Amada FO-3015NT Reference Manual

PREFACE Read this manual carefully to obtain a thor­ough knowledge of the AMNC-F for the laser machine. Be sure to follow the instructions to ensure proper proce­dures and prevent injuries and accidents. Do not operate the AMNC-F by guesswork. Keep the manual at hand and refer to it whenever you are not sure of how to perform any of the procedures.
For the operation and maintenance of the laser machine, refer to its own operator’s manual.
Reference Manual:
© 2007 by AMADA CO., LTD.
No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced with­out the prior written permission of AMADA CO., LTD.
Printed in Japan


Part I Displays................................................................................ I-1
1. Description ............................................................................. I-4
1-1. Description of display operation...................................... I-4
1-1-1. Basic operation......................................................... I-4
1-1-2. Entering letters and numerals .................................. I-4
1-1-3. Scroll bars ................................................................ I-4
1-1-4. Cursor....................................................................... I-4
1-2. Composition of displays .................................................. I-5
2. Areas common to displays ..................................................... I-9
2-1. Processing status display area 1 .................................... I-9
2-2. Processing status display area 2 ................................... I-18
2-3. Data edit area................................................................. I-20
2-4. Status icons.................................................................... I-43
3. PRE-EDIT display (background)........................................... I-44
3-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT display..................... I-44
3-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT display ....................... I-45
3-3. Saving program from PRE-EDIT display ....................... I-47
3-4. Transferring job to PROGRAM display .......................... I-47
3-5. Transferring selected job................................................ I-48
3-6. Transferring schedule to SCHEDULE display................ I-48
4. SCHEDULE display .............................................................. I-49
4-1. Creating program from SCHEDULE display .................. I-50
4-2. Calling program from SCHEDULE display..................... I-50
4-3. Saving program from SCHEDULE display..................... I-52
4-4. Selecting start job........................................................... I-52
5. PROGRAM display ............................................................... I-53
5-1. Creating program from PROGRAM display................... I-54
5-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display...................... I-54
5-3. Saving program from PROGRAM display...................... I-55
6. RESULT display.................................................................... I-56
7. UTILITY display .................................................................... I-60
7-1. G50 ................................................................................ I-61
7-2. Return to 2nd
7-3. G00 ................................................................................ I-63
7-4. Nozzle/Head Exchange Position.................................... I-64
Machine Position ..................................... I-62
(Continued on next page.)
7-5. JOG Cutting ....................................................................I-66
7-6. Shuttle Exchange............................................................I-68
7-7. Adjust HS Sensor............................................................I-69
7-8. Check Assist Gas............................................................I-70
7-9. Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering ....................................I-72
7-10. Adjust Focus .................................................................I-74
7-11. Adjust WACS.................................................................I-78
7-12. Adjust AIV......................................................................I-79
7-13. Adjust Offset..................................................................I-80
7-14. Internal electric discharge.............................................I-82
7-15. Beam-Out......................................................................I-83
7-16. Clean the Nozzle Unit ...................................................I-84
7-17. Skeleton Cut .................................................................I-85
7-18. Settings .........................................................................I-88
7-19. Input error .....................................................................I-89
8. Processing condition displays ...............................................I-90
8-1. Common areas of processing condition displays ...........I-91
8-1-1. Common area 1 .......................................................I-91
8-1-2. Common area 2 .......................................................I-93
8-1-3. Common area setting operations.............................I-95
8-2. CUT display................................................................... I-101
8-2-1. Output Check display ............................................. I-103
8-3. PIERCE display ............................................................ I-104
8-4. EDGE display................................................................ I-107
8-5. LIST display ...................................................................I-110
8-5-1. Calling processing conditions..................................I-111
8-5-2. Finding processing conditions.................................I-111
8-5-3. Copying processing conditions ...............................I-113
8-5-4. Changing material name.........................................I-113
8-5-5. Deleting processing conditions ...............................I-114
8-5-6. Exporting processing conditions .............................I-115
8-5-7. Importing processing conditions .............................I-115
8-5-8. Exporting all processing conditions at a time..........I-116
8-5-9. Importing all processing conditions at a time ..........I-117
8-6. SET LASER display .......................................................I-118
8-6-1. LASER PRM display ...............................................I-118
8-6-2. AIV display ............................................................. I-121
8-6-3. HS EDGE display................................................... I-124
8-6-4. PROBE display ...................................................... I-126
8-7. SET OPTION displays .................................................. I-128
8-8. DETAIL OFF display ..................................................... I-129
