ALTERA Cyclone III FPGA User Guide

101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit
User Guide
Document Version: 1.2 Document Date: July 2010
Part Number UG-01018-1.2
ii 0 Altera Corporation Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide July 2010


Chapter 1. Getting Started
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1–1
Before You Begin ................................................................................................................................... 1–2
Further Information .............................................................................................................................. 1–2
Software Installation ............................................................................................................................. 1–2
Installing the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit .................................................................................. 1–2
Installing the Quartus II Web Edition Software .......................................................................... 1–4
Chapter 2. Development Board and Control Panel Setup
Development Board Setup ................................................................................................................... 2–1
Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 2–2
Powering Up the Development Board .......................................................................................... 2–2
Installing the USB-Blaster Driver ........................................................................................................ 2–2
Control Panel Setup ............................................................................................................................... 2–3
Configuring the FPGA Using the Quartus II Programmer ............................................................. 2–3
Chapter 3. Using the Control Panel
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 3–1
Control Panel Start ................................................................................................................................ 3–1
LEDs and Buttons .................................................................................................................................. 3–2
Illuminating LEDs ............................................................................................................................ 3–2
Buttons Indicators ............................................................................................................................ 3–3
SSRAM/On-Chip Controller ............................................................................................................... 3–3
Read/Write Data .............................................................................................................................. 3–4
Read from a File ................................................................................................................................ 3–5
Write to a File ................................................................................................................................... 3–5
Flash Memory Programmer ................................................................................................................. 3–5
Flash Memory Tab ........................................................................................................................... 3–6
CFI Query .......................................................................................................................................... 3–6
Read/Write Data .............................................................................................................................. 3–7
Altera Corporation iii
Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide
Chapter 4. Measuring Power on the Cyclone III Starter Board
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4–1
Measuring Power ................................................................................................................................... 4–2
Changing the Example Design ....................................................................................................... 4–3
Appendix A. Programming the Configuration Flash Device
Overview ................................................................................................................................................ A–1
Creating a Flash-Programmable POF File ........................................................................................ A–1
Programming the Flash Device .......................................................................................................... A–5
Additional Information
Revision History ............................................................................................................................... Info–i
How to Contact Altera .................................................................................................................... Info–ii
Typographic Conventions .............................................................................................................. Info–ii
iv Altera Corporation Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide

1. Getting Started


Welcome to the Altera® Cyclone®III FPGA Starter Kit, which includes a full-featured field-programmable gate array (FPGA) development board, hardware and software development tools, documentation, and accessories needed to begin FPGA development.
The development board includes an Altera Cyclone III FPGA and comes preconfigured with a hardware reference design stored in flash memory. You can use the development board as a platform to prototype a variety of FPGA designs.
The starter kit provides an integrated control environment that includes a software controller in a control panel application, a USB command controller, a multi-port SRAM/DDR SDRAM/flash memory controller, and example designs specified in Verilog code. You can use this design as a starting point for test designs.
This user guide addresses the following topics:
How to set up, power up, and verify correct operation of the
development board.
How to install the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit.
How to install the Altera
How to set up and use the control panel, a graphical user interface
(GUI), to manipulate components on the board, implement applications.
How to configure the Cyclone III FPGA.
How to set up and run example designs.
Quartus II Web Edition software.
f For complete details on the development board, refer to the
Cyclone III FPGA Starter Board Reference Manual.
Altera Corporation Core Version a.b.c variable 1–1 July 2010 Preliminary

Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Further Information

Before proceeding, check the contents of the kit:
Cyclone III FPGA Starter Development Board
12-V DC power supply
USB cable
f For the most up-to-date information on this product, visit the Altera
website at
For other related information, refer to the following websites:
For More Information About Refer To
Additional daughter cards available for purchase
Cyclone III handbook
Cyclone III reference designs
eStore if you want to purchase devices
Cyclone III Orcad symbols
II 32-bit embedded
processor solutions kit-daughter_boards.jsp
pcbpcb_index.html emb-index.html

Software Installation

This section describes the following procedures:
“Installing the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit”
“Installing the Quartus II Web Edition Software” on page 1–4

