Avaya IP500 V2, IP500 Installation Manual

15-601042 Issue 28c - (19 August 2013)
Installing IP500/IP500 V2
IP Office 9.0
Installing IP500/IP500 V2 Page 2
15-601042 Issue 28c (19 August 2013)IP Office 9.0
© 2013 AVAYA All Rights Reserved.
Documentation disclaimer “Documentation” means information published by Avaya in varying mediums which may include product information, operating instructions and performance specifications that Avaya generally makes available to users of its products. Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. End User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User.
Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites referenced within this site or documentation provided by Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages.
Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on its hardware and Software (“Product(s)”). Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this Product while under warranty is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com. Please note that if you acquired the Product(s) from an authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the United States and Canada, the warranty is provided to you by said Avaya Channel Partner and not by Avaya. “Software” means computer programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner, whether as stand-alone products or pre-installed on hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, bug fixes, or modified versions.
Licenses THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING, AVAYA DOES NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WAS OBTAINED FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYA AFFILIATE OR AN AVAYA AUTHORIZED AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER; AVAYA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU AND ANYONE ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT A LICENSE. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THE APPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE (“AVAYA”). Avaya grants you a license within the scope of the license types described below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, for which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order documentation does not expressly identify a license type, the applicable license will be a Designated System License. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a different number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the documentation or other materials available to you. “Designated Processor” means a single stand-alone computing device. “Server” means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users.
License type(s) Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy of the Software only on a number of Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature key, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.
Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the Software on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers, so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and using the Software at any given time. A “Unit” means the unit on which Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server.
Database License (DL). End User may install and use each copy of the Software on one Server or on multiple Servers provided that each of the Servers on which the Software is installed communicates with no more than a single instance of the same database.
CPU License (CP). End User may install and use each copy of the Software on a number of Servers up to the number indicated in the order provided that the performance capacity of the Server(s) does not exceed the performance capacity specified for the Software. End User may not reinstall or operate the Software on Server(s) with a larger performance capacity without Avaya’s prior consent and payment of an upgrade fee.
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Named User License (NU). You may: (i) install and use the Software on a single Designated Processor or Server per authorized Named User (defined below); or (ii) install and use the Software on a Server so long as only authorized Named Users access and use the Software. “Named User”, means a user or device that has been expressly authorized by Avaya to access and use the Software. At Avaya’s sole discretion, a “Named User” may be, without limitation, designated by name, corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function, or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software.
Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickthrough” license accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap License”).
Heritage Nortel Software “Heritage Nortel Software” means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions Business in December 2009. The Heritage Nortel Software currently available for license from Avaya is the software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located at http://support.avaya.com/LicenseInfo under the link “Heritage Nortel Products”. For Heritage Nortel Software, Avaya grants Customer a license to use Heritage Nortel Software provided hereunder solely to the extent of the authorized activation or authorized usage level, solely for the purpose specified in the Documentation, and solely as embedded in, for execution on, or (in the event the applicable Documentation permits installation on non-Avaya equipment) for communication with Avaya equipment. Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of activation or use authorized as specified in an order or invoice.
Copyright Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, or hardware provided by Avaya. All content on this site, the documentation and the Product provided by Avaya including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any content, in whole or in part, including any code and software unless expressly authorized by Avaya. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the express written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense under the applicable law.
Virtualization Each vAppliance will have its own ordering code. Note that each instance of a vAppliance must be separately ordered. If the end user customer or Avaya channel partner would like to install two of the same type of vAppliances, then two vAppliances of that type must be ordered. Each Product has its own ordering code. Note that each instance of a Product must be separately licensed and ordered. “Instance” means one unique copy of the Software. For example, if the end user customer or Avaya channel partner would like to install two instances of the same type of Products, then two Products of that type must be ordered.
Third Party Components “Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software that may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software (“Third Party Terms”). Information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those Products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: http://support.avaya.com/Copyright. You agree to the Third Party Terms for any such Third Party Components.
Note to Service Provider The Product may use Third Party Components that have Third Party Terms that do not allow hosting and may need to be independently licensed for such purpose.
Preventing Toll Fraud “Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya Toll Fraud intervention If you suspect that you are being victimized by Toll Fraud and you need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com. Suspected security vulnerabilities with Avaya products should be reported to Avaya by sending mail to: securityalerts@avaya.com.
Trademarks The trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed in this site, the Documentation and Product(s) provided by Avaya are the registered or unregistered Marks of Avaya, its affiliates, or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from Avaya or such third party which may own the Mark. Nothing contained in this site, the Documentation and Product(s) should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party. Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc. All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.
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Downloading Documentation For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com.
Contact Avaya Support See the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com for product notices and articles, or to report a problem with your Avaya product. For a list of support telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya Support.
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System Overview1.
..................................................................... 141.1 Additional Documentation
..................................................................... 141.2 Repair
..................................................................... 141.3 RoHS
..................................................................... 151.4 IP Office Modes
............................................................................ 161.4.1 System SD Cards
............................................................................ 171.4.2 Overall Capacity
............................................................................ 181.4.3 Hardware Support Summary
............................................................................ 201.4.4 Feature Support Summary
..................................................................... 211.5 Control Units
..................................................................... 221.6 IP500 V2 System Components
..................................................................... 241.7 IP500 Office System Components
..................................................................... 261.8 Control Unit Cards
............................................................................ 261.8.1 IP500 Base Cards
............................................................................ 291.8.2 IP500 Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 301.8.3 IP400 Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 311.8.4 Other Cards
..................................................................... 321.9 External Expansion Modules
............................................................................ 341.9.1 IP500 External Expansion Modules
............................................................................ 361.9.2 IP400 External Expansion Modules
............................................................................ 381.9.3 Connecting External Expansion Modules
..................................................................... 391.10 Power Supplies and Cables
............................................................................ 391.10.1 Power Supplies
............................................................................ 401.10.2 Power Supply Cords
............................................................................ 411.10.3 Power Supply Backup
............................................................................ 421.10.4 Cabling and Cables
............................................................................ 441.10.5 Grounding
............................................................................ 45
1.10.6 Lightning Protection/Out-of-Building Connections
..................................................................... 461.11 Wall and Rack Mounting
..................................................................... 471.12 Feature Keys and Licenses
..................................................................... 481.13 IP Office Phones
..................................................................... 491.14 VoIP
............................................................................ 501.14.1 Voice Compression Channels
..................................................................... 511.15 Supported Country Locales
..................................................................... 521.16 IP Office Software Applications
............................................................................ 531.16.1 Programming Applications
............................................................................ 541.16.2 User Applications
............................................................................ 541.16.3 Voicemail Applications
............................................................................ 551.16.4 Call Logging Applications
............................................................................ 551.16.5 Call Center Applications
............................................................................ 551.16.6 CTI Applications
..................................................................... 561.17 Training
..................................................................... 561.18 Web Sites
..................................................................... 571.19 Emergency and Power Failure Ports
Installation Requirements2.
