6287 ULTRA
Printer Interface Controller
Users Manual
875 Alfred Nobel Drive
Hercules, CA 94547-1899
TEL (510) 724-1600 TEL (800) 538-1634 FAX (510) 724-9624
Customer Support: FAX (510) 724-2222 E-MAIL tech@agileinc.com

Page ii
6287 ULTRA Users Manual
Copyright Information
© 1995 AGILE
All rights reserved. Copyright protection includes all forms and matters of
copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or
judicial law or hereinafter granted.
AGILE is a registered trademark of AGILE. 6287 ULTRA and all other
AGILE products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of AGILE.
IBM and all IBM products mentioned in this publication are registered
trademarks of International Business Machines, Inc.
Xerox, 2700, 3700, 4010, 4011, 4030, 4045, 4197, 4213, 4220, 4235,
4700 and all other Xerox products mentioned in this publication are
trademarks of Xerox Corporation.
Hewlett-Packard, LaserJet II, IID, IIID, IIISi, 4, 4Si and all other HP
products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of the Hewlett-
Packard Company.
All other trademarks appearing in this publication are owned by their
respective companies.
Release Notes
This document was printed in December 1995 and describes the AGILE
6287 ULTRA firmware version 46.00 and later.
Printed in the United States of America.
Fill in for future reference:
6287 ULTRA Purchase Date: _______________________
6287 ULTRA Serial Number: _______________________

Page iii
In 1978 IBM and the word compatible were rarely found together, but
IBMs mainframe customers wanted a less expensive, more flexible
printing solution than IBM offered them. They wanted value, performance
and features that only ASCII printers could provide. They wanted freedom
of choice.
This market need prompted Robert Torrey, then Director of Engineering
for AGILE, to develop a bridge between popular ASCII printers and the
IBM 3270 coax protocol that was a barrier to using ASCII printers in an
IBM environment. Robert Torrey is now president of AGILE, and his
coax protocol converter was so successful that more than 40 companies
tried to copy it.
The industry has undergone enormous changes, and so has AGILE. As the
age of the mainframe fades, AGILEs 6287 ULTRA coax printer interface
is still known industry wide as the finest available. The recognized leader
in IBM and PCM mainframe and midrange connectivity, AGILE
continually seeks new ways to offer its customers options that broaden
their choices and provide solutions to their printing problems.
Over 50,000 AGILE interfaces have been installed worldwide. By
working closely with industry leaders including Xerox, Lexmark, Hewlett-
Packard and Novell, AGILE makes certain that its products will continue
to provide full compatibility, remain attractively priced and stay on the
leading edge of market developments.
AGILEs staff of experienced hardware, software and technical support
engineers ensure that we will remain in the forefront of technology
without sacrificing reliability. The custom solution is one of our strengths,
and we have a variety of platforms from which to fulfill the special needs
of our customers. If we cannot provide the connectivity you require, we
will gladly refer you to one of our strategic business partners who can.
If you read what AGILEs customers have to say, you will see words like
the performance was flawless and the best support we have seen. You
see, customer satisfaction is the only true measure of our success. We
understand that to keep pace with the rapidly changing environment, we
must do more than simply provide products. That is why we remain
uncompromising about some very important things: Quality, Performance,
Value and Service.

Page iv
6287 ULTRA Users Manual
Also From AGILE
A high-speed protocol converter that enables serial and parallel ASCII and
EBCDIC printers and plotters to be attached to a 3270-type controller. Its
alternate host feature allows the mainframe host and a PC to share the
same printer without an A/B switch.
6287 ALLY
A high-speed protocol converter that enables serial and parallel ASCII and
EBCDIC printers and plotters to be attached to a 3270-type controller.
3270 KLONE
A PC expansion card that enables an IBM PC/AT/XT, PS/2 or compatible
computer to emulate a mainframe terminal. Its features include powerful
file transfer utilities for sharing PC and mainframe data, plus mainframe
printer emulation, allowing mainframe data to be printed on a PC printer.
An intelligent protocol converter that enables serial and parallel ASCII
and EBCDIC printers to be attached to a System/3X or AS/400 midrange
computer. Up to three twinax addresses are supported. Its alternate host
feature allows the midrange host and PC to share the same printer without
an A/B switch.
5250 ALLY
An intelligent protocol converter that enables an industry-standard parallel
ASCII or EBCDIC printer to be attached to a System/3X or AS/400
midrange computer. Its alternate host feature allows the midrange host and
a PC to share the printer without an A/B switch.
Printer Monitor
A small device that enables the user to capture print data streams for
troubleshooting analysis. Attaches to a parallel port of a PC used to
capture data that otherwise would have been sent to the printer.

