Beckhoff IL230x-B110 User Manual

Documentation | EN
Fieldbus Box for EtherCAT
2017-05-29 | Version: 1.0.3

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................5
2 Basics .........................................................................................................................................................8
2.2 CoE Interface...................................................................................................................................11
2.3 EtherCAT State Machine.................................................................................................................13
3 Product overview.....................................................................................................................................15
3.1 The Fieldbus Box System................................................................................................................15
3.2 Fieldbus Box - Naming conventions ................................................................................................17
3.3 Firmware and hardware issue status...............................................................................................19
3.4 Technical data .................................................................................................................................20
4 Mounting and wiring................................................................................................................................21
4.1 Dimensions......................................................................................................................................21
4.2 EtherCAT connection ......................................................................................................................23
5 Parameterizning and commissioning....................................................................................................25
5.1 Start-up behavior of the Fieldbus Box .............................................................................................25
6 Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................26
6.1 TwinCAT System Manager..............................................................................................................26
6.1.1 Configuration overview .................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Objects ............................................................................................................................................36
6.2.1 Object description ............................................................................................................ 36
6.3 Configuration of the complex modules ............................................................................................51
6.3.1 General Register Description........................................................................................... 51
6.3.2 Example for Register Communication ............................................................................. 54
6.4 ADS communication ........................................................................................................................57
6.4.1 Parameterization example with KS2000.......................................................................... 57
7 Error handling and diagnosis.................................................................................................................61
7.1 Diagnostic LEDs - Overview............................................................................................................61
7.2 Diagnostic LEDs ..............................................................................................................................62
7.3 Diagnostic LEDs for local errors ......................................................................................................65
7.4 Check of the IP-Link connection......................................................................................................67
8 Accessories .............................................................................................................................................70
8.1 Fieldbus Box accessories................................................................................................................70
8.2 Power cables ...................................................................................................................................71
9 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................72
9.1 General operating conditions...........................................................................................................72
9.2 Approvals.........................................................................................................................................73
9.3 Test standards for device testing.....................................................................................................73
9.4 Support and Service ........................................................................................................................74
IL230x-B110 3Version: 1.0.3
Table of contents
IL230x-B1104 Version: 1.0.3

1 Foreword

1.1 Notes on the documentation

Intended audience
This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who are familiar with the applicable national standards. It is essential that the documentation and the following notes and explanations are followed when installing and commissioning these components. It is the duty of the technical personnel to use the documentation published at the respective time of each installation and commissioning.
The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under development.
We reserve the right to revise and change the documentation at any time and without prior announcement.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, EtherCATG®, EtherCATG10®, EtherCATP®, SafetyoverEtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC®, XTS® and XPlanar® are registered trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and patents: EP1590927, EP1789857, EP1456722, EP2137893, DE102015105702 with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
IL230x-B110 5Version: 1.0.3

1.2 Safety instructions

Safety regulations
Please note the following safety instructions and explanations! Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring, commissioning etc.
Exclusion of liability
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.
Personnel qualification
This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are familiar with the applicable national standards.
Description of instructions
In this documentation the following instructions are used. These instructions must be read carefully and followed without fail!
Serious risk of injury!
Failure to follow this safety instruction directly endangers the life and health of persons.
Risk of injury!
Failure to follow this safety instruction endangers the life and health of persons.
Personal injuries!
Failure to follow this safety instruction can lead to injuries to persons.
Damage to environment/equipment or data loss
Failure to follow this instruction can lead to environmental damage, equipment damage or data loss.
Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.
IL230x-B1106 Version: 1.0.3

1.3 Documentation issue status

Version Comment
1.0.3 • Translation of chapter Diagnostic LEDs for EtherCAT corrected
1.0.2 • System overview updated
• Description of CoE Interface updated
1.0.1 • EtherCAT connection updated
1.0 • First release

1.4 Bus Coupler as a general term

Parts of this manual give general information about Ethernet implementation in Beckhoff products. Thus in the following often the term Bus Coupler is used, that describes not only the IP20 products, but also means the IP67 modules.
IL230x-B110 7Version: 1.0.3

