Section I – Technology
(Online at
Section II – Register Description
(Online at
Section III – Hardware Description
Pinout, Interface description, electrical
and mechanical specification, ET1200
features and registers
Version 1.8
Date: 2014-07-07
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE® and XFC® are registered trademarks of and licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH. Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their
own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following German patent applications and patents:
DE10304637, DE102004044764, DE102005009224, DE102007017835 with corresponding applications or registrations in
various other countries.
The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under development. For that
reason the documentation is not in every case checked for consistency with performance data, standards or other
characteristics. In the event that it contains technical or editorial errors, we retain the right to make alterations at any time and
without warning. No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.
The Beckhoff EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC) documentation covers the following Beckhoff ESCs:
EtherCAT IP Core for Altera® FPGAs
EtherCAT IP Core for Xilinx® FPGAs
The documentation is organized in three sections. Section I and section II are common for all Beckhoff
ESCs, Section III is specific for each ESC variant.
The latest documentation is available at the Beckhoff homepage (
Section I – Technology (All ESCs)
Section I deals with the basic EtherCAT technology. Starting with the EtherCAT protocol itself, the
frame processing inside EtherCAT slaves is described. The features and interfaces of the physical
layer with its two alternatives Ethernet and EBUS are explained afterwards. Finally, the details of the
functional units of an ESC like FMMU, SyncManager, Distributed Clocks, Slave Information Interface,
Interrupts, Watchdogs, and so on, are described.
Since Section I is common for all Beckhoff ESCs, it might describe features which are not available in
a specific ESC. Refer to the feature details overview in Section III of a specific ESC to find out which
features are available.
Section II – Register Description (All ESCs)
Section II contains detailed information about all ESC registers. This section is also common for all
Beckhoff ESCs, thus registers, register bits, or features are described which might not be available in
a specific ESC. Refer to the register overview and to the feature details overview in Section III of a
specific ESC to find out which registers and features are available.
Section III – Hardware Description (Specific ESC)
Section III is ESC specific and contains detailed information about the ESC features, implemented
registers, configuration, interfaces, pinout, usage, electrical and mechanical specification, and so on.
Especially the Process Data Interfaces (PDI) supported by the ESC are part of this section.
Additional Documentation
Application notes and utilities like pinout configuration tools for ET1200 can also be found at the
Beckhoff homepage.
Register overview, PDI, Electrical and mechanical spec
Abbreviations, editorial changes
Removed RJ45 description (will become part of Section I)
EEPROM_LOADED pull-down resistor recommendation added
Frame processing order example corrected
I2C EEPROM interface description added
MII management interface description added
Corrected Process RAM size in Register Overview
Revision/Build information added
Recommendations for unused input pins added (should not be left open)
EEPROM_SIZE description corrected from Kbyte to Kbit, possible EEPROM
sizes range from 16 Kbit to 4 Mbit
RoHS compliance added
Autonegotiation is mandatory for ESCs
Description of power supply options added
Electrical characteristics added
SPI_IRQ delay added
TX Shift timing diagram and description added
Pin overview table corrected
Internal 27 kΩ PU/PD resistors at EBUS-RX pins added
LED polarity depending on configuration pin setting described
Recommendation for voltage stabilization capacitors added
Description of Digital I/O behavior on watchdog expiration enhanced
EBUS ports are open failsafe
Reset example schematic added
Ethernet PHY requirements and PHY connection schematic added
MI_DATA pull-up requirement added
Editorial changes
RUN, LINKACT/x) and PERR(x) LED activity level corrected: active high if
pulled down, active low if pulled up
TX Shift description: timing figures corrected, minor changes, moved to MII
Interface chapter
Pin/Signal description overview added
PERR(x) LEDs are only for testing/debugging
Electrical characteristics enhanced
DC Characteristics enhanced: added V
Reset Core
Digital I/O and SPI timing characteristics revised
DC SYNC/LATCH signal description and timing characteristics added
MII Interface chapter and MII timing characteristics added
EBUS Interface chapter added
PHY requirements, EEPROM Interface description and MII Management
Interface description moved to Section I
Ambient temperature range instead of junction temperature range
Editorial changes
Clarified I/O voltage with respect to I/O power supply (only 3.3V I/O with
=3.3V, and no 5V input tolerance unless V
Update to ET1200 stepping 1
Added/revised OSC_IN, CLK25OUT, and MII TX signal timings
Added soldering profile
PHY address configuration changed
Added feature detail overview, removed redundant feature details
