Anritsu HFE0104 RaabPart5.

46 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
RF and Microwave Power Amplifier and Transmitter Technologies —
Part 5
The ever-increasing demands for more band­width, coupled with requirements for both high linearity and high efficiency create ever­increasing challenges in the design of power amplifiers and transmit­ters. A single W-CDMA
signal, for example, taxes the capabilities of a Kahn-technique transmitter with a conven­tional class-S modulator. More acute are the problems in base-station and satellite trans­mitters, where multiple carriers must be amplified simultaneously, resulting in peak­to-average ratios of 10 to 13 dB and band­widths of 30 to 100 MHz.
A number of the previously discussed tech­niques can be applied to this problem, including the Kahn EER with class-G modulator or split­band modulator, Chireix outphasing, and Doherty. This section presents some emerging technologies that may be applied to wideband, high efficiency amplification in the near future.
RF Pulse-Width Modulation
Variation of the duty ratio (pulse width) of a class-D RF PA [112] produces an amplitude­modulated carrier (Figure 59). The output envelope is proportional to the sine of the pulse width, hence the pulse width is varied in proportion to the inverse sine of the desired envelope. This can be accomplished in DSP, or by comparison of the desired envelope to a full-wave rectified sinusoid. The pulse timing
conveys signal phase information as in the Kahn and other techniques.
Radio-frequency pulse-width modulation (RF PWM) eliminates the series-pass losses associated with the class-S modulator in a Kahn-technique transmitter. More important­ly, the spurious products associated with PWM are located in the vicinity of the har­monics of the carrier [113] and therefore easi­ly removed. Consequently, RF PWM can accommodate a significant RF bandwidth with only a simple, low-loss output filter.
Ideally, the efficiency is 100 percent. In practice, switching losses are increased over those in a class-D PA with a 50:50 duty ratio because drain current is nonzero during switching.
Emerging techniques are
examined in this final
installment of our series on
power amplifier technolo-
gies, providing notes on
new modulation methods
and improvements in
linearity and efficiency
This series of articles is an expanded version of the paper, “Power Amplifiers and Transmitters for RF and Microwave” by the same authors, which appeared in the the 50th anniversary issue of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, March 2002. © 2002 IEEE. Reprinted with permission.
Figure 59 · RF pulse-width modulation.
From January 2004 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © Summit Technical Media, LLC
48 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
Previous applications of RF PWM have been limited to LF and MF transmitters (e.g., GWEN [114]). However, the recent development of class-D PAs for UHF and microwave frequencies (Figure 60) offers some interesting possibilities.
Delta-Sigma Modulation
Delta-sigma modulation is an alternative technique for directly modulating the carrier produced by a class-D RF PA (Figure 61) [PA8],[PA9]. In contrast to the basical­ly analog operation of RF PWM, delta-sigma modulation drives the class-D PA at a fixed clock rate (hence fixed pulse width) that is generally higher than the carrier fre­quency (Figure 62). The polarity of the drive is toggled as necessary to create the desired output envelope from the
average of the cycles in the PA. Phase is again conveyed in pulse timing.
The delta-sigma modulator employs an algorithm such as that shown in Figure 63. The signal is digitized by a quantizer (typically a single-bit comparator) whose out­put is subtracted from the input signal through a digital feedback loop, which acts as a band-pass filter. Basically, the output signal in the pass band is forced to track the desired input signal. The quantizing noise (associated with the averaging process necessary to obtain the desired instantaneous output amplitude) is forced outside of the pass band.
The degree of suppression of the quantization noise depends on the oversampling ratio; i.e., the ratio of the digital clock frequency to the RF bandwidth and is rela­tively independent of the RF center frequency. An exam­ple of the resultant spectrum for a single 900-MHz carri­er and 3.6-GHz clock is shown in Figure 64. The quanti­zation noise is reduced over a bandwidth of 50 MHz, which is sufficient for the entire cellular band. Out-of­band noise increases gradually and must be removed by a band-pass filter with sufficiently steep skirts.
As with RF PWM, the efficiency of a practical delta­sigma modulated class-D PA is reduced by switching loss­es associated with nonzero current at the times of switch­ing. The narrow-band output filter may also introduce significant loss.
Carrier Pulse-Width Modulation
Carrier pulse-width modulation was first used in a UHF rescue radio at Cincinnati Electronics in the early 1970s. Basically, pulse-width modulation as in a class-S modulator gates the RF drive (hence RF drain current) on and off in bursts, as shown in Figure 65. The width of each burst is proportional to the instantaneous envelope of the
Figure 60 · Current-switching PA for 1 GHz (courtesy UCSD).
Figure 61 · Prototype class-D PA for delta-sigma mod­ulation (courtesy UCSD).
Figure 62 · Delta-sigma modulation.
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