..................................................................... 602.1 Environmental Requirements
..................................................................... 612.2 Space Requirements
............................................................................ 622.2.1 IP500 and IP500 V2 Control Units
............................................................................ 622.2.2 External Expansion Modules
............................................................................ 632.2.3 Wall Mounting
............................................................................ 642.2.4 Rack Space Requirements
Administration Software3.
..................................................................... 663.1 IP Office Web Manager
..................................................................... 673.2 Installing the Admin Applications
..................................................................... 693.3 Installer PC Connection
..................................................................... 703.4 Starting IP Office Manager
..................................................................... 713.5 Starting System Status Application
..................................................................... 723.6 Starting System Monitor
IP500 V2 Installation4.
..................................................................... 754.1 Tools and Equipment Required
..................................................................... 764.2 Documentation
..................................................................... 774.3 Unpacking
..................................................................... 784.4 SD Card Preparation
............................................................................ 794.4.1 Upgrade the Card Firmware
............................................................................ 804.4.2 Creating an Offline Configuration File
............................................................................ 814.4.3 Adding a Pre-Built Configuration File
............................................................................ 814.4.4 Adding a License File
............................................................................ 814.4.5 Adding a 9600 Series Screen Saver File
............................................................................ 824.4.6 Adding Music on Hold Files
..................................................................... 834.5 IP500 Card Installation
............................................................................ 834.5.1 Fitting IP500 Daughter Cards
............................................................................ 854.5.2 Fitting IP500 Legacy Cards
............................................................................ 864.5.3 Inserting IP500 Base Cards
..................................................................... 874.6 Wall Mounting
............................................................................ 884.6.1 Wall Mounting Kit V2/V3
..................................................................... 894.7 Rack Mounting
..................................................................... 904.8 Connecting External Expansion Modules
..................................................................... 924.9 Grounding
..................................................................... 934.10 Network Connection
..................................................................... 944.11 Starting the System
............................................................................ 954.11.1 Checking the LEDs
..................................................................... 974.12 Changing the System to Standard Mode
............................................................................ 97
4.12.1 Manually Changing the System to Standard Mode
............................................................................ 984.12.2 Automating the Change to Standard Mode
..................................................................... 994.13 Connecting Phones
............................................................................ 994.13.1 Analog Phones
............................................................................ 994.13.2 ETR Phones
............................................................................ 994.13.3 DS Phones
............................................................................ 1004.13.4 TCM Phones
............................................................................ 1004.13.5 IP/SIP Phones
Initial Configuration Using IP Office Manager
..................................................................... 1035.1 Entering Licenses
..................................................................... 1045.2 Setting the System Locale
..................................................................... 1055.3 Changing the IP Address Settings
..................................................................... 1065.4 Changing the Default Passwords
..................................................................... 1085.5 Extension Numbering
..................................................................... 1105.6 Disable Unused Trunks
..................................................................... 1125.7 Setting the Digital Trunk Clock Source
..................................................................... 1145.8 Setting the Trunk Prefixes
..................................................................... 1155.9 DS16B/30B Port Mode Selection
..................................................................... 1186.1 On-Boarding
SD Card Management7.
..................................................................... 1247.1 Booting from the SD Cards
..................................................................... 1267.2 Creating an IP Office SD Card
..................................................................... 1287.3 Viewing the Card Contents
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..................................................................... 1297.4 Backing Up to the Backup Folder
............................................................................ 129
7.4.1 Backup to the Backup Folder Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 129
7.4.2 Backup to the Backup Folder Using System Status Application
............................................................................ 129
7.4.3 Backup to the Backup Folder Using a System Phone
............................................................................ 130
7.4.4 Backup to the Backup Folder Using a IP Office Web Manager
..................................................................... 1307.5 Restoring from the Backup Folder
............................................................................ 130
7.5.1 Restoring from the Backup Folder Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 130
7.5.2 Restoring from the Backup Folder Using System Status Application
............................................................................ 130
7.5.3 Restoring from the Backup Folder Using a System Phone
............................................................................ 131
7.5.4 Restoring from the Backup Folder Using IP Office Web Manager
..................................................................... 1337.6 Backing Up to the Optional SD Card
............................................................................ 133
7.6.1 Backing Up to the Optional SD Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 133
7.6.2 Backing Up to the Optional SD Using System Status Application
............................................................................ 134
7.6.3 Backing Up to the Optional SD Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 134
7.6.4 Backing Up to the Optional SD Using a System Phone
..................................................................... 1357.7 Restoring a Configuration from an Optional Card
............................................................................ 135
7.7.1 Restoring from the Optional SD Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 135
7.7.2 Restoring from the Optional SD Using a System Phone
..................................................................... 1367.8 Loading Software from an Optional SD Card
............................................................................ 136
7.8.1 Loading Software from the Optional SD Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 136
7.8.2 Loading Software from the Optional SD Using a System Phone
..................................................................... 1377.9 Backing Up to a PC
..................................................................... 1377.10 Restoring from a PC
..................................................................... 1397.11 Upgrading Card Software
..................................................................... 1407.12 Memory Card Shutdown/Removal
............................................................................ 1407.12.1 Shutdown a Card Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 140
7.12.2 Shutdown a Card Using System Status Application
............................................................................ 141
7.12.3 Shutdown a Card Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 1417.12.4 Shutdown a Card Using a System Phone
..................................................................... 1427.13 Memory Card Startup
............................................................................ 1427.13.1 Startup a Card Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 142
7.13.2 Startup a Card Using System Status Application
............................................................................ 142
7.13.3 Startup a Card Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 1427.13.4 Startup a Card Using a System Phone
Additional Processes8.
