70X™ Yaw Rate Sensors, the correct fasteners are two M10 size bolts (1.5 mm pitch angle), or OEM‑supplied hardware,
and the xing torque should be 46 Nm (±9 Nm). Note
that the Bendix YAS‑70X sensor has two alternate designs, one with an aligning post — see the kit instruction sheet for more information. In all cases, the connector should be facing in the same direction as the removed sensor. The unit must not be installed upside‑down where there is a pressure‑balancing hole.
4. The sensor should be as level as possible and parallel to the road surface when installed on the vehicle.
5. Reconnect the connector. Ensure that there will be no force applied to the sensor be cause the c onnec tor is pulling on the sensor body.
When removing o r installing the sensor, care must be used to prevent damage. Do not strike or pr y the sensor. Do not use an imp act tool to in stall th e mounting hardware.
Sensor Location Modications
The location and orientation of the Yaw Rate Sensor must not be altered. When servi cing, an identical c omponent must be used in the same orientation (using OEM brackets & torque requirements). During installation follow the OEM leveling guidelines.
Yaw Rate Sensor Calibration:
The yaw rate sensor calibration can only be achieved via the Bendix ESP system with the EC‑ 80 Controller. The sensor must be recalibrated after any of these situations:
• Replacement of the sensor
• Af ter an accident that may have led to damage of the
yaw rate sensor
The calibration procedure is performed using Bendix ACom® Diagnostic Software V6.7.2.5 or higher.
See “Troubleshooting Diagnostic Trouble Codes: Y aw Rate Sensor” for the calibration procedure.
Calibration must be performed under the following conditions:
• After servicing any pressure sensor related Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)
• Replacement of any sensor
The calibration procedure is performed using Bendix® ACom® Diagnostic Software V6.7.2.5 (or higher).
See “Troubleshooting Diagnostic Trouble Codes: Brake Demand Sensor/Load Sensor” for the calibration procedure.
Service Checks:
1. Check all wiring and connectors. Make sure all connections are free from visible damage.
2. Examine the sensor. Make sure the sensor and its interface to the pressure location are not damaged.
See the test diagram supplied by the Bendix ACom Diagnostic Software. The pressure sensor can be
independently diagnosed when supplied with a ve volt
voltage supply to the B location and ground to the A location shown in the test diagram. Signal output on the C location shoul d read approximately 0.5V if t here is no pressure applied. The signal outp ut should increase proport ionately as pres sure is applie d, up to a maximum of 4.5V at 150 psi.
1. Unp lug sensor cable assembly f rom body of sensor. Pull gently on the mounting tab and co nnector until it disengages.
2. Remove sensor from its pressure mounting using
approved air brake push in tting tools.
1. Obt ain a new senso r. The sensor is not repairable in
the eld.
2. Insert sensor into pressure tting using approved tools.
3. Reconnect the connector. Ensure that there will be no force applied to the sensor be cause the c onnec tor is pulling on the sensor body.
4. If the wire harness leading to the sensor is being replaced, ensure that it is adequately tie wrapped.
Pressure Sensor Calibration:
There is no need for pressure se nsor calibr ation as long as the part replaced is identical to the part removed and a component approved for use with the Bendix® ESP® system with EC‑80™ Controllers. However, replacement of brake demand sensors or clearing of demand pressure sensor related DTCs require the following:
1. Use Bendix ACom Diagnostic Sof tware V6.7.2.5 (or higher) to clear the active pressure sensor DTC.
2. Carrying out the demand pressure sensor initialization procedure which involves applying ser vice brakes of 90 psi or greater for three (3) seconds (while stationary).
Once this procedure is carried out successfully, if there are no other active DTCs, the A T C/ESP indicator lamp will no longer be illuminated.
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