ALTERA EPF6016A Service Manual

EPF6016A Device Pin-Outs
ver. 1.0
Pin Name (1)
MSEL (2)22H23346L5 nSTATUS (2)39G55680K8 nCONFIG (2)36K55377N8 DCLK (2) 89 D6 128 184 G9 CONF_DONE (2) 72 C9 105 150 F12 INIT_DONE (3) 64 E10 94 135 H13 nCE (2) 4 C2 4 6 F5 nCEO (4)49K970102N12 nWS (4) 81 C7 117 169 F10 nRS (4) 83 A7 120 174 D10 nCS (4) 77 A9 111 159 D12 CS (4) 78 C8 114 162 F11 RDYnBUSY (4) 67 D10 97 140 G13 CLKUSR 69 (4) C10 (4) 100 (4) 144 F13 DATA (2), (5) 86 A6 125 181 D9 TDI (6)10D21319G5 TDO (6) 51 K10 73 107 N13 TCK 23 (6), (7) G3 (6), (7) 34 (6), (7) 47 K6 TMS 18 (6) G2 (6) 27 (6) 38 K5 Dedicated Inputs 12, 13, 62, 63 E1, E2, F9, F10 17, 20, 89, 92 24, 28, 128, 132 H4, H5, J12, J13 DEV_CLRn (3) 91 B5 130 187 E8 DEV_OE (3) 85 B6 123 178 E9 VCCINT 6, 21, 38, 54, 71, 88D7, E4, E5, F6, F7, G46, 31, 77, 103 8, 26, 44, 111, 130,
VCCIO 7, 19, 32, 55, 78,
GND 5, 20, 37, 53, 70, 87D4, E6, E7, F4, F5, G75, 18, 30, 54, 76,
No connect (N.C.) A2, A7, A9, A10,
Total user I/O pins (9)
100-Pin TQFP EPF6016A
81 81 117 171 171
100-Pin FineLine BGA EPF6016A
91, 104, 127
90, 102, 126
208-Pin PQFP EPF6016A
148 9, 27, 45, 63, 79,
96, 112, 131, 149, 166, 183, 200
7, 25, 43, 62, 78, 95, 110, 129, 147, 165, 182, 199
256-Pin FineLine BGA EPF6016A
G10, H7, H8, J9, J10, K7
B5, B8, C13, C16, E2, G1, J16, N16, P1, P12, R4, R8
A1, A16, B2, B15, G7, J7, J8, K10, P3, H9, H10, R15, T16
A13, A14, B1, B3, B7, B9, B11, B16, C1, C2, C7, D2, D15, D16, E14, F2, G15, G16, H16, J1, J2, K3, L2, L16, M15, N3, N15, P11, P15, R1, R5, R6, R9, R11, R16, T1, T2, T4, T6, T10, T11, T12, T14 (8)
Altera Corporation 1
EPF6016A Device Pin-Outs
ver. 1.0
Notes: (1) All pins not listed are user I/O pins. (2) This pin is a dedicated configuration or JTAG pin; therefore, it is not available for use as a user I/O pin. (3) This pin can be used as a user I/O pin if it is not used for its chip-wide or configuration function. (4) This pin can be used as a user I/O pin after configuration. (5) This pin is tri-stated in user mode. (6) If the device is not configured to use the JTAG BST circuitry, this pin is available as a user I/O pin. If the JTAG BST cir-
cuitry device option is not used, JTAG testing may still be performed before configuration. (7) If this pin is used as an input in user mode, ensure that it does not toggle before or during configuration. (8) To maintain pin compatibility when migrating from an EPF6024AF256 device to an EPF6016F256 device, do not use
these pins as user I/O pins. (9) The user I/O count includes dedicated input and I/O pins.
Altera Corporation 2