Alpina BL2005-CB Users guide




UK: Blender

DE: Mixer

FR: Mixeur

NL: Blender

ITEM: 871125218736

220-240V 50-60Hz 400W

A.I.&E. Adriaan Mulderweg 9-11,

5657 EM Eindhoven,


The Netherlands



Read this manual thoroughly before using the appliance, and save it for future reference


When using this electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:

1.Read all instructions.

2.Before using the appliance, check that the voltage indicated on the product corresponds to the voltage of your electrical outlet.

3.Do not let the cable hang on a hot surface or over the edge of a table or counter.

4.Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cable or plug or when the appliance has malfunctioned or been damaged in any way. Return the appliance to the nearest authorised service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.

5.If the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

6.Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.

7.Avoid contact with the moving parts.

8.To reduce the risk of severe injury to persons and damage to the blender, keep hands and utensils out of the container while blending. A scraper may be used but must be used only when the blender is not running.

9.The use of attachments not recommended or sold by the manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock or injury.

10.Unplug the appliance from the power outlet when it is not in use, before attaching or removing parts and before cleaning the appliance. To disconnect the appliance, put any controls in the ‘0’ position then remove the plug from the power outlet by pulling on the plug itself, not the cable.

11.To reduce the risk of injury, never place the blade assembly on the motor unit without the jar being properly attached.

12.This appliance must not be used by children. Keep the appliance and its cable out of the reach of children.

13.This appliance can be used by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or a lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given

supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and if they understand the hazards involved.

14.Children must not play with the appliance.

15.Do not leave the appliance on while it is unattended.

16.Wait until the blades have completely stopped before removing the blender from the motor unit.

17.When operating the blender, always have the cover in place.

18.Always use the appliance on a secure, dry and level surface.

19.Never place this appliance on or near a hot gas or electric burner or where it could touch a heated appliance.

20.Do not use outdoors.

21.Do not use the appliance for anything other than its intended use.

22.Do not operate the appliance without its cover in place.

23.Avoid any contact with the blades and moving parts.

24.Switch off the appliance and disconnect it from the power supply before changing accessories or approaching parts that move during use.

25.Always disconnect the appliance from the power supply if it is going to be left unattended, and before assembling, disassembling or cleaning it.

26.This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:

-staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;

-farm houses;

-by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;

-bed and breakfast type environments.

27.Care must be taken when handling the sharp cutting blades, when emptying the bowl and during cleaning.

28.Be careful if hot liquid is poured into the appliance, as it can be ejected from the appliance due to sudden steaming.

29.This appliance is not appropriate for long contact with food.



Measuring cup

Jar cover


Jar base seal ring

Jar base


Speed control



Check that all parts are complete and not damaged. Choose the appropriate attachment to perform your desired task. The blender attachment is suitable for blending fruit or vegetables or for crushing ice, while the grinder attachment is suitable for grinding coffee beans. Clean the attachment in accordance with the section ‘CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE’.

WARNING: The blade is sharp, so handle it with great care; and ensure that you unplug the appliance from the power outlet before attaching or removing parts.



1.Peel or core the fruit or vegetable items, then cut them into small pieces.

2.Place the food pieces into the jar to be blended. Usually, a certain amount of purified water has to be added to facilitate the smooth running of the appliance. The proportion of food and water should be 2:3.The amount of mixture should not exceed the max. level as indicated on the jar.

Warning: Blending maximum level load or hard fruits and vegetables must be sure that the speed selector is setting at highest speed (speed 10). If the speed is used too low, the motor will be damaged due to insufficient torque. When the motor speed is found to be too slow, you must immediately use a higher speed setting to blend or turn the speed selector to “0” to stop blend!









Carrot (apple,

Cut into

Carrot: 600g

High speed

pear etc.)


Water: 900g


Carrot (apple,

Cut into

Carrot: 50g

Low speed

pear etc.)


Water: 150g


Note: Never use boiling liquids or run the appliance when it is empty.

3.Put the lid on the jar. Make sure the measuring cup is in place.

4.Insert the power plug into a standard power outlet.

5.Choose the appropriate speed setting for your task. (Please stir food at the highest speed, but not at low speed.)

6.For quick or delicate blending tasks, turn the control to the ‘P’ position and hold it for a few seconds then release it; the control will return to the ‘O’ position automatically. Repeat, if necessary, until the consistency you want is obtained.

7.If you want to add ingredients while the blender is working, remove the measuring cup and insert them through the opening in the lid.