About This Manual .................................................................................. xvii
AGILE Product Warranty....................................................................... xviii
Standard Warranty........................................................................... xviii
Optional Warranties and Services ..................................................... xix
Extended Warranty .................................................................... xix
Express Exchange Service ......................................................... xix
Medallion Support Program ....................................................... xix
Software Upgrades ................................................................................... xix
FCC Statement ............................................................................................xx
Warnings................................................................................................... xxi
Cables ................................................................................................ xxi
Shock ................................................................................................. xxi
Notes ......................................................................................................... xxi
Standard Factory Setup ..................................................................... xxi
Serial Port Setup ................................................................................ xxi
IBM Host Considerations ................................................................. xxii
Printer/Controller Configuration ...................................................... xxii
General Information ................................................................................. 1-1
Supported Printer Interfaces and Character Sets ............................... 1-1
IBM Port ............................................................................................ 1-1
Alternate Host Feature ...................................................................... 1-1
6287 ULTRA Features and Specifications ............................................... 1-2
Input/Output Ports ............................................................................. 1-2
Host Interface .................................................................................... 1-2
Printer/Plotter Output Interfacing...................................................... 1-2
Alternate Host Input Interfacing ....................................................... 1-2
Printer Sharing................................................................................... 1-2
IBM Specifications ............................................................................ 1-2
Host Systems Supported.................................................................... 1-2
Printer Emulations ............................................................................. 1-2
Printers Supported ............................................................................. 1-2
Plotters Supported ............................................................................. 1-2

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage vi
Throughput ........................................................................................ 1-3
Upgradeability ................................................................................... 1-3
Programmability ................................................................................ 1-3
User Programmable Function Strings ............................................... 1-3
Transparency ..................................................................................... 1-3
Translation ......................................................................................... 1-3
Character Sets .................................................................................... 1-3
Custom Application Support ............................................................. 1-3
Power ................................................................................................. 1-3
Size/Weight ....................................................................................... 1-3
Product Support ................................................................................. 1-3
6287 ULTRA Front Panel ........................................................................ 1-4
Status Indicator Lights .............................................................................. 1-4
Power ................................................................................................. 1-4
CU Signal .......................................................................................... 1-4
Alt Host ............................................................................................. 1-4
Printer Ready ..................................................................................... 1-5
Hold Print .......................................................................................... 1-5
Data Out ............................................................................................ 1-5
SCS .................................................................................................... 1-5
Check ................................................................................................. 1-5
Test .................................................................................................... 1-5
Key Down ......................................................................................... 1-5
Operator Function Buttons ....................................................................... 1-6
Reset .................................................................................................. 1-6
PA1 and PA2 ..................................................................................... 1-6
Line Feed ........................................................................................... 1-6
Hold Print .......................................................................................... 1-7
Test .................................................................................................... 1-7
Cancel ................................................................................................ 1-7
Form Feed ......................................................................................... 1-7
Enable Print ....................................................................................... 1-7
General Information ................................................................................. 2-1
Before Beginning ..................................................................................... 2-1
Selecting a Location ................................................................................. 2-1
Space Requirements .......................................................................... 2-1
Electrical Requirements .................................................................... 2-2
OPerating Environment ..................................................................... 2-2

