Avaya IPX User Manual

Configuring IPX Services

BayRS Version 12.20 Site Manager Software Version 6.20 BCC Version 4.00
Part No. 117369-B Rev. 00 June 1998
4401 Great America Pa rkw ay 8 Federal S treet Santa Clara, CA 95054 Billerica, MA 01821
Copyright © 1997 Bay Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. June 1998. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data,
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Bay Networks, Inc. Software License Agreement
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117369-B Rev. 00
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7. Term and termination. This license is effective until terminated; however, all of the restrictions with respect to Bay Networks’ copyright in the Software and user manuals will cease being effective at the date of expiration of the Bay Networks copyright; those restrictions relating to use and disclosure of Bay Networks’ confidential information shall continue in effect. Licensee may terminate this license at any time. The license will automatically terminate if Licensee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the license. Upon termination for any reason, Licensee will immediately destroy or return to Bay Networks the Software, user manuals, and all copies. Bay Networks is not liable to Licensee for damages in any form solely by reason of the termination of this license.
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9. General. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenf orceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of California.
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact Bay Networks, Inc., 4401 Great America Parkway, P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 95054-8185.


About This Guide
Before You Begin ...........................................................................................................xviii
Conventions ................................................. ............................................. .....................xviii
Acronyms ........................... .......................... .......................... ......................... .................xix
Bay Networks Technical Publications ..............................................................................xxi
Bay Networks Customer Service .....................................................................................xxi
How to Get Help .............................................................................................................xxii
Bay Networks Educational Ser v ic es ...................................... ...... ...... .............................xxii
Chapter 1 Starting IPX Services
Starting the Configuration Tools .....................................................................................1-1
Starting IPX ....................................................................................................................1-2
Using the BCC .........................................................................................................1-2
Using Site Manager ..................................................................................................1-5
Chapter 2 IPX Concepts
Compatibility with Previous Versions of Bay Networks Software ....................................2-1
About the IPX Protocol ...................................................................................................2-2
Network-Level Services ..................................................................................................2-3
Supported LAN Circuits, WAN Circuits, and Frame Formats .........................................2-3
Types of IPX Configurations ...........................................................................................2-5
For More Information About IPX .....................................................................................2-5
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Chapter 3 Customizing IPX for LAN Media
Assigning a Unique Network Number .............................................................................3-2
Enabling RIP and SAP on an Interface ...........................................................................3-3
Choosing a Frame Encapsulation Type ..........................................................................3-6
Specifying Multiple Interfaces per Circuit ........................................................................3-8
Configuring a Multiple-Host Router ..............................................................................3-11
Configuring a Single-Host Router .................................................................................3-11
IPX Host ID Numbers ...................................................................................................3-12
Setting a Host ID Number for IPX on a Token Ring Circuit ....................................3-13
Token Ring MAC Address Selection ................................................................3-15
Customizing IPX ...........................................................................................................3-15
Chapter 4 Customizing IPX for WAN Media
IPX over WAN Media ......................................................................................................4-1
Using IPXCP and IPXWAN ......................................................................................4-2
Running IPXWAN over PPP .....................................................................................4-2
Running IPXWAN over Frame Relay Permanent Virtual Circuits .............................4-3
Negotiating an IPXWAN Connection ........................................................................4-3
Configuring an IPX Service to Run over a WAN .............................................................4-4
Assigning a Unique Network Number .............................................................................4-4
Enabling RIP on an Interface ..........................................................................................4-6
Enabling SAP on an Interface .........................................................................................4-7
Identifying a Circuit ......................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ................4-8
Entering an IPX Host ID Number for IPX over ATM ........................................................4-8
Enabling IPXWAN for an Interface .........................................................................4-12
Assigning a Primary Network Number ...................................................................4-14
Entering a Router Name ........................................................................................4-15
Indicating the Protocol Negotiated for an Interface ................................................4-17
Sample IPXCP and IPXWAN Configurations ...............................................................4-18
IPXCP Link Negotiation ................................................................................................4-19
IPXWAN Link Negotiation .............................................................................................4-19
IPXWAN and IPXCP Link Configurations .....................................................................4-20
Configuration 1 (IPXWAN with IPXCP on Both Interfaces) ...........................................4-20
Configuration Guidelines -- Configuration 1 ...........................................................4-21
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Configuration 2 (IPXWAN on Both Interfaces) ..............................................................4-21
Configuration Guidelines -- Configuration 2 ...........................................................4-21
Configuration 3 (Only IPXCP on Both Interfaces) .........................................................4-22
Configuration Guidelines -- Configuration 3 ...........................................................4-22
Configuration 4 .............................................................................................................4-22
Customizing IPX ...........................................................................................................4-22
Chapter 5 Customizing IPX