2 Basics

2.1 System Properties

The EtherCAT protocol is optimized for process data and is transported directly within the Ethernet frame thanks to a special Ether-type. It may consist of several sub-telegrams, each serving a particular memory area of the logical process images that can be up to 4 gigabytes in size. The data sequence is independent of the physical order of the Ethernet terminals in the network; addressing can be in any order. Broadcast, Multicast and communication between slaves are possible. Transfer directly in the Ethernet frame is used in cases where EtherCAT components are operated in the same subnet as the control computer.
However, EtherCAT applications are not limited to a subnet: EtherCAT UDP packs the EtherCAT protocol into UDP/IP datagrams. This enables any control with Ethernet protocol stack to address EtherCAT systems. Even communication across routers into other subnets is possible. In this variant, system performance obviously depends on the real-time characteristics of the control and its Ethernet protocol implementation. The response times of the EtherCAT network itself are hardly restricted at all: the UDP datagram only has to be unpacked in the first station.
Protocol structure: The process image allocation is freely configurable. Data are copied directly in the I/O terminal to the desired location within the process image: no additional mapping is required. The available logical address space is with very large (4 GB).
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Line, tree or star: EtherCAT supports almost any topology. The bus or line structure known from the fieldbusses thus also becomes available for Ethernet. Particularly useful for system wiring is the combination of line and branches or stubs. The required interfaces exist on the couplers; no additional switches are required. Naturally, the classic switch-based Ethernet star topology can also be used.
Maximum wiring flexibility: with or without switch, line or tree topologies, can be freely selected and combined. The complete bandwidth of the Ethernet network - such as different optical fibers and copper cables - can be used in combination with switches or media converters.
Distributed Clocks
Accurate synchronization is particularly important in cases where spatially distributed processes require simultaneous actions. This may be the case, for example, in applications where several servo axes carry out coordinated movements simultaneously.
The most powerful approach for synchronization is the accurate alignment of distributed clocks, as described in the new IEEE 1588 standard. In contrast to fully synchronous communication, where synchronization quality suffers immediately in the event of a communication fault, distributed aligned clocks have a high degree of tolerance vis-à-vis possible fault-related delays within the communication system.
With EtherCAT, the data exchange is fully based on a pure hardware machine. Since the communication utilizes a logical (and thanks to full-duplex Fast Ethernet also physical) ring structure, the mother clock can determine the run-time offset to the individual daughter clocks simply and accurately - and vice versa. The distributed clocks are adjusted based on this value, which means that a very precise network-wide timebase with a jitter of significantly less then 1 microsecond is available.
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However, high-resolution distributed clocks are not only used for synchronization, but can also provide accurate information about the local timing of the data acquisition. For example, controls frequently calculate velocities from sequentially measured positions. Particularly with very short sampling times, even a small temporal jitter in the displacement measurement leads to large step changes in velocity. With EtherCAT new, extended data types are introduced as a logical extension (time stamp and oversampling data type). The local time is linked to the measured value with a resolution of up to 10 ns, which is made possible by the large bandwidth offered by Ethernet. The accuracy of a velocity calculation then no longer depends on the jitter of the communication system. It is orders of magnitude better than that of measuring techniques based on jitter-free communication.
EtherCAT reaches new dimensions in network performance. Protocol processing is purely hardware-based through an FMMU chip in the terminal and DMA access to the network card of the master. It is thus independent of protocol stack run-times, CPU performance and software implementation. The update time for 1000 I/Os is only 30 µs - including terminal cycle time. Up to 1486 bytes of process data can be exchanged with a single Ethernet frame - this is equivalent to almost 12000 digital inputs and outputs. The transfer of this data quantity only takes 300 µs.
The communication with 100 servo axes only takes 100 µs. During this time, all axes are provided with set values and control data and report their actual position and status. Distributed clocks enable the axes to be synchronised with a deviation of significantly less than 1 microsecond.
The extremely high performance of the EtherCAT technology enables control concepts that could not be realized with classic fieldbus systems. For example, the Ethernet system can now not only deal with velocity control, but also with the current control of distributed drives. The tremendous bandwidth enables status information to be transferred with each data item. With EtherCAT, a communication technology is available that matches the superior computing capacity of modern Industrial PCs. The bus system is no longer the bottleneck of the control concept. Distributed I/Os are recorded faster than is possible with most local I/O interfaces. The EtherCAT technology principle is scalable and not bound to the baud rate of 100 MBaud – extension to GBit Ethernet is possible.
Experience with fieldbus systems shows that availability and commissioning times crucially depend on the diagnostic capability. Only faults that are detected quickly and accurately and which can be precisely located can be corrected quickly. Therefore, special attention was paid to exemplary diagnostic features during the development of EtherCAT.
During commissioning, the actual configuration of the I/O terminals should be checked for consistency with the specified configuration. The topology should also match the saved configuration. Due to the built-in topology recognition down to the individual terminals, this verification can not only take place during system start-up, automatic reading in of the network is also possible (configuration upload).
Bit faults during the transfer are reliably detected through evaluation of the CRC checksum: The 32 bit CRC polynomial has a minimum hamming distance of 4. Apart from breaking point detection and localization, the protocol, physical transfer behavior and topology of the EtherCAT system enable individual quality monitoring of each individual transmission segment. The automatic evaluation of the associated error counters enables precise localization of critical network sections. Gradual or changing sources of error such as EMC influences, defective push-in connectors or cable damage are detected and located, even if they do not yet overstrain the self-healing capacity of the network.
Integration of standard Bus Terminals from Beckhoff
In addition to the new Bus Terminals with E-Bus connection (ELxxxx), all Bus Terminals from the familiar standard range with K-Bus connection (KLxxxx) can be connected via the BK1120 or BK1250 Bus Coupler. This ensures compatibility and continuity with the existing Beckhoff Bus Terminal systems. Existing investments are protected.
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2.2 CoE Interface

