Alcatel OmniAccess Guide

Command Reference Guide
June 2005
Alcatel. 26801 West Agoura Rd. Calabasas, CA 91301
818 880 3500
Copyright © Alcatel, 2003-2005 All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written authorization of Alcatel.
Alcatel reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation to provide notification of such changes.
Alcatel provides this documentation without warranty, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. Alcatel may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.
Trad em arks
Alcatel and the Alcatel corporate logo are trademarks of Alcatel All other trademarks appearing in this guide are the exclusive property of their respective owners.
Software Notice
Alcatel assumes no responsibility for product reliability, performance, or both if the user modifies the .CFG file. Full responsibility for any performance issues resulting from modifications made to the .CFG file, by the user, is assumed by the user.
Hardware Notice
The Lithium battery in this product is part of a non-volatile memory device and will retain data for 10 years in the absence of power. Alcatel does not consider the lithium battery in this unit a field replaceable or serviceable part and should not be accessed by the customer.
WARNING: Before working on this equipment be aware of good safety practices and the hazards involved with electrical circuits.
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire, use only number 26 AWG or larger UL Listed or CSA Certified Telecommunication Line Cord for all network connections.
CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
Documentation Feedback
The mission of the Technical Publications group at Alcatel is to provide quality documentation that enhances the user’s experience with Alcatel products. We are constantly improving our guides and have a genuine interest in ensuring that they are easy to use and enable you to quickly find information you need. We invite you to be part of this process; please email your comments regarding Alcatel product documentation and web content to: June 2005
Copyright ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Trademarks .........................................................................................................................................ii
Software Notice .................................................................................................................................. ii
Hardware Notice ................................................................................................................................ ii
Documentation Feedback ...................................................................................................................ii
FIGURES ..................................................................................................V
TABLES ....................................................................................................VII
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ...............................................................................1
Organization .......................................................................................................................................1
Notices ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Documentation ...................................................................................................................................2
1 COMMAND LINE INTERFACE .................................................................3
Command Types ................................................................................................................................ 4
Command Conventions ......................................................................................................................5
CLI Navigation ..................................................................................................................................7
Command Help .................................................................................................................................. 8
2 CLEAR .....................................................................................................13
3 CONFIGURE ............................................................................................113
DEBUG ....................................................................................................643
5 DHCP .....................................................................................................807
6 SHOW ......................................................................................................811
7 FILE ........................................................................................................985
EXIT ........................................................................................................1001
9 FILTER LIST ............................................................................................1005
Command Reference Guide
10 GENERIC ROUTING ENCAPSULATION COMMANDS ............................. 1013
11 MULTICAST COMMANDS ...................................................................... 1035
12 IPSEC COMMANDS ................................................................................ 1117
13 PASSWORD ............................................................................................. 1159
14 PING ....................................................................................................... 1161
15 SAVE ....................................................................................................... 1165
16 RELOAD .................................................................................................. 1173
17 TELNET .................................................................................................. 1175
18 TEST ....................................................................................................... 1177
19 TRACE .................................................................................................... 1201
20 FIREWALL COMMANDS ......................................................................... 1203
21 VIRTUAL ROUTER REDUNDANCY PROTOCOL ..................................... 1283
22 ALARMS AND STATISTICS ..................................................................... 1297
Alarms ................................................................................................................................................1298
Statistics .............................................................................................................................................1300
23 PPPOE ................................................................................................... 1307
ISDN ...................................................................................................... 1315
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................. 1343
INDEX ..................................................................................................... 1355
COMMANDS INDEX ................................................................................ 1359
Command Reference Guide
CORPORATE POLICY ............................................................................. 1371
Standard Warranty ..............................................................................................................................1371
Equipment Malfunction ......................................................................................................................1372
Contacting >>company<<> ...............................................................................................................1372
1 Navigation Keys..........................................................................................................................7
2 Help Screen .................................................................................................................................8
3 Router CLI Command Tree ........................................................................................................ 8
4 ? Help Screen .............................................................................................................................. 9
5 Global Display Command........................................................................................................... 10
6 SNMP Set Command Example................................................................................................... 277
7 SNMP Get Command Example .................................................................................................. 278
8 A Typical Deployment ............................................................................................................... 278
Command Reference Guide
1 Guide Organization: Major Sections...........................................................................................1
2 Guide Organization: Appendix ...................................................................................................1
3 Context-Sensitive Command Sequence ......................................................................................4
4 Conventions for Syntax............................................................................................................... 5
5 Conventions for Examples ..........................................................................................................6
6 Command Changes or Additions ................................................................................................ 11
Command Reference Guide
The Command Reference Guide describes the Router command line interface (CLI), providing both instructions and typical command syntax and examples. It complements the Installation Guide, which is used to install and maintain your Router system.
This guide is designed for network managers and technicians responsible for the administration of LAN and WAN equipment. Proficiency with networking technologies is assumed.
The following tables describe the organization and content of this guide.
Table 1 Guide Organization: Major Sections
Section Description

