Specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice.
Originated in the USA.
AOS-W, Alcatel 4308, Alcatel 4324, Alcatel 6000, Alcatel 60/61, Alcatel 70, and
Alcatel 52 are trademarks of Alcatel Internetworking, Inc. in the United States
and certain other countries.
Any other trademarks appearing in this manual are the property of their
respective companies.
Legal Notice
The use of Alcatel Internetworking Inc. switching platforms and software, by
all individuals or corporations, to terminate Cisco or Nortel VPN client devices
constitutes complete acceptance of liability by that individual or corporation for
this action and indemnifies, in full, Alcatel Internetworking Inc. from any and all
legal actions that might be taken against it with respect to infringement of
copyright on behalf of Cisco Systems or Nortel Networks.
Modifying the 802.1x Settings . . . 138
Resetting the 802.1x Settings
Advanced Configuration Options
of 802.1x . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
. . . . . . . . . . . . 126
. . . . . . . . . . . . 133
. . . . . . . . . . 135
. . . 138
Chapter 12Configuring Virtual Private
Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
VPN Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Enabling VPN Authentication
Configuring VPN with L2TP IPSec . 145
Enabling Src NAT. . . . . . . . . . . 147
IKE Shared Secrets
IKE Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Configuring Alcatel Dialer Example . 150
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
. . . . . . . . . . 147
Chapter 13Intrusion Detection . . . . . . . 163
vi Part 031650-00May 2005
. . . . 143
Rogue/Interfering AP Detection . . . . . 163
Denial of Service Detection . . . . . . 164
Man-In-The-Middle Detection
Signature Detection . . . . . . . . . . 165
Wireless LAN Policies . . . . . . . . . 165
Configuring Rogue AP Detection
Configuring Denial of Service
Attack Detection. . . . . . . . . . 168
Configuring Man-In-The-Middle
Attack Detection
Configuring Signature Detection. . . 173
Adding a New Signature Pattern
Configuring Wireless LAN Policies . 178
Configuring Wireless Bridge
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
. . . . . . . . . . 171
Chapter 14System and Network
Configuring SNMP for the Alcatel
Mobility Controller. . . . . . . . . . . 185
Configuring SNMP for the Access
SNMP Traps from the Switch . . . . . . 196
SNMP traps from Access Point/Air
Configuring Logging. . . . . . . . . . . . 202
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
. . . . 164
. . 166
. . . 175
Chapter 15Configuring Quality of
Service for Voice
Applications . . . . . . . . . . 207
Configuring QoS for SVP . . . . . . . . . 208
Configuring QoS for SIP . . . . . . . . . 213
Chapter 16Topology Example One . . . . 219
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Topology Example Two . . . 227
Topology Example Three . . 239
Topology Example Four . . . 253
Topology Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Topology Description
. . . . . . . . . 255
Contents vii
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
viii Part 031650-00May 2005
This preface includes the following information:
z An overview of the sections in this manual
z A list of related documentation for further reading
z A key to the various text conventions used throughout this
z Alcatel support and service information
Document Organization
This user guide includes instructions and examples for commonly
used, basic wireless LAN (Wireless LAN) switch configurations
such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), firewalls, and
redundancy. This guide shows you how to configure your
environment with the most commonly needed features and
To use this guide effectively, apply the configuration or
configurations required and skip the rest. Unless otherwise
indicated, chapters are not dependent on each other. That is, you
do not need to configure a feature in an earlier chapter before you
can configure a feature in a subsequent chapter. Chapter order is
not significant.
For information on parameters and settings on the WebUI, refer to
the Alcatel AOS-W ReferenceGuide.
Preface ix
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
Related Documents
The following items are part of the complete documentation set for the Alcatel
z Alcatel Mobility Controller Installation Guides
z Alcatel AP Installation Guides
z Alcatel AOS-W Reference Guide
Text Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to emphasize
important concepts:
TABLE P-1 Text Conventions
Type StyleDescription
ItalicsThis style is used to emphasize important terms and to
mark the titles of books.
System itemsThis fixed-width font depicts the following:
z Sample screen output
z System prompts
z Filenames, software devices, and certain commands
when mentioned in the text.
CommandsIn the command examples, this bold font depicts text
that the user must type exactly as shown.
<Arguments>In the command examples, italicized text within angle
brackets represents items that the user should replace
with information appropriate to their specific situation.