Unpacking ................................................................................................ 2-2
Package Contents .............................................................................. 2-2
Connections .............................................................................................. 2-3
AGILE 6287 ULTRA Cable Chart ................................................... 2-3
6287 ULTRA Rear Panel ......................................................................... 2-4
6287 ULTRA Connection to Mainframe .......................................... 2-5
6287 ULTRA Connection to Printer/Plotter ..................................... 2-6
6287 ULTRA Connection to Optional Alternate Host(s) ................. 2-7
6287 ULTRA Connection to AC Outlet ........................................... 2-8
Sample Installation Diagrams................................................................... 2-9
6287 ULTRA Basic Setup................................................................. 2-9
6287 ULTRA Optional Setup #1 .................................................... 2-10
6287 ULTRA Optional Setup #2 .................................................... 2-11
6287 ULTRA Optional Setup #3 .................................................... 2-12
6287 ULTRA Power Up ......................................................................... 2-13
General Information ................................................................................. 3-1
Common Printer Interface Settings ................................................... 3-1
Switch Bank A Settings ............................................................................ 3-2
General Information .......................................................................... 3-2
A1 Printer Interfacing................................................................... 3-2
A2 Printer Test ............................................................................. 3-2
A3 and A4 Serial Printer Parity.................................................... 3-3
A5, A6 and A7 Serial Printer Baud Rate ..................................... 3-3
A8 Auto Buffer Report ................................................................. 3-4
Switch Bank B Settings ............................................................................ 3-4
General Information .......................................................................... 3-4
B1 and B2 Serial Alternate Host Parity........................................ 3-4
B3, B4 and B5 Serial Alternate Host Baud Rate .......................... 3-5
B6, B7 and B8 Configuration/Reports ......................................... 3-5
Switch Bank Tables .................................................................................. 3-6
Switch Bank A Printer Interfacing/Tests ..................................... 3-6
Switch Bank B Serial Alt Host Interfacing/Config/Reports ........ 3-6

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage viii
General Information ................................................................................. 4-1
Connection Tests ...................................................................................... 4-1
Printer Test ........................................................................................ 4-1
General Configuration Report ........................................................... 4-2
Coax Host Verification...................................................................... 4-2
Auto Buffer Report............................................................................ 4-3
Translate Table Report ...................................................................... 4-3
Alternate Host Verification ............................................................... 4-4
Alternate Host Buffer Dump ............................................................. 4-4
Contacting AGILE Technical Support ..................................................... 4-5
Firmware Replacement Instructions ......................................................... 4-6
The AGILE Bulletin Board System ......................................................... 4-7
General Information ................................................................................. 5-1
Configuration Option Descriptions .......................................................... 5-2
1 Column Width ........................................................................... 5-2
2 Lines Per Page ........................................................................... 5-2
3 Line Spacing .............................................................................. 5-3
4 Local Copy Null Line Suppression ........................................... 5-3
5 Xerox 36 Hex Transparency ..................................................... 5-3
6 Form Feed Before Local Copy .................................................. 5-3
7 Form Feed After Local Copy .................................................... 5-3
8 New Line Order ......................................................................... 5-3
9 PA Key Usage ........................................................................... 5-4
10 Output in ASCII or EBCDIC .................................................. 5-4
11 APL Output ............................................................................. 5-4
12 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-4
13 Suppress Spaces Before Pseudo Transparent Packets ............ 5-5
14 Suppress Carriage Control Characters .................................... 5-5
15 Bold Print Emulations ............................................................. 5-5
16 Suppress Leading Spaces ........................................................ 5-5
17 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-6
18 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-6
19 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-6
20 Physical Buffer Size ................................................................ 5-6
21 Logical Buffer Size ................................................................. 5-6
22 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-6

