Amada FO-3015NT User Manual

PREFACE This manual describes the programming procedures for the laser machine. To increase the cutting efficiency of the laser machine, read the manual carefully before creating programs. (For operating the laser machine, refer to the separate Operator’s Manual.)
Programming Manual: CNC Laser Machine (AMNC-F) © 2004 by AMADA CO., LTD.
No part of this publication may be photocopied or other wise reproduced with­out the prior written permission of AMADA CO., LTD.
Printed in Japan
G-Code listing............................................................................I-4
M-Code listing............................................................................ I-6
Machine layout........................................................................... I-7
Coordinates and dimensions.....................................................I-7
G20 Select INCH coordinates.......................................... I-7
G21 Select METRIC coordinates..................................... I-8
G90 Absolute programming ............................................. I-8
G91 Incremental programming ........................................ I-8
G92 Establishing coordinate system................................ I-8
G93 Origin point offset..................................................... I-9
G120 Measurement probe (for LC-θ)............................... I-9
Motion instructions.................................................................... I-10
G00 Rapid traverse......................................................... I-10
G01 Straight line motion.................................................. I-11
G02 Circular arc CW....................................................... I-12
G03 Circular arc CCW .................................................... I-14
G09 Exact stop................................................................ I-16
G61 Exact stop check mode........................................... I-16
G64 Contour cutting mode.............................................. I-16
G160 Space arc interpolation (for LC-θ)......................... I-17
O Program numbers........................................................ I-18
F Feedrate code.............................................................. I-18
D Offset code .................................................................. I-18
N Sequence numbers ..................................................... I-18
; End of block .................................................................. I-18
/ Block skip...................................................................... I-19
(Comments)....................................................................... I-19
G04 Dwell........................................................................ I-19
G25, G27 Programmed repositioning (for LC-α) ............ I-20
G31 Assist gas selection................................................. I-20
G50 Home return ............................................................ I-21
Laser beam compensation .......................................................
G40 Laser beam compensation-cancel .......................... I-22
Measurement probe coordinate rotation (for LC-θ)
I-21 I-22
(Continued on next page.)
G41 Laser beam compensation-left................................ I-22
G42 Laser beam compensation-right .............................
Laser control............................................................................. I-24
G24 Piercing mode ......................................................... I-24
M100 Laser mode ON.....................................................
M101 Laser mode OFF................................................... I-24
M102 Material designation..............................................
M103 Start cutting mode................................................. I-25
M104 Cutting mode cancel............................................. I-25
M722, M723, M727 Tracking sensor calibration.............
M758 Beam ON .............................................................. I-26
E1...E10 Cut condition select.......................................... I-26
E101...E103 Pierce condition select...............................
E201...E205 Edge condition select................................. I-26
Cutting parameter database.............................................. I-28
U, V, W macro functions........................................................... I-29
Macro number usage......................................................... I-29
Macro memory (U, V)........................................................ I-29
Macro recall (W)................................................................
Nested macros .................................................................. I-31
Multiple part processing............................................................
G98 Multiple part setup................................................... I-33
To cancel G98....................................................................
G75, G76 Multiple macro recall...................................... I-35
Multiple part example ........................................................
Multiple part processing on subcarriage side
of FO machine...................................................................
General M-codes...................................................................... I-42
M00 Program stop .......................................................... I-42
M02 Program end ...........................................................
M30 Program end, return to start of program................. I-42
M80, M81 Work chute open/close (for LC-α).................. I-42
M96 Call subprogram......................................................
M97 End of subprogram................................................. I-43
M99 End of subprogram (for FO).................................... I-43
M150, M151, M152 Queue code (for FO)....................... I-44
M180 Cycle work chute (for LC-α)..................................
I-44 I-45
G32, G33 Z-axis tracking sensor.................................... I-45
G65 Subprogram call (for FO) ........................................ I-45
G95 Call program with parameters.................................
G96 Modal program call.................................................. I-46
G97 Modal program call cancel......................................
G107 Pipe Interpolation..................................................I-46
G121, G122 HS-Edge detection.....................................I-46
G130 Axes retract ...........................................................
G140, G141, G149 OVS................................................. I-47
G150 Scaling/Coordinate rotation...................................
G161, G162 Space corner radius insertion (for LC-θ).... I-49
G163 3D coordinate conversion (for LC-θ)..................... I-49
G164 3D coordinate conversion cancel (for LC-θ)..........
G165 3D conversion (for LC-θ)....................................... I-49
G166 3D conversion cancel (for LC-θ)............................
G173 U-axis length compensation (for LC-θ) ................
I-49 I-49
M720, M721 Sensor ON/OFF (for LC-θ)......................... I-50
Loader control........................................................................... I-51
G10 Pallet unload (for LC-β)........................................... I-51
M10, M11 Workpiece clamp/release (for LC-α).............. I-51
M20 – M29 Detectable material thickenss (for LC-α)..... I-51
M33 Pallet load (for LC-β, FO)
/Workpiece load (for LC-α).....................................
M34 Pallet unload (for LC-β)........................................... I-51
M55 Cancel mirror image (for LC-β)...............................I-52
M65 Stock function (for LC-α)......................................... I-52
M707, M772 – M774 Pallet change ................................ I-52
M790, M791 Pallet set (for LC-β, FO)............................. I-52
M792, M793 Pallet set pin (for LC-β, FO)....................... I-52
G-codes for holes and patterns .................................................II-2
Standard holes....................................................................II-2
Standard patterns...............................................................II-2
G-codes for standard holes .......................................................II-3
G111 Square/Rectangle
(with Square/Radius/Chamfered corners)..........................II-4
G112 Round/Obround ......................................................II-6
G113 Single D/Double D..................................................II-8
G114 Polygon
(with Square/Radius/Chamfered corners).........................
G115 Arc slot (Radius ends)...........................................
II-10 II-12
(Continued on next page.)
G116 Arc slot (Flat ends) ................................................II-14