For example:
# send<text message>
In this example, the user would type “send” at the
system prompt exactly as shown, followed by the text of
the message they wish to send. Do not type the angle
[ Optional ]In the command examples, items enclosed in brackets
are optional. Do not type the brackets.
{ Item A | Item B }In the command examples, items within curled braces
and separated by a vertical bar represent the available
choices. Enter only one choice. Do not type the braces or
x Part 031650-00May 2005
Contacting Alcatel
Web Site
Main Sitehttp://www.alcatel.com
z Supporthttp://www.alcatel.com/enterprise
Telephone Numbers
z Main US/Canada(800) 995-2612
z Main Outside US(818) 880-3500
Preface xi
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
xii Part 031650-00May 2005
Deploying Access Points
This chapter outlines the recommended methods used to deploy
and provision Alcatel Access Points (APs) in an enterprise
network environment, detailing the various provisioning options
and steps required.
Alcatel wireless APs (also applicable to APs deployed as Air
Monitors (AMs) are designed to be low-touch configuration
devices that require only minimal provisioning to make them fully
operational on an Alcatel-enabled Wireless LAN network. Once
the AP has established Layer-3 communication with its host
Alcatel Mobility Controller, advanced configuration and
provisioning may be applied either to individual APs or globally
across the entire wireless network centrally using the WebUI of
the Master Alcatel Switch.
Getting Started
1. Planning
Decide where you wish to locate the APs in advance of physical
installation. Alcatel RF Plan can be utilized to provide an AP
placement map relative to a building floor plan to ensure optimal
RF coverage. (For more information on RF Plan, see the Alcatel RF Plan for Windows User Guide.)
When deploying APs, note the AP MAC address and serial
number against the physical location. This will be useful in
assigning location code identifiers to APs (see “Assigning AP
Location Codes” below), which will greatly enhance
location-based services and wireless network calibration.
Deploying Access Points 1
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
2Provisioning the Network for AP-Switch Communications
There are deployment prerequisites that must be met before deploying APs in a
live network environment. These prerequisites ensure that the APs are able to
discover and attach to a host Alcatel Mobility Controller (defined as the
master). This also relieves the administrator from the need to manually
configure each AP.
NOTE—Alcatel APs can only obtain their software image and configuration from a
master Alcatel Mobility Controller.
The deployment prerequisites for Alcatel APs are:
z A Valid IP Address
Alcatel APs require a unique IP address on a subnet that has routable Layer-3
connectivity to a master Alcatel Mobility Controller. Alcatel recommends assigning the AP an IP address via DHCP (either from an existing network server or
directly from an Alcatel Mobility Controller configured with a DHCP server).
To configure the AP IP address, go to“Assigning the IP Address to the AP”.
z Master Alcatel Mobility Controller/loopback IP Address
This is the IP address from which the AP will attach to and obtain its software
image and configuration. The master Alcatel Mobility Controller/loopback IP
address can be provided to an Alcatel AP using one of the following methods:
DNS Server
DHCP Server
Alcatel APs are factory configured with
Alcatel-master as the DNS host name. A DNS server
on the network can be configured with an entry for
Alcatel-master with the master Alcatel Mobility
Controller/loopback IP address as the resolution.
To configure this option see “DNS Server-derived AP
Provisioning ”.
A DHCP server on the same subnet as the AP can be
configured to not only provide the AP its own IP
address, but also provide the IP address of a master
Alcatel Mobility Controller to which the AP should
attach. This is achieved by configuring the DHCP
standard vendor specific option (attribute 43) in the
DHCP server, with the desired master Alcatel Mobility
Controller/loopback IP address. When the DHCP
server returns its offer to the AP, this attribute will be
returned with it.
To configure this option see “DHCP Server-derived
AP Provisioning ”.
2 Part 031650-00May 2005
Chapter 1
Alcatel Discovery
Protocol (ADP) - Plug
and Play
Alcatel APs are factory configured with ADP, a
feature that allows plug and play provisioning for APs
connected via Layer 2/3 to a master Alcatel Mobility
Controller on an ADP-enabled network.
ADP equipped APs send out periodic multicast and
broadcast queries to locate a master Alcatel Mobility
Controller. If an Alcatel switch is present in the same
broadcast domain as the APs, it will respond with the
switch/loopback IP address of the master switch.