..................................................................... 1458.1 Switching Off a System
............................................................................ 1458.1.1 Shutdown a System Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 146
8.1.2 Shutdown a System Using System Status Application
............................................................................ 1468.1.3 Shutdown a System Using a System Phone
............................................................................ 1468.1.4 Shutdown a System Using the AUX Button
............................................................................ 146
8.1.5 Shutdown a System Using IP Office Web Manager
..................................................................... 1478.2 Rebooting a System
............................................................................ 1478.2.1 Reboot a System Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 148
8.2.2 Reboot a System Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 1488.2.3 Reboot a System Using the Reset Button
............................................................................ 1488.2.4 Rebooting a System Using a System Phone
..................................................................... 1498.3 Changing Components
............................................................................ 1508.3.1 Like for Like Replacement
............................................................................ 1508.3.2 Higher Capacity Replacement
............................................................................ 1508.3.3 Lower Capacity Replacement
............................................................................ 1508.3.4 Adding a New Component
............................................................................ 1518.3.5 Permanent Removal
............................................................................ 1518.3.6 Replacemnt with a Different Type
..................................................................... 1528.4 Defaulting the Configuration
............................................................................ 152
8.4.1 Defaulting the Configuration Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 152
8.4.2 Defaulting the Configuration Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 152
8.4.3 Defaulting the Configuration Using the Reset Button
............................................................................ 153
8.4.4 Default the Configuration Using a System Phone
............................................................................ 1538.4.5 Defaulting the Configuration Using Debug
............................................................................ 154
8.4.6 Defaulting the Configuration Using Boot Loader
..................................................................... 1558.5 Defaulting Security Settings
............................................................................ 1558.5.1 Defaulting Security Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 155
8.5.2 Defaulting Security Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 1568.5.3 Defaulting Security using the RS232 Port
............................................................................ 1578.5.4 Defaulting Security Using the Boot Loader
..................................................................... 1588.6 Loading a Configuration
............................................................................ 1598.6.1 Creating an Offline Configuration File
............................................................................ 160
8.6.2 Loading a Configuration Using IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 160
8.6.3 Loading a Configuration Using IP Office Web Manager
............................................................................ 160
8.6.4 Loading a Configuration onto a System SD Card
..................................................................... 1618.7 Upgrading systems
............................................................................ 1628.7.1 Upgrade Using the Upgrade Wizard
............................................................................ 164
8.7.2 Remote Upgrade the System SD Card Using Manager
............................................................................ 1648.7.3 Upgrading the SD Card Locally
............................................................................ 1658.7.4 Upgrading an SD Card in a PC
............................................................................ 1668.7.5 Upgrading Using IP Office Web Manager
..................................................................... 1688.8 Swapping Extension Users
..................................................................... 1698.9 Out of Building Telephone Installations
............................................................................ 1708.9.1 DS Phones
............................................................................ 1718.9.2 Analog Phone Barrier Box
............................................................................ 1728.9.3 Rack Mounting Barrier Boxes
..................................................................... 1738.10 Using the External Output Port
............................................................................ 1738.10.1 Port Connection
..................................................................... 1748.11 So8 BRI Module
............................................................................ 1748.11.1 Example 1: ISDN Terminal
............................................................................ 1758.11.2 Example 2: Video Conference
..................................................................... 1778.12 SNMP
............................................................................ 1788.12.1 Installing the IP Office MIB Files
............................................................................ 1808.12.2 Enabling SNMP and Polling Support
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............................................................................ 1808.12.3 Enabling SNMP Trap Sending
..................................................................... 1818.13 Reset Button
..................................................................... 1818.14 AUX Button
..................................................................... 1828.15 RS232 Port Maintenance
..................................................................... 1838.16 Erasing the Core Software
............................................................................ 183
8.16.1 Erasing Core Software Using the Reset Button
............................................................................ 1848.16.2 Erasing Core Software Using Debug
............................................................................ 185
8.16.3 Erasing Core Software Using the Boot Loader
..................................................................... 1868.17 Enabling IP Office Web Manager
IP500 Basic Installation9.
..................................................................... 1889.1 IP500 Tools Required
..................................................................... 1899.2 IP500 Read the Documentation
..................................................................... 1909.3 IP500 Unpacking
..................................................................... 1919.4 IP500 Card Installation
............................................................................ 1919.4.1 IP500 Daughter Card Preparation
............................................................................ 1939.4.2 IP500 Legacy Card Preparation
............................................................................ 1949.4.3 IP500 Card Insertion
..................................................................... 1959.5 Inserting the Feature Key
..................................................................... 1969.6 Applying Power
..................................................................... 1989.7 Check the CPU LED
..................................................................... 1999.8 Upgrading the Core Software
..................................................................... 2009.9 Receiving the Configuration
..................................................................... 2019.10 Adding Licences
..................................................................... 2029.11 Adding External Expansion Modules
..................................................................... 2049.12 Rack Mounting
..................................................................... 2059.13 Wall Mounting
............................................................................ 2069.13.1 Wall Mounting Kit V2/V3
............................................................................ 2079.13.2 Wall Mounting Kit V1
..................................................................... 2089.14 Grounding
System Components10.
..................................................................... 21110.1 IP500 V2 Control Unit
..................................................................... 21410.2 IP500 Control Unit
..................................................................... 21710.3 IP500 Base Cards
............................................................................ 22010.3.1 4-Port Expansion Card
............................................................................ 22110.3.2 Analog Phone
............................................................................ 22210.3.3 ATM Combination Card
............................................................................ 22410.3.4 BRI Combination Card
............................................................................ 22510.3.5 Unified Communications Module
............................................................................ 22710.3.6 Digital Station
............................................................................ 22810.3.7 ETR6 Card
............................................................................ 23010.3.8 Legacy Card Carrier
............................................................................ 23110.3.9 TCM8 Digital Station
............................................................................ 23210.3.10 VCM
..................................................................... 23410.4 IP500 Trunk Daughter Cards
............................................................................ 23510.4.1 Analog Trunk Card
............................................................................ 23710.4.2 BRI Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 23810.4.3 PRI Trunk Cards
..................................................................... 23910.5 IP500 External Expansion Modules
............................................................................ 24110.5.1 Analog Trunk 16
............................................................................ 24310.5.2 BRI So8
............................................................................ 24510.5.3 Digital Station 16/30
............................................................................ 24710.5.4 Digital Station 16A/30A
............................................................................ 25010.5.5 Digital Station 16B/30B
............................................................................ 25210.5.6 Phone 16/30
..................................................................... 25410.6 Feature Keys
............................................................................ 25410.6.1 IP500 V2 System SD Cards
............................................................................ 25610.6.2 IP500 Smart Card
..................................................................... 25710.7 IP400 Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 25810.7.1 Analog Trunk Card Uni (ATM4U)
............................................................................ 25910.7.2 Analog Trunk Cards (ATM4)
............................................................................ 25910.7.3 BRI Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 26010.7.4 T1 PRI Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 26010.7.5 E1 PRI Trunk Cards
............................................................................ 26110.7.6 E1R2 PRI Trunk Cards
..................................................................... 26210.8 IP400 Internal Cards
............................................................................ 26210.8.1 Embedded Voicemail Memory Cards
............................................................................ 26310.8.2 Voice Compression Modules
..................................................................... 26410.9 IP400 Expansion Modules
............................................................................ 26610.9.1 Analog Trunk 16
............................................................................ 26810.9.2 Digital Station V2
............................................................................ 27010.9.3 Digital Station
............................................................................ 27210.9.4 Phone V2
............................................................................ 27410.9.5 Phone
............................................................................ 27610.9.6 So8
..................................................................... 27810.10 Mounting Kits
............................................................................ 27810.10.1 IP500 Wall Mounting Kits
............................................................................ 27810.10.2 Barrier Box Rack Mounting Kit
..................................................................... 27910.11 Phones
............................................................................ 28010.11.1 1010/1040
............................................................................ 28110.11.2 1120/1140/1220/1230
............................................................................ 28210.11.3 1403
............................................................................ 28310.11.4 1408
............................................................................ 28410.11.5 1416
............................................................................ 28510.11.6 1603
............................................................................ 28710.11.7 1608
