ALTERA Arria V Device User Manual

Arria V Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration

Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Arria V Device Handbook
101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration


Chapter Revision Dates ...................................................................... xi
Section I. Device Core for Arria V Devices
Revision History ........................................................................ I–1
Chapter 1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
LAB ...................................................................................1–2
MLAB ...............................................................................1–3
Interconnects .........................................................................1–4
LAB Control Signals ...................................................................1–5
ALM Registers ........................................................................1–6
ALM Outputs ........................................................................1–7
ALM Operating Modes ..................................................................1–9
Normal Mode ........................................................................1–9
Extended LUT Mode ..................................................................1–9
Arithmetic Mode .....................................................................1–10
Carry Chain ......................................................................1–11
Shared Arithmetic Mode ..............................................................1–12
Shared Arithmetic Chain ...........................................................1–12
Document Revision History .............................................................1–13
Chapter 2. Memory Blocks in Arria V Devices
Memory Types ..........................................................................2–1
Memory Features ........................................................................2–2
Memory Modes .........................................................................2–3
Mixed-Width Port Configurations .........................................................2–4
M10K Blocks Mixed-Width Configurations ...............................................2–4
MLABs Mixed-Width Configurations ....................................................2–5
Clocking Modes .........................................................................2–5
Clocking Modes for Each Memory Mode .................................................2–5
Asynchronous Clears ..................................................................2–5
Output Read Data in Simultaneous Read/Write ...........................................2–6
Independent Clock Enables ............................................................2–6
Parity Bit ...............................................................................2–6
Byte Enable .............................................................................2–6
byteena Controls ......................................................................2–7
Data Byte Output .....................................................................2–7
RAM Blocks Operations ...............................................................2–8
Design Considerations ...................................................................2–8
Memory Block Selection ...............................................................2–8
Conflict Resolution ....................................................................2–9
Read-During-Write Behavior ...........................................................2–9
Same-Port Read-During-Write Mode ..................................................2–9
Mixed-Port Read-During-Write Mode ................................................2–10
Power-Up State and Memory Initialization ..............................................2–12
Power Management ..................................................................2–13
Document Revision History .............................................................2–13
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
iv Contents
Chapter 3. Variable-Precision DSP Blocks in Arria V Devices
Features ................................................................................3–1
Supported Operational Modes ............................................................3–2
Design Considerations ...................................................................3–3
Operational Modes ....................................................................3–3
Pre-Adder ...........................................................................3–3
Internal Coefficient ....................................................................3–3
Accumulator .........................................................................3–3
Chainout Adder ......................................................................3–3
Block Architecture .......................................................................3–4
Input Register Bank ...................................................................3–5
Pre-Adder ...........................................................................3–6
Internal Coefficient ....................................................................3–6
Multipliers ...........................................................................3–7
Adder ...............................................................................3–7
Accumulator and Chainout Adder ......................................................3–7
Systolic Registers .....................................................................3–8
Double Accumulation Register .........................................................3–8
Output Register Bank ..................................................................3–8
Operational Mode Descriptions ...........................................................3–9
Independent Multiplier Mode ..........................................................3–9
Independent Complex Multiplier Mode .................................................3–12
Multiplier Adder Sum Mode ..........................................................3–13
18 x 18 Multiplication Summed with 36-Bit Input Mode ...................................3–14
Systolic FIR Mode ....................................................................3–15
Document Revision History .............................................................3–17
Chapter 4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria V Devices
Clock Networks in Arria V Devices ........................................................4–1
Global Clock Networks ................................................................4–3
Regional Clock Networks ..............................................................4–4
Periphery Clock Networks .............................................................4–5
Clock Sources Per Quadrant ............................................................4–6
Clock Regions ........................................................................4–7
Entire Device Clock Region ..........................................................4–7
Regional Clock Region ..............................................................4–7