Customizing IPX Global Operation .................................................................................5-2
Setting the Maximum Number of Paths ....................................................................5-2
Filtering Log Messages ............................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ......................5-3
Specifying the Maximum Number of Equal Cost Paths ............................................5-5
Specifying the Maximum Number of Destinations ...................................................5-6
Entering the Maximum Number of Services ............................................................5-8
Specifying the Granularity for Aging RIP and SAP Information ..............................5-10
Specifying the Aging Pending Frequency ...............................................................5-11
Enabling IPX Default Routing ......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ....................5-13
Multipath Routing and Load sharing ......................................................................5-14
Multipath Routing .............................................................................................5-15
Load Redistribution and Rerouting ..................................................................5-17
Multipath Route Precedence/Priority ...............................................................5-17
Multipath Configurations ..................................................................................5-17
Multiline Circuits ..............................................................................................5-17
Selecting the GNS Response Mode ......................................................................5-20
Specifying the Table Fill Notify Value .....................................................................5-21
Specifying the Size of the Network Table ...............................................................5-22
Specifying the MIB Reply Slot ................................................................................5-22
Customizing an IPX Interface .......................................................................................5-22
Enabling IPX Routing on an Interface ....................................................................5-23
Entering a Symbolic Name for an Interface ............................................................5-24
Assigning a Host Number to an Interface ..............................................................5-25
Enabling Source Routing for an Interface on a Token Ring Circuit ........................5-27
Entering a Broadcast Address ...............................................................................5-28
Entering a Multicast Address .................................................................................5-29
Responding to IPX Watchdog Packets ...................................................................5-31
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Setting the Delay Time ...........................................................................................5-32
Specifying Throughput ...........................................................................................5-33
Setting the Stabilization Timer Delay .....................................................................5-34
Handling Packets Associated with Upper-Layer Protocols ...........................................5-35
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) .......................................................................5-36
Enabling RIP on the Router ...................................................................................5-38
Choosing the Routing Method ................................................................................5-39
Setting a Cost for an Interface .........................................................................5-41
Specifying the Maximum Number of Hops ......................................................5-43
Indicating the Number of Next-Hop Hosts .......................................................5-44
Enabling RIP Listen and Supply Functions ............................................................5-46
Determining the Pace of RIP Packets ....................................................................5-47
Configurable RIP Timers ........................................................................................5-48
Adjusting the RIP Packet Size ................................................................................5-51
Enabling Multicast Transmission of RIP Packets ....................................................5-52
Configurable Split Horizon .....................................................................................5-54
Fully Meshed Networks ...................................................................................5-54
Non-Fully Meshed Networks ...........................................................................5-55
Updating Routers about a Failed Route .................................................................5-58
Advertising Default Routes in RIP Packets ............................................................5-59
Accepting Default Route Information .....................................................................5-60
Customizing SAP Parameters ......................................................................................5-61
NetWare Directory Services (NDS) and SAP ..................................................5-62
SAP and the NetWare Bindery (NetWare 3.
and Earlier) ..............................5-63
Configurable SAP Timers .......................................................................................5-64
SAP via Default Route ...........................................................................................5-66
Enabling SAP Listen and Supply Functions ...........................................................5-67
Determining the Pace of SAP Packets ...................................................................5-69
Adjusting the SAP Packet Size ...............................................................................5-71
Responding to SAP Nearest Server Requests ......................................................5-72
Using a Multicast Address ......................................................................................5-73
Saving the Service Name ..................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ....................5-74
Transmitting and Receiving SAP Updates over the Same Interface ......................5-75
Updating Routers about a Failed Service ..............................................................5-76
Using Static Services ...................................................................................................5-77
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Enabling Static Services ........................................................................................5-81
Specifying the Network Address of a Service ........................................................5-83
Specifying the Address of the Host that Provides a Service ..................................5-84
Assigning a Symbolic Name to Your Service .........................................................5-85
Entering the Service Type Number ........................................................................5-86
Entering the Socket Address of a Service ..............................................................5-88
Entering the Hop Count .........................................................................................5-89
Customizing NetBIOS Static Routing ...........................................................................5-90
Activating the Static Route Record in the NetBIOS Routing Table .........................5-91
Entering the Name of the NetBIOS Target Server .................................................5-93
Entering the Target Network Address ....................................................................5-94
Directing a NetBIOS Packet Using Nonstandard Static Routing ............................5-96
Directing a NetBIOS Packet Using Standard Static Routing ..................................5-97
NetBIOS Broadcast Filters ................................................................. ...... ....... ...... .5-98