8-8-1. COND. display........................................................ I-130
8-8-2. LIST display............................................................ I-130
8-8-3. SET LASER display ............................................... I-130
9. Maintenance display ............................................................ I-131
9-1. DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT ......................................... I-132
9-1-1. Copying data .......................................................... I-133
9-1-2. Moving data............................................................ I-134
9-2. CNC MAINTENANCE ................................................... I-135
9-2-1. Reading O number................................................. I-136
9-2-2. Writing O number ................................................... I-136
9-3. VERSION INFORMATION ............................................ I-142
9-4. EXTERNAL IO SETUP ................................................. I-143
9-5. SET ALL LASER DEFAULTS........................................ I-144
9-6. E-MAIL NOTICE FUNCTION........................................ I-145
9-6-1. Details of Setup of E-mail Notice display ............... I-146
9-6-2. Details of E-mail Notice Function display............... I-148
9-6-3. Details of E-mail Transmission display................... I-149
9-7. INSPECTION ................................................................ I-153
9-7-1. INSPECTION ......................................................... I-153
9-7-2. TASK ...................................................................... I-155
9-7-3. ADD ITEM .............................................................. I-156
9-7-4. NOTICE.................................................................. I-157
9-7-5. HOLIDAY................................................................ I-158
9-7-6. SETTING................................................................ I-159
9-7-7. CALENDAR............................................................ I-160
9-8. BACKUP SCHEDULER ................................................ I-161
9-9. USER SETTINGS ......................................................... I-164
9-10. APPLICATION SETTINGS.......................................... I-171
9-11. AF LASER MAINTENANCE ........................................ I-172
9-12. M LASER MAINTENANCE ......................................... I-179
Part II Program Management........................................................ II-1
1. Creating program................................................................... II-3
1-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT or
SCHEDULE display ........................................................II-3
1-2. Creating program from PROGRAM display.................... II-6
2. Calling program......................................................................II-9
2-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or
SCHEDULE display ........................................................II-9
(Continued on next page.)
2-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or
PROGRAM display ........................................................ II-12
3. Saving program ....................................................................II-14
3-1. Saving program from PRE-EDIT or
SCHEDULE display ....................................................... II-14
3-2. Saving program from PROGRAM display .....................II-17
4. Saving schedule ...................................................................II-20
5. Moving program.................................................................... II-22
6. Copying program .................................................................. II-25
7. Deleting program .................................................................. II-28
8. Editing program ....................................................................II-30
8-1. Searching for word......................................................... II-30
8-2. Replacing word .............................................................. II-32
8-3. Copying and pasting word ............................................. II-35
8-4. Setting multiple-part processing..................................... II-37
8-4-1. Calling program from PRE-EDIT or
SCHEDULE display ................................................II-39
8-4-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display............... II-41
8-4-3. Calling program from Edit display ........................... II-42
8-4-4. Example of use of Multi display............................... II-44
8-4-5. Coping inability to correct on Multi display.............. II-46
8-4-6. Changing program codes........................................ II-47
8-4-7. End position command R........................................ II-47
8-4-8. Examples of operation ............................................II-47
9. Searching for program.......................................................... II-54
9-1. Searching for program from Open display..................... II-54
9-2. Searching for program from Data input and
output display................................................................. II-56
10. Schedule Operation............................................................II-58
10-1. Creating schedule ........................................................II-58
10-2. Copying and pasting schedule..................................... II-61
10-3. Deleting schedule job................................................... II-63
10-4. Deleting all schedule jobs ............................................ II-64
11. Setting up............................................................................ II-66
11-1. Schedule operation ...................................................... II-66
11-2. Program operation .......................................................II-68
12. Editing processing conditions .............................................II-69
12-1. Calling processing conditions ...................................... II-69
12-2. Editing processing conditions ...................................... II-70
12-3. Saving processing conditions ...................................... II-71
13. Types of floppy disks ..........................................................II-72
Part III NC Codes ...........................................................................III-1
1. Description of program ......................................................... III-4
1-1. Block .............................................................................. III-4
1-2. Word............................................................................... III-4
1-3. Composition of program................................................. III-4
1-4. Main program and subprogram...................................... III-6
2. G-codes ................................................................................ III-7