Dual-Regional Clock Region .........................................................4–7
Clock Network Sources ................................................................4–8
Dedicated Clock Input Pins ..........................................................4–8
Internal Logic ......................................................................4–8
DPA Outputs ......................................................................4–8
HSSI Outputs ......................................................................4–8
PLL Clock Outputs .................................................................4–8
Clock Input Pin Connections to GCLK and RCLK Networks .............................4–9
Clock Output Connections ............................................................4–12
Clock Control Block ..................................................................4–12
GCLK Control Block ...............................................................4–13
RCLK Control Block ...............................................................4–14
PCLK Control Block ...............................................................4–14
External PLL Clock Output Control Block .............................................4–15
Clock Power Down ...................................................................4–16
Clock Enable Signals .................................................................4–16
Arria V PLLs ...........................................................................4–18
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Contents v
Fractional PLL Architecture ...........................................................4–23
Fractional PLL Usage ..............................................................4–23
PLL External Clock I/O Pins ..........................................................4–23
PLL Control Signals ..................................................................4–25
pfdena ...........................................................................4–25
areset ............................................................................4–25
locked ............................................................................4–26
Clock Feedback Modes ...............................................................4–26
Source Synchronous Mode ..........................................................4–27
LVDS Compensation Mode .........................................................4–28
Direct Compensation Mode .........................................................4–29
NormalMode .....................................................................4–30
Zero-Delay Buffer Mode ............................................................4–30
External Feedback Mode ...........................................................4–32
Clock Multiplication and Division ......................................................4–33
Programmable Duty Cycle ............................................................4–34
Clock Switchover ....................................................................4–34
Automatic Clock Switchover ........................................................4–35
Manual Clock Switchover ..........................................................4–39
Guidelines ........................................................................4–39
PLL Reconfiguration and Dynamic Phase Shift ...........................................4–40
Document Revision History .............................................................4–41
Section II. I/O Interfaces for Arria V Devices
Revision History ....................................................................... II–1
Chapter 5. I/O Features in Arria V Devices
I/O Standards Support ...................................................................5–2
Design Considerations ...................................................................5–4
I/O Bank Restrictions .................................................................5–4
Non-Voltage-Referenced Standards ...................................................5–4
Voltage-Referenced Standards ........................................................5–4
Mixing Voltage-Referenced and Non-Voltage-Referenced Standards ......................5–4
3.3-V I/O Interface ....................................................................5–5
LVDS Channels .......................................................................5–6
I/O Banks ..............................................................................5–6
Modular I/O Banks ...................................................................5–8
IOE Structure ..........................................................................5–11
Current Strength .....................................................................5–12
MultiVolt I/O Interface ...............................................................5–13
Programmable IOE Features .............................................................5–14
Slew-Rate Control ....................................................................5–14
I/O Delay ...........................................................................5–14
Open-Drain Output ..................................................................5–15
Bus-Hold ...........................................................................5–15
Pull-Up Resistor .....................................................................5–16
Pre-Emphasis ........................................................................5–16
Differential Output Voltage ...........................................................5–16
Restriction .....................................................................5–5
Restriction .....................................................................5–5
Pin Restriction ...................................................................5–5
Programmable IOE Delay ...........................................................5–14
Programmable Output Buffer Delay ..................................................5–15
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
vi Contents
OCT Schemes ..........................................................................5–17
OCT Calibration Block ................................................................5–18
Sharing an OCT Calibration Block on Multiple I/O Banks ...............................5–21
RSOCT with Calibration ..............................................................5–22
RSOCT Without Calibration ...........................................................5–22
RTOCT with Calibration ..............................................................5–23
Dynamic OCT .......................................................................5–24
LVDS Input RDOCT .................................................................5–25
I/O Standards Termination Schemes ......................................................5–26
Single-Ended I/O Standard Termination ................................................5–28
Differential I/O Standard Termination ..................................................5–29
LVDS, RSDS, and Mini-LVDS I/O Standard Termination ...............................5–31
LVPECL I/O Standard Termination ..................................................5–32
