Anritsu HFE0903 Cree

70 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Products
30-Watt Module Covers the 1930-1990 PCS Wireless Band
amplifier module for linear PCS systems. The PFM19030SM com­bines a 5 watt LDMOS driver and a 30 watt LDMOS PA with internal
interstage matching. The input and output are partially matched, with recommended source and load impedances of 19 +j1.9 and 21 +j6.3 respectively.
Internal Thermal Sensing
Each silicon LDMOS device in the PFM19030SM has an internal sense FET for improved bias control. These FETs are fabri­cated from the same epi material as the power devices, with identical physical characteris­tics. If desired by the designer, these devices may be used to drive external bias circuitry to maintain optimum performance over a wide range of operating temperatures.
The module is constructed on a high con­ductivity copper base, 40 mils thick, that is thermally matched to typical PCB material. The base serves as a heat spreader in surface mount installations; data sheet thermal speci­fications were obtained with the module sol­dered to a 20 mil thick PCB with an array plated-through holes for electrical grounding and heat sinking.
At 1 dB gain compression, the power out­put is nominally 45 dBm, with approximately
0.5 dB variation with a 2 volt change in V
. With this 30 watts peak power capability, the amplifier module provides 5 watts average power output in IS95 CDMA service. Small signal gain is 28 dB minimum, power-added efficiency is 20% and ACPR is –49 dBc, as shown in the accompanying graph.
Cree Microwave Tel: 408-962-7783
HFeLink 302
This device is an easy-to-
implement module for IS95
applications, combining
two stages of amplification
with interstage matching
Cree Microwave offers the PFM19030SM sur­face mount LDMOS module for PCS base station designs.
IS95 CDMA ACPR and efficiency data for the PFM19030 amplifier module.
From September 2003 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2003 Summit Technical Media, LLC