Arturia KeyLab 88 Service Manual

Nicolas Dubois
Randy Lee Sebastien Rochard
Tomoya Fukushi Jerome Parrod
Glen Darcey
Axel Hartmann
Morgan Perrier
© ARTURIA SA – 1999-2016 – All rights reserved. 11, chemin de la Dhuy 38240 Meylan FRANCE
Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Arturia. The software described in this manual is provided under the terms of a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software license agreement specifies the terms and conditions for its lawful use. No part of this manual may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any purpose other than purchaser’s personal use, without the express written permission of ARTURIA S.A. All other products, logos or company names quoted in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
April 2016 edition
TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr ppuurrcchhaassiinngg tthhee AArrttuurriiaa KKeeyyLLaabb!!
This manual covers the features and operation of the Arturia KeyLab, a full-featured MIDI controller designed to work with any DAW software or plug-in you own.
Note: While the KeyLab is part of a package which includes our Analog Lab software, this manual will focus only on the KeyLab controller hardware. Please refer to the Analog Lab user manual in order to learn about the features of the software.
In this package you will find:
One KeyLab keyboard controller One USB cable The Quick Start Guide for the KeyLab. This document has a sticker on the inside
of its front cover providing the serial number and registration code you will need in order to register your KeyLab online and authorize the Analog Lab software.
Be sure to store your registration information carefully! It contains the serial number that is required during the online registration process. Registering your KeyLab provides the following benefits:
It enables you to download the Analog Lab software installer and user manual,
the KeyLab user manual, and the KeyLab MIDI Control Center software
It provides by e-mail the unlock code you will need to authorize the Analog Lab
software on your computer. See Chapter 3 of the Analog Lab user manual for more information about its authorization procedure.
SSppeecciiaall MMeessssaaggee SSeeccttiioonn
The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. However, Arturia reserves the right to change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obligation to update the hardware that has been purchased.
The product and its software, when used in combination with an amplifier, headphones or speakers, may be able to produce sound levels that could cause permanent hearing loss. DO NOT operate for long periods of time at a high level or at a level that is uncomfortable.
If you encounter any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should consult an audiologist.
Service charges incurred due to a lack of knowledge relating to how a function or feature works (when the product is operating as designed) are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, and are therefore the owner's responsibility. Please study this manual carefully and consult your dealer before requesting service.
1. Read and understand all the instructions.
2. Always follow the instructions on the instrument.
3. Before cleaning the instrument, always remove the USB cable. When cleaning,
use a soft and dry cloth. Do not use gasoline, alcohol, acetone, turpentine or any other organic solutions; do not use a liquid cleaner, spray or cloth that's too wet.
4. Do not use the instrument near water or moisture, such as a bathtub, sink,
swimming pool or similar place.
5. Do not place the instrument in an unstable position where it might accidentally
fall over.
6. Do not place heavy objects on the instrument. Do not block openings or vents of
the instrument; these locations are used for air circulation to prevent the instrument from overheating. Do not place the instrument near a heat vent or at any location with poor air circulation.
7. Do not open or insert anything into the instrument that may cause a fire or
electrical shock.
8. Do not spill any kind of liquid onto the instrument.
9. Always take the instrument to a qualified service center. You will invalidate your
warranty if you open and remove the cover, and improper assembly may cause electrical shock or other malfunctions.
10. Do not use the instrument with thunder and lightning present; otherwise it may
cause long distance electrical shock.
11. Do not expose the instrument to hot sunlight.
12. Do not use the instrument when there is a gas leak nearby.
13. Arturia is not responsible for any damage or data loss caused by improper
operation of the instrument.