Emulated LVDS, RSDS, and Mini-LVDS I/O Standard Termination ......................5–32
Document Revision History .............................................................5–34
Chapter 6. High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces and DPA in Arria V Devices
Dedicated High-Speed I/O Circuitries .....................................................6–1
SERDES and DPA Bank Locations .......................................................6–2
LVDS SERDES Circuitry ...............................................................6–3
LVDS Channels .......................................................................6–4
True LVDS Buffers ....................................................................6–4
Differential Transmitter ..................................................................6–6
Transmitter Blocks ....................................................................6–6
Transmitter Clocking ..................................................................6–6
Serializer Bypass for DDR and SDR Operations ...........................................6–7
Programmable V
Programmable Pre-Emphasis ...........................................................6–8
Differential Receiver .....................................................................6–9
Receiver Blocks ......................................................................6–10
DPA Block ........................................................................6–10
Synchronizer ......................................................................6–11
Data Realignment Block (Bit Slip) ....................................................6–12
Deserializer .......................................................................6–13
Receiver Modes ......................................................................6–13
Non-DPAMode ...................................................................6–14
DPAMode .......................................................................6–15
Soft-CDR Mode ...................................................................6–16
Receiver Clocking ....................................................................6–17
Differential I/O Termination ..........................................................6–17
PLLs and Clocking .....................................................................6–18
Source Synchronous Timing Budget ......................................................6–18
Differential Data Orientation ..........................................................6–19
Differential I/O Bit Position ...........................................................6–19
Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew ..................................................6–20
Receiver Skew Margin for Non-DPA Mode ..............................................6–21
Design Considerations ..................................................................6–21
Differential Pin Placement .............................................................6–21
DPA-Enabled Channels, DPA-Disabled Channels, and Single-Ended I/Os ................6–22
Guidelines for DPA-Enabled Differential Channels .....................................6–22
Guidelines for DPA-Disabled Differential Channels ....................................6–25
Document Revision History .............................................................6–28
OD .....................................................................................6–8
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Contents vii
Chapter 7. External Memory Interfaces in Arria V Devices
Memory Interface Pin Support ............................................................7–2
Design Considerations ...................................................................7–5
Memory Interface .....................................................................7–5
Delay-Locked Loop ...................................................................7–5
DQ/DQS Pins ........................................................................7–6
Using the RZQ Pins in a DQ/DQS Group for Memory Interfaces ............................7–6
PHYCLK Networks ...................................................................7–6
DDR2 SDRAM Interface ...............................................................7–6
DDR3 SDRAM DIMM .................................................................7–7
Hard Memory Controller ..............................................................7–7
Bonding ...........................................................................7–7
External Memory Interface Features .......................................................7–8
DQS Phase-Shift Circuitry ..............................................................7–9
Delay-Locked Loop ................................................................7–11
DLL Phase-Shift ...................................................................7–11
PHY Clock (PHYCLK) Networks .......................................................7–13
DQS Logic Block .....................................................................7–16
Update Enable Circuitry ............................................................7–16
DQS Delay Chain ..................................................................7–17
DQS Postamble Circuitry ...........................................................7–17
HDR Block .......................................................................7–17
Dynamic OCT Control ................................................................7–18
IOE Registers ........................................................................7–19
Input Registers ....................................................................7–19
Output Registers ..................................................................7–19
Delay Chain .........................................................................7–21
Hard Memory Controllers .............................................................7–22
Features of the Hard Memory Controller .............................................7–22
Multiport Logic ...................................................................7–24
Bonding Support ..................................................................7–24
UniPHY IP ............................................................................7–28
Document Revision History .............................................................7–28
Section III. System Integration for Arria V Devices
Revision History ...................................................................... III–1
Chapter 8. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria V Devices
MSEL Pin Settings .......................................................................8–2
Configuration Sequence ..................................................................8–3
PowerUp ............................................................................8–4
Reset ................................................................................8–4
Configuration ........................................................................8–4
Configuration Error Handling ..........................................................8–5
Initialization .........................................................................8–5
