Apple Macintosh System 7.5 User Manual

Group Upgrade Handbook
K Apple Computer, Inc.
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1 Before You Begin 1
Inside the upgrade package 2
If you have already installed System 7 3
If you won’t be using the CD-ROM disc 4
The group upgrade at a glance 5
2 Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook 7
Installing System 7.5 8
Using your upgraded Macintosh or PowerBook before you complete the
group upgrade 17
3 Planning the Group Upgrade 19
Quick reference: Products that may need upgrading 20
Group upgrade Q&A 21
The pace of the upgrade and the number of upgrade servers 24
Software compatibility 25
Network compatibility 26
Memory requirements 32
4 Setting Up the Group Upgrade Server 33
What’s on the System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD 34
Creating an upgrade server from the System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD 35
Wa ys to use the System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD 36
Creating an upgrade server from the System 7.5 floppy disks 40
Performance of the upgrade server 40
5 Performing the Group Upgrade 43
Upgrading System 6 LaserWriter drivers 44
Upgrading AppleShare print servers 45
Using Disk Copy to make floppy disks for users 46
Installing System 7.5 on users’ computers 47
Supporting users: Upgrade Q&A 48
Index 57
Before You Begin
The System 7.5 Group Upgrade package is designed to help you upgrade system software on multiple Macintosh or PowerBook computers. Installing System 7.5 will upgrade the system software to version 7.5 in addition to installing other software.
This package contains software and instructions for creating an upgrade server—a central source from which users can install the software over the network.
There are four stages to the group upgrade:
m upgrading your own Macintosh or PowerBook m planning the upgrade tasks required for your group m setting up the System 7.5 upgrade server m performing the group upgrade
The four parts of this handbook guide you through these four stages of the upgrade.
Inside the upgrade package
p U
e H
System 7.5
e G
System 7.5
Macintosh System 7.5
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
System 7.5 learning materials and software
This book
CD-ROM disc
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
CD-ROM disc contains the installation software for System 7.5 and administration tools to help you manage the upgrade. You use this disc to install System 7.5 over the network.
This package contains one set of System 7.5 installation disks, which include the new Apple Guide electronic learning materials. The package also contains the manual for individual upgrades, which includes a summary of new features in System 7.5.
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade Handbook
The guides you through the group upgrade and answers most of the technical questions that users will ask about System 7.5.
Chapter 1
If you have already installed System 7
This handbook describes the upgrade to System 7.5 for the Macintosh. If all users in your group have already installed System 7.0 or a later version, you may be able to skip some of the tasks described later in this book.
Application software
Most application programs that were compatible with system software version
7. 0 or 7.1 should be compatible with System 7.5. If you need information about a program’s compatibility with System 7.5, contact the manufacturer of that program.
Network software
New versions of some network software are installed with System 7.5. For specific information about AppleTalk, AppleShare, and other network services, see “Quick Reference: Products That May Need Upgrading” and “Group Upgrade Q&A” in Chapter 3.
LaserWriter drivers
New versions of LaserWriter drivers are installed with System 7.5, but these are required only on computers being upgraded. The new drivers can coexist on your network with version 7.0 or 7.1 drivers.
Before You Begin
Instructions for upgrading from version 7.0 or 7.1
The group upgrade from version 7.0 or 7.1 to System 7.5 involves three steps. For each step, you can use either the
CD-ROM disc or the floppy disks in the upgrade kit.
1Upgrade your own Macintosh or PowerBook.
See Chapter 2 of this handbook, “Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook.”
2Set up the upgrade server.
Follow the instructions in Chapter 3, “Planning the Group Upgrade,” and Chapter 4, “Setting Up the Group Upgrade Server.”
3Upgrade your group’s Macintosh and PowerBook computers over the network or directly
from the installation disks.
Follow the instructions in Chapter 5, “Performing the Group Upgrade.”
For information about new features, see Chapter 6, “What’s New,” in the
Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide, included in this package.
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
If you won’t be using the CD-ROM disc
This upgrade kit includes installation software on both a CD and floppy disks.
If you don’t have a CD-ROM drive, you can use this guide and the floppy disks to create an upgrade server and perform the group upgrade. The administrator tools on the CD-ROM aren’t included on the floppy disks, but they aren’t required to complete the upgrade.
Chapter 1
The group upgrade at a glance
Upgrading your own Macintosh or PowerBook
m Use Disk First Aid and Apple HD SC Setup to update your hard disks. m Use the Safe Install Utility program to check the compatibility of software
installed on your disks.
m Use the Installer program to install System 7.5. m Determine whether to install QuickDraw GX and PowerTalk, and install
them if appropriate.
