Anritsu HFE0104 Vye

56 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
Improving VCO Phase Noise Performance Through Enhanced Characterization
By David Vye Ansoft Corporation
inimizing phase noise is a con-
cern of VCO designers because of its direct impact on system performance. Reduction of phase noise begins with noise characteriza-
tion and continues through modeling and sim­ulation of the design. Many factors affect the accuracy of a phase noise simulation and mea­surement, and all can be accurately addressed through the use of phase noise simulation along with prudent passive component selec­tion and resonator modeling. Optimum results can best be achieved when the considerations described in this article are followed. The Ansoft Designer EDA tools will be used as the reference in this discussion.
In order to ensure an acceptable level of simulation accuracy for VCOs operating at RF frequencies and above, every component of the linear network including transmission lines and discontinuities must be accurately charac­terized to several harmonics of the fundamen­tal oscillation frequency. This is essential because the accuracy of the oscillation signal (which affects the noise analysis) and the noise analysis itself greatly depend on the linear network. As a result, any inaccuracies in the linear network characterization will affect the quality of the system’s phase noise simulation.
To obtain the best results, the simulation should accurately reflect what will ultimately be fabricated, including actual circuit board dimensions and material properties as well as valid component models of any parasitic behavior. For surface mount components, engi­neers often rely on equivalent circuit models
or measured S-parameters to represent these parts. While component vendors may be able to manufacture and characterize their parts through measurements, board designers need an alternative method for determining circuit performance before fabrication.
By equating physical attributes directly to electrical performance, electromagnetic (EM) simulation is ideal for board characterization. As planar EM technology becomes faster and more integrated into the design process, many engineers are adapting its use for board mod­eling and design verification. Design environ­ments such as Ansoft Designer, which support the use of circuit components and planar EM co-simulation, allow engineers to simulate complete networks with surface mount compo­nent models and appropriately characterized board designs. The designer can incorporate a highly accurate electrical representation of the traces that define the circuit without hav­ing to generate a set of S-parameters and manually insert this data.
While the use of schematic-based dis­tributed models (Figure 1) offers a quick method for initial design and optimization, planar EM simulation eliminates the prob­lems associated with model validity caused by range restrictions (such as ratios of width to height) and arbitrary geometries that can be difficult to model with discrete distributed models. EM simulation directly models com­plex trace metals and all their associated par­asitic effects such as interconnect coupling. If the simulation tools support planar EM parameterization along with circuit-planar EM hierarchical design, the overall circuit may be tuned and optimized through manipu­lation of the physical structure.
Improved EDA tools allow
engineers to easily test and
optimize their designs dur-
ing simulation, before the
expensive and time-con-
suming prototype phase
From January 2004 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © Summit Technical Media, LLC
58 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
One difficulty when applying EM­based simulations to a free-running oscillator with a high-Q resonator is the uncertainty of the nonlinear oscillation frequency, which is linked to the resonator circuit. Characteriz­ing the resonator with fine frequency steps will reduce potential interpola­tion error at the cost of increased simulation time. The engineer must also remember to characterize the resonator at an appropriate number of harmonic frequencies if an accu­rate phase noise simulation is to be obtained. This increase in frequency points can detract from the speed
advances offered by today’s more powerful planar EM tools.
To avoid these problems, Ansoft Designer offers multiple methods of planar EM co-simulation that may be specified by the user. For self-driven circuits such as an oscillator, the user may select the fast frequency sweep option to cover a broad frequency range using dynamic frequency steps. The fast frequency sweep option detects sharp resonances and auto­matically refines the step size to bet­ter capture the changing impedances. Coarse frequency steps may be defined to eliminate EM simulations
from being performed in regions out­side the range of likely oscillations or harmonics. For source-driven nonlin­ear circuits such as amplifiers, the user may select the discrete frequen­cy co-simulation option so that it is automatically employed only at the discrete harmonic frequencies speci­fied by the nonlinear simulation setup. The desired co-simulation attribute is easily specified through the EM component analysis options.
An example of a circuit-planar EM-based resonator design is shown in Figures 2 and 3. The hierarchical approach to this design utilizes a 12­port planar EM “sub-design” that is electrically attached to all surface mount components, ports, and a DC source at the design’s top-level. In the schematic view (Figure 3), the planar EM component is represented by the 12-port symbol. The fully synchro­nized layout view shows details of the resonator’s physical attributes, including vias and footprints for all SMT components.
By constructing the resonator with physical layouts of critical transmission lines and component footprints early in the design cycle, it is possible to ensure that the struc­ture will be realizable. EM co-simula­tion verifies the structure’s results, and Ansoft Designer allows circuit and planar structure hierarchy and parameter passing so that variables created by the designer can be used to define geometries and then be swept during analysis for parametric studies. This allows the performance trade-offs between Q-factor, tuning range, output power, and phase noise to be analyzed. In addition, planar EM simulation may be used to exam­ine the current distribution in the structure, in order to investigate undesirable effects such as excessive coupling between an oscillator and buffer amplifier (Figure 4).
With the tools in place to properly characterize the linear network, the engineer should then consider the nonlinear aspects of the simulation.
Figure 1 · VCO and buffer amplifier design based on lumped element and simple transmission line models.
Figure 2 · The VCO layout view, showing the physical design.
Figure 3 · Schematic view showing resonator EM structure as multi-port symbol.
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