User Mode ...........................................................................8–5
Device Configuration Pins ................................................................8–6
Configuration Pins Summary ...........................................................8–6
Configuration Pin Options in the Quartus II Software ......................................8–7
Fast Passive Parallel Configuration ........................................................8–7
FPP Single-Device Configuration ........................................................8–8
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Pin .........................................................................8–4
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
viii Contents
FPP Multi-Device Configuration ........................................................8–8
Pin Connections and Guidelines ......................................................8–8
Using Multiple Configuration Data ...................................................8–9
Configuring Multiple Devices Using One Configuration Data ...........................8–10
Active Serial Configuration ..............................................................8–11
DATA Clock (DCLK) .................................................................8–11
AS Single-Device Configuration .......................................................8–12
AS Multi-Device Configuration ........................................................8–13
Pin Connections and Guidelines .....................................................8–13
Using Multiple Configuration Data ..................................................8–14
Configuring Multiple Devices Using One Configuration Data ...........................8–15
Estimating the AS Configuration Time ..................................................8–15
Using EPCS and EPCQ Devices ........................................................8–16
Controlling EPCS and EPCQ Devices .................................................8–16
Trace Length and Loading ..........................................................8–16
Programming EPCS and EPCQ Devices ..............................................8–17
Passive Serial Configuration .............................................................8–21
PS Single-Device Configuration ........................................................8–21
PS Multi-Device Configuration ........................................................8–23
Pin Connections and Guidelines .....................................................8–23
Using Multiple Configuration Data ..................................................8–23
Configuring Multiple Devices Using One Configuration Data ...........................8–24
Using PC Host and Download Cable .................................................8–25
JTAG Configuration ....................................................................8–26
JTAG Single-Device Configuration .....................................................8–26
JTAG Multi-Device Configuration ......................................................8–29
CONFIG_IO JTAG Instruction .........................................................8–30
Configuration Data Compression .........................................................8–30
Enabling Compression Before Design Compilation .......................................8–30
Enabling Compression After Design Compilation ........................................8–31
Using Compression in Multi-Device Configuration .......................................8–31
Remote System Upgrades ...............................................................8–32
Configuration Images ................................................................8–32
Configuration Sequence ..............................................................8–33
Remote System Upgrade Circuitry .....................................................8–34
Enabling Remote System Upgrade Circuitry .............................................8–35
Remote System Upgrade Registers .....................................................8–35
Control Register ...................................................................8–36
Status Register ....................................................................8–36
Remote System Upgrade State Machine .................................................8–36
User Watchdog Timer ................................................................8–37
Design Security ........................................................................8–37
JTAG Secure Mode ...................................................................8–38
Security Key Types ...................................................................8–39
Security Modes ......................................................................8–39
Design Security Implementation Steps ..................................................8–40
Document Revision History .............................................................8–41
Chapter 9. SEU Mitigation in Arria V Devices
Basic Description ........................................................................9–1
Error Detection Features .................................................................9–1
Types of Error Detection .................................................................9–2
Configuration Error Detection ..........................................................9–2
User Mode Error Detection .............................................................9–2
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Contents ix
Error Detection Components ..............................................................9–3
Error Detection Pin ....................................................................9–3
Error Detection Registers ...............................................................9–3
Error Message Register ................................................................9–5
Storage Size for Error Detection .........................................................9–5
Error Detection Timing ...................................................................9–6
Minimum EMR Update Interval ........................................................9–6
Error Detection Frequency .............................................................9–6
CRC Calculation Time .................................................................9–7
Using the Error Detection Feature .........................................................9–8
Enabling the User Mode Error Detection .................................................9–8
Error Detection Process ................................................................9–8
Reading the Error Location Bit Through JTAG ............................................9–9
Recovering From CRC Errors ...........................................................9–9
Testing the Error Detection Block ..........................................................9–9
Error Detection Instruction .............................................................9–9
JTAG Fault Injection Register ..........................................................9–10
Automating the Testing Process ........................................................9–10
Document Revision History .............................................................9–10