8.When crushing ice or hard food, keep one hand firmly on the lid.


9.When the consistency you want is obtained, turn the control to the ‘O’ position.


1)For each use, the total continuous or consecutive operating time should not exceed 2 minutes. At least 10 minutes rest time must be maintained between two cycles of continuous or consecutive use, and the unit must cool to room temperature before the next cycle of use begins.

2)If you want to stop the appliance while it is operating, turn the control to the ‘O’ position at any time.

10.The ‘P’ setting is for breaking ice and operating in pulses.


1.Lay the motor unit down on a flat horizontal surface and make sure it is unplugged.

NOTE: There is a safety interlock device at the bottom of the jar; if the jar is not attached properly, the blender will not operate.

2.Open the jar cover by turning it anticlockwise, and place it on the surface. Peel and core fruit or vegetable items and cut them into small pieces, then put the pieces into the jar. Usually, a certain amount of purified water has to be added to facilitate the smooth running of the appliance. The amount of mixture should not exceed the max. level as indicated on the jar, nor sit lower the min. level. The best proportion of fruit or vegetables and water is 2:3.

NOTE: The blender is not suitable for beating egg whites, mashing potatoes, mixing dough or extracting juice from fruit or vegetables.

3.Put the cover back on the jar and turn it clockwise.

4.If necessary, you may put ingredients into the jar through the central opening in its cover during operation, then replace the measuring cup. Align the tabs of the measuring cup with the grooves in the jar cover; push the cup down and turn it clockwise until its secured.

5.Ensure the speed control is set to the ‘O’ position, then plug the appliance into a power outlet and set the speed control to your desired setting. You can select the pulse setting without releasing the control if you want to accelerate the process of blending. Detailed information is shown in Fig. 1 below.

NOTE: Make sure the jar cover is properly attached before operating the appliance, and never open the jar cover during operation.


Fig. 1

6.Do not run the appliance for more than 2 minutes at a time; you must also wait until the unit has cooled to room temperature before starting the next operating cycle.

7.Turn the speed control to the ‘O’ position once the mixture has been blended to your desired consistency.

8.Turn the jar anticlockwise and remove it from the motor unit, then carefully take off the jar cover and pour the contents out.


1.Never operate the appliance for more than 2 minutes continuously or consecutively.

2.The blades are very sharp. Handle with care.

3.Do not operate the appliance without the jar cover in place.

4.In normal conditions, do not disassemble the jar from the jar base.

5.This appliance can be used by children aged 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or a lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance must not be performed by children without supervision.

6.When blending a load that comes up to around the maximum level, or when blending hard fruit or vegetables, be sure that the speed control is set to the highest speed (speed 2). If too slow a speed is used, the motor will be damaged due to insufficient torque. When the motor speed is found to be too slow, you must immediately select a higher speed setting to continue blending or turn the speed selector to ‘O’ to stop blending!



Make sure the appliance is disconnected from the power supply before cleaning it.

For blender

An ‘auto clean’ cycle can be used to clean the blender easily and rapidly in complete safety.

1.Pour a little warm soapy water into the jar, turn the speed control to the ‘1’ setting, then select the pulse setting for a few seconds without releasing the control.

2.Remove all detachable parts. Remove the jar from the motor unit and rinse it under running water, then detach the blade assembly from the jar assembly, take the blade assembly out and finally remove the jar base seal ring . Also, detach the measuring cup from the jar cover. Rinse the jar, blade, jar base, jar cover and measuring cup under running water.

3.Wipe the outer surface of the motor unit with a damp cloth.

NOTE: Do not use abrasive cleanser and never immerse the motor unit in water to clean it.

4.Dry all parts, then reassemble them. The blender parts are reassembled in the opposite order to disassembly.

NOTE: If any problem has been encountered during use, never disassemble the motor unit yourself. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Only contact the authorised service facility for examination and repair.



Lesen Sie diese Anleitung vor der Verwendung des Geräts sorgfältig und bewahren Sie sie zum späteren Nachschlagen auf


Bei Verwendung dieses Elektrogeräts sind stets grundlegende Sicherheitsregeln zu beachten, unter anderem:

1.Lesen Sie alle Anweisungen.

2.Bevor Sie das Gerät verwenden, überprüfen Sie, ob die Spannungsangaben auf dem Typenschild mit Ihrer Netzspannung übereinstimmen.