Configuring an Adjacent Host for an Interface ............................................................5-102
Making the Adjacent Host Record Active .............................................................5-102
Entering the ID of the Adjacent Host ....................................................................5-104
Entering a WAN Address ......................................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....5-10 6
Creating a Frame Relay SVC to an Adjacent Host .....................................................5-108
Dial Services ..............................................................................................................5-111
Using Dial-on-Demand Service ............................................................................5-112
Using Static Routing with Dial-on-Demand ..........................................................5-113
Tips for Using Dial-on-Demand with IPX ..............................................................5-114
Local IPX Watchdog Acknowledgment ................................................................5-114
Local SPX Keepalive Acknowledgment ................................................................5-116
Dial Optimized Routing ...............................................................................................5-116
Getting Optimum Performance Using IPX Dial Optimized Routing ......................5-117
Default IPX Dial Optimized Routing Filters ...........................................................5-118
Configuring the Routing Update Delay Timer ......................................................5-119
RIP/SAP Triggered Updates ..... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...................................... ....... .....5-11 9
Determining the Frequency of Scheduled Updates .............................................5-120
Configuring RIP and SAP Broadcast Timers .......................................................5-121
Using Static Routes ....................................................................................................5-124
Specifying the Target Network Address ...............................................................5-126
Entering the Next-Hop Host .................................................................................5-127
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Entering the Hop Count .......................................................................................5-129
Setting the Timer Ticks ........................................................................................5-130
Using Route Filters .....................................................................................................5-131
Using SAP Filters .......................................................................................................5-133
Using SAP Filters at the Server Level ..................................................................5-136
Using SAP Filters at the Network Level ...............................................................5-138
Using Wildcards and Pattern Matching with SAP Filters ......................................5-140
Using Wildcards with SAP Filters .........................................................................5-140
Using Pattern Matching with SAP Filters .............................................................5-142
An Example of Using SAP Filters ..................................................................5-146
Service Name Filters .. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... .....5-14 7
Enabling an IPX Service Name Filter ...................................................................5-147
Entering the Target Service Name .......................................................................5-149
Entering the Target Service Type .........................................................................5-151
Setting the Filter Priority .......................................................................................5-152
Applying Filters to Inbound or Outbound Packets ................................................5-153
Specifying the Protocol ........................................................................................5-154
Specifying How to Process SAP Advertisements ................................................5-156
Specifying a Cost .................................................................................................5-157
Source Route Bridge End Station Support .................................................................5-159
IPX Ping Support ........................................................................................................5-163
Role of Bay Networks Routers in a Client/Server Connection .............................5-163
Example: Client/Server Connection via Bay Networks Router .............................5-165
Deleting IPX from the Router ......................................................................................5-167
Appendix A Site Manager IPX Parameters
IPX Configuration Parameters ....................................................................................... A-1
IPXWAN Configuration Parameters ............................................................................... A-7
IPX Global Parameters .................................................................................................. A-9
IPX Advanced Global Parameters ............................................................................... A-13
IPX Interface Parameters ............................................................................................. A-22
IPX Change Circuit Parameters ................................................................................... A-30
IPX RIP Circuit Parameters ......................................................................................... A-35
IPX SAP Circuit Parameters ........................................................................................ A-41
IPX NetBIOS Static Route Configuration Parameters ................................................. A-46
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IPX NetBIOS Static Route Parameters ........................................................................ A-48
Adjacent Hosts Configuration Parameters ................................................................... A-50
IPX Adjacent Hosts Parameters .................................................................................. A-53
IPX Static Route Configuration Parameters ................................................................ A-56
IPX Static Route Parameter Descriptions .................................................................... A-59
IPX Static Service Configuration Parameters .............................................................. A-61
IPX Static Service Parameters .................................................................................... A-64
Route Filter Configuration Parameters ........................................................................ A-67
IPX Route Filter Parameters ........................................................................................ A-69
Service Networ k Filt er Configu ration Parameters ........................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... A-74
IPX Service Network Filter Parameters ....................................................................... A-77
IPX Service Name Filter Configuration Parameters .................................................... A-82
IPX Service Name Filter Parameters ........................................................................... A-84
Appendix B BCC show Commands for IPX
Sample Output ............................................................................................................... B-1
Online Help for show Commands .................................................................................. B-1
Commands for IPX ........................................................................................................ B-2
show ipx ......................................................................................................................... B-3
summary ................................................................................................................. B-3