Chapter 10. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria V Devices
BST Operation Control ..................................................................10–1
IDCODE ............................................................................10–1
Supported JTAG Instruction ...........................................................10–2
JTAG Secure Mode ................................................................10–4
JTAG Private Instruction ..............................................................10–4
I/O Voltage for JTAG Operation .........................................................10–4
Enabling and Disabling IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry ......................................10–5
Performing BST ........................................................................10–5
Guidelines for IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Testing ......................................10–6
IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Architecture ........................................................10–7
IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Functionality .....................................................10–7
IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Circuitry Registers ................................................10–7
IEEE Std. 1149.1 BST Pin Function ......................................................10–8
IEEE Std. 1149.1 Boundary-Scan Register ................................................10–9
Boundary-Scan Cells of a Arria V Device I/O Pin ......................................10–9
IEEE Std. 1149.1 TAP Controller ......................................................10–11
IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG Mandatory Instruction .............................................10–14
SAMPLE/PRELOAD Instruction Mode ................................................10–14
EXTEST Instruction Mode ............................................................10–16
BYPASS Instruction Mode ............................................................10–18
Document Revision History ............................................................10–19
Chapter 11. Power Management in Arria V Devices
Power Consumption ....................................................................11–2
Internal Temperature Sensing Diode ......................................................11–2
Hot-Socketing Feature ..................................................................11–3
Hot-Socketing Implementation ...........................................................11–4
Power-Up Sequencing ..................................................................11–5
Power-On Reset Circuitry ...............................................................11–6
Document Revision History .............................................................11–8
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
x Contents
Additional Information
How to Contact Altera ................................................................ Info–1
Typographic Conventions ............................................................. Info–1
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration

Chapter Revision Dates

The chapters in this document, Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration, were revised on the following dates. Where chapters or groups of chapters are available separately, part numbers are listed.
Part Number:
Chapter 1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52001-2.0
Chapter 2. Memory Blocks in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52002-2.0
Chapter 3. Variable-Precision DSP Blocks in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52003-2.0
Chapter 4. Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52004-2.0
Chapter 5. I/O Features in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV52005-2.0
Chapter 6. High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces and DPA in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV52006-2.0
Chapter 7. External Memory Interfaces in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV52007-2.0
Chapter 8. Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52008-2.0
Chapter 9. SEU Mitigation in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52009-2.0
Chapter 10. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52010-2.0
Chapter 11. Power Management in Arria V Devices
Revised: June 2012 Part Number: AV-52011-2.0
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
This section provides a complete overview of all features relating to the Arria®V device family. This section includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
Chapter 2, Memory Blocks in Arria V Devices
Chapter 3, Variable-Precision DSP Blocks in Arria V Devices
Chapter 4, Clock Networks and PLLs in Arria V Devices

Revision History

Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information about when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in this volume.

Section I. Device Core for Arria V Devices

© 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Arria V Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration June 2012
Revision History
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
June 2012 AV-52001-2.0

1. Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices

This chapter describes the features of the logic array block (LAB) in the Arria®V core fabric.
The LAB is composed of basic building blocks known as adaptive logic modules (ALMs) that you can configure to implement logic functions, arithmetic functions, and register functions.
You can use a quarter of the available LABs in Arria V devices as a memory LAB (MLAB).
The Quartus®II software and other supported third-party synthesis tools, in conjunction with parameterized functions such as the library of parameterized modules (LPM), automatically choose the appropriate mode for common functions such as counters, adders, subtractors, and arithmetic functions.
This chapter contains the following sections:
“ALM Operating Modes” on page 1–9
© 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Arria V Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration June 2012
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1–2 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
The LABs are configurable logic blocks that consist of a group of logic resources. Each LAB contains dedicated logic for driving control signals to its ALMs.
MLAB is a superset of the LAB and includes all the LAB features.
Figure 1–1 shows an overview of the Arria V LAB and MLAB structure with the LAB
Figure 1–1. LAB Structure and Interconnects Overview in Arria V Devices
Direct link interconnect from adjacent block (1)
Direct link interconnect to adjacent block
C2/C4 C12
Fast local interconnect is driven
from either sides by column interconnect
and LABs, and from above by row interconnect
Row interconnects of
variable speed and length
MLABLABLocal interconnect
Direct link interconnect from adjacent block
Direct link interconnect to adjacent block
Column interconnects of
variable speed and length
Note to Figure 1–1:
(1) Connects to adjacent LABs, memory blocks, digital signal processing (DSP) blocks, or I/O element (IOE) outputs.