Object directory
All EtherCAT slaves supporting the CoE interface have an object directory containing all parameter, diagnostic, process or other data that can be read or written via EtherCAT.
The object directory can be read via the SDO information service. It is included in the device description file. All EtherCAT slaves should support the SDO information service at least to such an extent that the compact object description of each object can be read (from index 0x1000). This object description contains the data type, the length, the access rights and information as to whether the object can be mapped in a PDO (and therefore can be used as process data).
Start-Up list
The Start-up list describes the interrelationship between EtherCAT state machine, process data mapping and device parameter settings during start-up of EtherCAT network.
Restoring the delivery state
Restoring the delivery state To restore the delivery state for backup objects in ELxxxx terminals, the CoE object "Restore default parameters", SubIndex001 can be selected in the TwinCAT System Manager (Config mode) (see Fig. 1)
Fig. 1 Selecting the "Restore default parameters" PDO
Double-click on SubIndex 001 to enter the Set Value dialog. Enter the value 1684107116 in field "Dec" or the value 0x64616F6C in field "Hex" and confirm with OK (Fig. 2). All backup objects are reset to the delivery state.
IL230x-B110 11Version: 1.0.3
Fig. 2 Entering a restore value in the Set Value dialog
Alternative restore value
In some older terminals the backup objects can be switched with an alternative restore value: Deci­mal value: "1819238756" Hexadecimal value: "0x6C6F6164" An incorrect entry for the restore value has no effect.
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2.3 EtherCAT State Machine