G-codes for standard patterns..................................................
General format of pattern call............................................II-16
G126 Bolt hole circle.......................................................II-17
G128 Line at angle..........................................................
G129 Arc.........................................................................II-19
G136 Grid- X...................................................................
G137 Grid- Y...................................................................II-21
General Machine
G-Code listing ..................................................................................I-4
M-Code listing ..................................................................................I-6
Machine layout.................................................................................I-7
Coordinates and dimensions ...........................................................I-7
G20 Select INCH coordinates ................................................I-7
G21 Select METRIC coordinates...........................................I-8
G90 Absolute programming ...................................................I-8
G91 Incremental programming ..............................................I-8
G92 Establishing coordinate system......................................I-8
G93 Origin point offset ...........................................................I-9
G120 Measurement probe (for LC-θ).....................................I-9
Motion instructions ..........................................................................I-10
G00 Rapid traverse ...............................................................I-10
G01 Straight line motion........................................................I-11
G02 Circular arc CW .............................................................I-12
G03 Circular arc CCW ..........................................................I-14
G09 Exact stop......................................................................I-16
G61 Exact stop check mode .................................................I-16
G64 Contour cutting mode ....................................................I-16
G160 Space arc interpolation (for LC-θ) ...............................I-17
General ...........................................................................................I-18
O Program numbers..............................................................I-18
F Feedrate code....................................................................I-18
D Offset code ........................................................................I-18
(Continued on next page.)
N Sequence numbers ...........................................................I-18
; End of block ........................................................................I-18
/ Block skip............................................................................ I-19
(Comments) .............................................................................I-19
G04 Dwell..............................................................................I-19
G25, G27 Programmed repositioning (for LC-α) ..................I-20
G31 Assist gas selection.......................................................I-20
G50 Home return ..................................................................I-21
Measurement probe coordinate rotation (for LC-θ)
Laser beam compensation .............................................................I-22
G40 Laser beam compensation-cancel ................................I-22
G41 Laser beam compensation-left......................................I-22
G42 Laser beam compensation-right.................................... I-23
Laser control ...................................................................................I-24
G24 Piercing mode ...............................................................I-24
M100 Laser mode ON...........................................................I-24
M101 Laser mode OFF .........................................................I-24
M102 Material designation....................................................I-25
M103 Start cutting mode .......................................................I-25
M104 Cutting mode cancel ...................................................I-25
M722, M723, M727 Tracking sensor calibration ...................I-25
M758 Beam ON ....................................................................I-26
E1...E10 Cut condition select................................................I-26
E101...E103 Pierce condition select .....................................I-26
E201...E205 Edge condition select.......................................I-26
Cutting parameter database ....................................................I-28
U, V, W macro functions .................................................................I-29
Macro number usage...............................................................I-29
Macro memory (U, V) ..............................................................I-29
Macro recall (W) ......................................................................I-30
Nested macros.........................................................................I-31
Multiple part processing..................................................................I-33
G98 Multiple part setup.........................................................I-33
To cancel G98..........................................................................I-34
G75, G76 Multiple macro recall ............................................I-35
Multiple part example ..............................................................I-37
Multiple part processing on subcarriage side
of FO machine .........................................................................I-39
General M-codes ............................................................................I-42
M00 Program stop ................................................................I-42
M02 Program end .................................................................I-42
M30 Program end, return to start of program .......................I-42
M80, M81 Work chute open/close (for LC-α)........................I-42
M96 Call subprogram............................................................I-43
M97 End of subprogram........................................................I-43
M99 End of subprogram (for FO) ..........................................I-43
M150, M151, M152 Queue code (for FO) .............................I-44
M180 Cycle work chute (for LC-α) ........................................I-44
Special ............................................................................................I-45
G32, G33 Z-axis tracking sensor ..........................................I-45
G65 Subprogram call (for FO)...............................................I-45
G95 Call program with parameters .......................................I-45
G96 Modal program call........................................................I-46
G97 Modal program call cancel ............................................I-46
G107 Pipe Interpolation ........................................................I-46
G121, G122 HS-Edge detection ...........................................I-46
G130 Axes retract .................................................................I-47
G140, G141, G149 OVS .......................................................I-47
G150 Scaling/Coordinate rotation.........................................I-48
G161, G162 Space corner radius insertion (for LC-θ) ..........I-49
G163 3D coordinate conversion (for LC-θ) ...........................I-49
G164 3D coordinate conversion cancel (for LC-θ)................I-49
G165 3D conversion (for LC-θ) .............................................I-49
G166 3D conversion cancel (for LC-θ)..................................I-49
G173 U-axis length compensation (for LC-θ) .......................I-49
M720, M721 Sensor ON/OFF (for LC-θ)...............................I-50
Loader control .................................................................................I-51
G10 Pallet unload (for LC-β) .................................................I-51
M10, M11 Workpiece clamp/release (for LC-α) ....................I-51
M20 – M29 Detectable material thickenss (for LC-α) ...........I-51
M33 Pallet load (for LC-β, FO)/Workpiece load (for LC-α) ...I-51
M34 Pallet unload (for LC-β) .................................................I-51
M55 Cancel mirror image (for LC-β) .....................................I-52
M65 Stock function (for LC-α) ...............................................I-52
M707, M772 – M774 Pallet change ......................................I-52
M790, M791 Pallet set (for LC-β, FO) ...................................I-52
M792, M793 Pallet set pin (for LC-β, FO) .............................I-52