............................................................................ 28910.11.8 1616
............................................................................ 29110.11.9 2402
............................................................................ 29210.11.10 2410
............................................................................ 29310.11.11 2420
............................................................................ 29410.11.12 3616
............................................................................ 29510.11.13 3620
............................................................................ 29610.11.14 3626
............................................................................ 29710.11.15 3641
............................................................................ 29810.11.16 3645
............................................................................ 29910.11.17 3701
............................................................................ 30010.11.18 3711
............................................................................ 30110.11.19 3720
............................................................................ 30210.11.20 3725
............................................................................ 30310.11.21 3740
............................................................................ 30410.11.22 3749
............................................................................ 30510.11.23 3810
............................................................................ 30610.11.24 3910
............................................................................ 30610.11.25 3920
............................................................................ 30710.11.26 4406
............................................................................ 30810.11.27 4412
............................................................................ 30910.11.28 4424
............................................................................ 31010.11.29 4601
............................................................................ 31110.11.30 4602
............................................................................ 31210.11.31 4610
............................................................................ 31310.11.32 4620
............................................................................ 31410.11.33 4621
............................................................................ 31510.11.34 4625
............................................................................ 31610.11.35 5402
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............................................................................ 31710.11.36 5410
............................................................................ 31810.11.37 5420
............................................................................ 31910.11.38 5601
............................................................................ 32010.11.39 5602
............................................................................ 32110.11.40 5610
............................................................................ 32210.11.41 5620
............................................................................ 32310.11.42 5621
............................................................................ 32410.11.43 9504
............................................................................ 32510.11.44 9508
............................................................................ 32610.11.45 9608
............................................................................ 32710.11.46 9611G
............................................................................ 32810.11.47 9620L, 9620C
............................................................................ 33010.11.48 9621G
............................................................................ 33110.11.49 9630G
............................................................................ 33310.11.50 9640, 9640G
............................................................................ 33510.11.51 9641G
............................................................................ 33610.11.52 9650, 9650C
............................................................................ 33810.11.53 Audio Conferencing Unit
............................................................................ 33910.11.54 ETR 6, ETR 6D
............................................................................ 34010.11.55 D100 Series
............................................................................ 34110.11.56 ETR 18, ETR 18D
............................................................................ 34210.11.57 ETR 34D
............................................................................ 34310.11.58 M7100
............................................................................ 34310.11.59 M7100N
............................................................................ 34410.11.60 M7208
............................................................................ 34410.11.61 M7208N
............................................................................ 34510.11.62 M7310
............................................................................ 34510.11.63 M7310N
............................................................................ 34610.11.64 M7324
............................................................................ 34610.11.65 M7324N
............................................................................ 34710.11.66 T7000
............................................................................ 34710.11.67 T7100
............................................................................ 34810.11.68 T7208
............................................................................ 34910.11.69 T7316
............................................................................ 35010.11.70 T7316E
............................................................................ 35110.11.71 T7406, T7406e
............................................................................ 35210.11.72 T3 Classic
............................................................................ 35310.11.73 T3 Comfort
............................................................................ 35410.11.74 T3 Compact
..................................................................... 35510.12 Phone Add-Ons
............................................................................ 35610.12.1 201B RIM
............................................................................ 35710.12.2 4450
............................................................................ 35810.12.3 BM32
............................................................................ 35910.12.4 DBM32
............................................................................ 36010.12.5 EU24
............................................................................ 36110.12.6 EU24BL
............................................................................ 36210.12.7 KLM Module
............................................................................ 36310.12.8 SMB24
............................................................................ 36410.12.9 T3 DSS
............................................................................ 36510.12.10 T7316e KEM
............................................................................ 36610.12.11 XM24
..................................................................... 36710.13 Ancilliary Systems
............................................................................ 36710.13.1 Digitial Mobility Solution
............................................................................ 36810.13.2 DECT R4
..................................................................... 36910.14 Applications
............................................................................ 37010.14.1 IP Office Application Server
............................................................................ 37110.14.2 ContactStore
............................................................................ 37210.14.3 Customer Call Reporter
............................................................................ 37310.14.4 IP Office Manager
............................................................................ 37410.14.5 Monitor
............................................................................ 37510.14.6 one-X Portal for IP Office
............................................................................ 37610.14.7 Flare Experience for IP Office
............................................................................ 37810.14.8 SoftConsole
............................................................................ 37910.14.9 IP Office Video SoftPhone
............................................................................ 38010.14.10 System Status Application
............................................................................ 38110.14.11 TAPI
............................................................................ 38210.14.12 Voicemail Pro
............................................................................ 38410.14.13 Single Windows Server Support
............................................................................ 38410.14.14 IP Office Ports
............................................................................ 38510.14.15 Operating System Summary
..................................................................... 38710.15 Physical Ports
............................................................................ 38810.15.1 Cables
............................................................................ 39010.15.2 ANALOG Port
............................................................................ 39010.15.3 AUDIO Port
............................................................................ 39110.15.4 BRI Port (So)
............................................................................ 39210.15.5 BRI Port (To)
............................................................................ 39310.15.6 DC I/P Port
............................................................................ 39310.15.7 DS Ports (RJ45)
............................................................................ 39410.15.8 EF Port
............................................................................ 39410.15.9 ETR Port
............................................................................ 39510.15.10 EXPANSION Port
............................................................................ 39510.15.11 EXT O/P Port
............................................................................ 39610.15.12 LAN Port
............................................................................ 39710.15.13 PF Port
............................................................................ 39810.15.14 PHONE (POT) Port
............................................................................ 39910.15.15 PRI Port
............................................................................ 40010.15.16 RS232 Port (DTE)
............................................................................ 40110.15.17 TCM Port (RJ21)
............................................................................ 40110.15.18 TCM Port (RJ45)
..................................................................... 40210.16 Licences
............................................................................ 40310.16.1 System Edition Licenses
............................................................................ 40410.16.2 Upgrade Licenses
............................................................................ 40510.16.3 Trunk Licensing
............................................................................ 40610.16.4 Telephone/Endpoint Licenses
............................................................................ 40710.16.5 User Licenses
............................................................................ 41010.16.6 Voicemail Pro Licenses
............................................................................ 41210.16.7 Customer Call Reporter Licenses
............................................................................ 41310.16.8 Trial Licenses
............................................................................ 41410.16.9 CTI Licenses
............................................................................ 41410.16.10 Other Licenses
..................................................................... 41510.17 Hardware Software Compatibility
..................................................................... 42110.18 Hardware PCS Levels
..................................................................... 42110.19 TAA
Safety Statements11.
..................................................................... 42411.1 Lithium Batteries
..................................................................... 42411.2 Lightning Protection/Hazard Symbols
..................................................................... 42511.3 Trunk Interface Modules
..................................................................... 42611.4 Further Information and Product Updates
..................................................................... 42611.5 Port Safety Classification
..................................................................... 42711.6 EMC Directive
..................................................................... 42811.7 Regulatory Instructions for Use
............................................................................ 42811.7.1 Australia
............................................................................ 42811.7.2 Canada
............................................................................ 42911.7.3 China
............................................................................ 43011.7.4 European Union
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............................................................................ 43011.7.5 New Zealand
............................................................................ 43111.7.6 FCC Notification
............................................................................ 43311.7.7 Compliance with FCC Rules
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System Overview
Chapter 1.