About This Guide Defines the user audience, describes the document’s organization, introduces special

Command Line Interface Describes the command line interface (CLI) and how to access navigation and help
Commands Describes individual CLI commands. Commands are organized by protocol and are
Table 2 Guide Organization: Appendix
Appendix Section Description
A Alarms and Statistics Provides information about system alarms and system statistics.
notices, and provides information about other Router user guides.
features. A review of Router configuration standards is included.
in alphabetical order. Each entry provides a command description and syntax and usage examples.
Command Reference Guide
Chapter : About This Guide
Notice paragraphs alert you about issues that require attention. The following paragraphs describe the types of notices used in this guide.
NOTE: A Note offers suggestions for optimal use of your Router system.
ESD: An ESD notice provides information about how to avoid discharge of static electricity and
subsequent damage to the Router equipment.
CAUTION: A Caution notice provides information about how to avoid damage to the equipment or
application, or to avoid possible service disruption.
WARNING: A Warning notice provides information about how to avoid personal injury.
All Router user guides are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). These PDF files are included on the CD-ROM that ships with each Router system. The PDF files are also available on the Router website:
To view PDF files, Adobe Acrobat® Reader® 4.0 must be installed on your PC. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system, you can obtain it free from the Adobe website:
Other Router Guides In addition to this guide, Router documentation includes the following:
Quick Start Guides
A quick start guide is shipped with each system.
Installation Guides
These guides are designed for network managers and technicians who are responsible for the installation of networking equipment in Telco and service provider network facility environments.
Configuration Guides
These guides explain how to implement specific features and protocols on Router routers.
Router User Guide
This user guide explains the general usability features of Router routers.
Command Reference Guide
This section introduces the command line interface (CLI) hierarchy and the conventions used to describe it. It also introduces the CLI navigation keys and methods, as well as the available help screens.
Command Reference Guide
Command Types
This guide contains two types of commands: transition, or mode change, commands and standard commands.
Transition commands do not affect the system configuration, they are used to gain access to lower- or next-level commands in the CLI hierarchy. Following each transition command is a brief description, a syntax and usage example, a list of next-level commands, and a list of systems for which the command is applicable.
Standard commands are used to configure the system. Following each standard command is a brief description, a list of parameters and definitions, a syntax and usage example, a list of related commands, and a list of systems for which the command is applicable.
Context-Sensitive Commands
Some commands are context-sensitive. Once a module, bundle, or Ethernet port has been selected for configuration, all further configuration applies only to the selected interface. Table 3 shows a context-sensitive command string for an OmniAccess 604system. In this example, T1 link 1 remains selected for configuration until you exit from the Router model 604/configure/module/t1> prompt.
Chapter 1: Command Line Interface
NOTE: In certain instances, transition commands will select an interface for configuration and access
next-level commands. For example, the configure interface bundle dallas command access the configure interface bundle mode and selects or creates the bundle dallas.
Table 3 Context-Sensitive Command Sequence
Context-Sensitive Command String Example
1 Go into the configuration mode. 604>configure terminal
2 Specify the type of interface (T1).
3 Choose the specific interface (T1 link 1).
4 From now on, all configuration commands are for T1
link 1 until you exit from module configuration or choose another T1 link.
NOTE: Command strings that require identification of a specific interface are context-sensitive.
604/configure>module t1
604/configure>module t1 1
604/configure/module/t1 1>
