Pretrimmed to 1.0% (AD532K)
No External Components Required
Guaranteed 1.0% max 4-Quadrant Error (AD532K)
Diff Inputs for (X
– X2) (Y1 – Y2)/10 V Transfer Function
Monolithic Construction, Low Cost
Multiplication, Division, Squaring, Square Rooting
Algebraic Computation
Power Measurements
Instrumentation Applications
Available in Chip Form
The AD532 is the first pretrimmed single chip monolithic multiplier/divider. It guarantees a maximum multiplying error of
± 1.0% and a ±10 V output voltage without the need for any
external trimming resistors or output op amp. Because the
AD532 is internally trimmed, its simplicity of use provides design
engineers with an attractive alternative to modular multipliers,
and its monolithic construction provides significant advantages
in size, reliability and economy. Further, the AD532 can be used
as a direct replacement for other IC multipliers that require
external trim networks.
The AD532 multiplies in four quadrants with a transfer function of (X
– X2)(Y1 – Y2)/10 V, divides in two quadrants with
a 10 V Z/(X
– X2) transfer function, and square roots in one
quadrant with a transfer function of ±√ 10 V Z. In addition to
these basic functions, the differential X and Y inputs provide
significant operating flexibility both for algebraic computation and
transducer instrumentation applications. Transfer functions,
such as XY/10 V, (X
– Y2)/10 V, ±X2/10 V, and 10 V Z/(X1 – X2),
are easily attained and are extremely useful in many modulation
and function generation applications, as well as in trigonometric
calculations for airborne navigation and guidance applications,
where the monolithic construction and small size of the AD532
offer considerable system advantages. In addition, the high
CMRR (75 dB) of the differential inputs makes the AD532
especially well qualified for instrumentation applications, as it
can provide an output signal that is the product of two transducergenerated input signals.
The AD532J and AD532K are specified for maximum multiplying
errors of ±2% and ±1% of full scale, respectively at 25°C, and
are rated for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The AD532S has a
maximum multiplying error of ±1% of full scale at 25°C; it is
also 100% tested to guarantee a maximum error of ±4% at the
extended operating temperature limits of –55°C and +125°C. All
devices are available in either the hermetically-sealed TO-100
metal can, TO-116 ceramic DIP or LCC packages. J, K, and
S grade chips are also available.
1. True ratiometric trim for improved power supply rejection.
2. Reduced power requirements since no networks across supplies are required.
3. More reliable since standard monolithic assembly techniques
can be used rather than more complex hybrid approaches.
4. High impedance X and Y inputs with negligible circuit loading.
5. Differential X and Y inputs for noise rejection and additional
computational flexibility.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781/329-4700 World Wide Web Site: http://www.analog.com
Fax: 781/326-8703 © Analog Devices, Inc., 2001
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.