2-1. Positioning (G00) ........................................................... III-9
2-2. Linear interpolation (G01) .............................................. III-9
2-3. Circular interpolation (G02, G03) .................................. III-10
2-4. Dwell (G04) ................................................................... III-11
2-5. Exact stop (G09, G61, G64) ......................................... III-11
2-6. Unloading (G10)............................................................ III-12
2-7. Piercing mode (G24)..................................................... III-12
2-8. Auto-repositioning (G25, G27) ...................................... III-12
2-9. Assist gas selection (G31) ............................................ III-14
2-10. Z-axis tracking (G32, G33).......................................... III-14
2-11. Laser beam path compensation (G40, G41, G42)...... III-15
2-12. Automatic zero return and operation end
(G50, G130) ................................................................ III-18
2-13. Regular-shaped hole macros...................................... III-19
2-13-1. Single-hole cutting (G111 to G116) ...................... III-20
2-13-2. Shape registration and continuous-hole cutting... III-25 2-13-3. Shape registration and pattern cutting
(G126, G128, G129, G136, G137)....................... III-26
2-14. Absolute and incremental programming (G90, G91).. III-30
2-15. Coordinate system setup (G92) .................................. III-31
2-16. Offset origin setup (G93)............................................. III-32
2-17. Multiple-part processing (G75, G76, G98).................. III-33
2-17-1. Multiple-part processing reference point and
part spacing setup................................................ III-34
2-17-2. Macro store .......................................................... III-34
2-17-3. Multiple-part processing commands
(G75, G76) ........................................................... III-35
2-17-4. Program examples ............................................... III-36
2-18. HS edge detection (G121, G122) ............................... III-37
2-18-1. HS edge detection calibration (G122) .................. III-38
2-18-2. Compensation by edge measurement
(G121 L1 to L5).................................................... III-41
2-18-3. Fine adjustment of measurement error ................ III-58
(Continued on next page.)
2-19. OVS (G140, G141, G149) ...........................................III-60
2-20. Scaling and coordinate rotation (G150) .......................III-79
2-21. Pipe cutting NC-codes (G08, G17, G18, G107) ..........III-80
2-21-1. NC-code restrictions and cautions ........................III-81
2-21-2. Program example..................................................III-82
3. M-codes ................................................................................III-83
3-1. Operation stop (M00, M01)............................................III-85
3-2. End processing (M02, M30)...........................................III-85
3-3. Repositioning (M10, M11) ..............................................III-85
3-4. Worksheet thickness detection range (M20 to M29) .....III-86
3-5. Loading (M33)................................................................III-86
3-6. Two-stack unloading (M65)............................................III-86
3-7. Workchute (M80, M81, M180) .......................................III-87
3-8. Subprogram call (M96) ..................................................III-87
3-9. Subprogram end (M97)..................................................III-87
3-10. Processing mode (M100, M101)..................................III-88
3-11. Worksheet designation (M102) ....................................III-88
3-12. Laser cutting (M103, M104).........................................III-89
3-13. Shuttle pallet change (M707).......................................III-90
3-14. Z-axis tracking sensor calibration
(M722, M723, M727)..................................................III-90
3-15. Beam on and off (M758) ..............................................III-90
3-16. Shuttle move to cleaning position (M788, M789).........III-91
3-17. Pallet set (M790, M791)...............................................III-91
3-18. Pallet pins (M792, M793).............................................III-91
4. Other codes ..........................................................................III-92
4-1. Cutting condition (E-code) .............................................III-92
4-2. Sequence number (N-code) ..........................................III-97
4-3. Skip command (GOTO-code) ........................................III-92
4-4. Workchute (M80, M81, M180) .......................................III-93
4-5. Macro store command (U- and V-codes).......................III-93
Part I
1. Description ...................................................................................I-4
1-1. Description of display operation............................................I-4
1-1-1. Basic operation...............................................................I-4
1-1-2. Entering letters and numerals ........................................I-4
1-1-3. Scroll bars ......................................................................I-4
1-1-4. Cursor.............................................................................I-4
1-2. Composition of displays ........................................................I-5
2. Areas common to displays ...........................................................I-9
2-1. Processing status display area 1 ..........................................I-9
2-2. Processing status display area 2 .........................................I-18
2-3. Data edit area.......................................................................I-20
2-4. Status icons..........................................................................I-43
3. PRE-EDIT display (background).................................................I-44
3-1. Creating program from PRE-EDIT display...........................I-44
3-2. Calling program from PRE-EDIT display..............................I-45
3-3. Saving program from PRE-EDIT display..............................I-47
3-4. Transferring job to PROGRAM display ................................I-47
3-5. Transferring selected job......................................................I-48
3-6. Transferring schedule to SCHEDULE display......................I-48
4. SCHEDULE display ....................................................................I-49
4-1. Creating program from SCHEDULE display ........................I-50
4-2. Calling program from SCHEDULE display...........................I-50
4-3. Saving program from SCHEDULE display...........................I-52
(Continued on next page.)
4-4. Selecting start job ................................................................I-52
5. PROGRAM display .....................................................................I-53