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System Overview:
1. System Overview
This document is intended to assist with the installation of an IP Office system running in IP Office standard mode (IP Office Essential Edition, IP Office Preferred Edition or IP Office Advanced Edition) using an IP500 or IP500 V2 control unit.
This documentation does not cover installation of IP Office Basic Edition, IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode or IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER® Mode systems which each have their own separate installation documentation.
· The IP Office is a converged voice and data communications system. It should therefore only be installed by persons with telephony and IP data network experience.
· Installers must be trained on IP Office systems. Through its Avaya University (AU), Avaya provides a range of training courses including specific IP Officeimplementation and installation training. It also provides certification schemes for installers to achieve various levels of IP Office accreditation.
· It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that all installation work is done in accordance with local and national regulations and requirements. It is also their responsibility to accurately establish the customer’s requirements before installation and to ensure that the installation meets those requirements.
· You should read and understand this documentation before installation. You should also obtain and read the Avaya Technical Bulletins relevant to recent software and hardware releases to ensure that you are familiar with any changes to the IP Office equipment and software.
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1.1 Additional Documentation
Additional Documentation
The following components of core system are outside the range of a basic system installation. They are covered by separate installation and configuration documentation. If those components are to be part of the system installation, that documentation should be obtained, read and understood prior to the installation.
· 1100/1200 Series Phone Installation.
· one-X Portal for IP Office Installation.
· Avaya H323 IP Phone Installation.
· Embedded Voicemail Installation.
· Voicemail Pro Installation.
· Contact Store Installation.
· Compact DECT Installation.
· IP DECT R4 Installation.
· 3600 Series Wireless IP Installation.
· SoftConsole Installation Manual.
· SIP Extension Configuration.
· ! IP Office Technical Bulletins
Ensure that you have obtained and read the IP Office Technical Bulletin relating to the IP Office software release which you are installing. This bulletin will contain important information that may not have been included in this manual. IP Office Technical Bulletins are available from the Avaya support website (http://support.avaya.com).
· ! Upgrade Licenses Some upgrades may require entry of upgrade licenses. It is still possible to upgrade the system without the necessary licenses, however the system will not provide any telephony functions after the upgrade until the appropriate license is added to the system configuration.
1.2 Repair
IP Office systems do not contain any user serviceable or repairable components. If a faulty unit is suspected, the whole unit should be replaced.
IP500/IP500 V2 control units should not be opened under any circumstances except the insertion of an IP500 base card.
1.3 RoHS
RoHS is a European Union directive for the Removal of Certain Hazardous Substances from Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Similar legislation has been or is being introduced in a number of other countries. Avaya has decided to make its global product range compliant with the requirements of RoHS.
The actions taken vary
· In some cases equipment has been discontinued and is no longer available from Avaya.
· In some cases new manufactured stock has been made RoHS compliant and keeps its existing SAP code.
· In other cases the equipment has been replaced by a new RoHS compliant alternative with new SAP codes.
· The SAP codes within this document are for RoHS compliant equipment unless otherwise stated.
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System Overview: RoHS
1.4 IP Office Modes
IP Office systems can run in a number of modes. The following modes are supported by IP500 V2 control units:
IP Office Standard Modes
The following operating modes are collectively referred to as IP Office standard mode. These modes are supported by IP500 and IP500 V2 control units.
· IP Office Essential Edition This is the default mode for an IP500 control unit. For IP Office Release 9.0, IP500 V2 systems run in this mode if an Essential Edition license is added to the configuration. Systems without a license will not support any telephony functions.
· IP Office Preferred Edition This mode is similar to IP Office Essential Edition but adds support for the Voicemail Pro application. This mode is enabled by adding a Preferred Edition (Voicemail Pro) license to a system already licensed for Essential Edition.
· IP Office Advanced Edition This mode is similar to IP Office Preferred Edition but adds support for the Customer Call Reporter application and additional Voicemail Pro features. This mode is enabled by adding an Advanced Edition license to a system already licensed for Preferred Edition (Voicemail Pro) and Essential Edition.
IP Office Basic Edition Modes
The following operating modes are collectively referred to as IP Office basic mode. These modes are supported by IP500 V2 control units only.
· IP Office Basic Edition
This is the default operating mode for IP500 V2 control units.
· IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode
This mode operates the same as the IP Office Basic Edition mode. This mode is sold in North American locales.
· IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER® Mode
This mode operates the same as the IP Office Basic Edition mode. This mode is sold in Middle East and North African locales.
Other Modes
IP500 V2 systems can also operate in the following additional modes:
· Server Edition This special mode is not covered by this documentation. Refer to the separate Server Edition documentation. An IP500 V2 system can be used in a Server Edition network as an IP500 V2 Expansion System system. Therefore, the hardware compatibility notes for the IP500 V2 control unit in this manual remain applicable for Server Edition usage unless stated otherwise.
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1.4.1 System SD Cards
IP500 V2 control unit must be fitted with a System SD card. The default mode of the system is determined by the type of System SD card present. By using IP Office Manager and adding licenses the mode of the system can be changed.
The different System SD cards are:
· IP Office U-Law SD Card A system fitted with this type of card defaults to U-Law telephony. For pre-IP Office Release 7.0 software, the system will default to IP Office standard mode. For IP Office Release 7.0+, the system will default to IP Office Basic Edition Key System operation. Intended for North American locales.
· IP Office A-Law SD Card A system fitted with this type of card defaults to A-Law telephony. For pre-IP Office Release 7.0 software, the system will default to IP Office standard mode. For IP Office Release 7.0+, the system will default to IP Office Basic Edition PBX System operation. Intended for locales outside North America.
· IP Office Partner Edition SD Card A system fitted with this type of card defaults to U-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER® Mode Key System operation. Supported only in North American locales.
· IP Office Norstar Edition SD Card A system fitted with this type of card defaults to A-Law telephony and IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode Key System operation. Supported only in Middle East and North African locales.
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System Overview: IP Office Modes
1.4.2 Overall Capacity
The following table is a summary only. The exact combinations of extension, trunk and user ports also depends on local variations in hardware support. For example, BRI trunks are not supported in North American locales.
IP Office
Basic Edition
IP Office
Basic Edition
- Norstar Mode
IP Office
Basic Edition
Maximum Extensions
Maximum Trunks
- Maximum Analog Trunks
- Maximum BRI Channels
- Maximum PRI Channels
- Maximum SIP Channels
- Maximum H323 IP Channels
100 Extensions in 3-digit extension numbering mode. 48 extensions in 2-digit extension numbering mode.
· For IP Office Basic Edition modes, the system assumes that the base control unit is always fully populated with up to 32 extensions, either real or phantom or a mix, to which it assigns extension numbers in sequence. It does this before assigning extension numbers to any real extensions on attached external expansion modules up to the system extension limit. If the system extension limit has not been exceeded, any remaining extension numbers are assigned to additional phantom extensions.
IP Office Basic Edition mode systems support 3 SIP channels without licenses. Additional channels up to the limit require licenses. IP Office standard mode systems require licenses for all channels. In all modes, voice compression hardware resources are also required for SIP support.