Command Reference Guide
Command Conventions
Each command is briefly described and then followed by the complete syntax, which is essentially a map of the command that shows mandatory and optional parameters. A command example follows, and the systems for which the command applies are listed.
The following tables provide details of the conventions in this guide that are used for syntaxes, examples, and interfaces.
Table 4 Conventions for Syntax
For Syntax What it means
normal type
[ a | b | c ]
< >
[ ]
Within syntaxes, “normal type” represents required words that must be entered by the user — except when followed by a parameter setting that is enclosed in angled brackets. In that case, only enter the parameter setting enclosed in the angled brackets.
Example 1: Normal type only.
In this example, the user enters the word or argument (module) appearing in the syntax in “normal type.”
Command execution:
Example 2: Normal type word or argument that is followed by a second normal type word or argument, which is followed by a parameter setting enclosed in angled brackets.
In this example, the user enters the first word or argument “connections,” appearing in normal type, and then only enters the value “4” of the second word or argument.
connections connections < n >
Command execution:
connections 4
In other words, the first occurence of “connections” must be entered because it is not followed by a setting enclosed in angled brackets. The second occurence of the word “connections” must NOT be entered because it is followed by a setting enclosed in angled brackets. This value of the setting must be entered to execute the command.
Normal brackets “[ ]” indicate optional keywords or arguments.
A vertical bar “ | “ separates individual settings.
In this example, the user enters the word “timeout;” must specify either for “tcp” or “udp” for a protocol type; and optionally enters a timeout value “n.”
timeout protocol_type < tcp | udp > [ seconds < n > ]
Command execution:
timeout udp 3600
Angled brackets. All parameter settings are enclosed in angled brackets. The user is directed to choose an appropriate setting. In some cases, the parameter name accompanies the required setting.
Optional parameter settings in each syntax are indicated by normal brackets.
Command Reference Guide
Abbreviated Commands
Chapter 1: Command Line Interface
Table 5 Conventions for Examples
For Examples What it means
normal type
bold type
Prompts and commands that are part of the main prompt are shown in normal type.
All character strings that a user must enter to execute a command are in bold type.
604> configure term
You may enter commands by typing the first few characters of each word in a command string. The Router system recognizes the unique abbreviated entry and executes the command exactly as if you had entered it fully.
For example, to view the currently running system configuration, you may type display configuration running at the Router> prompt. You may also type dis con run to get the same result. Similarly, you may abbreviate the optional parameter names required by some commands.
For example, a typical entry may be as follows:
mlppp mrru 1600 sequence short seg_threshold 1000 differential_delay 100 discriminator
To save time, you may type the following abbreviated string:
mlppp m 1600 seq short seg 1000 diff 100 dis
Command Reference Guide
CLI Navigation
Navigation Keys
The Tab , Esc, and Ctrl keys may be used to move backwards or forwards in the CLI, edit entered command strings, or accelerate the command entry process. Global commands, such as save, ping, and display, may be executed from any level in the CLI hierarchy; they allow the user to execute commonly used commands without exiting their current configuration location.
You may use the Ta b key to quickly enter each word of a command without typing its full name. For example, to enter the configure command, you may type its first two letters and then press Tab to see the entire word. Then, you may specify an item to configure by pressing the Spacebar and then pressing Ta b repeatedly until the desired sub-command appears. Repeat this sequence for each successive sub-command string until the entire command string appears.
