Altera CIC MegaCore Function User Manual

User Guide
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101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134


About The CIC IP Core.......................................................................................1-1
CIC IP Core Getting Started............................................................................... 2-1
Altera DSP IP Core Features...................................................................................................................... 1-1
CIC IP Core Features...................................................................................................................................1-1
CIC IP Core Device Family Support.........................................................................................................1-2
DSP IP Core Verification............................................................................................................................1-2
CIC IP Core Release Information..............................................................................................................1-2
CIC IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization..............................................................................1-3
Installing and Licensing IP Cores..............................................................................................................2-1
OpenCore Plus IP Evaluation........................................................................................................ 2-1
CIC IP Core OpenCore Plus Timeout Behavior......................................................................... 2-2
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor...............................................................................................................2-2
Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options............................................................................................2-3
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores...............................................................................................2-4
Simulating Altera IP Cores in other EDA Tools..................................................................................... 2-7
DSP Builder Design Flow............................................................................................................................2-8
CIC IP Core Functional Description..................................................................3-1
Variable Rate Change Factors....................................................................................................................3-2
Multichannel Support................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Multiple Input Single Output (MISO)..........................................................................................3-2
Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO)..........................................................................................3-3
Output Options............................................................................................................................................3-4
Output Data Width..........................................................................................................................3-4
Output Rounding.............................................................................................................................3-5
Hogenauer Pruning......................................................................................................................... 3-6
FIR Filter Compensation Coefficients...................................................................................................... 3-6
CIC IP Core Parameters..............................................................................................................................3-7
CIC IP Core Interfaces and Signals...........................................................................................................3-9
Avalon-ST Interfaces in DSP IP Cores....................................................................................... 3-10
CIC IP Core Signals.......................................................................................................................3-11
Avalon-ST Interface Data Transfer Timing...............................................................................3-12
Packet Data Transfers....................................................................................................................3-12
Document Revision History................................................................................4-1
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134

About The CIC IP Core

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The Altera® CIC IP core implements a cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter with data ports that are compatible with the Avalon® Streaming (Avalon-ST) interface. CIC filters (also known as Hogenauer filters) are computationally efficient for extracting baseband signals from narrow-band sources using decimation. They also construct narrow-band signals from processed baseband signals using interpolation.
CIC filters use only adders and registers; they require no multipliers to handle large rate changes. Therefore, CIC is a suitable and economical filter architecture for hardware implementation, and is widely used in sample rate conversion designs such as digital down converters (DDC) and digital up converters (DUC).

Altera DSP IP Core Features

• Avalon Streaming (Avalon-ST) interfaces
• DSP Builder ready
• Testbenches to verify the IP core
• IP functional simulation models for use in Altera-supported VHDL and Verilog HDL simulators

CIC IP Core Features

• Interpolation and decimation filters with variable rate change factors (2 to 32,000), a configurable number of stages (1 to 12), and two differential delay options (1 or 2).
• Single clock domain with selectable number of interfaces and a maximum of 1,024 channels.
• Selectable data storage options with an option to use pipelined integrators.
• Configurable input data width (1 to 32 bits) and output data width (1 to full resolution data width).
• Selectable output rounding modes (truncation, convergent rounding, rounding up, or saturation) and Hogenauer pruning support.
• Optimization for speed by specifying the number of pipeline stages used by each integrator.
• Compensation filter coefficients generation.
• IP functional simulation models for use in Altera-supported VHDL and Verilog HDL simulators.
• DSP Builder ready.
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered

CIC IP Core Device Family Support

CIC IP Core Device Family Support
Altera offers the following device support levels for Altera IP cores:
• Preliminary support—Altera verifies the IP core with preliminary timing models for this device family. The IP core meets all functional requirements, but might still be undergoing timing analysis for the device family. You can use it in production designs with caution.
• Final support—Altera verifies the IP core with final timing models for this device family. The IP core meets all functional and timing requirements for the device family. You can use it in production designs.
Table 1-1: Device Family Support
Device Family Support
Arria® II GX Final Arria II GZ Final ArriaV Final Arria10 Final Cyclone® IV GX Final
Stratix® IV GT Final Stratix IV GX/E Final Stratix V Final Other device families No support

DSP IP Core Verification

Before releasing a version of an IP core, Altera runs comprehensive regression tests to verify its quality and correctness. Altera generates custom variations of the IP core to exercise the various parameter options and thoroughly simulates the resulting simulation models with the results verified against master simulation models.

