70 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Products
30-Watt Module
Covers the 1930-1990
PCS Wireless Band
ree Microwave has
introduced a new
amplifier module
for linear PCS systems.
The PFM19030SM combines a 5 watt LDMOS
driver and a 30 watt
LDMOS PA with internal
interstage matching. The input and output are
partially matched, with recommended source
and load impedances of 19 +j1.9 and 21 +j6.3
Internal Thermal Sensing
Each silicon LDMOS device in the
PFM19030SM has an internal sense FET for
improved bias control. These FETs are fabricated from the same epi material as the power
devices, with identical physical characteristics. If desired by the designer, these devices
may be used to drive external bias circuitry to
maintain optimum performance over a wide
range of operating temperatures.
The module is constructed on a high conductivity copper base, 40 mils thick, that is
thermally matched to typical PCB material.
The base serves as a heat spreader in surface
mount installations; data sheet thermal specifications were obtained with the module soldered to a 20 mil thick PCB with an array
plated-through holes for electrical grounding
and heat sinking.
At 1 dB gain compression, the power output is nominally 45 dBm, with approximately
0.5 dB variation with a 2 volt change in V
With this 30 watts peak power capability, the
amplifier module provides 5 watts average
power output in IS95 CDMA service. Small
signal gain is 28 dB minimum, power-added
efficiency is 20% and ACPR is –49 dBc, as
shown in the accompanying graph.
Cree Microwave
Tel: 408-962-7783
HFeLink 302
This device is an easy-to-
implement module for IS95
applications, combining
two stages of amplification
with interstage matching
Cree Microwave offers the PFM19030SM surface mount LDMOS module for PCS base
station designs.
IS95 CDMA ACPR and efficiency data for the
PFM19030 amplifier module.
From September 2003 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2003 Summit Technical Media, LLC