You may also use the other keystrokes shown in Figure 1 during command entry. For example, to back up the cursor without deleting any characters, type Ctrl-B. To repeat the last command that you entered, type Ctrl-P. To go back several commands, type Ctrl-P repeatedly until the desired previous command appears. Or, you may go directly back to the main CLI> prompt from anywhere in the command hierarchy by typing Ctrl-Z.
Figure 1 Navigation Keys
> help edit key stroke -- action
---------- -- -----­ TAB -- command completion Esc-B -- go back one word Esc-F -- forward one word Esc-DEL -- delete one word left to cursor BackSpace -- go back and delete one char Ctrl-A -- start of line Ctrl-B / <- -- go back one char Ctrl-D / DEL -- delete a char
-- go up one level if empty command Ctrl-E -- end of line Ctrl-F / -> -- forward one char Ctrl-K -- delete line ahead of cursor Ctrl-L -- refresh line Ctrl-N / DN ARROW -- next command in history Ctrl-P / UP ARROW -- previous command in history Ctrl-U -- delete entire line Ctrl-W -- delete one word left to cursor >
Command Reference Guide
Command Help
Chapter 1: Command Line Interface
Command help is available for navigating the CLI command hierarchy and for assistance with specific commands. You may obtain help by using one of the three commands described below.
Ty pe help at the main CLI prompt to see the basic Router system help information. Or, type help followed by a command name to view information about that command. Figure 2 shows the help screen.
Figure 2 Help Screen
> help ? -- display commands under this tree exit [level] -- exit (level nos ) from the current tree
-- 'exit' from "top level" terminates CLI Ctrl-Z -- exit to top level tree -- display tree under current node type 'help edit' to see editing features type 'help <cmd>' to get help for that command >
You may view a tree that shows all CLI commands, or a tree that shows only the commands associated with the current command mode (or the routing mode for example). Figure 3 shows two command tree examples. If you type tree at the main ( entire list of system commands appears. If you type tree within a command mode, such as
604/clear> tree, the commands associated with this command mode are displayed.
Figure 3 Router CLI Command Tree
> tree xcli |-- ping |-- clear | |-- cfg_file | |-- arp | |-- cfg_log | |-- command_log | |-- snmp_stats | |-- counters | | |-- all | | |-- ethernet | | |-- ethernets | | |-- bundle | | |-- bundles | | |-- avc | | |-- avcs | | |-- tunnel | | |-- tunnels | |-- interface | | |-- all | | |-- ethernet Press any key to continue (q : quit) :
604> or equivalent) prompt, the
Command Reference Guide
? Help Screen
To view help information for a command category, specific command, or a parameter, type the associated word and a question mark (?). For example, if you type a question mark at the main command prompt, the system command categories appear. Figure 4 shows a display of these top-level commands.
Figure 4 ? Help Screen
> ?
NAME xcli -- This is root and not a command
DESCRIPTION COMMANDS -- Any of the following commands can be used
clear -- access clear commands configure -- configure from ( flash / network / terminal ) debug -- accesses debug commands dir -- directory of files in flash erase -- access erase filesystem commands file -- access file commands password -- Change the user password ping -- invoke ping reboot -- reboot the system reload -- reboot the system save -- save configuration to ( local / network ) show -- access show commands tclsh -- To invoke TCL shell telnet -- open a telnet connection test -- access test commands trace -- trace route to destination address or host name write -- write to terminal/network/flash
The default parameters for specific commands appear in parenthesis.
Command Reference Guide
Global Commands
Chapter 1: Command Line Interface
All display, ping, and save commands are available from any level of the CLI. For example, the global display commands allow the user to view current configuration settings, alarms, or tests without exiting the configure mode. In (Figure 5), a user has displayed a bundle summary while configuring a new bundle.
Similarly, the ping and save commands are available at any level of the CLI command. The ping command verifies connectivity between the Router system and other network hosts; access to the save commands from anywhere in the CLI ensures that your configurations may be saved periodically.
Figure 5 Global Display Command
> show configuration : Select type of 'configuration' ( Hit Tab ) > dir
CONTENTS OF /flash1:
size date time name