The machine is controlled by various G-codes and M-codes. A listing of G-codes follows. For information about M-codes, see page I-6.
CODE ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ PURPOSE ・・・・・ GROUP G00 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Rapid traverse ・・・・・Motion G01 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Straight line motion ・・・・・Motion G02 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Circular arc CW ・・・・・Motion G03 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Circular arc CCW ・・・・・Motion G04 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Dwell ・・・・・General G09 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Exact stop ・・・・・ Motion G10 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Pallet unload ・・・・・Loader G20, G21・・・・・・・・・・ Select Inch/Metric coordinates ・・・・・Coordinates, dimensions G24 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Piercing ・・・・・Laser
G25, G27 (for LC-α) ・・・・ Programmed repositioning ・・・・・General G31 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Assist gas select ・・・・・General G32 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Z-axis tracking sensor ON ・・・・・Special G33 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Z-axis tracking sensor cancel ・・・・・ Special G40 ・・・・・・・ Laser beam path compensation cancel ・・・・・Laser beam
G41 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Laser beam path compensation
G42 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Laser beam path compensation
G50 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Home return ・・・・・General G53 ・・・・・・・・ Setting in machine coordinate system ・・・・・Coordinates, dimensions G61 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Exact stop check mode ・・・・・Motion G64 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Contour cutting mode ・・・・・ Motion G65 (for FO) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Subprogram call ・・・・・Special G75, G76・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Multiple macro recall ・・・・・Multiple
G77 (for LC-θ)
G90 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Absolute programming ・・・・・Coordinates, dimensions G91 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Incremental programming ・・・・・Coordinates, dimensions G92 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Establishing coordinate system ・・・・・Coordinates, dimensions G93 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Origin point offset ・・・・・Coordinates, dimensions G95 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Call Program with parameters ・・・・・ Special G96 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Modal program call ・・・・・ Special G97 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Modal program call cancel ・・・・・Special G98 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Multiple part setup ・・・・・Multiple G107 ・・・・ Pipe interpolation (for rotary table option) ・・・・・Special G111・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Square/Rectangle ・・・・・Hole G112 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Round/Obround ・・・・・Hole
Measurement probe coordinate rotation
to LEFT of path ・・・・・Laser beam
to RIGHT of path ・・・・・Laser beam
G113 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Single D/Double D・・・・・ Hole G114 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Polygon ・・・・・ Hole G115 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Arc slot (radius ends)・・・・・ Hole G116 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Arc slot (flat ends) ・・・・・ Hole
G120 (for LC-θ) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Measurement probe ・・・・・ Coordinates, dimensions G121, G122 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ HS-edge detection ・・・・・ Special G126 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Bold hole circle (BHC) ・・・・・ Pattern G128 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Line at angle (LAA) ・・・・・ Pattern G129 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Arc (ARC)・・・・・ Pattern G130 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Axes retract ・・・・・ Special G136 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Grid-X (GRD-X)・・・・・ Pattern G137 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Grid-Y (GRD-Y)・・・・・ Pattern G140 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ OVS hole detection ・・・・・ Special G141 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・OVS expand function・・・・・ Special G149 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ OVS cancel ・・・・・ Special G150 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Scaling/Rotation ・・・・・ Special
G160 (for LC-θ) ・・・・・・・・・・・ Space arc interpolation・・・・・ Motion G161 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Space corner radius insertion・・・・・ Special G162 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Space corner radius cancel・・・・・ Special G163 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3D coordinate conversion ・・・・・ Special G164 ・・・・・・・・・・・ 3D coordinate conversion cancel ・・・・・ Special G165 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・3D conversion・・・・・ Special G166 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3D conversion cancel ・・・・・ Special G173 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ U-axis length compensation ・・・・・ Special