Planning the group upgrade
m Check the quick reference table in Chapter 3 to determine what products
on your network need upgrading.
m Read the “Group Upgrade Q&A” section in Chapter 3 to learn more about
performing a group upgrade.
m Plan the pace of the upgrade and the number of upgrade servers. m Check the compatibility of application programs and system software
installed on your group’s computers.
m Check the compatibility of your network software, internet routers, servers,
and other network services.
m Determine whether any computers in your group will require memory
Setting up the group upgrade server
m Read the overview “What’s on the Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD”
in Chapter 4 to get familiar with the disc’s contents.
m Choose one of the methods described for making the disc’s contents
accessible to users. You can put the Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD on an AppleShare server or share it with System 7 file sharing, or you can create an upgrade server from the floppy disks.
m Monitor the performance of the upgrade server.
Before You Begin
Performing the group upgrade
m Upgrade the LaserWriter drivers on any computers that will continue to
use System 6.
m Upgrade the printer software on any AppleShare print servers. m Make installation disks (using the disk image files provided) if any users
are unable to install over the network from the upgrade server.
m Install System 7.5 on users’ computers. m Refer to the section “Supporting Users: Upgrade Q&A” at the end of the
book to answer questions about the upgrade.
Chapter 1
Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook
Install System 7.5 first on your own computer or on a test system to become familiar with the upgrade process and the new features of the software.
This chapter contains the following sections:
m Installing System 7.5
Step 1: Update your hard disk drives (using Disk First Aid and Apple HD SC Setup).
Step 2: Use the Safe Install Utility
Step 3: Use the Installer
Step 4: Install QuickDraw GX and PowerTalk, if appropriate
Step 5: Choose a printer
m Using your upgraded Macintosh or PowerBook before you complete the
group upgrade
Installing System 7.5
You can install system software from one of two sources:
m the floppy disks supplied in this package m the System Install folder on the Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD
Step 1: Update your hard disk drives
You should update your startup disk using the System 7.5 disk utility programs before installing the new system software. (Ideally, you should also update all other hard disks and removable cartridge disks. You may need updated software from the drive’s manufacturer.)
1Insert the
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
2 Open the
Disk Tools
Disk Tools
disk into a floppy disk drive or open the System Install folder on the
disk or folder, then open the Disk First Aid program.
Disk First Aid checks your hard disk drive for any problems.
3When you are finished, quit Disk First Aid and open the Apple HD SC Setup program.
You use Apple HD SC Setup to update the disk drive.
4Make sure that the disk indicated on the screen is your startup disk, then click Update.
Repeat this process for other hard disk drives and removable cartridge disk drives.
5When you are finished, quit Apple HD SC Setup.
6 Restart your computer.
Step 2: Use the Safe Install Utility
To ensure a smooth upgrade to the new system software, it’s important that you use the Safe Install Utility.
The Safe Install Utility scans the System Folder on your computer’s hard disk for compatibility with the System 7.5 components and identifies items that might not be compatible with System 7.5. Safe Install checks startup programs (also known as extensions or control panels) for compatibility. It does not check the compatibility of your application programs.
Chapter 2
1 Open the Before You Install folder or disk.
m If you are using the Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade CD, open the
Before You Install folder.
m If you are using the installation floppy disks, open the disk Before You
2 Open the Safe Install Utility program.
The Safe Install Utility’s welcome screen appears.
3Click Quick or Detailed to continue.
If you clicked Detailed and you have more than one disk drive connected to your computer, a dialog box appears in which you can select the disks you want the Safe Install Utility to scan.
An X appears next to the disks that are selected. Make sure that your startup disk is selected.
4Click OK to begin scanning the selected disks.
The Safe Install Utility begins to scan your disks. Messages report the progress of the scan.
If the Safe Install Utility finds incompatible or unknown items in the System Folder of your startup disk, you’ll see a message like the following:
Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook
5Click Move to move potentially incompatible items out of the System Folder.
The Safe Install Utility creates a new folder on your hard disk named May Not Work With System 7.5 and moves all potentially incompatible items from the System Folder into this new folder.
To test individual items for compatibility after installation, see Appendix C, “Testing for Compatibility,” in the Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide.
When the Safe Install Utility has finished examining your disks, you’ll see a report on your screen. If you chose the detailed report, it includes information about your application programs. The information is provided by the companies that created the programs, which are responsible for its accuracy.
6 To print your compatibility report, click Print.
7When you’re finished using the Safe Install Utility, click Quit.
Your compatibility report gives you specific instructions on what you must do before you can install System 7.5. Be sure to follow all the instructions. Most important, make sure that all security software and virus­protection software has been turned off and that all potentially incompatible items have been removed from the System Folder. It’s also a good idea to back up the information on your computer’s hard disk before you install new system software.
Chapter 2
Step 3: Use the Installer
You cannot install System 7.5 or its components by dragging the system software to your disk. You must use the Installer. All files are compressed. The Installer expands them.
To install the new software, follow these steps:
1 Quit any open application programs or desk accessories.
2 Insert
3 Open the System Install icon.
4When you see the Installer’s welcome screen, click Continue.
Install Disk 1
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
into a floppy disk drive or open the System Install folder on the
The Easy Install dialog box appears.
