Atmel ATmega324PB Getting Started

AVR 8-bit Microcontrollers
AT06621: Getting Started with Atmel


This application note is for getting started with the Atmel® ATmega324PB AVR® based microcontroller.


Getting started with the ATmega324PB microcontroller and tools
Getting started with Atmel ATmega324PB Xplained Pro Kit and Atmel
Studio 7
This application note contains a list of all tools required to start using ATmega324PB and provides references for additional information.
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Table of Contents

Features.......................................................................................................................... 1
1. Getting Started with Atmel ATmega324PB................................................................3
1.1. Key Features................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Device Related Website Links......................................................................................................3
1.3. ATmega324PB Xplained Pro Kit...................................................................................................5
1.4. Atmel Studio................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4.1. Atmel Studio Webpage ................................................................................................. 7
1.4.2. Atmel Studio Microsite................................................................................................... 7
1.5. Connecting the ATmega324PB Xplained Pro kit..........................................................................7
1.5.1. Auto Board Identification of Xplained Pro Kit ................................................................8
1.5.2. Connect the ATmega324PB Xplained Pro UART to the EDBG COM Port....................9
2. Creating an Example Application in Atmel Studio................................................... 10
3. What’s next?............................................................................................................13
4. Revision History.......................................................................................................14
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1. Getting Started with Atmel ATmega324PB

1.1. Key Features

AVR (Harvard) architecture
Single level pipelining
In-system reprogrammable flash memory
Separate EEPROM section available
Optional boot code section with independent lock bits
20MIPS @ 20MHz
Most single clock cycle execution
Low-power microcontroller with various sleep modes
High code density (advanced RISC Instruction Set)
On-chip hardware multiplier
Short interrupt latency four clock cycles
Factory calibrated internal RC oscillator
Security with fuses and lock bits
Atmel QTouch® Library support
Compatibility between devices (portability)
Peripheral touch controller
Clock Failure Detection (CFD)
Note: For more information about ATmega324PB, refer to the device datasheet.

1.2. Device Related Website Links

The ATmega324PB product webpage is available at:
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Figure 1-1. Device Webpage
The product webpage has five tabs that provide specific information related to the device.
The Overview tab provides the basic information related to the device such as Key Parameters,
Datasheet, link to buy the device, etc.
The Parameters tab provides the details of various configuration parameters for the device.
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The Documents tab provides all the related documents such as datasheet and application notes.
The Datasheet section contains two types of datasheets:
Preliminary / Complete version includes all peripheral descriptions and electrical characteristics.
Preliminary Summary / Summary version includes ordering information, pin out, and packaging information.
The Application Notes section has the device related Application Notes such as Peripheral
Usage, Getting Started, Hardware design considerations, etc. and its associated firmware (if available).
The Applications tab provides the recommended application areas (not limited to) for this device.
The Tools tab, all the related tools such as IDE, Programmer, Debugger, Evaluation Kits, BSDL
files are listed. This tab features the link to ATmega324PB Xplained Pro kit’s webpage.

1.3. ATmega324PB Xplained Pro Kit

The details about ATmega324PB Xplained Pro Kit is available in the following link.
Device Ordering Information is available in the bottom section of the page.
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