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices 1–3
Each MLAB supports a maximum of 640 bits of simple dual-port SRAM.
You can configure each ALM in an MLAB as a 32 x 2 memory block, resulting in a configuration of 32 x 20 simple dual-port SRAM blocks.
Figure 1–2 shows the LAB and MLAB topology.
Figure 1–2. LAB and MLAB Structure for Arria V Devices
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LAB Control Block LAB Control Block
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
LUT-based-32 x 2
Simple dual port SRAM
Note to Figure 1–2:
(1) You can use an MLAB ALM as a regular LAB ALM or configure it as a dual-port SRAM.
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
1–4 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
Each LAB can drive 30 ALMs through fast-local and direct-link interconnects. Ten ALMs are in any given LAB and ten ALMs are in each of the adjacent LABs.
The local interconnect can drive ALMs in the same LAB using column and row interconnects and ALM outputs in the same LAB.
Neighboring LABs, MLABs, M10K blocks, or digital signal processing (DSP) blocks from the left or right can also drive the LAB’s local interconnect using the direct link connection.
The direct link connection feature minimizes the use of row and column interconnects, providing higher performance and flexibility.
Figure 1–3 shows the LAB fast-local and direct-link interconnects.
Figure 1–3. Direct Link and Fast Local Interconnects for Arria V Devices
Direct link interconnect from left LAB, memory block, DSP block, or IOE output
Direct link interconnect to left
Fast local
Direct link interconnect from right LAB, memory block, DSP block, or IOE output
Direct link interconnect to right
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices 1–5
LAB Control Signals
Each LAB contains dedicated logic for driving the control signals to its ALMs, and has two unique clock sources and three clock enable signals.
The LAB control block generates up to three clocks using the two clock sources and three clock enable signals. Each clock and the clock enable signals are linked.
De-asserting the clock enable signal turns off the corresponding LAB-wide clock.
Figure 1–4 shows the clock sources and clock enable signals in an LAB.
Figure 1–4. LAB-Wide Control Signals for Arria V Devices
There are two unique
clock signals per LAB.
Dedicated Row LAB Clocks
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
or asyncload
or labpreset
labclkena1 labclkena2 labclr0 synclr
Note to Figure 1–4:
(1) For more information, refer to Figure 1–6 on page 1–8.
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
1–6 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
ALM Registers
One ALM contains four programmable registers. Each register has data, clock, synchronous and asynchronous clear, and synchronous load functions.
Global signals, general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins, or any internal logic can drive the clock and clear control signals of an ALM register.
GPIO pins or internal logic drives the clock enable signal.
For combinational functions, the registers are bypassed and the output of the look-up table (LUT) drives directly to the outputs of an ALM.
Figure 1–5 shows a high-level block diagram of the Arria V ALM.
Figure 1–5. High-Level Block Diagram of the Arria V ALM
6-Input LUT
6-Input LUT
Combinational/ Memory ALUT0
Combinational/ Memory ALUT1
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
1 The Quartus II software automatically configures the ALMs for optimized
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices 1–7
ALM Outputs
The LUT, adder, or register output can drive the ALM outputs. There are two sets of outputs—general routing outputs and register chain outputs.
For each set of output drivers, two ALM outputs can drive column, row, or direct link routing connections, and one of these ALM outputs can also drive local interconnect resources. The LUT or adder can drive one output while the register drives another output.
Register packing improves device utilization by allowing unrelated register and combinational logic to be packed into a single ALM. Another mechanism to improve fitting is to allow the register output to feed back into the look-up table (LUT) of the same ALM so that the register is packed with its own fan-out LUT. The ALM can also drive out registered and unregistered versions of the LUT or adder output.
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
1–8 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
Figure 1–6 shows a detailed view of all the connections in an ALM.