23 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-6
24 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-6
25 Centronics or Dataproducts Parallel ........................................ 5-7
26 Intervention Required.............................................................. 5-7
27 Intervention Required Delay ................................................... 5-7
28 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-7
29 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-8
30 Pseudo Transparency Mode (PTM) Selection ........................ 5-8
31 Discard PTM Terminating Delimiter ...................................... 5-8
32 DSC Trigger 1 ......................................................................... 5-8
33 DSC Trigger 2 ......................................................................... 5-8
34 SCS Trigger 1 .......................................................................... 5-9
35 SCS Trigger 2 .......................................................................... 5-9
36 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-9
37 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-9
38 Reserved .................................................................................. 5-9
39 Non-Transparency Trigger 1 Output....................................... 5-9
40 Alternate Host Lockout Duration .......................................... 5-10
41 Serial Alternate Host CTS Enabled ....................................... 5-10
42 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-10
43 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-10
44 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-10
45 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-10
46 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-10
47 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-10
48 Continuous Bell Ringing ....................................................... 5-11
49 Eliminate DSC C0 05 Header ............................................... 5-11
50 Alternate Host Enable/Disable .............................................. 5-11
51 DSC EM Generates CR/LF in Infinite Line Length ............. 5-11
52 SCS EM Always Generates CR/LF ....................................... 5-12
53 IBM 35 Hex Transparency .................................................... 5-12
54 Power-On Reset (POR) After 60 Seconds ............................ 5-12
55 MD-Laser Support ................................................................ 5-13
56 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-13
57 DSC NL at EM Even if in Column 1 .................................... 5-13
58 Metacode Support ................................................................. 5-13
59 Laserpage Support ................................................................. 5-14
60 Xerox Graphic Window Support .......................................... 5-14
61 Reserved ................................................................................ 5-14
62 Allow EBCDIC Font Downloading ...................................... 5-14
6287 ULTRA Configuration Options Table .......................................... 5-15

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage x
Functional Grouping of 6287 ULTRA Options ..................................... 5-17
Printer Output .................................................................................. 5-17
Page Formatting .............................................................................. 5-17
SCS Options .................................................................................... 5-17
DSC Options ................................................................................... 5-18
Local Copy Page Formatting .......................................................... 5-18
Host Parameters............................................................................... 5-18
Transparency Modes ....................................................................... 5-18
Custom Configuration ..................................................................... 5-19
Alternate Host Setup ....................................................................... 5-19
General Information ................................................................................. 6-1
PFS Table ................................................................................................. 6-2
Accessing PFSs from the Host ................................................................. 6-3
Multiple Function Strings ......................................................................... 6-3
PFS Descriptions ...................................................................................... 6-4
0 Power-On Sequence .................................................................. 6-4
1 6 LPI or User-defined................................................................ 6-4
2 8 LPI or User-defined................................................................ 6-4
3 DisplayWrite 370 Overstriking On or User-defined ................. 6-4
4 DisplayWrite 370 Overstriking Off or User-defined ................ 6-5
5 DisplayWrite 370 Underlining On or User-defined .................. 6-5
6 DisplayWrite 370 Underlining Off or User-defined ................. 6-5
7 PA1 Key (User-defined) ........................................................... 6-5
8 PA2 Key (User-defined) ........................................................... 6-6
9 DisplayWrite 370 Bolding On or User-defined ........................ 6-6
A DisplayWrite 370 Bolding On or User-defined ....................... 6-6
B Coax Host PFS .......................................................................... 6-6
C Alternate Host PFS ................................................................... 6-7
D Custom Banner ......................................................................... 6-7
E Begin Bracket ........................................................................... 6-7
F System Status Available (SSA) ................................................. 6-7
G Tray 1 or User-defined ............................................................. 6-7
H Tray 2 or User-defined ............................................................. 6-8
I Tray 3 or User-defined ............................................................... 6-8
J Manual Feed or User-defined .................................................... 6-8
K Envelope Tray or User-defined ................................................ 6-8