adjacent-hosts ................... ....................................... ....................................... ........ B-4
forwards ................................................................................................................... B-4
hosts ........................................................................................................................ B-4
interfaces ........................................ .................... ................... ................... ............... B- 5
rips .......................................................................................................................... B-5
route-filters .............................................................................................................. B-6
routes ...................................................................................................................... B-6
saps ......................................................................................................................... B-7
server-name-filters .................................................................................................. B-7
server-network-filters .............................................................................................. B-8
services .... ............................................. ............................................. ..................... B-8
static-netbios-routes .......... ................................. ................................ ..................... B-9
static-routes ....................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .. B- 9
static-services ....................................................................................................... B-10
stats ....................................................................................................................... B-10
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Appendix C Common Service Types and Identifiers
Appendix D Sample IPX Configuration
Configuration Particulars ............................................................................................... D-2
Router 1 ..................................................................................................................D-2
Router 2 ..................................................................................................................D-3
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Figure 3-1. Multiple IPX Interfaces per Physical Circuit .............................................3-9
Figure 3-2. Frames Received at a Logical Interface .................................................3-12
Figure 3-3. Frames Issued from a Logical Interface .................................................3-13
Figure 4-1. Frames Received at a Logical Interface ...................................................4-9
Figure 4-2. Frames Issued from a Logical Interface .................................................4-10
Figure 4-3. IPXCP and IPXWAN Configurations ......................................................4-18
Figure 5-1. IPX Multipath ..........................................................................................5-15
Figure 5-2. IPX Multipath Routing -- Equal Least-Cost Routes ................................5-16
Figure 5-3. IPX Configurable RIP Interface Cost .................................. ...... ....... ...... .5-42
Figure 5-4. IPX Configurable RIP Timers ................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .5 -49
Figure 5-5. Split Horizon Enabled in a Fully Meshed Network .................................5-55
Figure 5-6. Split Horizon Disabled in a Non-Fully Meshed Network ........................5-56
Figure 5-7. Static Service Network Configuration ....................................................5-80
Figure 5-8. IPX SAP Filters Prohibiting SAP Broadcasts .........................................5-81
Figure 5-9. NetBIOS Static Routes ...................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .5 -91
Figure 5-10. NetBIOS Packet Filter i ng ................................................................ .....5-10 0
Figure 5-11. NetBIOS Packet Flow .................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...............................5-101
Figure 5-12. NetBIOS Broadcast Filtering .............................................. ...... ....... .....5-102
Figure 5-13. Dial-on-Demand Service ......................................................................5-113
Figure 5-14. IPX Static Routes .................................................................................5-125
Figure 5-15. SAP Filtering ...................................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....5-135
Figure 5-16. IPX Routers Source Routing across a Token Ring Network ................5-161
Figure 5-17. Sample IPX Network ............................................................................5-166
Figure A-1. IPX Configuration window ....................................................................... A-2
Figure A-2. IPXWAN Configuration Window .............................................................. A-7
Figure A-3. Edit IPX Global Parameters Window ...................................................... A-9
Figure A-4. IPX Advanced Global Parameters Window ........................................... A-13
Figure A-5. IPX Interfaces Window .......................................................................... A-22
Figure A-6. IPX Change Circuit Window .................................................................. A-31
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Figure A-7. IPX RIP Circuit Window ........................................................................ A-35
Figure A-8. IPX SAP Circuit Window ....................................................................... A-41
Figure A-9. IPX NetBIOS Static Route Configuration Window ................................ A-46
Figure A-10. IPX NetBIOS Static Routes Window ..................................................... A-48
Figure A-11. IPX Adjacent Hosts Configuration Window ........................................... A-50
Figure A-12. IPX Adjacent Hosts Window ................................................................. A-53
Figure A-13. IPX Static Route Configuration Window ............................................... A-56
Figure A-14. IPX Static Routes Window .................................................................... A-59
Figure A-15. IPX Static Service Configuration Window ............................................. A-61
Figure A-16. IPX Static Services Window ................................................................. A-64
Figure A-17. IPX Route Filter Configuration Window ................................................ A-67
Figure A-18. IPX Route Filters Window ..................................................................... A-69
Figure A-19. IPX Service Network Filter Configuration Window ................................ A-74
Figure A-20. IPX Service Network Filters Window .................................................... A-77
Figure A-21. IPX Service Name Filter Configuration Window ................................... A-82
Figure A-22. IPX Service Name Filters Window ........................................................ A-84
Figure D-1. Sample IPX Configuration .......................................................................D-2
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Table 2-1. LAN Circuit and Frame Support for IPX Interfaces ..................................2-4
Table 2-2. WAN Circuit and Frame Support for IPX Interfaces .................................2-4
Table 4-1. Configuration Table for IPX over WAN Media .......................................4-20
Table 5-1. Characters in SAP Pattern-Matching Filters .......................................5-142
Table 5-2. Concatenation Rules and Operators ...................................................5-144
Table B-1. IPX Show Commands ............................................................................. B-2
Table C-1. Service Types and Identifiers ................................................................. C-1
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About This Guide