IP Office Basic Edition mode systems do not support both BRI and PRI trunks in the same system. They are also restricted to 12 BRI channels regardless of the BRI hardware installed. IP Office standard mode systems support both BRI and PRI trunks in the same system.
IP Office Basic Edition mode systems are limited to 1 single-port PRI card.
Capacity is dependent on licenses, voice compression resources and available bandwidth.
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1.4.3 Hardware Support Summary
Note that even where indicated as supported, the availability and support of equipment may still be subject to local restrictions. The table below is a summary for IP Office Release 9.0, refer to Hardware Software Compatibility for a more historical summary and for a listing of supported telephones.
Control Unit
IP Office Basic Edition modes
IP Office standard
IP500 V2
IP500 V2 Control Unit
IP500 Control Unit
IP500 Base Cards
IP500 Digital Station Card
IP500 Analog Phone 2/8
IP500 TCM8 Card
– 4 4
IP500 VCM 32/64 Cards
IP500 Legacy Card Carrier
IP500 4-Port Expansion
IP500 BRI Combo
IP500 ATM Combo
– 2 2
IP500 ATM Combo V2
– 2 2
IP500 ETR6
– 3–
Unified Communications Module
Trunk Daughter Cards
Analog Trunk Card
Analog Trunk Card V2
BRI Trunk Cards
PRI Trunk Card
Expansion Modules
Number of Modules
Digital Station 16/30
Digital Station 16A/30A
Digital Station 16B/30B
Phone 8/16/30
Analog Trunk 16
Telephone Types
ETR Phones (ETR ports)
BST Phones (TCM ports)
DS Phones (DS ports)
H323 IP Phones (LAN)
SIP IP Phones (LAN)
DECT DMS (TCM ports)
Voicemail Types
Embedded Voicemail
Voicemail Pro
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System Overview: IP Office Modes
The ETR6 card is only supported by IP500 V2 systems in IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER® Mode or IP Office Basic Edition U-Law modes.
Only 2 combinations cards are supported in a control unit, regardless of combination card type.
External expansion modules can be added so long as the overall limit for extensions and trunks is not exceeded. On IP Office Basic Edition mode systems, a maximum of one Analog Trunk 16 module is supported.
IP Office Basic Edition mode systems do not support a mix of BRI and PRI trunks.
IP Office Basic Edition mode systems only support a single-port PRI card.
Not supported by IP500. IP500 V2 only.
Supports only DS ports when on an IP500.
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1.4.4 Feature Support Summary
The table below is a general summary only. For more specific details refer to the installation documentation for the specific application.
IP Office Basic Edition
IP Office
IP Office
IP Office
Quick Mode
Admin Applications
Phone Based Admin
IP Office Web Manager
IP Office Manager
Monitor (System Monitor)
System Status Application
IP Office Applications
Customer Call Reporter
one-X Portal for IP Office
one-X Mobile
Flare Experience for IP Office
IP Office Video SoftPhone
TAPI (1st Party)
TAPI (3rd Party)
Voicemail Pro
United States
Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark,
Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland,
Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico,
Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey,
United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United
States, Venezuela.
Voicemail Languages
Embedded Voicemail
· Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, Chinese-Cantonese, Danish, Dutch, English-UK, English-US, Finnish, French, French-Canadian, German, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Spanish-Latin, Spanish­Argentinean.
Voicemail Pro
––––As above plus: Hungarian, Greek, Polish. Minus: Arabic.
Default Configuration Access
User Name
Default Upgrade Password
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System Overview: IP Office Modes
1.5 Control Units
The base of any IP Office system is the control unit. It stores the system configuration and controls the system operation. Each control unit can be customized by adding various base card onto which trunk daughter cards can also be added. External expansion modules can also be connected to add additional extension and trunk ports.
IP Office Release 9.0 supports the following IP Office control units. Other previous IP Office control units are not supported by IP Office Release 9.0 and are not covered by this documentation.
· IP500 V2 Control Unit This control unit has four front slots for IP500 base cards. It has an internal power supply unit and uses a mandatory System SD card Feature Key dongle. It includes a 2 port ethernet LAN switch (layer 3 managed) on the rear.
· The type of System SD card fitted to the system determines the default operation mode of the system. The possible modes are listed below. Some modes require the addition of licenses:
· IP Office Basic Edition
· IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER® Mode
· IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode
· IP Office Essential Edition
· IP Office Preferred Edition
· IP Office Advanced Edition
· Server Edition
· IP500 Control Unit
This control unit has four front slots for IP500 base cards. It has an internal power supply unit and uses a mandatory smart card Feature Key dongle. It includes a 2 port ethernet LAN switch (layer 3 managed) on the rear.
· This type of control unit defaults to IP Office Essential Edition mode and can support the following modes:
· IP Office Essential Edition
· IP Office Preferred Edition
· IP Office Advanced Edition
26 29
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1.6 IP500 V2 System Components
The following are the typical components of a system based on an IP500 V2 control unit.
· IP Office IP500 V2 System Unit
The control unit holds the main configuration and performs the routing and switching for telephone calls and data traffic. Each control unit includes 4 slots for optional base cards to support trunk and phone extension ports.
· Avaya SD Card This uniquely numbered dongle is used to validate license keys entered into the system's configuration to enable features. A dongle is mandatory for correct system operation even if no licensed features are being used. IP500 V2 control units use an Avaya SD card which is slotted into the rear of the control unit. This card also provides Embedded Voicemail support and storage for system software files.
· IP500 Base Cards
The IP500 V2 control unit has slots for up to 4 IP500 base cards. These can be used to add ports for analog extensions, digital extensions, voice compression channels and other resources.
· IP500 Digital Station Base Card
· IP500 Analog Phone Base Card
· IP500 VCM Base Card
· IP500 Legacy Card Carrier
· IP500 4-Port Expansion Base Card
· IP500 TCM8 Base Card
· IP500 ETR6 Base Card
· Unified Communications Module
· IP500 Trunk Daughter Cards
Many of the IP500 base cards can be fitted with an IP500 daughter card in order to support various types of trunk connections.
· IP500 Analog Trunk Card
· IP500 Analog Trunk Card V2
· IP500 BRI Trunk Card
· IP500 PRI Trunk Card
· IP500 Combination Cards
These card are pre-paired base and daughter cards. They provide 6 digital station ports, 2 analog phone ports, 10 voice compression channels and either 4 analog trunk ports or 4 BRI channels (2 ports). The trunk daughter card cannot be removed or replaced with another type.
· IP500 BRI Combination Card
· IP500 ATM Combination Card
· IP500 ATM Combination Card V2
· IP400 Cards
The IP500 Legacy Carrier base card can be used to allow IP400 trunk cards and IP400 VCM cards from previous IP400 systems to be reused in an IP500/IP500 V2 control unit.
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System Overview: IP500 V2 System Components
· License Keys
Various features and applications require a license key to be entered into the system's configuration. Each key is a 32-character text string unique to the feature being activated and the serial number of the Feature Key dongle installed in the system.
· IP500 External Expansion Modules
Additional ports can be added using a number of IP500 external expansion modules. Support also includes IP400 external
expansion modules .
