Anritsu HFE1103 Tutorial

50 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
A Review of Key Oscillator Specifications and What They Mean
By Gary Breed Editorial Director
nderstanding the specifications of
oscillators is essential when selecting a commercial unit or evaluating the perfor­mance of your own design. This tutorial-level
article offers a review of oscillator specifica­tions, what they mean, and some of the appli­cations that are most affected by particular specifications. These notes will focus primari­ly on crystal oscillator specifications, although many of the same measurements and perfor­mance factors apply to VCOs, phase-locked loops and direct digital synthesizers.
The first specification is stability. This is as simple as it sounds—stability is how well an oscillator stays on the desired frequency. The measurement of stability is the deviation in frequency under measurement conditions.
The data is typically presented in parts­per-million (ppm), although percentage is occasionally used. High performance oscilla­tors with stability of less than one ppm will be specified in scientific notation (e.g. 1x10
is 1
ppm). Measurement conditions include:
Temperature—Oscillators are measured according to their intended use, which means the temperature range may be 0 to 50 ºC for indoor applications, –40 to +70 ºC for outdoor applications, or some other range. The most common crystals are “AT cut” (a specific orien­tation in the quartz blank), which is easy to manufacture and has a modest, but pre­dictable temperature variation curve. “SC cut” crystals are harder to make, but have much
better intrinsic temperature stability, which lessens the need to provide compensation in the oscillator circuitry.
Time—Crystals change slightly with age, so performance specifications include short­term (e.g. one day) and long term (e.g. one year) stability. Oscillators used in reference applications may have 10-year stability speci­fications as well.
Shock and vibration—Frequency variation due to shock and vibration is a key specifica­tion in oscillators that will be used in harsh environments, including military and space applications. The magnitude and type of stress will vary according to the needs of each appli­cation—a DSL modem might get dropped on a concrete floor, while some military electronics must survive being fired from big guns.
Applications with the greatest stability requirements include primary references for instrumentation, data communications net­works and research. Other applications with a significant need for high stability can be clas­sified as “secondary references” used in appli­cations such as GPS receivers and general purpose instruments.
Phase Noise
You might wonder why phase noise (time/frequency domain noise) is the specifica­tion for oscillators rather than noise that includes amplitude. The answer is straightfor­ward. First, the frequency of the oscillator is what’s important, and second, amplitude noise can be largely eliminated with limiter circuit­ry. However, if the oscillator is so poorly designed that it has excessive amplitude noise, some of that energy will be converted to phase noise by the limiter or by other nonlin-
Whether designing or buy-
ing an oscillator, the key
specifications must be
understood in order to
make the right choice, or
evaluate a design
From November 2003 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2003 Summit Technical Media, LLC
52 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
ear components in the circuit.
Phase noise is specified in dB referenced to the carri­er amplitude (dBc), versus frequency offset from the car­rier (f
). In a reasonably well-designed oscillator, the noise energy decreases with increasing frequency offset, but the slope of the rolloff in noise has a series of different sec­tions, governed by several different behaviors.
Figure 1 is a simplified sketch that illustrates the var­ious influences on crystal oscillator phase noise. The dif­ferent mechanism are described in many papers on oscil­lator measurement, including [1]. Rather than describe each in detail, it is sufficient to note that each is an effect created by the physical properties of the crystal and the active devices in the oscillator circuit. The figure shows how different phenomena contribute to overall phase noise characteristics of an oscillator, each being dominant at different offset frequencies and amplitude levels.
A VCO will have a similar plot, but with significantly higher levels of phase noise, since LC, transmission lines, dielectric resonators etc. have much lower Q than a quartz crystal.
In a phase-locked loop, a similar plot (Figure 2) is used to show phase noise performance. The shape of the plot is quite different, since noise amplitude is greatly reduced outside the loop filter bandwidth. The loop filter deter­mines the phase noise close to f
, but a well-designed VCO is needed for best performance at large offsets. Practical PLLs may have noise or discrete spurious responses from circuitry between the loop filter and VCO, power supply bounce and ground currents, digital switching, and other circuit-related behaviors. Figure 2 is not dimensioned, since different synthesizer implementations will have dif­ferent characteristics.
Direct digital synthesizers (DDS) or numerically con­trolled oscillators (NCO) have unique phase noise charac­teristics, as well as spurs that are a result of the digital circuitry and digital-to-analog conversion. Rather than try to describe them in this short article, the reader is advised to read further on this subject.
Phase noise is the single most important specification in some communication systems. A receivers that must operate in the presence of nearby strong signals is one such application. A transmitter modulated with a highly complex waveform is another. In each case, excessive phase noise can mask desired signal content.
Additional VCO Specifications
A voltage-controlled oscillator will have its own phase noise plot, but also requires tuning range information. The power supply must provide the maximum tuning voltage, while the frequency vs. tuning voltage curve will influence the design of a synthesizer’s loop filter. Stability vs. tem­perature data will tell an engineer how much of the tun­ing range is available to be used in his or her application.
Jitter in Digital Oscillators
Jitter is related to phase noise, but is described in the time domain rather than the frequency domain because it relates to digital signals. Jitter, usually specified in picoseconds, is the maximum time variation from the ideal succession of rise and fall transitions in a square wave. This is an important specification for high-speed digital computing and communications systems which must maintain precise timing. Gigabit/second optical sys­tems are a key application requiring low jitter specs.
1. D. B. Sullivan, D. W. Allan, D. A. Howe and F. L. Walls, editors, Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators, NIST Technical Note 1337, National Institute of Science and Technology, Time and Frequency Division, 1990.
Frequency Offset from
Random Walk frequency noise
Flicker frequency noise
White frequency noise
Flicker phase noise
Amplitude (dBc)
White phase noise
Figure 1 · The effects of different physical phenomena on crystal oscillator phase noise.
Frequency Offset from
Close-in VCO noise
Loop filter rolloff characteristic
VCO noise plus circuit noise
VCO residual noise
Discrete spurs
Relative Amplitude
Figure 2 · The phase noise characteristics of a typical phase-locked loop.