M-CODE ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ PURPOSE ・・・・・ GROUP
M00 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Program stop ・・・・・General M-code
M02 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Program end ・・・・・General M-code
M10, M11 (for LC-α) ・・・・・ Workpiece clamp/release ・・・・・Special
M20 – M29 (for LC-α) Detectable material thickness ・・・・・Special
M30 ・・・・・・ Program end, return to start of program ・・・・・General M-code
M33 (for LC-β/LC-α) ・・・ Pallet load/ Workpiece load ・・・・・Loader
M34 (for LC-β) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Pallet unload ・・・・・Loader
M55 (for LC-β) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Cancel mirror image ・・・・・Loader
M65 (for LC-α) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Stock function ・・・・・Loader
M80, M81 (for LC-α) ・・・・・・・ Work chute open/close ・・・・・General M-code
M96 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Call subprogram ・・・・・General M-code
M97 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ End of subprogram ・・・・・General M-code
M99 (for FO) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ End of subprogram ・・・・・General M-code
M100 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Laser mode ON ・・・・・Laser
M101 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Laser mode OFF ・・・・・Laser
M102 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Material designation ・・・・・Laser
M103 ・・・・・・・・・・ Pierce material, start cutting mode ・・・・・Laser
M104 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Cancel cutting mode ・・・・・Laser
M150, M151, M152 (for FO)・・・・・・・・・・ Queue code ・・・・・General M-code
M180 (for LC-α) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Cycle work chute ・・・・・General M-code
M707, M772 – M774 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Pallet change ・・・・・ Loader
M720, M721 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Sensor ON/OFF ・・・・・Laser
M722, M723, M727 ・・・・ Tracking sensor calibration ・・・・・ Laser
M758 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Beam ON ・・・・・Laser
M790, M791 (for LC-β) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Pallet set ・・・・・Loader
M792, M793 (for LC-β) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Pallet set pin ・・・・・Loader


The LC-α machine and the LC-β machine are ahybrid system, with moving the material in the X-axis and moving the laser head in the Y­axis. The LC-α machine moves the material across a ball-transfer table, while the LC-β machine moves the pallet and material in the X­axis. The LC-θ or FO machine moves the laser head in the X-axis and Y-axis.
With the axes at the reference positions, the laser head is at the X+ and Y+ corner of the working area for the LC-α, -β, and -θ machines and is at the X+ and Y– corner of the working area for the FO machine.