The state of the EtherCAT slave is controlled via the EtherCAT State Machine (ESM). Depending upon the state, different functions are accessible or executable in the EtherCAT slave. Specific commands must be sent by the EtherCAT master to the device in each state, particularly during the bootup of the slave.
A distinction is made between the following states:
• Init
• Pre-Operational
• Safe-Operational and
• Operational
• Boot
The regular state of each EtherCAT slave after bootup is the OP state.
After switch-on the EtherCAT slave in the Init state. No mailbox or process data communication is possible. The EtherCAT master initializes sync manager channels 0 and 1 for mailbox communication.
Pre-Operational (Pre-Op)
During the transition between Init and Pre-Op the EtherCAT slave checks whether the mailbox was initialized correctly.
In Pre-Op state mailbox communication is possible, but not process data communication. The EtherCAT master initializes the sync manager channels for process data (from sync manager channel 2), the FMMU channels and, if the slave supports configurable mapping, PDO mapping or the sync manager PDO assignment. In this state the settings for the process data transfer and perhaps terminal-specific parameters that may differ from the default settings are also transferred.
Safe-Operational (Safe-Op)
During transition between Pre-Op and Safe-Op the EtherCAT slave checks whether the sync manager channels for process data communication and, if required, the distributed clocks settings are correct. Before it acknowledges the change of state, the EtherCAT slave copies current input data into the associated DP­RAM areas of the EtherCAT slave controller (ECSC).
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In Safe-Op state mailbox and process data communication is possible, although the slave keeps its outputs in a safe state, while the input data are updated cyclically.
Outputs in SAFEOP state
The default set watchdog monitoringremoved link: watchdog monitoring sets the outputs of the module in a safe state - depending on the settings in SAFEOP and OP - e.g. in OFF state. If this is prevented by deactivation of the watchdog monitoring in the module, the outputs can be switched or set also in the SAFEOP state.
Operational (Op)
Before the EtherCAT master switches the EtherCAT slave from Safe-Op to Op it must transfer valid output data.
In the Op state the slave copies the output data of the masters to its outputs. Process data and mailbox communication is possible.
In the Boot state the slave firmware can be updated. The Boot state can only be reached via the Init state.
In the Boot state mailbox communication via the file access over EtherCAT (FoE) protocol is possible, but no other mailbox communication and no process data communication.
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Product overview