3.Lassen Sie das Netzkabel nicht über heiße Oberflächen oder den Rand des Tischs oder der Arbeitsfläche hängen.

4.Verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht, wenn das Netzkabel, der Stecker oder das Gerät in irgendeiner Weise beschädigt ist oder eine Störung aufweist. Bringen Sie das Gerät zur nächsten autorisierten Servicewerkstatt zur Überprüfung, Reparatur oder Einstellung.

5.Falls das Netzkabel beschädigt ist, muss dieses durch den Hersteller, dessen Kundendienst oder eine ähnlich qualifizierte Person ersetzt werden, um mögliche Gefahren zu vermeiden.

6.Bei der Verwendung von Elektrogeräten in der Nähe von Kindern sind diese stets zu beaufsichtigen.

7.Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit beweglichen Teilen.

8.Um das Risiko von schweren Verletzungen und von Beschädigungen des Mixers zu verringern, dürfen Hände und Utensilien während des Betriebs keinesfalls in den Becher gelangen. Es kann ein Schaber verwendet werden, jedoch nur, wenn der Mixer nicht in Betrieb ist.

9.Die Verwendung von Zubehör, das nicht vom Gerätehersteller empfohlen oder angeboten wird, kann zu Feuer, Stromschlag oder Verletzungen führen.

10.Ziehen Sie stets den Stecker aus der Steckdose, wenn das Gerät nicht in Gebrauch ist, bevor Sie Teile anbringen oder entfernen und bevor Sie das Gerät reinigen. Um das Gerät vom Stromnetz zu trennen, stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Bedienelemente in der Position „0“ befinden, und ziehen Sie dann den Stecker aus der Steckdose, indem Sie den Stecker selbst und nicht das Kabel greifen.

11.Um die Verletzungsgefahr zu verringern, bringen Sie die


Messerbaugruppe keinesfalls an der Motoreinheit an, ohne dass der Becher ordnungsgemäß angebracht ist.

12.Dieses Gerät darf nicht von Kindern verwendet werden. Halten Sie das Gerät und das Netzkabel außerhalb der

Reichweite von Kindern.

13.Dieses Gerät ist für Personen mit eingeschränkten physischen, sensorischen oder geistigen Fähigkeiten oder mangelnder Erfahrung und Kenntnissen geeignet, falls diese eine angemessene ausführliche Anleitung zur sicheren Benutzung des Geräts erhalten haben oder beaufsichtigt werden und die mit dem Gerät verbundenen Gefahren verstehen.

14.Kinder dürfen nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.

15.Lassen Sie das Gerät während der Verwendung nicht unbeaufsichtigt.

16.Warten Sie, bis die Messer vollständig gestoppt sind, bevor Sie den Mixer von der Motoreinheit entfernen.

17.Bei Betrieb des Mixers muss der Deckel stets angebracht sein.

18.Verwenden Sie das Gerät immer auf einem sicheren, trockenen und ebenen Untergrund.

19.Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht auf oder in der Nähe einer heißen Gasoder Elektro-Herdplatte oder in der Nähe eines heißen Geräts auf.

20.Verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht im Freien.

21.Setzen Sie das Gerät nur für den bestimmungsgemäßen Verwendungszweck ein.

22.Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht ohne ordnungsgemäß angebrachten Deckel.

23.Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit den Messern und allen beweglichen Teilen.

24.Schalten Sie das Gerät vor dem Wechseln von Zubehör oder der Handhabung im Betrieb beweglicher Teile aus und trennen Sie es von der Stromversorgung.

25.Trennen Sie das Gerät vor der Montage, Demontage oder Reinigung oder wenn es unbeaufsichtigt ist, stets von der


26.Das Gerät darf nur im Privatbereich und für ähnliche Anwendungen verwendet werden, z. B.:

-Personalküchen in Geschäften, Büros und anderen Arbeitsumgebungen,



Alpina BL2005-CB Users guide

-von Gästen in Hotels, Motels und anderen Wohnumgebungen,

-in Pensionen und in der Privatvermietung.

27.Vorsicht bei der Handhabung der scharfen Schneidmesser, beim Ausleeren des Bechers und bei der Reinigung.

28.Gehen Sie vorsichtig vor, wenn Sie heiße Flüssigkeit in den Mixer gießen, da es aufgrund einer plötzlichen Dampfbildung zu einem Herausspritzen kommen kann.

29.Dieses Gerät ist nicht für längeren Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln geeignet.



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