Anritsu HFE0104 Editorial

6 High Frequency Electronics
2004 – Uncertainty Makes Most Predictions Impossible
Gary Breed Editorial Director
technology? Will the government continue its renewed spending with little concern for deficits? Will we still be in Iraq in 2005? Is there life on Mars?
Who knows? I have desires, opinions and rough ideas on these matters, but that’s all. Too many matters are in flux to do anything but make a wild guess.
Fortunately, there are a few easy predictions. The
economy will continue to operate reliably, whether it gets better, worse or stays about the same. As long as Alan Greenspan is running the Fed, and as long as inflation stays away, we’re likely to have low interest rates for the rest of the year. Products will continue to be designed and manufac­tured by our readers and their companies.
Some of the other predictable things in 2004 include activities and events. Trade shows and technical conferences will continue to be an essential part of the interaction among engineers, and between vendors and their customers. We will have our biggest participation in the Wireless System Design Conference, the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and European Microwave Week. But, you may find some of the High Frequency Electronics staff at the WCA Broadband Symposium, the CTIA Wireless 2004 show, the NAB Convention and Exhibition, and some of the excellent conferences that take place throughout the year.
And there’s one more: High Frequency Electronics will continue to deliver timely and diverse technical articles and other essential informa­tion for engineers whose work requires them to increase their expertise and knowledge. We will keep covering the principles unique to high fre­quency product design, the tools and equipment to accomplish those designs, and the components that go into them.
We have survived the toughest economic conditions of the past 25 years. Since we’re still here and enjoying what we do, it does not take a crystal ball to predict that we’ll continue.
A prediction I hope comes true is that all of you have a prosperous 2004! May your personal careers get a boost; your companies succeed (and the value of your stock options soar); and may every commercial, military and consumer product you make be a hit in the marketplace!
Editorial Director
Gary Breed
Tel: 608-845-3965
Fax: 608-845-3976
Scott Spencer
Tel: 603-472-8261
Fax: 603-471-0716
Associate Publisher
Tim Burkhard
Tel: 707-544-9977
Fax: 707-544-9375
Ken Crocker
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High Frequency Electronics,
Vol. 3 No. 1, January 2004. Published ten times per year by Summit Technical Media, LLC, 7 Colby Court, Suite 4-436, Bedford, NH 03110. Subscriptions are free to qualified technical and manage­ment personnel involved in the design, man­ufacture and distribution of electronic equip­ment and systems at high frequencies. Send information requests by mail to the above address, by telephone to 603-472-8261, by fax to 603-471-0716, or by E-mail to
All contents Copyright © 2004,
Summit Technical Media, LLC
Government, Committee or Proprietary Standards?
This issue’s Technology Report updates the status of a few stan­dards activities that are of interest to our segment of the electronics industry. One of the topics that arises from time-to-time is the value of committee-developed stan­dards like these—when do they work best, when do they get in the way, and when does a proprietary specification have the advantage?
The argument for standards is interoperability. The idea is that, if component suppliers and equip­ment manufacturers understand exactly how a system is supposed to operate, all their products will work together. The combination of cooperation and competition is sup­posed to speed time-to-market, give customers more choices and make everybody happy.
Some standards are mandated
by regulatory bodies. The argument for this is simple: efficiency. If there is only one standard with no dis­cussion, a “shakeout” period is not required. This was the normal pro­cedure from 1934 to the 1990s, cre­ating log-running standards such as NTSC color television.
About the 1980s, growth in elec­tronic technology was proceeding so fast that government regulators could no longer keep up. In the U.S. the FCC has almost entirely aban­doned mandated standards, and government telecom agencies worldwide have loosened their tight control of technology. (I’m lim­iting this discussion to radiated technologies that have treaty agreements and laws requiring their management.)
As noted first, some standards are carefully crafted by industry committees because they are deemed so important that a stan-
dard is essential for that particular market to develop. IEEE 802.11 is a good example of the success of this approach. The market took off quickly as soon as “Wi-Fi” stan­dards were agreed upon.
The third method is a specifica­tion developed at a single company. Of course, others may or may not choose to jump on the bandwagon and make it a de facto standard. Bluetooth and Zigbee are two of these types of specs that are in the news today (MS-DOS is a perfect example in the computer world).
Each of these methods comes in and out of favor, yet despite argu­ments by their proponents, none is the single best way to create a stan­dard. As measured by their mar­ketplace success and lasting impact, each has created great suc­cesses and dismal failures.
From January 2004 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © Summit Technical Media, LLC