General Information ................................................................................. 7-1
Translate Table Selection ......................................................................... 7-2
Reading Translate Tables ......................................................................... 7-3
General Considerations and Notes ........................................................... 7-3
Functions .................................................................................................. 7-4
Translate Table Charts .............................................................................. 7-5
Table 1 DSC to ASCII.................................................................. 7-5
Table 2 SCS to ASCII .................................................................. 7-7
Table 3 ASCII to ASCII ............................................................... 7-9
Table 4 DSC to EBCDIC ........................................................... 7-11
Table 5 SCS to EBCDIC ............................................................ 7-13
Table 6 ASCII to EBCDIC ......................................................... 7-15
Table 7 DSC to ASCII APL ....................................................... 7-17
General Information ................................................................................. 8-1
Front Panel Key Sequences ...................................................................... 8-2
Reset All Configuration Options to Defaults .................................... 8-2
1 Column Width ........................................................................... 8-2
2 Lines Per Page ........................................................................... 8-3
3 Line Spacing .............................................................................. 8-3
4 Local Copy Null Line Suppression ........................................... 8-3
5 Xerox 36 Hex Transparency ..................................................... 8-4
6 Form Feed Before Local Copy .................................................. 8-4
7 Form Feed After Local Copy .................................................... 8-5
8 New Line Order ......................................................................... 8-5
9 PA Key Usage ........................................................................... 8-5
10 Output in ASCII or EBCDIC .................................................. 8-6
11 APL Output ............................................................................. 8-6
12 Reserved .................................................................................. 8-6
13 Suppress Spaces Before Pseudo Transparent Packets ............ 8-7
14 Suppress Carriage Control Characters .................................... 8-7
15 Bold Print Emulations ............................................................. 8-8
16 Suppress Leading Spaces ........................................................ 8-8
17 Reserved .................................................................................. 8-8
18 Reserved .................................................................................. 8-8
19 Reserved .................................................................................. 8-8

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage xii
20 Physical Buffer Size ................................................................ 8-9
21 Logical Buffer Size ............................................................... 8-10
22 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-10
23 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-10
24 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-10
25 Centronics or Dataproducts Parallel ...................................... 8-11
26 Intervention Required............................................................ 8-11
27 Intervention Required Delay ................................................. 8-12
28 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-12
29 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-12
30 Pseudo Transparency Mode (PTM) Selection ...................... 8-12
31 Discard PTM Terminating Delimiter .................................... 8-13
32 DSC Trigger 1 ....................................................................... 8-13
33 DSC Trigger 2 ....................................................................... 8-13
34 SCS Trigger 1 ........................................................................ 8-13
35 SCS Trigger 2 ........................................................................ 8-13
36 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-13
37 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-13
38 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-14
39 Non-Transparency Trigger 1 Output..................................... 8-14
40 Alternate Host Lockout Duration .......................................... 8-14
41 Serial Alternate Host CTS Enabled ....................................... 8-14
42 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-15
43 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-15
44 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-15
45 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-15
46 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-15
47 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-15
48 Continuous Bell Ringing ....................................................... 8-16
49 Eliminate DSC C0 05 Header ............................................... 8-16
50 Alternate Host Enable/Disable .............................................. 8-17
51 DSC EM Generates CR/LF in Infinite Line Length ............. 8-17
52 SCS EM Always Generates CR/LF ....................................... 8-18
53 IBM 35 Hex Transparency .................................................... 8-18
54 Power-On Reset (POR) After 60 Seconds ............................ 8-18
55 MD-Laser Support ................................................................ 8-19
56 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-19
57 DSC NL at EM Even if in Column 1 .................................... 8-19
58 Metacode Support ................................................................. 8-19
59 Laserpage Support ................................................................. 8-20
60 Xerox Graphic Window Support .......................................... 8-20
61 Reserved ................................................................................ 8-20
62 Allow EBCDIC Font Downloading ...................................... 8-20