If the APs and Alcatel switch reside in different
broadcast domains, the APs can discover the Alcatel
master switch using IP multicast (IP multicast must
be enabled in the network for this to function). The
ADP multicast queries are sent to the IP multicast
group address
Alternatively, you can configure a master Alcatel
Mobility Controller address as the IP Helper/relay
address on any Layer-3 switch on the same
broadcast domain as the APs, thus mitigating the
need to enable multicast in the network.
ADP also functions for APs connected directly to
Ethernet ports on a master Alcatel Mobility
Controller. To configure this option see “A l c a t e l
Discovery Protocol (ADP)”.
Deploying Access Points 3
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
Step 2a.Assigning the IP Address to the AP
Either configure a DHCP server in the same subnet where the APs will be connected to the network, or configure a device in the same subnet to act as a relay
agent for a DHCP server on a different subnet that can provide the AP with its IP
If you are planning on using a network-based DHCP server, skip to “AP-Master
Switch Provisioning”.
If the APs are on the same subnet as the master Alcatel Mobility Controller, the
Alcatel switch can be used as a DHCP server to manage IP address assignment
to APs. (The Alcatel Mobility Controller must be the only DHCP server for this
To enable DHCP server capability on an Alcatel switch:
z Navigate to the Configuration > DHCP Server page.
z Create a DHCP server pool configuration.
z Create an excluded address range.
z Click Apply to apply the configuration to the switch.
z Click Start to start the on-switch DHCP server.
Step 2b.AP-Master Switch Provisioning
It is imperative that the administrator chooses one of the aforementioned options
to provide the Access Points with the master Alcatel Mobility Controller/loopback IP address. To configure each of these options see below:
DNS Server-derived AP Provisioning
When DNS server-derived provisioning is the chosen option to provide the
AP with the master Alcatel Mobility Controller/loopback IP address, verify
that the DNS server used by the AP (usually supplied by DHCP) has an entry
configured for the standard name
OTE—The APs request for DNS resolution is for the Fully Qualified Domain Name
Alcatel-master so make sure that this name is configured. After initial
provisioning, if the default domain name values are changed, make sure
the AP and switch domain name settings match.
Alcatel recommends DNS server-derived AP configuration because it
involves minimal changes to the network and offers the greatest flexibility in
placement of APs.
If you select this option, skip the remainder of this section and proceed to
“Deploying APs in the Network”.
4 Part 031650-00May 2005
DHCP Server-derived AP Provisioning
When DHCP server-derived provisioning is the chosen option to provide the
AP with the master Alcatel Mobility Controller/loopback IP address, make
sure the DHCP server is configured to return the Alcatel vendor-specific
attribute information in its DHCP offer to the AP.
Configure the DHCP server to send the Alcatel master switch IP address
within the DHCP vendor-specific attribute option 43. The vendor class
identifier used to identify DHCP requests from Alcatel APs is
OTE—DHCP requires the format and contents of the vendor class identifier to
be correct (
If you select this option, skip the remainder of this section and proceed to
“Deploying APs in the Network”.
Alcatel Discovery Protocol (ADP)
NOTE—When APs are NOT on the same broadcast domain as the master Alcatel
Mobility Controller, you must enable multicast or employ IP Helper to
relay broadcast messages across the network for ADP to function correctly.
If ADP is the preferred option to provide the AP with the master Alcatel
Mobility Controller/loopback IP address, and the APs are on the same
broadcast domain as any master Alcatel Mobility Controller, no additional
network configuration is required. APs will send broadcast queries to which
a master Alcatel Mobility Controller will respond, along with its
switch/loopback IP address, and the APs will boot to this switch.
ADP is enabled on all Alcatel Mobility Controllers by factory default.
However, to ensure that ADP discovery is enabled on your switch use the
following command:
(Alcatel4324) #show adp config
Chapter 1
ADP Configuration
----------------key value
--- ----discoveryenable
If ADP discovery is not enabled, use the following command to enable it:
(Alcatel4324) (config) #adp discovery enable
When APs are connected to Alcatel switches indirectly (via an IP-routed
network), the administrator needs to make sure that multicast routing is
enabled in the network, and that all routers are configured to listen for IGMP
joins from the master Alcatel Mobility Controller and to route these
multicast packets.
Make sure both ADP discovery and IGMP-join options are enabled. Verify
using the
Should ADP discovery or IGMP-join options not be enabled:
show adp config command as shown above.
Deploying Access Points 5
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
z Enable ADP discovery by entering:
(Alcatel4324) (config) #adp discovery enable
z Enable IGMP join by entering:
(Alcatel4324) (config) #adp igmp-join enable
z Proceed to “Deploying APs in the Network” below.