-------- ------ ------ -------­ 6467513 FEB-04-2004 13:51:22 T1000.1223.Z 6771268 APR-01-2004 11:38:42 T1000.Z 1908 APR-01-2004 11:56:18 system.cfg 0 FEB-05-2004 07:12:30 oldsystem.cfg 6500329 APR-01-2004 11:49:22 T1000.020404.Z
Total bytes: 19741018 Bytes Free: 12713984 >
Users can use show or display. These commands can be used interchangeably.
NOTE: The tab completion feature is not currently available for global commands.
Command Reference Guide
Improved Usability
In this release, the following commands have been modified or added so as to conform with industry standard CLI implementations.
Table 6 Command Changes or Additions
The command was: The command is now:
(new command) show ip interface brief
show ip packet_filter filter_list <name> show ip access-list <name|number>
show ip packet_filter rules (int-name) show ip access-list-rules <int-name>
show ip packet_filter statistics show ip access-list-stats <int-name>
show configuration stored show startup-config
show configuration running show running-config
show temperature show environment
show tech show tech-support
display ... show ... All display commands are now show
show snmp src_address show snmp trap-source
show snmp trap_host show snmp trap-host
show snmp trap_config show snmp traps
show qos class_templates This command is has been deleted
clear cfg_file erase startup-config
new command clear counters and clear counters all
clear interface bundle clear counters bundle
clear interface bundles clear counters bundles
clear interface Ethernet clear counters Ethernet
clear interface Ethernets clear counters Ethernet
clear interface avc clear counters avc
clear interface avcs clear counters avcs
clear interface tunnel clear counters tunnel
clear interface tunnels clear counters tunnels
clear ip packet_filter counters clear ip access-list counters
file format 0 erase flash
file ls show flash or dir
file rm filename erase flash:filename
save local write memory
configure network write network
configure flash configure flash or configure memory
configure network configure network or write network
Debug fr displayifinfo Debug fr bundle-info
Debug fr displayvcinfo Debug fr pvc-info
(new command) Debug fr mfr states <bundle-name>
(new command) Debug fr mfr state-machine
(new command) Debug fr mfr bundle-buffers
(new command) Debug fr packet inverse-arp
(new command) Debug fr packet mfr
Command Reference Guide
Chapter 1: Command Line Interface
Table 6 Command Changes or Additions
The command was: The command is now:
reboot reload
snmp snmp-server
snmp system_id snmp-server chassis-id
snmp enable_trap snmp-server enable traps
snmp src_address snmp-server trap-source
snmp trap_host snmp-server trap-host
conf> ip filter_list conf> ip access-list
conf> ip apply_filter conf> ip access-group
conf/Ethernet> ip apply_filter conf/Ethernet> ip access-group
conf/bundle> ip apply_filter conf/bundle> ip access-group
conf/bundle/fr/pvc> ip apply_filter conf/bundle> ip access-group
conf/avc> ip apply_filter conf/avc> ip access-group
Conf> qos load_class_templates Deleted
Conf> qos delete_class_templates Deleted
/configure/Ethernet/qos> add_class class_name parent [template] priority ] [ src_ip_address ] [ dst_ip_address ]
[ netmask ] [ port ] [ vlan_id ] [ dscp ] [ dot1p ] [ nat_ip ] [ mark_dscp ] [ mark_vlan ] [ mark_dot1p ]
Router/configure/bundle/qos> add_class class_name parent [template priority ] [ src_ip_address ] [ dst_ip_address ]
[ netmask ] [ port ] [ vlan_id ] [ dscp ] [ dot1p ] [ nat_ip ] [ mark_dscp ] [ mark_vlan ] [ mark_dot1p ]
Router/configure/bundle/qos/class> template
[ cr ] [ br ] [
] [ cr ] [ br ] [
Template parameter has been removed. The command is now:
Router/configure/Ethernet/qos> add_class class_name parent [ cr ] [ br ] [ priority ] [ src_ip_address ] [ dst_ip_address ]
[ netmask ] [ port ] [ vlan_id ] [ dscp ] [ dot1p ] [ nat_ip ] [ mark_dscp ] [ mark_vlan ] [ mark_dot1p ]
Template parameter has been removed. The command is now:
Router/configure/Ethernet/qos> add_class class_name parent [ cr ] [ br ] [ priority ] [ src_ip_address ] [ dst_ip_address ]
[ netmask ] [ port ] [ vlan_id ] [ dscp ] [ dot1p ] [ nat_ip ] [ mark_dscp ] [ mark_vlan ] [ mark_dot1p ]
Command Reference Guide
Use the clear commands to clear counters, files, logs, statistics, tables, and other data stored by Router systems. The clear command clears data for both logical and physical interfaces as well as system features such as IP multiplexing, packet filtering, NAT, QoS, SNMP, and VLAN forwarding.