If you are responsible for configuring IPX, you need to read this guide. You can now use the Bay Command Console (BCC™) to configure this protocol
on a router. In this guide, you will find instructions for using both the BCC and Site Manager. There are a few parameters which you cannot yet configure with the BCC, and, in these cases, you must use Site Manager.
If you want to Go to
Start IPX on a router and get it running with default settings for parameters.
Learn about the I PX protocol and s peci al aspec ts of the Ba y Netw orks implementation of IPX.
Enable IPX over LAN media. Chapter 3 Enable IPX over WAN media. Chapter 4 Customize IPX operation to suit your needs. Chapter 5 Obtain information about Site Manager parameters. (This is the same
information you obtain using Site Manager online Help.) Obtain a description of BCC show scripts. Appendix B Obtain a listing of the common service types and identifiers. Appendix C View a sample IPX configuration. Appendix D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Appendix A
117369-B Rev. 00
Configuring IPX Services

Before You Begin

Before using this guide, you must complete the following procedures. For a new router:
Install the router (refer to the installation manual that came with your router).
Connect the router to the net work and cr eate a pil ot config uration f ile (ref er to
Quick-Starting Route rs, Conf iguri ng BayS tac k Remot e Acces s, or Connecting ASN Routers to a Network).
Make sure that you ar e r unni ng the latest version of Bay Networks and router software. For instructions , refer to Upgrading Routers from Version 7–11.xx to Version 12.00.


angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the
Site Manager
description inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command.
Example: if command syntax is you enter
bold text
Indicates text that you need to enter, command names, and buttons in menu paths. Example: Enter
Example: Use the
wfsm &
Example: ATM DXI > Int erfaces > PVCs i dentifi es the PVCs button in the window that appears when you select the Interfaces option from the ATM DXI menu.
italic text Indicates variable values in command syntax
descriptions, new terms, file and directory names, and book titles.
quotation marks (“ ”) Indicate the title of a chapter or section within a book.
screen text Indicates data that appears on the screen.
Set Bay Networks Trap Monitor Filters
117369-B Rev. 00
About This Guide
separator ( > ) Separates menu and option names in instructions and
internal pin-to-pin wire connections. Example: Protocols > AppleTalk identifies the AppleTalk option in the Protocols menu.
Example: Pin 7 > 19 > 20