3 Product overview

3.1 The Fieldbus Box System

Fieldbus box modules are robust fieldbus stations for a large number of different fieldbus systems. They offer a wide range of I/O functionality. All relevant industrial signals are supported. As well as digital and analog inputs and outputs including thermocouple and RTD inputs, there are also incremental encoder interfaces available for displacement and angle measurement as well as serial interfaces to solve a large number of communications tasks.
Three varieties of signal connection
The digital inputs and outputs can be connected with snap-on 8mm diameter plugs, screw-in M8 connectors, or with screw-in M12 pendants. The M12 version is provided for analog signals.
All important signal types
Special input and output channels on the combination I/O modules can be used for either input or output. It is not necessary to configure them, since the fieldbus interface is available for every combination channel as well as for input and output data. The combination modules give the user all of the advantages of fine signal granularity.
The processor logic, the input circuitry and the power supply for the sensor are all fed from the control voltage. The load voltage for the outputs can be supplied separately. In those Fieldbus Boxes in which only inputs are available, the load power supply, UP, can optionally be connected in order to pass it on downstream.
The states of the Fieldbus Box, the fieldbus connection, the power supplies and of the signals are indicated by LEDs.
The label strips can be machine printed elsewhere, and then inserted.
Fieldbus Boxes can be combined for greater flexibility
In addition to the Compact Box, the Fieldbus Box series also includes extendable devices, namely the Coupler Box and the Extension Box, as well as intelligent devices, the PLC Boxes.
Compact Box
The Compact Box makes the I/O data from the connected digital and analog sensors and actuators available to the fieldbus.
Coupler Box
The Coupler Box also collects I/O data from the Extension Boxes via an interference-proof optical fiber connection (IP-Link). Up to 120 Extension Boxes can be connected to a Coupler Box. In this way a distributed IP67 I/O network is formed with only one fieldbus interface.
The Coupler Box is capable of automatically recognizing the extension modules connected to it during start­up, and maps the I/O data automatically into the fieldbus process image – a configuration is not necessary. The Coupler Box appears, from the fieldbus point of view, along with all of the networked Extension Boxes, as a single participating bus device with a corresponding number of I/O signals.
The Coupler Box corresponds to the Bus Coupler in the BECKHOFF Bus Terminal system. BECKHOFF fieldbus devices made to protection class IP 20 (Bus Terminals) and IP 67 (Fieldbus Box) can be combined without difficulty – the data is handled in the same way in either case.
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Product overview
The IP-Link is an optical fiber connection with a transmission rate of 2 MBits/s which is capable of transmitting 1000 items of binary I/O data in approx. 1 ms, rapidly and securely. Smaller configurations are correspondingly faster. Because of the high usable data rate, the coupling via IP-Link does not reduce the performance of the fieldbus at all.
Low-priced plug connectors made according to Protection Class IP67 can be used for the rapid and simple preparation of the IP-Link cable, in situ. The connection does not require special tools, and can be performed quickly and simply. The IP-Link cables can also be obtained with prepared plugs if required.
The separate supply of the output voltage allows output groups to be switched off individually. Differing potentials can also be created within an extension ring without difficulty, since the IP-Link naturally has optimum electrical isolation.
Extension box
Like the Compact Boxes, the Extension Boxes cover the full spectrum of I/O signals, and may be up to 15m apart. They are remarkably small in size, and lead to particularly economical I/O solutions with high levels of protection. Here again, the digital inputs and outputs may optionally be connected via snap-on 8 mm connectors, or via screw-in connectors (M8 and M12). Analog signal types are provided with the M12 version. The snap-on connectors lock in place positively, forming a shake-proof connection, while the screw­in connectors offer the advantage of high resistance to being pulled out.
The PLC Box is an intelligent Fieldbus Box with PLC functionality for distributed pre-processing of the I/O signals. This allows parts of the application to be farmed out from the central controller. This reduces the load on the CPU and the fieldbus. Distributed counting, controlling and switching are typical applications for the PLC Box. The reaction times are independent of the bus communication and of the higher-level controller.
In the event of a bus or controller failure, maintenance of function (e.g. bringing the process to a safe state in an orderly manner) is possible.
Programming is carried out with TwinCAT in accordance with IEC 61131-3. Five different programming languages are available:
• Instruction List (IL)
• Function Block Diagram (FBD)
• Ladder Diagram (LD)
• Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
• Structured Text (ST)
The program download occurs either via the fieldbus or via the programming interface.
Extensive debugging functions (breakpoint, single step, monitoring, etc) are also available. The PLC Box contains a powerful 16 bit controller, 32/96 kByte program memory and 32/64 kByte data memory. A further 512 bytes of non-volatile memory are available for remanent flags.
PLC Box with IP-Link
The programmable PLC Box with IP-Link provides almost unlimited I/O possibilities. Up to 120 extension modules, with more than 2000 I/Os, can be directly addressed from the PLC program. The PLC Box is thus also suitable for use as a small, autonomous controller for the operation of parts of equipment or small machines.
IL230x-B11016 Version: 1.0.3

