Apple Xsan 2 User Manual

Xsan 2
Migration Guide
Second Edition
Apple Inc.
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4 Upgrading to Xsan 2.1 4
Before You Begin
If You’re Already Using Xsan 2
If You’re Currently Using Xsan 1.3 or Earlier
Volume Availability During Upgrade
Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server?
Version Compatibility
Notation Conventions
Upgrading from Xsan 1.4 to Xsan 2.1
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
10 10 10
11 11 11 11
Step 11: Step 12: Step 13:
Upgrading from Xsan 2 to Xsan 2.1
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Back up your SAN volumes Unmount and stop volumes Verify volume integrity Update SAN computers to Xsan 1.4.2 Upgrade SAN computers to Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard Update SAN computers to Mac OS X 10.5.3 or later Install Xsan 2 on SAN computers Update SAN computers to Xsan 2.1 Run the SAN setup assistant
Wait for the volume upgrade to finish (Optional) Enable Spotlight on SAN volumes (Optional) Adjust controller failover priorities Remount volumes on SAN computers
Update SAN computers to Mac OS X v10.5.3 or later Update metadata controllers to Xsan 2.1 Update clients to Xsan 2.1

Upgrading to Xsan 2.1

This guide shows you how to upgrade your Xsan 1.4 storage area network (SAN) to Xsan 2.1.
Follow the instructions in this guide to upgrade an existing Xsan 1.4 SAN and its volumes to Xsan 2.1 on Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server version 10.5 Leopard.

Before You Begin

Review the following information before you upgrade your SAN.

If You’re Already Using Xsan 2

You can skip to “Upgrading from Xsan 2 to Xsan 2.1” on page 11.

If You’re Currently Using Xsan 1.3 or Earlier

This guide shows you how to upgrade from Xsan 1.4. For help upgrading to Xsan 1.4 from an earlier version of Xsan, see the previous
Xsan Migration Guide
, available at

Volume Availability During Upgrade

You can update Xsan 2 to Xsan 2.1 without interrupting volume availability. However, upgrading from Xsan 1.4 includes activities such as converting file-system data structures that prevent users from accessing volumes during the upgrade.
from Xsan 1.4. The file-system conversion phase of the upgrade can take from less than an hour to more than a day, depending on the size of your volumes. Be sure to notify client users that the volumes will be unavailable.
You must unmount your SAN volumes from clients during the upgrade
Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server?
The Xsan file system, the Xsan Admin application, and the Xsan User Quotas application run identically on Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Any statement in this guide about Mac OS X also applies to Mac OS X Server.
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