PDI and DC SYNC/LATCH signals are not driven until EEPROM is loaded
Editorial changes
PHY address configuration chapter added, configuration revised
Enhanced link detection for MII available depending on PHY address
Ethernet Management Interface: read and write times were interchanged
Editorial changes
Added reset timing figure and power-on value sample time
Direction of Distributed Clocks SYNC/LATCH signals is configurable
Information on CLK25OUT/CPU_CLK clock output during reset added
Description of internal PU/PD resistors at EBUS_RX pins enhanced
Power supply example schematic clarified
Enhanced package information: MSL and plating material
Digital I/O PDI: added SOF/OUTVALID description
SPI PDI: Read busy signaling not recommended
Editorial changes
OSC_IN/OSC_OUT pin capacitance added, crystal connection note extended
Release Notes added
Input threshold voltage for OSC_IN added
Renamed Err(x) LED to PERR(x)
Digital I/O PDI: OE_CONF functionality in bidirectional mode corrected
Digital I/O PDI: output event description corrected (EOF mode and WD_TRIG
SPI PDI: access error if SPI_DI not 1 in the last read byte (not SPI_DO)
AC timing: forwarding delay figures added
Editorial changes
AC timing: forwarding delay figures MII to MII added
Reset timing figure corrected
Maximum soldering profile added
SPI PDI updated
SII EEPROM interface is a point-to-point connection
Editorial changes
Update to ET1200-0002
Editorial changes
Enhanced Link Detection must not be activated if EBUS ports are used
Enhanced Link Detection for MII ports requires PHY address offset = 0
Digital Output principle schematic updated
Chip label updated
Editorial changes
Update to ET1200-0003
Enhanced Link Detection for MII ports supports PHY address offset 0 and 16
Enhanced Link Detection for MII ports can be disabled at any time
Enhanced Link Detection for EBUS ports is always disabled
MII management interface issues additional MCLK cycle after write accesses
Remote link down signalling time configurable 0x0100[22]
Editorial changes
III-IV Slave Controller – ET1200 Hardware Description
1 Overview 1
1.1 Frame processing order 2
1.2 Scope of this document 3
1.3 Revision/Build History 3
2 Features and Registers 4
2.1 Features 4
2.2 Register Overview 7
3 Pin Description 10
3.1 Overview 10
3.1.1 Pin Overview 10
3.1.2 Signal Overview 11
3.1.3 PDI Signal Overview 12
3.2 Configuration Pins 13
3.2.1 Chip mode 13
3.2.2 CPU_CLK MODE 13
3.2.3 TX Shift 13
3.2.4 CLK25OUT Enable 14
3.2.5 PHY Address Offset 14
3.2.6 SII EEPROM Size 14
3.3 General ET1200 Pins 15
3.4 SII EEPROM Interface Pins 15
3.5 Distributed Clocks SYNC/LATCH Pins, MII Management Data 16
3.6 LED Signals 16
3.7 Physical Ports and PDI Pins 17
3.7.1 MII Interface 18
3.7.2 EBUS Interface 18
3.7.3 PDI Pins 18
3.7.4 Port 0/1 and PDI[17:8] Signals 19
3.7.5 PDI[7:0] Signals 20
3.8 PDI Signal Pinout depending on selected PDI 20
2 permanent ports, optional one additional bridge port (each EBUS or
MII, max. one MII port)
1 Kbyte
Distributed Clocks
Yes, 64 bit
Process Data Interfaces
16 Bit Digital I/O (unidirectional/bidirectional)
SPI Slave
Power supply
Two integrated voltage regulators (LDO) for I/O (5V to 3.3V) and logic
core/PLL (5V/3.3V to 2.5V), optional external power supply for I/O and
logic core/PLL.
The ET1200 ASIC is an EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC). It takes care of the EtherCAT
communication as an interface between the EtherCAT fieldbus and the slave application. The ET1200
supports different applications, from simple digital I/O nodes without external logic up to designs with a
µController and Distributed Clocks.
Table 1: ET1200 Main Features
The general functionality of the ET1200 EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC) is shown in Figure 1:
The ET1200 supports two ports (logical ports 0 and 1) or three ports (logical ports 0, 1, and 3). The
frame processing order of the ET1200 depends on the number of ports (logical port numbers are
An EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC) has an address space of 64 Kbyte. The first block of 4 Kbyte
(0x0000:0x0FFF) is dedicated for registers. The process data RAM starts at address 0x1000, its size
is 1 Kbyte (end address 0x13FF).
Table 7 gives an overview of the available registers.
For pin configuration there is a table calculation file (ET1200 configuration and pinout V<version>.xls)
available to make pin configuration easier. This file can be downloaded from the Beckhoff homepage
( This documentation supersedes the table calculation file.
Input pins should not be left open/floating. Unused input pins (denoted with direction UI) without
external or internal pull-up/pull-down resistor should not be left open. Unused configuration pins
should be pulled down if the application allows this (take care of configuration signals in the PDI[17:0]
area when bidirectional Digital I/O is used). Unused PDI[17:0] input pins should be pulled down, all
other input pins can be connected to GND directly.
Pull-up resistors must connect to V
be powered via the resistors and the internal clamping diodes as long as V
, not to a different power source. Otherwise the ET1200 could
is below the other
power source.
Internal pull-up/pull-down resistor values shown in the pinout tables are nominal.
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Pin Overview
Table 8: Pin Overview
NOTE: EP is the exposed center pad at the bottom of the ET1200.