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2 KEYLAB OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 FIRST STEP: MAKING THE CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................. 8
2.2 FRONT PANEL OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Keyboard ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Pitch and Modulation Wheels ....................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Octave buttons .............................................................................................................................. 11 Octave transposition .................................................................................................................................. 11 Chromatic transposition ............................................................................................................................ 11 Factory Reset (Erase All Presets) .............................................................................................................. 12
2.2.4 Volume encoder ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.2.5 Sound/Multi/Edit section ............................................................................................................... 12 Sound/Multi buttons .................................................................................................................................. 12 Edit button ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.6 Edit Parameters/Snapshots/Switches ............................................................................................ 13 Edit Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Snapshots .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Switches .................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.7 Transport Controls ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.8 Synthesis controls ......................................................................................................................... 14 Filter .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 LFO ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 FX mix ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Parameters 1-4 .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Envelopes .................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.9 Pads (KeyLab 49/61/88 only) ....................................................................................................... 15
2.3 REAR PANEL OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.3.1 MIDI connections ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Expression pedal ........................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Sustain pedal ................................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.4 Auxiliary (Aux) pedal .................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.5 Breath controller input ................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.6 USB connector (powering the KeyLab) ........................................................................................ 18
2.3.7 DC In (optional power supply) ..................................................................................................... 18
3 EDIT MODE ............................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 PROGR. CHNG ........................................................................................................................................ 19
3.2 RECALL ................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.3 STORE .................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 GLOBAL ................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.4.1 Independent transpose for part 1 and part 2 (only for Keylab 88) ............................................... 20
3.5 CURVE ................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.5.1 User Velocity Curve (Only for Keylab 88) .................................................................................... 22
3.6 MODE .............................................................................................................................. PAGEREF2224
3.7 MIDI CH ............................................................................................................................................... 25
3.8 CC ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.9 MIN LSB ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................................... 25
3.10 MAX MSB ............................................................................................................................................. 26
4 USING KEYLAB WITH ANALOG LAB ................................................................................................ 27
4.1 AUDIO & MIDI SETUP ........................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.1 Audio setup ................................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.2 MIDI setup .................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2 SELECTING PRESETS .............................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.1 Upon starting KeyLab ................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Selecting KeyLab Presets 1-10 ..................................................................................................... 28
4.3 SETUP .................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.4 USING AND REASSIGNING THE CONTROLS .............................................................................................. 29
4.5 USING THE PADS (KEYLAB 49/61/88) ..................................................................................................... 30
4.6 USING THE SNAPSHOTS ......................................................................................................................... 30
5 MIDI CONTROL CENTER ...................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 31
5.2 DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................ 31
5.3 INSTALLATION AND LOCATION ................................ ................................ .............................................. 31
5.4 CONNECTION ......................................................................................................................................... 32
5.5 THE SYNC BUTTON ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.6 THE HELP FILE ....................................................................................................................................... 33
5.7 CREATING PRESETS ............................................................................................................................... 33
5.7.1 Overview: What is a KeyLab Preset? ........................................................................................... 33
5.7.2 Assign a pad to send a MIDI program change command ............................................................. 33
5.7.3 Assign an Encoder to control a MIDI CC # within a limited range ............................................. 35
5.7.4 Faders and Encoders: Bank 1 and Bank 2 ................................................................................... 36
5.7.5 The clickable encoders .................................................................................................................. 36
5.8 STORING AND RECALLING PRESETS ...................................................................................................... 37
5.8.1 Store the new settings to a KeyLab Preset .................................................................................... 37
5.8.2 Recalling a KeyLab front panel edit into the MIDI Control Center ............................................. 38
5.8.3 Recalling a KeyLab preset into the Working Memory .................................................................. 38
5.9 GLOBAL PARAMETERS: AN OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 39
5.9.1 Keyboard MIDI Channels ............................................................................................................. 39
5.9.2 Independent transpose for part 1 and part 2 (only for Keylab 88) ............................................... 39
5.9.3 Velocity Curve (Key or Pad) ......................................................................................................... 40
5.9.4 User velocity Curve (only for Keylab 88) ..................................................................................... 41
5.9.5 Knob Acceleration ........................................................................................................................ 41
5.9.6 Aftertouch Min and Max (Key or Pad) ......................................................................................... 43
5.10 TEMPLATES: SAVE, DELETE, IMPORT, EXPORT, ETC. ............................................................................. 43
6 ARTURIA KEYLAB – LEGAL INFORMATION ................................................................................. 44
6.1 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT .............................................................................................. 44
6.2 FCC INFORMATION (USA) ............................................................................................................... 46
6.3 CANADA ............................................................................................................................................. 47
6.4 EUROPE ............................................................................................................................................... 47
KeyLab is Arturia's newest series of USB MIDI Keyboards. The KeyLab 25, KeyLab 49, KeyLab 61 and KeyLab 88 all feature a velocity and aftertouch sensitive keyboard. They offer a control surface designed for perfect integration with our software synthesizers. The attention to detail poured into KeyLab also makes it perfect for working with any other software plug-in or DAW you have available.
Beyond being a great MIDI controller, KeyLab comes with our Analog Lab software which includes an astounding arsenal of classic synth and keyboard sounds. The integration of these two products results in a powerful hybrid synthesizer with excellent functionality and great sound.
The 2 clickable encoders, 11 encoders, 9 faders, 13 switches, 6 transport switches, and the modulation and pitch bend wheels give you the control you need to exploit the full potential of any USB audio product you encounter. The 49-, 61- and 88-note versions also offer 16 velocity- and pressure-sensitive pads that can be configured as pads, MIDI CC buttons, or program change switches.