3.2 Fieldbus Box - Naming conventions

The identifications of the Fieldbus Box modules are to be understood as follows: IXxxxy-zyyy
IX describes the design:
"IP" stands for the CompactBox design [}18] "IL" stands for the CouplerBox design (with IP-Link) [}18] "IE" stands for the ExtensionBox design [}18]
xxxy describes the I/O connection:
xxx describes the I/O property: "10x" - 8 x digital inputs "15x" - counter module "20x" - 8 x digital outputs "25x" - PWM module "23x" - 4 x digital inputs and 4 x digital outputs "24x" - 8 x digital inputs and 8 x digital outputs "3xx" - 4 x analog inputs "4xx" - 4 x analog outputs "5xx" - incremental encoder or SSI transducer "6xx" - Gateway module for RS232, RS422, RS485, TTY
Product overview
y represents the mechanical connection: "0" stands for 8mm snap-on connection, "1" stands for M8 bolted connection "2" stands for M12 bolted connection and "9" stands for M23 bolted connection
zyyy describes the programmability and the fieldbus system
z distinguishes whether the device is a slave or is a programmable slave:
"B" - not programmable "C" - programmable (PLC Box)
"yyy" stands for the fieldbus system and the bus connection: "110" - EtherCAT "200" - Lightbus "310" - PROFIBUS "318" - PROFIBUS with integrated tee-connector "400" - Interbus "510" - CANopen "518" - CANopen with integrated tee-connector "520" - DeviceNet "528" - DeviceNet with integrated tee-connector "730" - Modbus "800" - RS485 "810" - RS232 "900" - Ethernet TCP/IP with RJ45 for the bus connection "901" - Ethernet TCP/IP with M12 for the bus connection "903" - PROFINET "905" - EtherNet/IP
IL230x-B110 17Version: 1.0.3
Product overview
Compact Box
Compact Box
The Compact Box modules offer a wide range of I/O functionality. All relevant industrial signals are supported. The digital inputs and outputs can be connected either with snap-on 8mm diameter plugs, screw­in M8 connectors, or screw-in M12 connectors. The M12 version is made available for analog signals.
Depending on the module, the I/O section and the power supply section can differ.
Coupler Box
Coupler Box
There are three versions of the coupler box named IL230x-Bxxx. It differs from the compact box in that this module offers an interface to what are known as extension boxes. This interface is a subsidiary bus system based on the optical fiber what is known as IPLink. This powerful subsidiary bus system can handle up to 120 extension boxes at one coupler box.
Extension Box
Extension Box
Extension Modules, that are independent of the fieldbus and that can only be operated together with a coupler box via IPLink.
A PLC Box differ from the Coupler Box in that this module can be programmed in IEC 61131-3. This means that this slave is also capable of working autonomously, without a master, for instance for control or regulation tasks.
Also see about this
2 Fieldbus Box - Naming conventions [}18]
IL230x-B11018 Version: 1.0.3
Product overview

3.3 Firmware and hardware issue status

The documentation refers to the hardware and software status that was valid at the time it was prepared. The properties are subject to continuous development and improvement. Modules having earlier production statuses cannot have the same properties as modules with the latest status. Existing properties, however, are always retained and are not changed, so that these modules can always be replaced by new ones. The number beginning with a D allows you to recognize the firmware and hardware status of a module.
ww - calendar week yy - year x - bus board firmware status y - bus board hardware status z - I/O board firmware status u - I/O board hardware status
- Calendar week 22
- in the year 2008
- bus board firmware status: 1
- bus board firmware hardware status: 5
- I/O board firmware status: 0 (no firmware is necessary for this board)
- I/O board hardware status: 1
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Product overview

3.4 Technical data

Technical data IL230x-B110
Extension modules (IL....) max. 32 (until firmware version B0)
max. 78 (from firmware version B1) Number of bytes, fieldbus max. 512bytes Input and max. 512bytes output
Digital peripheral signals (IL....) max. 624inputs and max. 624outputs
Analog peripheral signals (IL....) max. 128inputs and max. 128outputs
Data transfer medium 4 x 2 twisted pair copper cable; category 5 (100
Mbaud) Baud rate 100 Mbaud Distance between modules 100 m Configuration KS2000 configuration software, TwinCAT System
Manager or via EtherCAT (ADS) Protocols EtherCAT (Direct Mode) Power supply Control voltage: 24VDC (-15%/+20%); load voltage:
According to I/O type Control voltage current consumption According to I/O type + current consumption of
sensors, max. 0.5 A Load voltage current consumption According to I/O type Power supply connection Feed: 1 x M8 plug, 4-pin
Onward connection: 1 x M8 socket, 4-pin (except IP/
IE204x) Fieldbus connection 2 x M12 d-coded, socket Electrical isolation Channels/control voltage: no
between the channels: no
Control voltage/fieldbus: yes Operating temperature 0°C... +55°C Storage temperature -25°C... +85°C Vibration / shock resistance conforms to EN60068-2-6/ EN60068-2-27,
EN60068-2-29 EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN61000-6-2 (EN50082)/
EN61000-6-4 (EN50081) Protection class IP 65/66/67 (conforms to EN 60529) Installation position any Approvals CE, UL E172151
Further documentation
Detailed technical data for all available I/O variants can be found under Signal variants, Installation, I/O module configuration on Products & Solutions CD from Beckhoff or on the Internet (http:// under Download/Fieldbus Box.
IL230x-B11020 Version: 1.0.3

