he WHB-5854A wireless bridge allows you
set up wireless outdoor connection without
the interferences in the crowded 2.4Ghz
Running your 802.11a Network in the uncrowded
5Ghz ~ 5.8Ghz spectrum, it allow you to have a
stable Wi-Fi connection over long distance. It
supports all 3 segments of frequency range so
optimal compliance in different region. The
frequency range is changeable through the web
Equipped with a cast aluminum water and shock
proof enclosure, theWHB-5854A can operate in all
kinds of weather condition. With up to 200mW(23dBm) of power, it reach
distance of over 10 kilometers in open space when used with our WAE-5822GR
antenna. For CE compliance, it can be tuned to work within the 100mW
restriction of the standard.
Point-to-point Mode
Bridges in point-to-point mode connect two networks in different locations
through a single wireless link. This allows two widely separated sites to share
resources, including a single high-speed connection to the Internet wide area to
share resources, including a single high-speed connection to the Internet.
Point-to-Multipoint Mode
Bridges in point-to-multipoint mode connect three or more networks in scattered
buildings through wireless links. This allows numerous sites in a wide area to
share resources, including a single high-speed connection to the Internet.

DC Injector UnitDC Injector Unit
Optional AntennaOptional Antenna
Out Door UnitOut Door Unit
Auto IP assignment and management
The unit includes a complete Power over
Ethernet package with a 25 meter water-proof
cable and DC injector unit. Therefore you can
use indoor power source and connect to
network indoor. The outdoor unit can be
installed within close distance to antenna for
minimum cable signal loss.
The easy- to-use Web management interface
features auto Bridge learn and auto IP
assignment for simple installation. Data
security in protected by the WEP or MAC
access control functions.
The WHB-5854A is ideal for deployment in
office buildings, farm ranch, resort, and campus
environments. Users no longer have to pay high
price for dedicated lease line or fiber optic
cabling. With OvisLink's wide range of wireless
accessories and expertise in outdoor solution,
you can confident with OvisLink's outdoor
wireless solution
Note: Please check whether operation in the 5.8Ghz is
allowed in your country
Recommend Antenna