· Systems running in IP Office Basic Edition modes support up to 8 external expansion modules so long as the system extensions limit is not exceeded.
· Systems running in IP Office standard modes support 8 external expansion modules or 12 if the control unit is fitted with an IP500 4-Port Expansion Base Card.
· Power Supplies
The IP500 control unit has an internal power supply unit. Each external expansion module is supplied with an external power supply unit. Additional power supply units may also be required for IP phones and some phone add-ons.
· Power Cords
Depending on the locale, different power cords need to be ordered for each control unit, external expansion module and any phones or devices using external power supply units.
· Cables
The system is designed primarily for connection to a structured cabling system using CAT3 UTP cabling. This approach allows telephone and data traffic to share the same wiring infrastructure and simplifies equipment moves.
· Mounting Kits
The control unit can be used free-standing, with external expansion modules stacked above it. With optional rack mounting kits, the control unit and external expansion modules can also be rack mounted. Alternatively with an optional wall mounting kit the IP500 control unit can be wall mounted. IP500 external expansion modules can also be wall mounted.
· Surge Protectors and Barrier Boxes
Where the installation includes extensions in other buildings additional protective equipment is required. This equipment may also be required in areas where the lightning risk is high.
· Phones
IP Office systems support a variety of Avaya digital and IP phones plus analog phones.
· Application DVDs
The IP Office applications can be ordered on a number of DVDs. In addition they can be downloaded from the IP Office section of the
Avaya support web site (http://support.avaya.com).
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1.7 IP500 Office System Components
The following are the typical components of a system based on an IP500 control unit.
· IP Office IP500 Control Unit
The control unit holds the main configuration and performs the routing and switching for telephone calls and data traffic. Each control unit includes 4 slots for optional base cards to support trunk and phone extension ports.
· Feature Key Dongle This uniquely numbered dongle is used to validate license keys entered into the system's configuration to enable features. For IP500 control units, a dongle is mandatory for correct system operation even if no licensed features are being used. IP500 control units use a Smart Card which is slotted into the rear of the control unit.
· IP500 Base Cards
The IP500 control unit has slots for up to 4 IP500 base cards. These can be used to add ports for analog extensions, digital extensions, voice compression channels and other resources.
· IP500 Digital Station Base Card
· IP500 Analog Phone Base Card
· IP500 VCM Base Card
· IP500 Legacy Card Carrier
· IP500 4-Port Expansion Base Card
· IP500 Trunk Daughter Cards
Many of the IP500 base cards can be fitted with an IP500 daughter card in order to support various types of trunk connections.
· IP500 Analog Trunk Card
· IP500 BRI Trunk Card
· IP500 PRI Trunk Card
· IP400 Cards
The IP500 Legacy Carrier base card can be used to allow IP400 trunk cards and IP400 VCM cards from previous IP400 systems to be reused in an IP500 V2 control unit.
· License Keys
Various features and applications require a license key to be entered into the system's configuration. Each key is a 32-character text string unique to the feature being activated and the serial number of the Feature Key dongle installed in the system.
· IP500 External Expansion Modules
Additional ports can be added using a number of IP500 external expansion modules. Support also includes IP400 external
expansion modules . Up to 8 external expansion modules are
supported or 12 if the control unit is fitted with an IP500 4-Port Expansion Base Card.
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System Overview: IP500 Office System Components
· Power Supplies
The IP500 control unit has an internal power supply unit. Each external expansion module is supplied with an external power supply unit. Additional power supply units may also be required for IP phones and some phone add-ons.
· Power Cords
Depending on the locale, different power cords need to be ordered for each control unit, external expansion module and any phones or devices using external power supply units.
· Cables
The IP Office is designed primarily for connection to a structured cabling system using CAT3 UTP cabling. This approach allows telephone and data traffic to share the same wiring infrastructure and simplifies equipment moves.
· Mounting Kits
The control unit can be used free-standing, with external expansion modules stacked above it. With optional rack mounting kits, the control unit and external expansion modules can also be rack mounted. Alternatively with an optional wall mounting kit the IP500 control unit can be wall mounted. IP500 external expansion modules can also be wall mounted.
· Surge Protectors and Barrier Boxes
Where the installation includes extensions in other buildings additional protective equipment is required. This equipment may also be required in areas where the lightning risk is high.
· Phones
IP Office systems support a variety of Avaya digital and IP phones plus analog phones.
· Application DVDs The IP Office applications can be ordered on a number of DVDs. In addition they can be downloaded from the IP Office section of the
Avaya support web site (http://support.avaya.com).
· Embedded Voicemail Memory Card This optional card can be used to support Embedded Voicemail.
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1.8 Control Unit Cards
1.8.1 IP500 Base Cards
The IP500 and IP500 V2 control units have 4 slots for the insertion of IP500 base cards. The slots are numbered 1 to 4 from left to right. Normally they can be used in any order, however if the capacity for a particular type of card is exceeded, the card in the rightmost slot will be disabled.
Each base card includes an integral front panel with ports for cable connections. Typically the first 8 ports on the left are for connection of extension devices. The 4 ports on the left are used for connection of trunks if a trunk daughter card is added to the base card.
IP500 Digital Station Base Card
This card provides 8 DS (digital station) ports for the connection of Avaya digital phones.
· The card can be fitted with an IP500 trunk daughter card which uses the base card ports for trunk connection.
· Maximum: 3 per control unit.
· 4400 Series phones (4406D, 4412D and 4424D) are not
supported on this card. They are supported on external expansion module DS ports.
· Connections for 4100, 7400, M-Series and T-Series phones use the IP500 TCM8 Digital Station card.
IP500 Analog Phone Base Card
The card is available in two variants, supporting either 2 or 8 analog phone ports.
· The card can be fitted with an IP500 trunk daughter card which uses the base card ports for trunk connection.
· Maximum: 4 per control unit.
· The analog phone ports do not include a ringing capacitor. Where
this is a requirement, connection should be via a Master socket containing ringing capacitors.
· If fitted with an IP500 Analog Trunk daughter card, during power failure phone port 8 is connected to analog trunk port 12.
IP500 TCM8 Digital Station Card
This card provides 8 TCM (digital station) ports for the connection of Avaya 4100, 7400, M-Series and T-Series phones.
· The card can be fitted with an IP500 trunk daughter card which uses the base card ports for trunk connection.
· Maximum: 4 per control unit per IP500 V2 control unit. Not supported by IP500 control units.
IP500 VCM Base Card
This card is available in variants supporting either 32 or 64 voice compression channels for use with VoIP calls.
· The card can be fitted with an IP500 trunk daughter card which uses the base card ports for trunk connection.
· Maximum: 2 per control unit.
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System Overview: Control Unit Cards
IP500 Legacy Card Carrier Base Card
This card allows various IP400 trunk cards and IP400 VCM cards to be used. The front of the card includes panels that can be removed to match the trunk card fitted.
· This card does not accept any IP500 trunk daughter card.
· Maximum: 2 per control unit.
· IP400 Cards Supported: The following cards are supported.