The NC used on these machines accepts information within certain ranges of values. The following table lists allowable values for various uses.
Numeric formats/allowable range of values
Items Metric
X, Y, Z +/– 99999.9999 +/– 9999.9999
G 1 to 9999 1 to 9999
N 0 to 99999 1 to 99999
O 0 to 9999 0 to 9999
R, I, J +/– 99999.9999 +/– 9999.9999
M 1 to 999 0 to 999
X (as parameter) .001 to 9999.999 .001 to 9999.999
P 1 to 9999 1 to 9999

G20 Select INCH coordinates

May be used in MDI, or at the beginning of a program on a line by itself. After changing coordinate system, G92 must be re-set. This may be done by re-referencing the machine (using RETRACT mode) or by using the G92 or G130 instruction.
O In a program, must be followed by either a G92 statement for INCH
coordinates, or a G130 instruction.

G21 Select METRIC coordinates

May be used in MDI, or at the beginning of a program on a line by itself. After changing coordinate system, G92 must be re-set. This may be done by re-referencing the machine (using RETRACT mode) or by using the G92 or G130 instruction.
O In a program, must be followed by either a G92 statement for METRIC
coordinates, or a G130 instruction.

G90 Absolute programming

When G90 is commanded, all coordinates in the program refer to current program origin or to the absolute origin point.
G90 is MODAL and remains effective until G91 is commanded.

G91 Incremental programming

When G91 is commanded, all coordinates in the program are incremental distances from the previous coordinate.
G91 is MODAL and remains effective until G90 is commanded.

G92 Establishing coordinate system

The G92 command is optional, unless the system has been switched between INCH and METRIC. Once the machine has been powered up and referenced, the standard coordinate system is ready to use.
The G92 instruction may be used to establish an absolute origin point for programming.
The usual (default) absolute origin point for the X and Y axes corresponds to the corner of the sheet of material closest to the junction of the work clamps and the X-gauge block.
O The G92 command must be immediately followed by the appropriate X, Y, and
Z values, all on the same block of information.
When the machine has been referenced and is at “home” reference position, the NC’s position display (FUNC+POS keys) displays values which may be used in the G92 statement for the active units system (Inch/MM).
The following charts list dimensions for some common machines. If your machine does not appear here or the numbers do not seem to “match up”, confirm with AMADA the correct values for your machine and write them in below.
Machine Type X axis mm {in} Y axis mm {in} Z axis mm {in}
LC-1212 α
LC-2415 α
LC-2412 β
LC-3015 β
LC-3015 θ
1270 {50.000} 1270 {50.000} 300 {11.8110}
2520 {99.2126} 1550 {61.0236} 300 {11.8110}
2520 {99.2126} 1270 {50.000} 300 {11.8110}
3070 {120.8661} 1550 {61.0236} 300 {11.8110}
3050 {120.0787} 1530 {60.2362} 700 {27.5590}
FO2412 2520 {99.2126} 1270 {50.000} 200 {7.8740}
FO3015 3070 {120.8661} 1550 {61.0236} 200 {7.8740}

G93 Origin point offset

The G93 command establishes a reference origin point, relative to the absolute origin point, anywhere within the limits set by G92. This is done for ease of programming.
G93 X__ Y__ Z__;
Z…Z-offset (normally zero)
G93 X0.2 Y12.0 Z0;
Shifts the part-program reference point 0.2 inches in the plus-X direction and 12.0 inches in the plus-Y direction from the absolute origin point or current reference established by a G98 multiple part instruction (see page I-33).
To cancel the origin point offset:
G93 X0 Y0 Z0;
O The G93 command must be immediately followed by the appropriate X, Y, and
Z values, all on the same block of information.
O When programming multiple parts using G98, the G93 refers to each part
origin as set by G98.
O If G91 (incremental coordinates) is effective when G93 is commanded, it
becomes an incremental offset from the previous G93. Otherwise it replaces the previous G93.
O When using the cutting database, the system automatically corrects for
material thickness. Unless cutting formed materials or not using the cutting database, use Z0.