CIC IP Core Release Information

Table 1-2: CIC IP Core Release Information
Item Description
Version 14.1 Release Date December 2014 Ordering Code IP-CIC Product ID(s) 00BB Vendor ID(s) 6AF7
Altera Corporation
About The CIC IP Core
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CIC IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization

Altera verifies that the current version of the Quartus II software compiles the previous version of each IP core. Altera does not verify that the Quartus II software compiles IP core versions older than the previous version. The Altera IP Release Notes lists any exceptions.
Related Information
Altera IP Release Notes
Errata for CIC IP core in the Knowledge Base
CIC IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization
The following parameters apply:
Number of stages: 8
Rate change factor: 8
Differential delay: 1
Integrator data storage: Memory (whenever possible)
Differentiator data storage: Memory (whenever possible)
Input data width: 16
Output data width: Full precision
Output rounding: No rounding
The target f
is 1 GHz.
Table 1-3: CIC IP Core Performance
Typical performance using the Quartus II software with the Arria V (5AGXFB3H4F40C4), Cyclone V (5CGXFC7D6F31C6), and Stratix V (5SGSMD4H2F35C2) devices
Device Filter Type ALM
Memory Registers
M10K M20K Primary Secondary
Arria V Decimator 493 2 -- 1,149 5 207.34 Arria V Decimator 5
1,162 2 -- 3,749 6 207
Arria V Decimator 5
911 37 -- 1,722 6 255 Channels 3 Interfaces
Arria V Decimator
352 1 -- 785 12 304 Hogenauer Pruning
Arria V Decimator
463 2 -- 1,055 5 198.69 Trunction
Arria V Decimator Variable
919 37 -- 1,730 7 256 Rate Change
Arria V Interpolator 326 1 -- 728 18 320 Arria V Interpolator 5
About The CIC IP Core
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762 1 -- 2,369 27 288 Channels
Altera Corporation
CIC IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization
Device Filter Type ALM
Arria V Interpolator 5
886 27 -- 1,776 17 232.61
Memory Registers
M10K M20K Primary Secondary
Channels 3 Interfaces
Arria V Interpolator
352 1 -- 785 12 304 Convergent Rounding
Arria V Interpolator
889 27 -- 1,772 23 235 Variable Rate Change
CycloneVDecimator 492 2 -- 1,137 17 182
CycloneVDecimator 5
1,162 2 -- 3,748 8 190.15 Channels
CycloneVDecimator 5
906 37 -- 1,719 9 204 Channels 3 Interfaces
352 1 -- 784 14 246 Hogenauer Pruning
463 2 -- 1,054 4 177 Truncation
CycloneVDecimator Variable
917 37 -- 1,730 5 193.27 Rate Change
CycloneVInterpolator 324 1 -- 709 37 264
CycloneVInterpolator 5
760 1 -- 2,383 11 235 Channels
CycloneVInterpolator 5
890 27 -- 1,747 48 168 Channels 3 Interfaces
352 1 -- 784 14 246.06 Convergent Rounding
894 27 -- 1,725 70 165 Variable Rate Change
StratixVDecimator 515 -- 1 1,152 6 377
StratixVDecimator 5
1,176 -- 1 3,750 8 413 Channels
Altera Corporation
About The CIC IP Core
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CIC IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization
Device Filter Type ALM
StratixVDecimator 5
1,891 -- 11 5,562 8 450.05
Memory Registers
M10K M20K Primary Secondary
Channels 3 Interfaces
361 -- 0 790 13 450 Hogenauer Pruning
483 -- 1 1,059 4 376 Truncation
StratixVDecimator Variable
1,900 -- 11 5,574 3 450 Rate Change
StratixVInterpolator 335 -- 0 737 14 450.05
StratixVInterpolator 5
771 -- 0 2,390 8 450 Channels
StratixVInterpolator 5
1,625 -- 8 4,635 70 450 Channels 3 Interfaces
361 -- 0 790 13 450 Convergent Rounding
Arria 10 Interpolator
Variable Rate Change
464 -- 0 128 128 451
About The CIC IP Core
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Altera Corporation
quartus - Contains the Quartus II software ip - Contains the Altera IP Library and third-party IP cores
altera - Contains the Altera IP Library source code
<IP core name> - Contains the IP core source files
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134