You will also find MIDI In and Out connectors; Expression, Sustain and Aux pedal inputs; as well as a breath controller input.
On top of that, the included MIDI Control Center software lets you map parameters to the controllers and pads simply and easily, directly from your computer, and then save them as presets. Those presets then can be stored in the physical KeyLab unit for instant recall.
Your music is important, and we are honored that you have chosen KeyLab and Analog Lab as the hardware and software tools that will help you each step of the way. May they inspire you to new heights of creativity!
Musically yours,
The Arturia team
2.1 First step: Making the connections
Setting up the KeyLab keyboard for use with Analog Lab is fast and simple:
1) First install the Analog Lab program on your computer and be sure to register
and authorize it (see Chapters 2 and 3 of the Analog Lab user manual).
2) Connect the KeyLab keyboard to the computer. KeyLab is powered by its USB
connection, so all you have to do is connect a USB cable from your computer to the KeyLab controller.
3) KeyLab is a class-compliant USB device, so its driver will be automatically
installed when you connect KeyLab to your computer.
4) Fire up the Analog Lab software and read on!
2.2 Front panel overview
KeyLab 25 front panel
KeyLab 49 front panel
Note: the front panels for the KeyLab 49, -61 and -88 are basically identical, so only the KeyLab 49 is pictured here.
1: Category / Param and Preset / Value encoders
The Category/Param encoder selects filter options for the Analog Lab preset list. In Edit mode it selects an item parameter.
The Preset/Value encoder selects the preset from the filtered Presets list. In Edit mode it adjusts the value of the parameter that has been selected in the display.
After making a selection with one of those encoders, click it to confirm your selection.
2:Edit Parameters / Snapshots / Switches
In Edit mode these select parameter groups. Use the Param / Value encoders to edit them.
Use with Analog Lab to recall favorite presets (Snapshots).
Use the MIDI Control Center software to alter the buttons’ assignments for other MIDI applications.
3: Transport buttons
These buttons are used to control an external hardware or software sequencer through standard MMC messages: Start, Stop, Record, Rewind, Fast Forward and Loop on/off.
4: LCD screen
32-character LCD screen.
5: Sound/Multi/Edit buttons
The Sound/Multi buttons allow selection of those modes in Analog Lab.
The Edit button places the KeyLab in edit mode for advanced editing of the controls.
6: Volume encoder
The Volume encoder controls the master volume of Analog Lab.
7: Bank buttons
The Bank buttons will toggle between two sets of controller assignments for both the Encoders and the Faders.
8: Encoders
These encoders are pre-assigned to control the synthesis parameters in Analog Lab, and may be configured to control any other device.
9: Faders
These are pre-assigned to control the synthesis parameters in Analog Lab, and may be configured to control any other device.
10: Octave up/down buttons
Will transpose the KeyLab in octave increments. The LED rate indicates the distance from middle C. For chromatic transposition, see section
11: Pitch bend/Mod wheel
These are used to alter the pitch bend and modulation amounts in real time.
12: Pads
(KeyLab 49/61/88 only)
In Analog Lab these are used to trigger chords, which are defined in Chord mode. They are velocity- and pressure-sensitive, and can be assigned to handle a number of other functions using the MIDI Control Center software.
2.2.1 Keyboard
The Arturia KeyLab series offers four different sizes of velocity- and aftertouch-sensitive keyboards (25-, 49-, 61- and 88-keys). Each is equipped with a control surface designed for perfect integration with the Analog Lab software.
2.2.2 Pitch and Modulation Wheels
These controls are used to add pitch bend and modulation during performance.
Moving the Pitch Wheel up or down alters the pitch of the selected sound. The bend range depends on the selected preset.
Moving the Modulation (Mod) Wheel up or down adds or reduces the modulation of the sound. The amount and type of modulation depends on which preset is selected.
The modulation wheel may not be assigned to modulate a parameter in some presets.
Pitch and Modulation Wheels
2.2.3 Octave buttons Octave transposition
Pushing one of the Up or Down buttons will transpose the KeyLab in octave increments. The maximum amount of transposition depends on which model you have: -/+ 3 octaves (KeyLab 25/49/61), or -/+ 2 octaves (KeyLab 88).
The appropriate LED will blink faster the further you are from middle C. Chromatic transposition
When you press the Octave buttons you also have the option to transpose chromatically (i.e., in semitones). To jump from the Oct field to the Semi field in the Transposition window, press the Down and Up buttons at the same time. Then use those buttons one at a time to shift the keyboard chromatically. Press again them simultaneously to jump back to the Oct field.