3Deploying APs in the Network
You are now ready to physically install the APs and attach them to the network.
(For information on mounting and powering options please refer to the AP
hardware installation guide that shipped with the AP.)
When deploying APs, note the AP MAC address and serial number against the
physical location. This will be useful in assigning location code identifiers to
APs (see “Assigning AP Location Codes” below), which will greatly enhance
location-based services and wireless network calibration.
z Physically install the Access Point in the desired location.
z Connect the Access Point to the network port.
z Make sure power is available to the AP using 802.3af-compliant
Power over Ethernet (PoE) or via the optionally available AC power
adapter kits. (The
indicate power/network link states.)
z APs will now attempt to locate their master Alcatel Mobility
Controller in the network.
4Assigning AP Location Codes
Now the APs are provisioned on the network, the final step in Access Point
deployment is to configure (re-provision) each AP with a unique location code,
which is used for location service capability. This location code is numerical and
in the format 1.2.3 (where 1=building, 2=floor, 3=location). This can be
configured for each AP in the network using the WebUI of the master Alcatel
Mobility Controller.
POWER and ENET LEDs on the AP will respectively
To configure an AP with a unique location code:
z Navigate to the Maintenance > Program AP > Re-provision page.
This page displays a list of APs that have registered with the Master switch
with either their default location code (-1.-1.-1) or their currently configured
location code (if the AP has been provisioned already).
6 Part 031650-00May 2005
Chapter 1
z Select the AP that is to be configured from the list. This can be
selected by using the MAC address of the AP or the serial number
of the AP. Click Enable to start provisioning the AP.
Deploying Access Points 7
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
z Enter the location code in the format explained above.
z If the AP being provisioned is a model with detachable antenna
capability (such as an Alcatel AP-60) enter the antenna gain in dBi,
for example 4.0. This is mandatory for all detachable antenna models
as the AP will not will bring up its radio interface or function as an
AP without it.
z Click Apply to apply the configuration to the AP.
NOTE—The configuration does not take effect until the AP is rebooted.
z Navigate to the Maintenance > Reboot AP page.
z Select the AP from the list of the APs and click Reboot to reboot the
z Navigate to the Maintenance > Program AP > Re-provision page to
confirm that the new settings have taken effect.
8 Part 031650-00May 2005
Chapter 1
Deploying Access Points 9
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
10 Part 031650-00May 2005
Secure Remote Access Points
The Secure Remote Access Point Service allows users to connect
APs on remote sites over the Internet to an Alcatel Mobility
Controller. This capability allows remote locations equipped with
Remote Access Points to connect to a corporate office, for
example, over the Internet.
The Remote AP uses L2TP/IPSEC to connect to the Alcatel
Mobility Controller with NAT-T (UDP port 4500 only) support. All
of the AP control traffic and 802.11 data are carried through this
tunnel to the Switch.
Since the Internet is involved, securing data between the AP and
switch becomes key. Also most branch/home office deployments
sit behind a firewall or a NAT device. In case of Remote AP, all
traffic between the switch and the Remote AP is VPN
encapsulated, and all control traffic between the switch and AP
is encrypted. Administrators have a choice of encrypting the data
in addition to the control traffic as additional security.
The advantage of using the Secure Remote Access Point Service
as a Remote Access Point is the corporate office is now extended
to the Remote Site. The users can enjoy similar feature sets as the
corporate office users, VoIP application can be extended to
remote sites while the servers and the PBX sit securely in the
corporate office. The corporate network is virtually extended to
the remote user.
Deploying a Branch Office/Home Office Solution
To deploy the Remote AP in a branch office or home office as
shown in the illustration below, the following requirements need
to be met:
Secure Remote Access Points 11
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
z The Wireless LAN environment should be a single switch environment.
Future releases of the code are planned to enable multi-switch support and
Securing Communications
The Remote Access Point configurations can also be used to secure control
traffic between the AP and the switch in a corporate environment. In this case,
the AP and switch are in the company’s private address space. The Remote AP
will be similar to the Alcatel AP while tunneling and encrypting all data and
control traffic to the switch.
How the Secure Remote Access Point Service
The Secure Remote Access Point Service APs can be deployed in one of the
following ways:
1. The Remote Access Point and switch in a private network which is used to
secure AP-to-switch communication. (Alcatel recommends this deployment
when AP-to-switch communications need to be secured.)