vertical line (
) Indicates that you enter only one of the parts of the
command. The vertical line separates choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering th e command. Example: If the command syntax is
show at routes | nets, show at routes or show at nets, but not both.
AUI Attachment Unit Interface ARE All-Routes Explorer (frame) ATM asynchronous transfer mode BootP Bootstrap Prot oco l BRI Basic Rate Interface CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
(now ITU-T) CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with collision detection DLCI data link control layer (Layer 2 of SNA) DLCMI Data Link Control Management Interface GNS get nearest server GUI graphical user interface HDLC high-level data link control IP Internet Protocol IPX Internet Packet Exchange Service IPXCP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISO International Organization for Standardization ITU-T International Telecommunication Union–Telecommunications
(formerly CCITT) LAN local area network
you enter either
117369-B Rev. 00
Configuring IPX Services
LSAP link service access point MAC media access control MAU media access unit MDI-X Media-Dependent Interface with Crossover MIB management information base NBMA nonbroadcast multi-access NCP Network Control Protocol NDS NetWare Directory Services NIC Network Information Center or network interface card OSI Open Systems Interconnection OSPF Open Shortest Path First (Protocol) PDN Public Data Network PNN primary network number PPP Point-to-Point Protocol PROM programmable read-only memory RIF routing information field RIP Routing Information Protocol SAP Service Advertisement Protocol SMDS switched multimegabit data service SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange SRE specific route explore STP shielded twisted pair TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol TPE twisted pair Ethernet UTP unshielded twisted pair WAN wide area network XNS Xerox Networking System
117369-B Rev. 00

Bay Networks Technical Publications

You can now print technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to support.baynetworks.com/library/tpubs. Find the Bay Networks products for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific category and model or version for your hardware or software product. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print them on most standard printers. You can download Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe Systems Web site, www.adobe.com.
Documentation sets and CDs are avail able throug h your l ocal Bay Networks sales office or account representative.

Bay Networks Customer Service

You can purchase a support contract from your Bay Networks distributor or authorized reseller, or directly from Bay Networks Services. For information about, or to purchase a Bay Networks service contract, either call your local Bay Networks field sales office or one of the following numbers:
About This Guide
117369-B Rev. 00
Region Telephone number Fax number
United States and Canada
Europe 33-4-92-96-69-66 33-4-92-96-69-96 Asia/Pacific 61-2-9927-8888 61-2-9927-8899 Latin America 561-988-7661 561-988-7550
800-2LANWAN; then ente r Expr ess R outing Code (ERC) 290, when prompted, to purchase or renew a service contract
978-916-8880 (direct)
Information about customer service is also available on the World Wide Web at support.baynetworks.com.
Configuring IPX Services

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Bay Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If you purchased a Bay Networks service program, call one of the following Bay Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
Technical Solutions Center Telephone number Fax number
Billerica, MA 800-2LANWAN 978-916-3514 Santa Clara, CA 800-2LANWAN 408-495-1188 V al bon ne, Fran ce 33-4-92-96-69-68 33-4-92-96-69-98 Sydney, Australia 61-2-9927-8800 61-2-9927-8811 Tokyo, Japan 81-3-5402-0180 81-3-5402-0173

Bay Networks Educational Ser vices

Through Bay Networks Education al Services, yo u can attend cla sses and purchase CDs, videos, and computer-based training programs about Bay Networks products. Training programs can take place at your site or at a Bay Networks location. For more informati on about training programs, call one of the following numbers:
Region Telephone number
United States and Canada 800-2LANWAN; then enter Express Routing Code (ERC)
282 when prompted 978-916-3460 (direct)
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Asia/Pacific 61-2-9927-8822 Tokyo and Japan 81-3-5402-7041
117369-B Rev. 00
Chapter 1
Starting IPX Services
IPX is the network-layer routing protocol used in the NetWare environment. The primary tasks of IPX are addressing, routing, and switching information packets from one location to another on a network.
If you are already familiar with IPX and want to get the protocol up and running quickly, follow the steps below to start IPX using Bay Networks default settings. You supply only the necessary configuration settings and accept all other default settings.
For conceptual information on IPX, refer to Chapter 2. For information on customizing the way IPX runs on the router to meet your needs, refer to Chapters 3 through 5. For information on changing the default settings, refer to Appendix B.