Installing a customized system: These instructions cover the Easy Install process, which is suitable for most Macintosh and PowerBook users. For information about the Custom Install option, see the Macintosh System 7.5
Upgrade Guide.
Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook
5Make sure that the disk indicated on the screen is the one on which you want to install
the software.
If the wrong disk name appears, click the Switch Disk button until the correct disk name appears.
6 Click Install.
The Installer begins to install the software on your Macintosh or PowerBook.
7 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Messages report the status of the installation. If you’re installing from floppy disks, messages tell you when to insert the next disk.
8After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
Step 4: Install QuickDraw GX and PowerTalk
If you have already installed System 7.5 and your Macintosh has at least 8 megabytes (MB) of memory, you can install QuickDraw GX or PowerTalk, or both, along with System 7.5.
QuickDraw GX
Chapter 2
QuickDraw GX provides more powerful and convenient printing (including printer icons on the desktop), sophisticated font handling, and improved color publishing capabilities. (For more information about the features of this software, see “QuickDraw GX Printing and Publishing” in Chapter 6 of the
Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide.)
If At Ease software is installed on your computer, you must turn it off before you install QuickDraw GX. For instructions, see the manual that came with your At Ease software.
System 7.5 installs GX drivers for Apple printers and fax modems. If you use a third-party printer or fax modem, you need to get a GX driver from the vendor.
To install the QuickDraw GX software:
1 Quit any open application programs or desk accessories.
2 Insert the
3 Open the QuickDraw GX Install icon.
disk into a floppy disk drive or open the QuickDraw GX Install folder on
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
All system software files are compressed. Use the Installer program to expand them during installation. Do not drag them to your hard disk.
4When you see the Installer’s welcome screen, click Continue.
The Easy Install dialog box appears.
5Make sure that the disk indicated on the screen is the one on which you want to install
the software.
If the wrong disk name appears, click the Switch Disk button until the correct disk name appears.
6 Click Install.
The Installer begins to install the software on your Macintosh or PowerBook.
Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook
7 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Messages report the status of the installation. If you’re installing from floppy disks, messages tell you when to insert the next disk.
8After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
When you install QuickDraw GX, any Type 1 PostScript fonts in your System Folder are automatically enabled to work with QuickDraw GX. Your original Type 1 fonts are moved to a folder named •Archived Type 1 Fonts• inside the System Folder on your hard disk. If you install Type 1 fonts after installing QuickDraw GX, you must enable the fonts to use them. (For instructions, see “Using Type 1 Fonts with QuickDraw GX” in Chapter 3 of the Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide.)
New desktop icon
Once you have installed QuickDraw GX and restarted your computer, you will notice that a printer icon has appeared on your desktop. QuickDraw GX automatically creates a desktop printer icon for the printer you selected in the Chooser when you installed System 7.5 (or the printer you had selected previously).
Creating “print and view” documents
You can use another feature of QuickDraw GX, the PDD Maker, to create “print and view” documents. For instructions on setting up the PDD Maker, see “Create a Desktop Icon for the PDD Maker” in Chapter 3 of the
Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide.
Chapter 2
For more information about PowerTalk’s features, see “PowerTalk Collaboration Services” in Chapter 6 of the Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade
To install the PowerTalk software:
1 Quit any open application programs or desk accessories.
2 Insert the
Macintosh System 7.5 Group Upgrade
3 Open the PowerTalk Install icon.
4When you see the Installer’s welcome screen, click Continue.
disk into a floppy disk drive or open the PowerTalk Install folder on the
The Easy Install dialog box appears.
5Make sure that the disk indicated on the screen is the one on which you want to install
the software.
If the wrong disk name appears, click the Switch Disk button until the correct disk name appears.
6 Click Install.
The Installer begins to install the software on your Macintosh or PowerBook.
Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook
7 Follow the instructions on the screen.
Messages report the status of the installation. If you’re installing from floppy disks, messages tell you when to insert the next disk.
8After the installation is complete, restart your computer.
New desktop icons
Once PowerTalk is installed and you have restarted your computer, two new icons appear on your desktop. After you have set up your system (according to instructions in Chapter 4 of the Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide), you’ll see a third new icon.
The Mailbox is where all correspondence you send or receive is stored. To read the correspondence, you open the Mailbox. (After you set up your system, the word “Mailbox” changes to your name.)
The Catalogs icon opens to show all the catalogs to which you have access. These include the AppleTalk network system, PowerShare servers, and any other services on your network.
Completing PowerTalk setup
Follow the instructions in “Set Up Your System” and “Name Your Computer on the Network” in Chapter 4 of the Macintosh System 7.5 Upgrade Guide to complete preparations to use PowerTalk.
Once you’ve set up your system, use PowerTalk Guide in the Guide menu (on the right side of the menu bar, with the h icon) to see on-screen instructions for using PowerTalk.
Chapter 2
+ 45 hidden pages