12 Part 031650-00May 2005
Chapter 2
2The Remote Access Point is on the public network or behind a NAT device
and the switch is on the public network
3The Remote Access Point is on the public network or behind a NAT device
and the switch is also behind a NAT device. (Alcatel recommends this
deployment for remote access.)
Secure Remote Access Points 13
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
The basic operation for each of these deployments is the same, differing only
slightly in configuration details. The difference in configuration for each of
these deployments will be highlighted in the steps below.
The Secure Remote Access Point Service APs have to be configured with the
tunnel termination address, and address IP1 in the above figures. This address
would be the switch’s IP address, or the NAT device’s public address,
depending on the deployment scenario.
In the case where the switch is behind a NAT device (as in deployment
scenario 3), NAT-T (UDP 4500 port only) needs to be enabled, and all packets
from the NAT device on UDP port 4500 should be forwarded to the Alcatel
Mobility Controller.
The AP uses IP1 to establish a VPN/ IPSec tunnel with the switch. Once the
VPN tunnel is established, the AP bootstraps and becomes operational.
Configuring the Secure Remote Access Point
To configure the Secure Remote Gird Point Service (refer to the three
deployment illustrations above):
z Configure the AP as a Remote AP with the master address, the LMP IP, IKE
PSK, and the username and password for authentication.
z Configure IPSec VPN tunnels on the switch the AP will use before it boot-
z Configure the Secure Remote Access Point Service user role and permis-
14 Part 031650-00May 2005
z Add the entry for the username/password used for authentication by
Secure Remote Access Point Service to the authentication server.
Configure the NAT device to which the switch connects (deployment scenario
3 only).
These steps are explained below:
1. Configure the AP with the master address, username and password
All AP60/61 and AP70 Alcatel Access Points can be provisioned to offer
Secure Remote Access Point Services. The easiest way is to use the Program
AP Web configuration page to configure the AP settings.
z Once the AP boots up, it will appear as an un-provisioned AP if it is a
new AP. If the AP is an already provisioned AP which has to be re-configured to provide Secure Access Point Services, continue with the
next step. Otherwise, navigate to the
sion AP
location and master IP. Apply the changes and reload the AP. This step
ensures that the AP now boots with the 2.4 code (or higher) that supports this feature.
page and provision the AP as you would a regular AP with its
Wireless LAN > Program AP > Provi-
Chapter 2
Deployment Scenario
Deployment 1Alcatel Mobility Controller IP address
Deployment 2Alcatel Mobility Controller public IP address
Deployment 3Public address of the NAT device to which the
Master IP Address Value while
Provisioning the AP
Alcatel Mobility Controller is connected.
Secure Remote Access Points 15
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
z Select the AP that needs to be configured to provide Secure Access Point
Services on the Program AP > Reprovision page. Configure the AP username
and password, and the IKE PSK for the IPSec settings. Set the master IP to
the public IP address if the AP is connected to the switch over the Internet.
z Regardless of the deployment type, Alcatel recommends that the LMS-IP of
the AP be set to the switch IP address, (either the loopback address of the
switch or the VLAN 1 IP address).
z Navigate to the Configuration > Wireless LAN > Advanced page. Select the AP
to be configured as a Remote Access Point. Configure the LMS-IP to the
Alcatel Wireless LAN switch IP address.
2Configure the IPSec VPN settings on the switch by navigating to the
uration > Security > VPN Settings > IPSec
16 Part 031650-00May 2005
Chapter 2
To configure PAP authentication for L2TP:
Make sure that PAP Authentication Protocol is selected. Click
the configuration changes made.
From the CLI enter:
(Alcatel4324)# config t
(Alcatel4324) (config)# vpdn group l2tp
(Alcatel4324) (config-vpdn-l2tp)# ppp authentication PAP
(Alcatel4324) (config-vpdn-l2tp)# exit
(Alcatel4324) (config)#
To configure the L2TP IP pool:
Secure Remote Access Points 17
Apply, to apply
OmniAccess RN: User Guide
Click Add in the Address Pools panel. Configure the L2TP pool from which the
APs will be assigned addresses.
From the CLI enter:
(Alcatel4324)# config t
(Alcatel4324) (config)#
ip local pool l2tppool1
(Alcatel4324) (config)#
To configure an ISAKMP encrypted subnet and pre-share key:
Add in the IKE Shared Secrets panel and configure the pre-shared key and
the address pool. For more details, refer to “Configuring Virtual Private
Networks” on page 143.