The first-level clear commands are as follows:

Clear Commands
clear arp
erase startup-config
clear cfg_log
clear command_log
clear crypto
clear fr
clear interface
clear ip
clear module
clear qos
clear snmp_stats
clear telnet_session
clear vlanfwd
clear vldfwd
clear vrrp
Command Reference Guide

clear arp

Chapter 2: Clear
This command clears entries from the address resolution protocol (ARP) table.
Permanent ARP entries are not flushed. After the ARP table is cleared, the system automatically adds new entries as it learns the IP and MAC addresses of connected network hosts.
Router/clear> arp
The example above clears the ARP table. To view the contents of the ARP table before or after clearing, use the display arp command.
related commands:
display arp
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear cfg_log

This command clears the system configuration log.
The configuration log stores a history of system configuration events; it also records the use of either the save local or save network commands.
Router/clear> cfg_log
related commands:
configure network
display configuration running
display configuration stored
save local
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear command_log

Chapter 2: Clear
This command clears all information in the command log.
Router /clear> command_log
related commands:
display system logging commandLog
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear counters

This command resets the specified interface counter(s).
counters <all | avc | avcs | bundle | bundles | ethernet | ethernets | tunnel | tunnels >
parameter definition
all Resets all the interface counters.
avc Resets the DTE-to-DTE MFR aggregated virtual circuit (AVC) interface.
avcs Resets all of the DTE-to-DTE MFR aggregated virtual circuit (AVC) interfaces.
bundle Resets the counters of the specified bundled interface.
bundles Resets the counters of all of the bundled interfaces.
etherent Resets the counters for the specified Ethernet interface.
ethernets Resets the counters for all Ethernet interfaces.
tunnel Resets the counters for the specified tunnel interface.
tunnels Resets the counters for all of the tunnel interfaces.
Router/clear> counters
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear counters avc

Chapter 2: Clear
This command clears all of the counters for every CVC in the AVC and the counters for the AVC itself.
parameter definition
avc_name The name of the aggregated virtual circuit (AVC).
dlci DLCI number of the AVC to be cleared.
The range is 16 - 1022.
counters avc avc_name < name > dlci < n >
Router/clear> counters avc frame01 100
related commands:
clear counters avcs
clear counters bundle
clear counters bundles
clear counters Ethernet
clear counters tunnel
clear counters tunnels
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear counters avcs

This command clears all of the counters for every CVC in all of the AVCs.
counters avcs
Router/clear> counters avcs
related commands:
clear counters avc
clear counters bundle
clear counters bundles
clear counters Ethernet
clear counters tunnel
clear counters tunnels
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear counters bundle

Chapter 2: Clear
This command clears transmission counters on a specific bundle.
parameter definition
bundle_name Bundle on which transmission counters will be cleared.
counters bundle bundle_name < name >
Router/clear> counters bundle Superior
The example above clears the transmission counters on the bundle Superior. To view bundle configuration and status before or after clearing counters, use the show interface bundle command.
related commands:
clear counters avc
clear counters bundles
clear counters Ethernet
show interface bundle
clear counters tunnel
clear counters tunnels
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear counters bundles

This command clears the transmission counter on all interface bundles.
counters bundles
Router/clear> counters bundles
related commands:
clear counters avc
clear counters bundle
clear counters Ethernet
show interface bundles
clear counters tunnel
clear counters tunnels
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide

clear counters Ethernet

Chapter 2: Clear
This command clears the transmission counters on an Ethernet port.
parameter definition
ifnum Ethernet port on which transmission counters will be cleared (0 or 1).
counters ethernet ifnum < 0 | 1 >
Router/clear> counters ethernet 0
The example above clears the transmission counters on Ethernet port 0. To view port configuration and status before or after clearing counters, use the show interface ethernet command.
related commands:
clear counters avc
clear counters bundle
clear counters bundles
show interface ethernet
clear counters tunnel
clear counters tunnels
applicable models:
All models.
Command Reference Guide
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