5-1. Creating program from PROGRAM display.........................I-54
5-2. Calling program from PROGRAM display ...........................I-54
5-3. Saving program from PROGRAM display ...........................I-55
6. RESULT display.......................................................................... I-56
7. UTILITY display .......................................................................... I-60
7-1. G50 ......................................................................................I-61
7-2. Return to 2nd
Machine Position ...........................................I-62
7-3. G00 ......................................................................................I-63
7-4. Nozzle/Head Exchange Position..........................................I-64
7-5. JOG Cutting .........................................................................I-66
7-6. Shuttle Exchange.................................................................I-68
7-7. Adjust HS Sensor.................................................................I-69
7-8. Check Assist Gas.................................................................I-70
7-9. Adjust the Nozzle Unit Centering .........................................I-72
7-10. Adjust Focus ......................................................................I-74
7-11. Adjust WACS......................................................................I-78
7-12. Adjust AIV...........................................................................I-79
7-13. Adjust Offset.......................................................................I-80
7-14. Internal electric discharge ..................................................I-82
7-15. Beam-Out...........................................................................I-83
7-16. Clean the Nozzle Unit ........................................................I-84
7-17. Skeleton Cut ......................................................................I-85
7-18. Settings ..............................................................................I-88
7-19. Input error ..........................................................................I-89
8. Processing condition displays.....................................................I-90
8-1. Common areas of processing condition displays ................I-91
8-1-1. Common area 1 ............................................................I-91
8-1-2. Common area 2 ............................................................I-93
8-1-3. Common area setting operations.................................. I-95
8-2. CUT display.........................................................................I-101
8-2-1. Output Check display ...................................................I-103
8-3. PIERCE display ..................................................................I-104
8-4. EDGE display......................................................................I-107
8-5. LIST display ........................................................................I-110
8-5-1. Calling processing conditions....................................... I-111
8-5-2. Finding processing conditions...................................... I-111
8-5-3. Copying processing conditions ....................................I-113
8-5-4. Changing material name ..............................................I-113
8-5-5. Deleting processing conditions ....................................I-114
8-5-6. Exporting processing conditions ..................................I-115
8-5-7. Importing processing conditions...................................I-115
8-5-8. Exporting all processing conditions at a time ...............I-116
8-5-9. Importing all processing conditions at a time ...............I-117
8-6. SET LASER display ............................................................I-118
8-6-1. LASER PRM display ....................................................I-118
8-6-2. AIV display....................................................................I-121
8-6-3. HS EDGE display .........................................................I-124
8-6-4. PROBE display.............................................................I-126
8-7. SET OPTION displays ........................................................I-128
8-8. DETAIL OFF display............................................................I-129
8-8-1. COND. display..............................................................I-130
8-8-2. LIST display..................................................................I-130
8-8-3. SET LASER display .....................................................I-130
9. Maintenance display ..................................................................I-131
9-1. DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT ...............................................I-132
9-1-1. Copying data ................................................................I-133
9-1-2. Moving data..................................................................I-134
9-2. CNC MAINTENANCE .........................................................I-135
9-2-1. Reading O number .......................................................I-136
9-2-2. Writing O number .........................................................I-136
9-3. VERSION INFORMATION ..................................................I-142
9-4. EXTERNAL IO SETUP........................................................I-143
9-5. SET ALL LASER DEFAULTS ..............................................I-144
9-6. E-MAIL NOTICE FUNCTION..............................................I-145
9-6-1. Details of Setup of E-mail Notice display .....................I-146
9-6-2. Details of E-mail Notice Function display.....................I-148
9-6-3. Details of E-mail Transmission display.........................I-149
9-7. INSPECTION ......................................................................I-153
9-7-1. INSPECTION ...............................................................I-153
9-7-2. TASK ............................................................................I-155
9-7-3. ADD ITEM ....................................................................I-156
9-7-4. NOTICE........................................................................I-157
9-7-5. HOLIDAY......................................................................I-158
9-7-6. SETTING......................................................................I-159
9-7-7. CALENDAR..................................................................I-160
9-8. BACKUP SCHEDULER ......................................................I-161
9-9. USER SETTINGS ...............................................................I-164
9-10. APPLICATION SETTINGS................................................I-171
9-11. AF LASER MAINTENANCE ..............................................I-172
9-12. M LASER MAINTENANCE ...............................................I-179