Figure 1–6. ALM Connection Details for Arria V Devices
direct link routing
row, column direct link routing
local interconnect
row, column
row, column direct link routing
row, column
direct link routing
local interconnect
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices 1–9
ALM Operating Modes
ALM Operating Modes
The Arria V ALM operates in any of the following modes:
Normal Mode
Extended LUT Mode
Arithmetic Mode
Shared Arithmetic Mode
Normal Mode
Up to eight data inputs from the LAB local interconnect are inputs to the combinational logic. Normal mode allows two functions to be implemented in one Arria V ALM, or a single function of up to six inputs.
The ALM can support certain combinations of completely independent functions and various combinations of functions that have common inputs.
Extended LUT Mode
In this mode, if the 7-input function is unregistered, the unused eighth input is available for register packing.
1 Functions that fit into the template, as shown in Figure 1–7, often appear in designs as
“if-else” statements in Verilog HDL or VHDL code.
Figure 1–7 shows the template of supported 7-input functions using extended LUT
Figure 1–7. Template for Supported 7-Input Functions in Extended LUT Mode in Arria V Devices
datac dataa datab datad
This input is available for register packing.
To gener al or
local routing
To gener al or
local routing
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
1–10 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
ALM Operating Modes
Arithmetic Mode
The ALM in arithmetic mode uses two sets of two 4-input LUTs along with two dedicated full adders.
The dedicated adders allow the LUTs to perform pre-adder logic; therefore, each adder can add the output of two 4-input functions.
The ALM supports simultaneous use of the adder’s carry output along with combinational logic outputs. The adder output is ignored in this operation.
Using the adder with the combinational logic output provides resource savings of up to 50% for functions that can use this mode.
Figure 1–8 shows an ALM in arithmetic mode.
Figure 1–8. ALM in Arithmetic Mode for Arria V Devices
datac datab dataa
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
To general or
local routing
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices 1–11
ALM Operating Modes
Carry Chain
The carry chain provides a fast carry function between the dedicated adders in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode.
The two-bit carry select feature in Arria V devices halves the propagation delay of carry chains within the ALM. Carry chains can begin in either the first ALM or the fifth ALM in a LAB. The final carry-out signal is routed to an ALM, where it is fed to local, row, or column interconnects.
To avoid routing congestion in one small area of the device when a high fan-in arithmetic function is implemented, the LAB can support carry chains that only use either the top half or bottom half of the LAB before connecting to the next LAB. This leaves the other half of the ALMs in the LAB available for implementing narrower fan-in functions in normal mode. Carry chains that use the top five ALMs in the first LAB carry into the top half of the ALMs in the next LAB in the column. Carry chains that use the bottom five ALMs in the first LAB carry into the bottom half of the ALMs in the next LAB within the column. You can bypass the top-half of the LAB columns and bottom-half of the MLAB columns.
The Quartus II Compiler creates carry chains longer than 20 ALMs (10 ALMs in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically. For enhanced fitting, a long carry chain runs vertically, allowing fast horizontal connections to the TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A carry chain can continue as far as a full column.
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
1–12 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
ALM Operating Modes
Shared Arithmetic Mode
The ALM in shared arithmetic mode can implement a 3-input add in the ALM.
This mode configures the ALM with four 4-input LUTs. Each LUT either computes the sum of three inputs or the carry of three inputs. The output of the carry computation is fed to the next adder using a dedicated connection called the shared arithmetic chain.
Figure 1–9 shows the ALM using this feature.
Figure 1–9. ALM in Shared Arithmetic Mode for Arria V Devices
datac datab dataa
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
To general or local routing
Shared Arithmetic Chain
The shared arithmetic chain available in enhanced arithmetic mode allows the ALM to implement a 3-input adder. This significantly reduces the resources necessary to implement large adder trees or correlator functions.
Similar to carry chains, the top and bottom half of the shared arithmetic chains in alternate LAB columns can be bypassed. This capability allows the shared arithmetic chain to cascade through half of the ALMs in an LAB while leaving the other half available for narrower fan-in functionality. In every LAB column is top-half bypassable; while in MLAB columns are bottom-half bypassable.