PRI T1 Dual PRI T1 PRI 30 E1 (1.4) Dual PRI E1
PRI 30 E1R2 RJ45 Dual PRI E1R2 RJ45 BRI-8 (UNI) ANLG 4 Uni (US only)
VCM 4 VCM 8 VCM 16 VCM 24 VCM 30
IP500 4-Port Expansion Base Card
This card adds an additional 4 expansion ports for external expansion modules. The card is supplied with four 2m yellow interconnect cables.
· This card does not accept any IP500 trunk daughter card.
· Maximum: 1 per control unit (Right-hand slot 4 only).
· Supported Expansion Modules: The following external expansion modules are
· IP500 Analogue Trunk Module
· IP500 BRI So Module
· IP500 Digital Station Module
· IP500 Digital Station Module A
· IP500 Digital Station Module B
· IP500 Phone Module
· IP400 Digital Station V2 Modules
· IP400 Phone V2 Modules
IP500 BRI Combination Card
This card provides 6 digital station ports (1-6), 2 analog extension ports (7-8) and 2 BRI trunk ports (9-10, 4 channels). The card also includes 10 voice compression channels.
· This card has a pre-installed IP500 BRI trunk daughter card .
· Maximum: 2 combination cards per IP500 V2 control unit,
regardless of type. Not supported by IP500 control units.
· IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition systems are limited to a maximum of 12 BRI channels using BRI Combination and or BRI trunk daughter cards.
IP500 ATM Combination Card/IP500 ATM Combination Card V2
This card provides 6 digital station ports (1-6), 2 analog extension ports (7-8) and 4 analog trunk ports (9-12). The card also includes 10 voice compression channels.
· This card has a pre-installed IP500 analog trunk daughter card .
· Maximum: 2 combination cards per IP500 V2 control unit,
regardless of type. Not supported by IP500 control units.
· The analog phone ports do not include a ringing capacitor. Where this is a requirement, connection should be via a Master socket containing ringing capacitors.
· If fitted with an IP500 Analog Trunk daughter card, during power failure phone port 8 is connected to analog trunk port 12.
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IP500 ETR6 Base Card
This card is only supported in an IP500 V2 control unit running in IP Office Basic Edition - PARTNER® Mode or IP Office Basic Edition. It provides 6 ETR ports for connection of ETR phones. 2 Analog extension ports are also provided for emergency use only with an analog trunk card.
· The card can be fitted with an IP500 trunk daughter card which uses the base card ports for trunk connection.
· Maximum: 3 per IP500 V2 control unit. Not supported by IP500 control units.
· The analog phone ports do not include a ringing capacitor. Where this is a requirement, connection should be via a Master socket containing ringing capacitors.
· If fitted with an IP500 Analog Trunk daughter card, during power failure phone ports 7 and 8 are connected to analog trunk port 12. However during normal operation analog phone ports 7 and 8 are not useable.
Unified Communications Module
This card is only supported in an IP500 V2 control unit running in IP Office standard modes. It acts as an embedded Linux server for the one-X Portal for IP Office and/or Voicemail Pro applications.
The presence of this card acts as an automatic Preferred Edition license for the system.
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System Overview: Control Unit Cards
1.8.2 IP500 Trunk Cards
Many IP500 base cards can be fitted with an IP500 trunk daughter cards to support the connection of trunks to the base card.
Each daughter card is supplied with the stand off pillars required for installation and a label to identify the daughter cards presence on the front of the base card after installation.
· IP500 Combination cards are pre-fitted with a trunk daughter card which cannot be removed or changed for another type of trunk daughter card.
IP500 Analog Trunk Card/IP500 Analog Trunk Card V2
These cards allow the base card to support 4 analog loop-start trunks.
· The analog phone ports do not include a ringing capacitor. Where this is a requirement, connection should be via a Master socket containing ringing capacitors.
· If fitted with an IP500 Analog Trunk daughter card, during power failure phone port 8 is connected to analog trunk port
· Maximum: 4 per control unit. The IP500 Analog Trunk Card V2 is only supported in the IP500 V2.
IP500 PRI-U Trunk Card
This card allows the base card to support up to 2 PRI trunk connections. The card is available in single and dual port variants. The card can be configured for E1 PRI, T1 robbed bit, T1 PRI or E1R2 PRI trunks.
· Maximum: 4 per control unit.
· The IP Office system supports 8 unlicensed B-channels on each
IP500 PRI-U port fitted. Additional B-channels, up to the capacity of ports installed and PRI mode selected require IP500 Universal
PRI (Additional Channels) licenses added to the
configuration. These additional channels consume the licenses based on which additional channels are configured as in-service from port 9 of slot 1 upwards. D-channels are not affected by licensing.
IP500 BRI Trunk Card
This card allows the base card to support up to 4 BRI trunk connections, each trunk providing 2B+D digital channels. The card is available in 2 port (4 channels) and 4 port (8 channels) variants.
· Maximum: 4 per control unit.
· S-Bus Connection: The card can be switched from To trunk mode
to So mode. This mode requires additional terminating resistors and an ISDN crossover cable connection, see BRI Port (So) .
· IP Office Basic Edition - Norstar Mode and IP Office Basic Edition systems are limited to a maximum of 12 BRI channels using BRI Combination and or BRI trunk daughter cards.
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1.8.3 IP400 Trunk Cards
IP400 trunk cards can be used in IP500 and IP500 V2 controls units by being fitted onto an IP500 Legacy Card Carrier base card. Up to 2 cards can be added to the control unit in this way.
The following IP400 trunk card types are supported in this way by IP Office Release 9.0:
IP400 Trunk Cards
Analog Trunk Card (ATM4)
Provides 4 RJ45 loop-start analog trunk ports. The card is available in several locale specific variants. This card has been superseded by the ATM4U card below.
Additional loop or ground start analog trunks can also be added using Analog
Trunk external expansion modules.
Analog Trunk Card (ATM4U)
Provides 4 RJ45 loop-start analog trunk ports as per the ATM4 above but available in a single worldwide variant. Also supports adjustable echo cancellation on IP Office 3.1.
Additional loop or ground start analog trunks can also be added using Analog
Trunk external expansion modules.
Quad BRI Trunk Card
Provides support for 4 RJ45 BRI (2B+D) trunk ports. These can be configured to ETSI or AusTS013 operation. The ports include 100ohm termination.
Single PRI T1 Trunk Cards
Supports PRI (23B+D) trunks and T1 Robbed-Bit (24B) trunks through a single RJ45 port. The mode of operation is selected in the IP Office configuration.
Single E1 PRI Trunk Cards
Supports PRI (30B+D) trunks through a single RJ45 port. The port can be configured for PRI or QSIG operation.
Single E1R2 Trunk Cards
Supports PRI (30B+D) trunks using E1R2 signaling. Available in coaxial or RJ45 connector variants. Coaxial variants are not supported on an IP500 carrier card.
Dual PRI Trunk Cards
As the single PRI cards above but supporting the connection of two PRI trunks. On the IP406 V2, supported in Slot A only.
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