Installing the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit

The license-free Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit installer includes all the documentation and design examples for the kit.
To install the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit, follow these steps:
1. Download the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit installer from the
Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit page of the Altera website.
Alternatively, you can request a development kit DVD from the
Development Kits, Daughter Cards & Programming Hardware page
of the Altera website.
1–2 Altera Corporation Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide July 2010
Getting Started
<install dir>
The default Windows installation directory is C:\altera\
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
The installation program creates the Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit directory structure shown in Figure 1–1.
Figure 1–1. Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit Default Installed Directory Structure
Table 1–1 lists the file directory names and a description of their contents.
Altera Corporation 1–3 July 2010 Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide
Table 1–1. Installed Directory Contents
Directory Name Description of Contents
board_design_files Contains schematic, layout, assembly, and bill of material
board design files. Use these files as a starting point for a new prototype board design.
demos Contains demonstration projects that may or may not
contain up-to-date source code.
documents Contains the development kit documentation.
examples Contains the example design files for the Cyclone III FPGA
Starter Kit
factory_recovery Contains programming files for returning board to factory
default condition.
Software Installation

Installing the Quartus II Web Edition Software

The Quartus II Web Edition software provides the necessary tools for developing hardware and software for Altera FPGAs. Included in the Quartus II Web Edition software are the Quartus II software, the Nios II EDS, and the MegaCore SOPC Builder) and the Nios II EDS are the primary FPGA development tools for creating the reference designs in this kit.
To install the Quartus II Web Edition software, follow these steps:
1. Download the Quartus II Web Edition software from the Quartus II
Web Edition Software page of the Altera website. Alternatively, you
can request a DVD from the Altera IP and Software DVD Request
Form page of the Altera website.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
f If you have difficulty installing the Quartus II software,
refer to Quartus II Installation & Licensing for Windows and
Linux Workstations.
The Quartus II Web Edition software includes the following items:
IP Library. The Quartus II software (including
Quartus II softwareThe Quartus II software, including the SOPC
Builder system development tool, provides a comprehensive environment for system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) design. The Quartus II software integrates into nearly any design environment and provides interfaces to industry-standard EDA tools.
f To compare the Quartus II subscription and web editions,
refer to Altera Quartus II Software
Web Edition. The kit also works with the subscription
MegaCore IP LibraryA library that contains Altera IP MegaCore
functions. You can evaluate MegaCore functions with the OpenCore Plus feature to perform the following tasks:
Simulate behavior of a MegaCore function in your system
Verify functionality of your design, and quickly and easily
evaluate its size and speed
Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that
include MegaCore functions
Program a device and verify your design in hardware
1–4 Altera Corporation Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide July 2010
Subscription Edition vs.
Getting Started
1 The OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature is an
evaluation tool for prototyping only. You must purchase a license to use a MegaCore function in production.
f For more information about OpenCore Plus, refer to
AN 320: OpenCore Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions.
II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)A full-featured tool set that
allows you to develop embedded software for the Nios II processor which you can include in your Altera FPGA designs.
Licensing Considerations
The Quartus II Web Edition software is license-free and supports Cyclone III devices without any additional licensing requirement. This kit also works with the Quartus II Subscription Edition software, after you obtain the proper license file. To purchase a subscription, contact your Altera sales representative.
Altera Corporation 1–5 July 2010 Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide
Software Installation
1–6 Altera Corporation Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit User Guide July 2010
2. Development Board and
1-Mbyte SSRAM (U5)
DC Power Input (J2)
Power Switch (SW1)
16-Mbyte Parallel Flash (U6)
USB Connector (J3)
Flash LED
JTAG Header (J4)
32-Mbyte DDR SDRAM (U4)
and Reset
Push Buttons
System Clock
User LEDs
User Push Button Switches
HSMC Connector (J1)
Cyclone III Device (U1)
Configuration Done LED
Sense Resistor for FPGA Core Power Measurement (JP6)
Sense Resistor for Shared I/O Power (JP3)
Control Panel Setup
The development board is preloaded with an example design to demonstrate the Cyclone®III device and board features. At power-up,
Board Setup
the preloaded design also enables you to quickly confirm that the board is operating correctly.
Figure 2–1 shows the Cyclone III development board layout and
Figure 2–1. Cyclone III Development Board Layout and Components
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