The shared arithmetic chain can begin in either the first or sixth ALM in an LAB. The Quartus II Compiler creates shared arithmetic chains longer than 20 ALMs (10 ALMs in arithmetic or shared arithmetic mode) by linking LABs together automatically. To enhanced fitting, a long shared arithmetic chain runs vertically, allowing fast horizontal connections to the TriMatrix memory and DSP blocks. A shared arithmetic chain can continue as far as a full column.
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices 1–13
Document Revision History
Document Revision History
Table 1–1 lists the revision history for this chapter.
Table 1–1. Document Revision History
Date Version Changes
Updated for the Quartus II software v12.0 release:
June 2012 2.0
November 2011 1.1 Restructured chapter.
May 2011 1.0 Initial release.
Restructured chapter.
Updated Figure 1–6.
June 2012 Altera Corporation Arria V Device Handbook
Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
1–14 Chapter 1: Logic Array Blocks and Adaptive Logic Modules in Arria V Devices
Document Revision History
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
June 2012 AV-52002-2.0

2. Memory Blocks in Arria V Devices

This chapter describes the embedded memory blocks in Arria®V devices.
The memory blocks in Arria V devices provide different sizes of embedded SRAM to fit your design requirements.
This chapter contains the following sections:
“Memory Types” on page 2–1
“Memory Features” on page 2–2
“Memory Modes” on page 2–3
“Mixed-Width Port Configurations” on page 2–4
“Clocking Modes” on page 2–5
“Parity Bit” on page 2–6
“Byte Enable” on page 2–6
Memory Types
f For information about the embedded memory capacity available in each Arria V
“Design Considerations” on page 2–8
The Arria V devices contain two types of memory blocks:
M10K blocks—10-kilobit (Kb) blocks of dedicated memory resources that you can
use to create designs with large memory configurations.
Memory logic array blocks (MLABs)—640-bit enhanced memory blocks that are
configured from dual-purpose logic array blocks (LABs). The MLABs are optimized for implementation of shift registers for digital signal processing (DSP) applications, wide shallow FIFO buffers, and filter delay lines. Each MLAB is made up of ten adaptive logic modules (ALMs) that you can configure as ten 32 x 2 blocks, giving you one 32 x 20 simple dual-port SRAM block per MLAB.
device, refer to the Arria V Device Overview.
© 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Arria V Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration June 2012
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2–2 Chapter 2: Memory Blocks in Arria V Devices
Memory Features
Memory Features
Table 2–1 summarizes the features supported by the memory blocks.
Table 2–1. Memory Features in Arria V Devices
Feature M10K MLAB
Maximum operating frequency 400 MHz 500 MHz
Total RAM bits (including parity bits) 10,240 640
256 x 32, 256 x 40, 512 x 16, 512 x 20,
Configuration (depth × width)
1K x 8, 1K x 10,
2K x 4, 2K x 5,
4K x 2, and 8K x 1
Parity bits Yes Yes
Byte enable Yes Yes
Packed mode Yes
Address clock enable Yes Yes
Single-port memory
Simple dual-port memory
Memory modes
True dual-port memory
Embedded shift register
FIFO buffer
Simple dual-port mixed width Yes
True dual-port mixed width Yes
FIFO buffer mixed width Yes
Memory Initialization File (.mif) Yes Yes
Mixed-clock mode Yes Yes
Power-up state Output ports are cleared.
Asynchronous clears Output registers
Write/Read operation triggering Rising clock edges
Output ports set to “new data” or
Same-port read-during-write
(The “don’t care” mode applies only for
“don’t care”.
the single-port RAM mode.)
Mixed-port read-during-write
Output ports set to “old data” or “don’t
ECC support Soft IP support using the Quartus
Fully synchronous memory Yes Yes
Asynchronous memory
32 x 16, 32 x 18, and 32 x 20
Single-port memory
Simple dual-port memory
Embedded shift register
FIFO buffer
Registered output ports—Cleared.
Unregistered output ports—Read
memory contents.
Output ports set to “don’t care”.
Output ports set to “old data”, “new
data”, “don’t care”, or “constrained don’t
II software.
Only for flow-through read memory
Arria V Device Handbook June 2012 Altera Corporation Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration
+ 396 hidden pages