General Information ................................................................................. 9-1
Multiple Option Selections ....................................................................... 9-2
Resetting All Options to Factory Defaults ............................................... 9-2
Coax Host Configuration Within Data Streams ....................................... 9-3
Download Error Messages ....................................................................... 9-3
Downloading Programmable Function Strings ........................................ 9-4
Multiple Function Strings.................................................................. 9-5
Downloading Translate Tables ................................................................. 9-5
Downloading an Entire Translate Table ........................................... 9-5
Downloading a Single Translate Table Value .................................. 9-6
Downloading a Partial Translate Table ............................................. 9-6
General Information ............................................................................... 10-1
Alternate Host Configuration Rules ....................................................... 10-1
Resetting All Options to Factory Defaults ............................................. 10-2
Downloading Programmable Function Strings ...................................... 10-3
Multiple Function Strings................................................................ 10-3
Downloading Translate Tables ............................................................... 10-4
Downloading an Entire Translate Table ......................................... 10-4
Downloading a Single Translate Table Value ................................ 10-4
Downloading a Partial Translate Table ........................................... 10-4
General Information ............................................................................... 11-1
IBM 35 Hex Transparency Mode........................................................... 11-1
Metacode Transparency Mode ........................................................ 11-2
Xerox 36 Hex Transparency Mode ........................................................ 11-2
Pseudo Transparency Mode ................................................................... 11-3
Trigger 1 + Trigger 2 PTM ............................................................. 11-3
Trigger 1 + Count Byte PTM .......................................................... 11-4
MD-Laser Pseudo Transparency ..................................................... 11-4
Laserpage Pseudo Transparency ..................................................... 11-5
Other Pseudo Transparency Mode Considerations ......................... 11-6

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage xiv
General Information ............................................................................... 12-1
Document Formatting Information ........................................................ 12-1
Overstriking ............................................................................................ 12-3
Underlining ............................................................................................. 12-3
Bolding ................................................................................................... 12-3
System Configuration ............................................................................. 13-1
VTAM and Network Control Program Requirements ........................... 13-2
APL Support ........................................................................................... 13-2
Extended Attribute Buffer Support ........................................................ 13-3
General Information ............................................................................... 14-1
Presentation Surface: SNA Character String Definitions ....................... 14-1
SCS Commands Supported by the ULTRA ........................................... 14-2
Backspace (BS) 16h ................................................................... 14-2
End of Message (EM) 19h ......................................................... 14-2
Form Feed (FF) 0Ch ................................................................... 14-2
Horizontal Tab (HT) 05h ........................................................... 14-2
Interchange File Separator (IFS) 1Ch ........................................ 14-2
Interchange Group Separator (IGS) 1Dh ................................... 14-3
Interchange Record Separator (IRS) 1Eh ................................... 14-3
Interchange Unit Separator (IUS) 1Fh ....................................... 14-3
Line Feed (LF) 25h .................................................................... 14-3
Null 00h ...................................................................................... 14-3
Set Horizontal Format (SHF) 2BC1h ......................................... 14-3
Set Line Density (SLD) 2BC6h.................................................. 14-4
Set Vertical Format (SVF) 2BC2h ............................................. 14-4
Transparent (TRN) 35h .............................................................. 14-5
Vertical Tab (VT) 0Bh ............................................................... 14-5
SCS Command Summary ....................................................................... 14-6
SNA Printer Exception Conditions/Sense Codes ................................... 14-7
Request Errors = 10h ....................................................................... 14-7
Request Reject = 08h....................................................................... 14-7

General Information ............................................................................... 15-1
Carriage Return (CR) 05h .......................................................... 15-1
End of Message (EM) 01h ......................................................... 15-1
Form Feed (FF) 02h ................................................................... 15-1
New Line (NL) 03h .................................................................... 15-1
General Information ............................................................................... 16-1
User-Defined Keys (UDKs) ................................................................... 16-1
XPAF Support ........................................................................................ 16-2
Xerox Graphic Window Support .................................................... 16-2
Allow EBCDIC Font Downloading ................................................ 16-3
Metacode Support................................................................................... 16-3
General Information ............................................................................... 17-1
Activating the Alternate Host Port ......................................................... 17-1
Configuring the Alternate Host Port ...................................................... 17-1
Host Lockout Duration ........................................................................... 17-2
Alternate Host Translation ..................................................................... 17-3
Other Considerations .............................................................................. 17-3
General Information ............................................................................... 18-1
General Configuration Report ................................................................ 18-1
Printer Test ............................................................................................. 18-4
Auto Buffer Report ................................................................................. 18-5
Alternate Host Buffer Dump .................................................................. 18-8
Translate Table Report ......................................................................... 18-11
6287 ULTRA Port Pin-Out Charts ....................................................... 18-18