G120 Measurement probe (for LC-θ)

Compensates the machine coordinate system and program origin point by using the optional measurement probe. For details, refer to the Operator’s Manual.


Motion instructions belong to two groups: rapid traverse, and contouring rapid traverse (G00) is strictly for positioning the material to a particular location. Contouring instructions (G01, G02, and G03) are used to move the material through a particular path under the laser head at a particular speed (feedrate).
The system defaults to absolute coordinates programming.

G00 Rapid traverse

This command is for positioning. It moves the table and laser head to the designated X, Y axis location at the current traverse speed. (default is maximum speed)
G00 X__Y__;
The Z-axis may also be positioned, but not on the same block as with X, Y axes.
Only axes included in the command are actually moved.
O The laser beam is OFF when G00 is active.
O Each axis moves independently, so the material path is usually not a straight
O G00 forces an in-position check at the commanded end point. This may be
used to force a sharp corner during processing. (Use G00 on separate line.)
O Maximum rapid traverse speed is 40 m/min (1575 ipm). The RATE buttons
on the CNC control panel can reduce travel speed to 50% or 25% of this.
O G00 is MODAL: Once commanded, it stays in effect until a G01, G02, or G03
is commanded.
O Absolute/incremental programming is available by G90/G91.

G01 Straight line motion

Moves the material from current position to commanded location via a straight line. Feedrate, assist gas selection, laser power, pulse rate, etc. are determined by the active material and table selection (M102, En) and by active operator overrides.
G01 X__ Y__;
X…X-coordinate (mm or in.)
Y…Y-axis coordinate (mm or in.)
O G01 is MODAL: once commanded, it remains effective until a G00, G02, or
G03 is commanded.
O The machine is capable of moving all three axes at the same time, in this
mode. Absolute/Incremental programming is available by G90/G91.
O A feedrate must be specified for G01, G02, G03. This is normally done by
M102 and Enn, but may also be done using an Fnnnn feedrate command.
O During machine operation, feedrate may be overridden from 0% to 255% in
1% steps from the operator panel.
O The feedrate of the optional subcarriage of the FO machine is set by an NC
G90 G00 X11.0 Y20.0;
G91 G01 X7.0 Y4.0;

G02 Circular arc CW

Moves the material from current position to commanded location via a clockwise arc at a commanded radius and feedrate.
G02 X__ Y__ R__ (or I__ J__);
Example of R format
Example of I, J format
O G02 is MODAL: once commanded, it remains effective until a G00, G01, or
G03 is commanded.
O The parameter “R” has priority over “I” and/or “J”, when used on the same
O The radius R (or that computed from I, J) must be non-zero.
O Absolute/incremental programming available by G90/G91 only affects the end
point. The I, J values are always incremental from arc starting point.
O If the angle of the arc is greater than 180 degrees, the R value must be
O The machine is capable of moving only two axes at the same time, in this
O To cut a full circle, I and J must be used, rather than R.
O A feedrate must be specified for G01, G02, G03. This is normally done by
M102 and En, but may also be done using an Fnnnn feedrate command.
O During machine operation, feedrate may be overridden from 0% to 255% in
1% steps from the operator panel.
X… X-coordinate (mm or in.)
Y… Y-axis coordinate (mm or in.)
R… Radius of arc (negative value creates an arc > 180°)
(can use either R or I, J in instruction)
I… Distance in the X-direction from the staring point to the arc
J… Distance in the Y-direction from the staring point to the arc
G90 G02 X.5 Y25.0 R2.5;
G90 G02 X.5 Y25.0 I.5 J2.449;

G03 Circular arc CCW

Moves the material from current position to commanded location via a counter-clockwise arc.
This command is used to cut material in a counter-clockwise arc at a commanded feedrate and radius. The X and Y values specified determine the endpoint of the cut. The R value specified determines the radius of the cut.
G03 X__ Y__ R__ (or I__ J__);
X… X-coordinate (mm or in.)
Y… Y-axis coordinate (mm or in.)
R… Radius of arc (negative value creates an arc > 180°)
I… Distance in the X-direction from the starting point to the arc
J… Distance in the Y-direction from the starting point to the arc
O G03 is MODAL: once commanded, it remains effective until a G00, G01, or
G02 is commanded.
O The parameter “R” has priority over “I” and/or “J”, when used on the same
O The radius R (or that computed from I, J) must be non-zero.
O Absolute/incremental programming available by G90/G91 only affects the end
point. The I, j values are always incremental from arc starting point.
O If the angle of the arc is greater than 180 degrees, the R value must be
O The machine is capable of moving only two axes at the same time, in this
O To cut a full circle, I and J must be used, rather than R.
O A feedrate must be specified for G01, G02, G03. This is normally done by
M102 and En, but may also be done using an Fnnnn feedrate command.
O During machine operation, feedrate may be overridden from 0% to 255% in
1% steps from the operator panel.
(can use either R or I, J in instruction)