CIC IP Core Getting Started

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Installing and Licensing IP Cores

The Altera IP Library provides many useful IP core functions for your production use without purchasing an additional license. Some Altera MegaCore® IP functions require that you purchase a separate license for production use. However, the OpenCore® feature allows evaluation of any Altera IP core in simulation and compilation in the Quartus® II software. After you are satisfied with functionality and perfformance, visit the Self Service Licensing Center to obtain a license number for any Altera product.
Figure 2-1: IP Core Installation Path
Note: The default IP installation directory on Windows is <drive>:\altera\<version number>; on Linux it is
<home directory>/altera/ <version number>.
Related Information
Altera Licensing Site
Altera Software Installation and Licensing Manual

OpenCore Plus IP Evaluation

Altera's free OpenCore Plus feature allows you to evaluate licensed MegaCore IP cores in simulation and hardware before purchase. You need only purchase a license for MegaCore IP cores if you decide to take your design to production. OpenCore Plus supports the following evaluations:
• Simulate the behavior of a licensed IP core in your system.
• Verify the functionality, size, and speed of the IP core quickly and easily.
• Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include IP cores.
• Program a device with your IP core and verify your design in hardware.
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered

CIC IP Core OpenCore Plus Timeout Behavior

OpenCore Plus evaluation supports the following two operation modes:
• Untethered—run the design containing the licensed IP for a limited time.
• Tethered—run the design containing the licensed IP for a longer time or indefinitely. This requires a connection between your board and the host computer.
Note: All IP cores that use OpenCore Plus time out simultaneously when any IP core in the design times
CIC IP Core OpenCore Plus Timeout Behavior
All IP cores in a device time out simultaneously when the most restrictive evaluation time is reached. If there is more than one IP core in a design, the time-out behavior of the other IP cores may mask the time­out behavior of a specific IP core .
All IP cores in a device time out simultaneously when the most restrictive evaluation time is reached. If there is more than one IP core in a design, a specific IP core's time-out behavior may be masked by the time-out behavior of the other IP cores. For IP cores, the untethered time-out is 1 hour; the tethered time­out value is indefinite. Your design stops working after the hardware evaluation time expires. The Quartus II software uses OpenCore Plus Files (.ocp) in your project directory to identify your use of the OpenCore Plus evaluation program. After you activate the feature, do not delete these files..
When the evaluation time expires, the data output signal goes low.
Related Information
AN 320: OpenCore Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions

IP Catalog and Parameter Editor

The Quartus II IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog) and parameter editor help you easily customize and integrate IP cores into your project. You can use the IP Catalog and parameter editor to select, customize, and generate files representing your custom IP variation.
The IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog) and parameter editor replace the MegaWizard™ Plug-In Manager for IP selection and parameterization, beginning in Quartus II software version 14.0. Use the IP Catalog and parameter editor to locate and paramaterize Altera IP cores.
The IP Catalog lists installed IP cores available for your design. Double-click any IP core to launch the parameter editor and generate files representing your IP variation. The parameter editor prompts you to specify an IP variation name, optional ports, and output file generation options. The parameter editor generates a top-level Qsys system file (.qsys) or Quartus II IP file (.qip) representing the IP core in your project. You can also parameterize an IP variation without an open project.
Use the following features to help you quickly locate and select an IP core:
• Filter IP Catalog to Show IP for active device family or Show IP for all device families. If you have no project open, select the Device Family in IP Catalog.
• Type in the Search field to locate any full or partial IP core name in IP Catalog.
• Right-click an IP core name in IP Catalog to display details about supported devices, open the IP core's installation folder, and view links to documentation.
• Click Search for Partner IP, to access partner IP information on the Altera website.
Altera Corporation
CIC IP Core Getting Started
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