Starting the Conf iguration Tools

Before configuring IPX services, refer to the following user guides for instructions on how to start and use the Bay Networks configuration tool of your choice.
Configuration Tool User Guide
Bay Command Console (BCC Site Manager
These guides also describe generally how to create and modify a device configuration.
117369-B Rev. 00
Using the Bay Command Console Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager
Configuring IPX Services

Starting IPX

IPX can operate over LAN or WAN media. This section describes how to get IPX and, optionally, IPXWAN services up and running on a circuit. We assume that you have read Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.

Using the BCC

Decide where you want IPX to operate.
IPX can run:
Globally on the router
On an individual interface
Over a WAN protocol
Start IPX with supplied default values.
Globally on the router: To start IPX globally on the router, navigate to the box level prompt and
On an interface:
Configure a physical interface on an available slot/connector.
To configure a physical interface on a slot and connector, navigate to the top-level box prompt and enter:
interface_type is the name of a link module on the router. slot_number is the number of the slot on which the link module is
located. connector_number is the number of a connector on the link module. After you configure a physical interface, the BCC returns a prompt
that specifies your current working location. For example, the following command configures an Ethernet interface on slot 1, connector 2:
ethernet slot 1 connector 2
117369-B Rev. 00
Starting IPX Services
Configure an IPX interface on the physical interface.
To configure an IPX interface on a physical interface, navig ate to the prompt for the physical interface and enter:
ipx address
address is any valid address in hexadecimal notation. For example:
ethernet/2/4# ipx 19d7e712 ipx/19d7e712#
Over a WAN protocol.
To configure IPX over a WAN protocol, navigate to the box prompt, configure a WAN protocol and then configure IPXWAN by entering:
ipxwan address primary-network
ipxwan_address is the address, in hexadecimal notation, of the IPXWAN interface.
name is the symbolic name of the router. address is the address, in hexadecimal notation, of the primary
network. protocol is one of the following : wan-rip
unnumbered-rip wan-unnumbered-rip
117369-B Rev. 00
Configuring IPX Services
Use IPX.
After you supply the required settings to configure IPX globally, on a LAN interface, or on a WAN inte rf ace , I P X is compl et el y c onf igu red wit h s uppl ie d default values. You can use IPX with the current default settings or you can customize IPX to meet your needs.
To determine which IPX interface attributes that you can configure and what their current values are, enter the interface, if you enter the info command you will get the following results:
ipx/19d7e712# info
state enabled encapsulation lsap address 0000f7f7 circuit-name {} host-address 0x broadcast-address 0x multicast-address 0x cost 0 netbios-accept disabled netbios-deliver disabled delay 0 throughput 0 stabilization-timer 0 svcbroadcast disabled
info command. For example, on a LAN
To determine what other services you can enable under IPX, enter the help
command and the BCC will display available services. For example, if
you configure IPX on a LAN interface and enter the
help tree command, you
will get the fo llowing results:
ipx/19d7e712# help tree
The configuration tree below this context is: rip sap static-route adjacent-host static-service route-filter server-network-filter server-name-filter
117369-B Rev. 00
Each service under IPX has configurable attributes. To determine what these
arrtibutes are, enter the service name followed by a question mark. The BCC
supplies return s any infor mation required to configu re the service, as well as a
list of configurable attributes. For example, to determine what settings you
must supply to co nfigur e a s tatic r oute, enter the
you will get the following results:
ipx/19d7e712# static-route ?
Usage: "static-route target-network <value> next-hop-host <value>"
Or: "static-route <target-network>/<next-hop-host>"
Parameters of static-route: hops on target-network next-hop-host state ticks
You must use this command for each service available under IPX.