4 Mounting and wiring

4.1 Dimensions

Mounting and wiring
All dimensions are given in millimeters.
Technical data Fieldbus Box
Material PA6 (polyamide), casting compound: polyurethane Assembly 2 x fixing holes for M3 Metal parts Brass, nickel-plated Contacts CuZn, gold-plated Vibration / shock resistance according to EN60068-2-6/ EN60068-2-27,
EN60068-2-29 EMC resistance burst / ESD according to EN61000-6-2 (EN50082)/
EN61000-6-4 (EN50081) Permissible ambient temperature during operation 0... 55°C Permissible ambient temperature during storage -25 ... + 85°C Installation position any Type of protection IP65/66/67 when screwed together Approvals CE, UL E172151
IL230x-B110 21Version: 1.0.3
Mounting and wiring
IPxxxx-Bxx8, IL230x-Bxx8, IL230x-B110, IXxxxx-B400, IXxxxx-B90x, IXxxxx-C900
Technical data Compact and Coupler Box with integrated tee
Dimensions (Hx WxD) ca. 210 x30x26,5mm (height to upper edge of
fieldbus socket: 30 mm) Weight ca. 260g-290g, depending on module type
IPxxxx-Bxx0, IL230x-Bxx0, IL230x-Cxx0
Technical data Compact and Coupler Box
Dimensions (Hx WxD) Approx. 175 x 30 x 26.5 mm (height to upper edge of
fieldbus socket: 30 mm, with T- connector
ZS1031-2600 height approx. 65 mm) Weight Approx. 250 g - 280 g, depending on module type
Technical data Extension box
Dimensions (Hx WxD) Approx. 126 x 30 x 26.5 mm Weight Approx. 120 g - 200 g, depending on module type
IL230x-B11022 Version: 1.0.3
Mounting and wiring

4.2 EtherCAT connection

The EtherCAT connection is established via two d-coded M12 sockets (one for the EtherCAT input, one for the output).
The cable length between two EtherCAT devices must not exceed 100 m.
Cables and connectors
For connecting EtherCAT devices only Ethernet cables that meet the requirements of at least category 5 (CAt5) according to EN 50173 or ISO/IEC 11801 should be used. EtherCAT uses 4 wires for signal transfer.
The following cables and connectors are suitable for application in EtherCAT systems:
Name Comment
ZB9010 EtherCAT cable, fixed installation, CAT 5e, 4-core ZB9020 EtherCAT cable, suitable for drag chain applications
CAT 5e, 4-core ZS1090-0004 M12 connector, 4-pin, IP67, field-configurable ZK1090-6161-0005 EtherCAT cable, ready-made, M12 connector - M12
connector, 0.5 m length ZK1090-6161-0010 EtherCAT cable, ready-made, M12 connector - M12
connector, 1.0m length ZK1090-6161-0020 EtherCAT cable, ready-made, M12 connector - M12
connector, 2.0m length ZK1090-6161-0025 EtherCAT cable, ready-made, M12 connector - M12
connector, 2.5m length ZK1090-6161-0050 EtherCAT cable, ready-made, M12 connector - M12
connector, 5.0m length ZK1090-6161-0100 EtherCAT cable, ready-made, M12 connector - M12
connector, 10m length ZK1090-6292-0005 EtherCAT cable, female M12 connector - RJ45, 0.5
m length ZK1090-6292-0020 EtherCAT cable, female M12 connector - RJ45, 2.0
m length
Data sheets
There are different standards for assignment and colors at plugs and cables for Ethernet/EtherCAT. Please take assignment and colors of Beckhoff cables from the according data sheets.
Pin assignment of the M12 plug (d-coded)
IL230x-B110 23Version: 1.0.3
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