G09 Exact stop

A command effective for a specified block only. Axis travel is decelerated at the ending point of the block and checked for in-position. The next block is then executed.
G09 (G01 X__ Y__);
The command in parentheses may be G02 or G03.
O The in-position check refers to the check made to see if the axis travel has
reached the specified position (within the range set by a parameter).

G61 Exact stop check mode

This command requires the machine to stop and wait for verification of each programmed position before moving toward the next programmed position.
O G61 must be canceled before cutting any blended radii or using any of the
standard hole commands (G111 to 115) either singly or in patterns.
O Once G61 is commanded, it will stay in effect until a G64 is commanded.

G64 Contour cutting mode

This is the default cutting mode for the machine. No position verification is required prior to movement towards the next programmed position. This mode is in effect until changed by a G61 command.

G160 Space arc interpolation (for LC-θ)

G160 Xx1 Yy1 Zz1 Va1 Ub1;
Xx2 Yy2 Zz2 Va2 Ub2;
The first block indicates the center point of the arc, and the second block indicates the ending point of the arc.
G160 is MODAL and remains effective until G00, G01, G02 or G03 is commanded.
When the center point and ending point are commanded, the arc to the ending point is obtained.
When the commands for the V- and U-axes are omitted, the nozzle moves in that attitude. When the ending point is not commanded and another code (e.g., G01) is commanded, the conditions for the arc are not met. In this case, the nozzle moves with the path from the starting point to the center point straightly interpolated.
When the center point is omitted, the attitude of the nozzle is automatically controlled according to the radius of the arc from the starting point to the ending point. When another space arc interpolation is commanded, the ending point becomes the starting point of the next arc.


O Program numbers

Each program must be assigned a program number. This number is used to separate the 200 different programs that can be stored in memory at one time. The program number must begin with the letter “O”.
O Any number from 0 to 8999 can be used.
O Program 0 (zero) should be left vacant, as it can easily be overwritten during
certain extended edit procedures.
O Programs numbered 8000 to 8999 can be protected by setting a parameter.

F Feedrate code

Cutting feedrates are normally specified by using M102 to select material type and thickness, and using E1-E9 to fine-tune or select for type of contour or detail. The F-code may be used to override a standard feedrate, or for material for which an entry does not exist in the database.
O In Inch mode, the feedrate is in inches per minute.
O In Metric mode, the feedrate is in millimeters per minute.
O An F code is required only when the M102 functions are not used.

D Offset code

These codes are not used on the LC-α, β machine. Instead, laser beam offset amounts are kept in the cutting parameter database. See the section on laser beam compensation, beginning page I-22, and the section on standard holes, in Part II.

N Sequence numbers

Instruction blocks in a program may be marked or labeled using sequence numbers. When used, a sequence number must be the first address in the program block. The valid numeric range is from 1 to
99999. They do not need to be in numeric sequence.

; End of block

This symbol is used to separate one block of information from another.

/ Block skip


G04 Dwell

If the block skip button is illuminated, any block of information with this symbol at its beginning will be ignored.
Comments may be placed in a program by enclosing them in parentheses.
If a comment is placed on the first line after the program number, it will be displayed in the program directory listing of the CNC (machine control). Comments should not be mixed into the middle of program lines. Place each comment at the end of a program line or on a separate line.
If programming off-line, make sure to use all capitals for comments and instructions.
The dwell function stops the machine for a specified period of time, in seconds.
G04 Xnnnn;
Where .001<=nnnn<=9999.999
O CAUTION: Use of G04 between contouring motion instructions (G01, G02,
G03) cancels laser beam compensation.
O When the time period is over, machine operation continues. Use extreme
caution when using the dwell function.
O The minimum dwell value is 0.001 second. This is equivalent to G04 with no
“X” value.
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