About This Manual
This manual covers the installation and use of the AGILE 6287 ULTRA
printer interface controller. AGILE makes no warranties, expressed or
implied, as to its completeness or accuracy. The information in this manual
is current as of the date of its publication, but it is subject to change by
AGILE at any time without notice. This manual is not intended to be used
for manufacturing or engineering specifications, and it is assumed that the
user understands the interrelationship between any affected systems,
machines, programs and media.
AGILE periodically updates this manual for clarity, to correct inaccuracies
and typographical errors, or to document added or changed product
features. AGILE will be pleased to improve the manual by implementing
suggestions from our customers. Please put suggestions in writing and mail
to AGILE at the address below:
Attn: Marketing
875 Alfred Nobel Drive
Hercules, CA 94547-1899

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage xviii
AGILE Product Warranty
Standard Warranty
AGILE warrants to the original purchaser that this product will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship and in good working order per the
functional specifications current at the time of shipment for a period of two (2)
years from the date of shipment to the purchaser. AGILE units that fail within
the first thirty (30) days from the date of delivery will be treated as an Express
Exchange Service (see Optional Warranties and Services) at no extra charge.
Should this product fail to be in good working order at any time during the two-
year period, AGILE will, at its absolute discretion, repair or replace this product.
AGILE shall have no obligation whatsoever if the product has been damaged
due to accident or disaster, or if it has been misused, carelessly handled,
defaced, modified or altered, including unauthorized repairs made or attempted,
or if the user has failed to provide and maintain a proper environment for the
AGILE reserves the right to determine what constitutes warranty repair. Out-of-
warranty products will be repaired using AGILEs flat repair rate. All out-of-
warranty repaired units have a 90-day Standard Warranty. Units returned for
repair and found not defective will, at AGILEs discretion, incur a handling and
testing charge. AGILE is not responsible for delays caused by shipping or non-
availability of replacement components or other similar causes, events or
conditions beyond its reasonable control.
Claims must be reported to AGILEs Technical Support Department at (510)
724-1600, (800) 538-1634, or by FAX at (510) 724-2222. AGILE will assist the
customer in verifying the source of the problem.
At AGILEs discretion, a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number will
be issued to the customer. The customer will then carefully package and ship the
unit to AGILE (preferably in the original shipping container) with the RMA
number on the outside of the box. Shipping costs incurred in sending the unit to
AGILE are borne by the customer. Shipping costs incurred in returning the unit
to the customer via UPS Ground (or equivalent service with a secondary
shipper) are borne by AGILE. Repair parts and replacement products will be
furnished on an exchange basis and will be either reconditioned or new. All
replaced parts and products become the property of AGILE.
This warranty is the only warranty provided by AGILE. If this product is not in
good working order as warranted above, the customers sole remedy shall be
repair or replacement as provided above. This warranty states the purchasers
exclusive remedy for any breach of AGILEs warranty and for any claim,
whether in contract or tort, for loss, injury or damages caused by the sale or use

of any product and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. In no
event shall AGILE be responsible for any loss of business, savings or profits,
downtime or delay, labor repair or material costs, injury to person or property, or
any similar or dissimilar consequential or inconsequential loss or damage
resulting from this product, its use, or arising out of any breach of warranty,
even if AGILE or an authorized AGILE dealer has been advised of the
possibility of such damage, or for any claim by any other party. Some states do
not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so
the above limitations or exclusions may not apply.
All expressed and implied warranties for this product, including the warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in duration to
a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase by the original purchaser,
and no warranties, whether expressed or implied, will apply after this period.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so
the above limitations may not apply.
This warranty gives the user specific legal rights, and the user may also have
other rights which may vary from state to state.
Optional Warranties and Services
Extended Warranty lengthens the Standard Warranty and is available in 12-
month increments for a maximum of three (3) years. This extension can effectively
lengthen the Standard Warranty to five (5) years. Any Extended Warranty must be
purchased prior to the expiration date of the Standard Warranty.
Express Exchange Service provides a next-business-day delivery of a
replacement unit. The customer must contact AGILE, and AGILEs Customer
Support Department must determine by 2:00 p.m. PST that a replacement unit is
required. Express Exchange Service is available in 12-month increments for a
maximum total of five (5) years and must be concurrent with Standard or
Extended Warranties.
Medallion Support Program extends the AGILE two-year Standard Warranty
by one year to three years, plus it includes three years of Express Exchange
Service, all at a savings of one-third off the standard price.
Software Upgrades
AGILE periodically makes improvements to the operating software for its
products. These software upgrades are available from AGILE for a nominal
charge during the warranty period. All future code modifications will be made
through replacement of the EPROM. Firmware replacement instructions are
included in the Troubleshooting section of this manual.