1-1. Description of display operation

The machine has various buttons arranged on each display. The buttons function when the corresponding portions on the display are pressed or touched. Some of the buttons illuminate to indicate that they are pressed.
Use the accessory keyboard to enter or edit the letters and numerals on each display.
One or two scroll bars appear when all data cannot be shown on one display as is the case with a file list. The display can also be scrolled by pressing the scroll bar up and down buttons or moving up and down the scroll bar lever.
1-1-4. CURSOR
When you touch the display position to which you want to move the cursor, the cursor moves to that position.
If the display has cursor buttons, press the cursor buttons to move the cursor to your desired position on the display.
The cursor moves also when the display is scrolled with the scroll bar or bars.

1-2. Composition of displays

There are eight displays: PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, PROGRAM, RESULT, UTILITY, COND. (processing condition), and MAINT. (maintenance). Press the corresponding button to change to each display.
PRE-EDIT (background) button
Pressed to open the PRE-EDIT display to create and edit the next program or schedule while the machine is operating. You can also check the setup of the next program and check the part by drawing it while the machine is operating.
Pressed to open the SCHEDULE display to read a schedule, create a schedule, and set a start job or end job. You can also check the setup and check the part by drawing it before operating the machine.
PROGRAM button
Pressed to open the PROGRAM display to show a program. You can also check the setup and check the part by drawing it before operating the machine.
RESULT button
Pressed to open the RESULT display to show the actual processing results.
UTILITY button
Pressed to open the UTILITY display to zero-return the machine’s axes and make various adjustments.
COND. button
Pressed to open the display to select and set the laser processing conditions.
MAINT. button
Pressed to open the maintenance display to show maintenance items and machine information.

