Industrial Input/Output System
Optical fiber installation instructions
Version: 3.2
Date: 2005-09-15

Optical fibre installation instructions 2
Eiserstr. 5, D-33415 Verl, Germany, Phone +495246/963-0, Fax +495246/963-149
Table of Content
1. Laying instructions for optical-fiber cable 3
Polymer fiber 3
Glass fiber 3
2. Assembly instructions for the connector Z1000 4
Assembled view 4
1. Prepare cable ends 4
2. Assemble connectors 4
3. Abrade fiber to final dimension 4
4. Check fiber ends 4
3. Assembly instructions for the IP65 circular connector
Z1002 6
Exploded view of connector parts 6
1. Prepare cable ends 6
2. Pre-assemble cable grip 6
3. Assemble guide pin 6
4. Abrade fiber to final dimension 6
5. Check fiber ends 7
6. Assemble connector body 7
4. Assembly instructions for IP65 fitted socket Z1022 8
Exploded view of socket parts 8
1. Prepare cable ends 8
2. Assemble screw fitting and guide pin 8
3. Abrade fiber to final dimension 8
4. Check fiber ends 8
5. Assemble centering collar and socket body 8