Using Site Manager

To start IPX using Site Manager, follow these steps:
Select Configuration Manager in local, remote, or dynamic mode from
the Tools menu.
Starting IPX Services
static-route ? command and
117369-B Rev. 00
The Configuration Manager window appears.
Open a configur ation file if local or remote mode is selected.
Select the circuit you want to configure.
If this is a local mode configuration, specify router hardware.
Select a protocol.
If you are running IPX over a WAN, select a WAN protocol (usually PPP or
frame relay ).
Selecting frame relay, PPP, or SMDS on a WAN circuit automatically
enables pr otocol prio ritization.
Configuring IPX Services
Select IPX or RIP/SAP (which automaticall y selects IPX as well) fr om the
Select Protocols window.
If you selected RIP/SAP from the Selec t Protocol s window, the router enables
both RIP and SAP services using their default values. To change any of these
default values, refer to Appendix B.
The IPX Configuration window appears.
Complete the IPX Configuration window.
If you are configuring a LAN or WAN circuit, you must sup ply the fol lo wing
•A configured network number. A configured network number is any valid IPX network address in
hexadecimal notation. If you are configuring th is interf ace as Unnumbered RIP, supply the value
zero for the configured network number. If you are trying to establish a connection to a Series 5 Bay Networks
router, or a router that does not implement IPXWAN or PPP, then you must enter a nonzero network address (for example, the network address of the link).
If you are configuring an IPX interface that will enable IPXWAN services, do not supply a configured network number.
If you are using Site M anager, you can specify the configured network number by configuring the Conf igure d Network Number (hex) par ameter described on page A-2.
•The encapsulation method. By default, IPX supplies an encapsulation method that is media
dependent. The encapsulation method supports communication on a specific logical link. Check to make sure that the supplied encapsulation method matches the one the clients and servers on the same logical network use, and is appropriate for the physical circuit, as follows:
-- Ethernet circuits support Ethernet, LSAP, Novell, and SNAP frames.
-- Token ring circuits support LSAP and SNAP frames.
-- Synchronous circuits (V.35, RS-232/V.24, RS-422/423, X.21, T1/E1)
support SNAP, PPP, and X.25 Point-to-Point (Ethernet) frames.
117369-B Rev. 00
Starting IPX Services
-- FDDI circuits support LSAP and SNAP frames.
-- HSSI circuits support PPP and SNAP frames.
-- ISDN circuits support PPP frames. If you are using Site M anager, you can specify the encapsulation method
by configuring the Configured Encaps parameter described on page A-4.
If you are configuring an IPXWAN circuit, you must also supply the following in formation:
•A common network number. The common network number is a network numbe r t hat you assign to the
WAN circuit. If this router is the master during the IPXWAN negotiation and RIP is selected as the routing protocol, then the common network number is used as the IPX network number for the circuit.
There is no default fo r t he common network number. You must supply an IPX common network number in hexadecimal format. Valid common network numbers range from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFD. Do not use the value 0xFFFFFFFE or 0xFFFFFFFF as network numbers. These values are reserved for system use.
117369-B Rev. 00
If you are using Site M anager, you can specify the common network number by configuring the Common Network Number parameter described on page A-5.
•A negotiated protocol. The negotiated protocol specifies the protocol that the router supports for
the exchange of routing information over this WAN circuit. You can specify either RIP or Unnumbered RIP as the negotiated protocol. For a description of RIP, refe r to Chapter 5.
If you are using Site Man ager, you can specify the negotia ted protocol by configuring the Negotiated Protocol(s) parameter described on page A-6.
Click on OK.
If you did not enable IPXWAN services, IPX is now completely configured using the information you supplied and all other supplied default values. You can now use IPX. If you want to change any of the supplied defaults to fine-tune the way IPX works, refer to Appendix A.
Configuring IPX Services
If you enabled IPXWAN services in the IPX Configuration window, the IPXWAN Configuration window appears. You must supply the following information:
•A router name.
•A primary network number.
The router name is any symbol ic name that you choose fo r the rout er. Y ou must choose a name that is unique among those assigned to IPX file servers and routers anywhere in the IPX internetwork. Any IPXWAN (RFC1634-compliant) interface in the node uses this name to identify itself to the IPX router or server at the opposite end of the WAN data link.
If you are using Site M anager, you can specify the router name by configuring the Router Name parameter described on page A-7.
A primary network number is a unique string of up to 8 hexadecimal characters that specifies an IPX network number for IPXWAN link negotiation on all slots. You can enter any unused value between 0x00000001 and 0xFFFFFFFD.
The value you enter for the primary network number determines whether the local or remote router on the WAN circuit serves as the IPX Link Master. The node with the highest primary networ k number becomes the IPX Link Master.
Click on OK.
If you are using Si te Manager, specify the pr imar y network number using the Primary Net Num ber (hex) parameter described on page A-8.
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