2. Areas common to displays

2-1. Processing status display area 1

Here are described the buttons and items on the common area of the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, and PROGRAM displays.
[1] MESSAGE button
Pressed to open the MESSAGE display. When an alarm or warning occurs, the MESSAGE display automatically opens.
Alarm display
Shows currently occurring alarms or warnings.
History display
Shows alarms or warnings that have occurred to date.
[2] CURRENT POS. button
Pressed to open the Current Position display.
Current Position display
Item Description
ABS button Shows the current positions in the work
coordinate system.
MACHINE button Shows the current positions in the machine
coordinate system.
REL button Shows the current positions in the relative
coordinate system.
Preset: Sets the selected axis to the specified position.
Origin: Sets the relative coordinate position of the selected axis to 0.
REMAIN button
Shows the remainder of the movement commanded for one block in the MEMORY mode.
TOTAL button
I/O display
Item Description
SETTING 1 to 5 buttons
SNAP SHOT button Saves the settings in the CSV format in a floppy
Override display
Changes the override (multiplication factor) to the Feed Rate, Power, Freq., Duty, and Gas Press. fields.
Shows the current position of each axis in all coordinate systems.
Set 10 addresses per display or a total of 50 addresses.
Item Description
UP button Increments the override by 10% (or 1%).
DOWN button Decrements the override by 10% (1%).
10 button
1 button
Changes the setting unit of the override between 10% and 1%.
*The override is fixed at the unit of 10% for duty.
CANCEL button Returns the override for the selected item to
Process quantity display
Shows the number of worksheets to be processed and the number of worksheets already processed.
Item Description
Schedule Qty field Shows the number of worksheets to be
processed. Enter a value, and press the ENTER key. (The setting range is 0 to 9999 worksheets).
Actual Qty field Shows the number of worksheets already
processed. Enter a value, and press the ENTER key. (The setting range is 0 to 9999 worksheets).
“Schedule Qty and Actual Qty are set as
Checked to zero the Schedule Qty and Actual
Qty fields when the program is transferred. 0 at the time of program transmission” box
O When the automatic operating mode is other than PROGRAM, the
PROCESS QTY. button is not shown.
[3] SW PANEL button
Pressed to cycle through the following panels with the buttons required for the operation of the machine.
Press the PROGRAM CHECK button, and start the program. The machine dry runs. During the dry run, the coordinate values on the display change, but the axes do not move and the M-codes are not executed. After the dry run, the machine must be manually zero-returned.
◯2 SINGLE BLOCK button
Press the SINGLE BLOCK button, and then press the START button. The machine executes one block of the program and then stops.
◯3 BLOCK SKIP button
Press the BLOCK SKIP button, and then start the program. The machine ignores each block with a slash (/) at the beginning and goes to the next block.
◯4 Multiple-part mode buttons
Press one of the multiple-part mode buttons to select the multiple-part processing function you want to perform.
Do not use these buttons when the program is not a multiple-part processing program.
All extinguished All of these buttons are extinguished when the
program is not a multiple-part processing
FIRST PART button illuminated
The machine cuts only the first of multiple parts
The machine cuts the remaining parts. button illuminated
ALL PARTS button
The machine cuts all parts. illuminated
First part Remaining parts All parts
O Before starting a multiple-part processing program, be sure to press and
illuminate one of the multiple-part processing setup buttons. An alarm occurs in the middle of the process if the buttons are all extinguished. Before starting a non-multiple-part processing program, press and extinguish all buttons. If one of the buttons is illuminated, the program cannot normally run.
◯5 AUTO POWER OFF button
Press the AUTO POWER OFF button. When the machine stops after the end of its program operation or after the occurrence of an alarm, it can be automatically powered off.
◯6 WORK LIGHT button
Pressed to turn on the work light.
Pressed to pause the machine when M01 (optional stop command) is read.
Press the START button for the machine to resume its operation.
Pressed to disable the dead zone detection function when the laser head enters an area where it may strike a workclamp.
Pressed to release the nozzle for nozzle change.
◯10 REMOTE button
Pressed to perform DNC operation when the CNC operating mode is selected.
Pressed to disable the chute drop detection function.
◯12 AVOID OFF button
Pressed to disable the workclamp avoidance function when the worksheet enters an area where it may strike a workclamp.
Pressed to enable the machine to resume its operation from where it is stopped during its schedule operation.
Pressed to enable the automatic cleaning of the nozzle at the start of the program.
[4] Processing status display field
Shows the processing status of the machine based on the NC status as follows:
STRT: Shows the execution of a program.
HOLD: Shows the input of a stop signal.
STOP: Shows the input of a processing end signal.
[5] Running program display field
Shows the name of the program being run or on standby.
[6] Operating status display field
Shows the operating status of the machine.
Operation stopped (blue)
Warning occurred (flashing yellow)
Alarm occurred (steady red)
[7] NC status display fields
◯1 ◯2 ◯3
: Shows “Mcode” when an M-code is being run.
: Shows “EMG” when the machine is in an emergency stop condition.
: Displays the current NC mode.
JOG: MANUAL mode DNC: DNC mode
MDI: MDI mode EDIT: EDIT mode