Octave buttons
12 ARTURIA – KeyLab – USER’S MANUAL Factory Reset (Erase All Presets)
The following instructions will replace all KeyLab presets with the factory settings. Back up anything you do
not want to lose! See section 5.8 for information about using the MIDI Control Center to save your presets.
If you want to start with a completely blank slate, the quickest way to do that is hold down both Octave buttons when you plug in the USB cable or the optional power supply. This will restore the factory presets on your KeyLab.
After this, Preset 0 sets the encoders to transmit in absolute mode, while presets 1-10 set the encoders to transmit in relative mode. See section 6.2.b of the built-in MIDI Control Center manual for descriptions of these modes.
2.2.4 Volume encoder
The Volume encoder functions as the master volume control for Analog Lab. It is probably best to leave this at the default setting (MIDI CC #7), although you can assign it to any MIDI CC using the MIDI Control Center software.
Volume encoder
2.2.5 Sound/Multi/Edit section
Sound/Multi/Edit buttons Sound/Multi buttons
The Sound and Multi buttons allow you to switch between these modes in Analog Lab. Edit button
Press the Edit button when you want to edit the parameters of the current preset.
When Edit mode is activated, the Edit button LED will light and the display will show the current parameters and their values. Use the Edit Parameter buttons to select the parameter group you wish to edit (Progr. Chng., Global, CC, etc.). See Chapter 3 for an explanation of each of these parameter groups and the parameters they contain.
When KeyLab is in Edit mode the two encoders to the left of the LCD change their functions:
The Category encoder becomes the Parameter selector The Preset encoder becomes the Value editor for the selected parameter. Click
this encoder to confirm the new value.
2.2.6 Edit Parameters/Snapshots/Switches
Commonly referred to as the Snapshot buttons, these ten buttons serve multiple functions depending on the current mode: Edit Parameters
When in Edit mode the silkscreened text above the buttons lists the parameter groups that are available: Progr.Chng., Recall, Store, Global, Curve, Mode, MIDI Ch., CC, Min LSB and Max MSB. Most of these contain multiple parameters which are accessed with the Param encoder and edited with the Value encoder.
For a full description of each Edit mode parameter, see Chapter 3. Snapshots
When using Analog Lab with a KeyLab controller, the default function of the “Snapshots” button group is to provide instant access to your favorite Sounds and Multis.
For information about saving and recalling Snapshots, see section 4.6. Switches
This is a simple term for the top-level functionality of these 10 buttons. In other words, when KeyLab isn’t in Edit mode or connected to Analog Lab, these 10 buttons function as Switches: they execute whatever function was determined for them in Edit mode or with the MIDI Control Center. They might transmit a MIDI note, toggle between two MIDI CC values, send a program change command, or even select one of the KeyLab presets.
Snapshot buttons, KeyLab 25
Snapshot buttons, KeyLab 49/61/88
2.2.7 Transport Controls
The KeyLab controllers provide standard sequencer transport functions, which allow you to control an external hardware or software sequencer without distracting yourself by reaching away from the center of your creative session.
The buttons send standard MMC messages by default: Start, Stop, Record, Rewind, Fast Forward and Loop On/Off. However, they may be reassigned to other functions if you like, either in Edit mode or by using the MIDI Control Center software.
Transport section
2.2.8 Synthesis controls
The majority of the front panel is dedicated to the most common synthesis parameters found in Analog Lab.
Note: Detailed information about the parameters themselves can be found in the corresponding sections of the Analog Lab manual. Filter
These two encoders govern the main filter settings of any preset: Cutoff and Resonance.
Filter encoders LFO
Two encoders control the main LFO settings of the selected preset: Rate and Amount, which set the LFO speed and depth, respectively.
LFO encoders FX mix
The FX Mix encoders control the dry/wet level of the Chorus and Delay.
FX Mix encoders Parameters 1-4
The four “Param” encoders will affect the sound in various ways depending on which parameters are active in the selected preset.
Key Parameter encoders Envelopes
The nine faders on the front panel address the envelope generators in Analog Lab.
There are two sets of four faders each, corresponding to the Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release stages of two envelopes (ADSR, in synthesizer parlance). These envelopes can control VCAs or VCFs within the preset; their assignments depend on which preset is selected.
As with other controls, though, the nine faders may be freely assigned to any other parameter. For instance, they function well as organ drawbars.
Envelope faders
2.2.9 Pads (KeyLab 49/61/88 only)
The 16 velocity- and pressure sensitive pads can be used to play drum parts, of course. Since this is a common usage they are set to MIDI Channel 10 by default (the General MIDI standard for drum parts).
The main function of the pads when using Analog Lab is to trigger chords. But they can also be assigned to do lots of other things using the MIDI Control Center software (sending program changes, for example).
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