2-2. Processing status display area 2

Here are described the buttons and display items on the common area of the SCHEDULE and PROGRAM displays.
Display items
Item Description
Coordinate system change button
Cycle Time field Shows the processing time of the current
JOB end time field Shows the scheduled end time of the current
All process end time field
Program indicator (green)
JOB in operation field
Schedule indicator (orange)
Changes the current coordinate system
between the machine coordinate system and
absolute coordinate system.
Shows the scheduled end time of the current
Shows the progress of the program relative to
the scheduled processing time. Appears
yellow when the program is stopped.
Shows the number of processed jobs relative to
the total number of jobs.
Shows the progress of the program relative to
the total number of worksheets scheduled.
O The all process end time (or scheduled end time of all processing operations)
is calculated from the time settings made on the User settings display as described in 9-9. in this Part. This is also true of the job end time.
O If the program information does not include the scheduled processing time,
the progress of the program is not shown.
O The actual processing time may be different from the scheduled processing

2-3. Data edit area

Here are described the display items and buttons on the common areas of the PRE-EDIT, SCHEDULE, and PROGRAM displays.
Press SWITCH button
to change menu
PROGRAM display has
no SWITCH button
[1] Operating mode change buttons
Change the automatic operating mode of the machine to suit a particular operating procedure.
Item Description
SCHEDULE button Performs the schedule operation of the machine.
PROGRAM button Performs the single-program operation of the
CNC button Performs the CNC operation of the machine.
Press the REMOTE button on PANEL B to perform the DNC operation.
O The automatic operating mode of the machine cannot be changed while it is
O Change the automatic operating mode on the SCHEDULE or PROGRAM
display. It cannot be changed on the PRE-EDIT display.
[2] List display items
The display items are as shown below.
Item Description Icon
C cell Deselects the data indicated by a green line.
Tool change and setup Not used on the laser cutting machine.
Material change and setup
Workclamp position change and setup
Laser setup Appears when it is necessary to change the
Prg Name Shows the program name.
Prcss Qty. Shows the number of worksheets to be
Actual # Shows the number of worksheets already
Def. Qty. Shows the number of defective worksheets. It
Op. Status Shows whether the job is not yet started, is being
Start Time Shows the job start time during the schedule
Finish Time Shows the job end time during the schedule
Actual Process Time Shows the time taken to process one worksheet
Material Name Shows the material name.
Schedule Name Shows the schedule name.
In Rack Sets the number of the shelf onto which to load
Out Rack Sets the number of the shelf from which to unload
Reserved Reserved for an optional unit like a loader or
Appears when it is necessary to change the worksheet.
Appears when it is necessary to change the workclamp position.
setup as the processing conditions change.
processed. It can be set on this display.
processed. It can be set on this display.
can be set on this display.
processed, or is normally completed. The job skip function can also be selected.
during the schedule operation.
worksheets when an autostorage unit is installed.
parts when an autostorage unit is installed.
*The display items depend on the search conditions.
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