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage xx
FCC Statement
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. If it
is not installed and used in strict accordance with AGILEs instructions, it
may cause interference to radio and television reception. This equipment
has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class A computing device
in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules,
which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio and
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
Reorient the receiving antenna.
Relocate the ULTRA with respect to the receiver.
Move the ULTRA away from the receiver.
Plug the ULTRA into a different outlet so that the ULTRA and
receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
television technician for additional suggestions. The booklet, How to
Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems, prepared by the
Federal Communications Commission, may also be helpful. This booklet is
available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
WARNING: This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for
a Class A computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules.
Only peripherals (computer input/output devices, printers, plotters, etc.)
certified to comply with the Class A (commercial) or Class B (residential)
limits may be attached to the ULTRA. Operation with non-certified
peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception.
Note: This equipment uses shielded cables to meet compliance limits for a
Class A computing device. Shielded cables must be used to ensure this
equipment continues to meet these limits. The shield must be terminated to
the metallic connector at both ends to guarantee adequate suppression of
undesirable emissions. All cables are fully double shielded (Mylar foil and
tinned copper braid.)

Use only AGILE 6287 ULTRA interface cables. Due to the unique design
of the ULTRA input and output ports, ordinary cables will not work and
may cause damage to the equipment.
Never open the ULTRA when the power is on or when it is connected to
any power source. Opening the ULTRA may void the warranty.
Standard Factory Setup
Unless otherwise requested, The ULTRA is shipped with the following
Parallel output
ASCII character set
Right margin set to column 132
All dip switches in the OFF (up) position
All menu items set to defaults
If the users equipment does not match these parameters, these
configuration settings on the ULTRA must be changed.
Serial Port Setup
With serial interfacing, the baud rate and parity settings of the ULTRA
must match the serial port settings of the printer and alternate host (if using
an alternate host). Baud rates and parity are selected using the dip switches
on the ULTRA back panel. Parity settings also determine the start bits, stop
bits and word length (data bits) of the serial ports.
The ULTRA supports both XON/XOFF (software) and RTS/CTS
(hardware) handshaking protocols. If the users equipment also supports
both handshaking protocols, one of the handshaking methods must be
disabled on the users device.

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage xxii
IBM Host Considerations
The ULTRA connects directly to the establishment controller through an
IBM category A device adapter. The port designation for the ULTRA must
be configured for a category A device, not as the system printer.
The ULTRA must be defined to the system as a 3287 printer with a
maximum 4K physical buffer size (and/or with other features required by
the system and supported by the ULTRA).
Host parameters must match what the host expects on the channel to which
the ULTRA is attached. The defaults are as follows:
4K physical buffer size with no EAB support
3440 bytes/buffer logical buffer size
If using SCS data streams, the ULTRA must be defined to the host as an
SNA type 1 logical unit (LU1).
If using DSC data streams, the ULTRA must be defined to the host as a
type 3 logical unit (LU3).
If using a VTAM or another Network Control Program, the ULTRA must
be defined as a type 2 physical unit.
Printer/Controller Configuration
The ULTRA provides all of the necessary functions normally provided by
the operator switches of an IBM 3287. However, practical application of
industry-standard printers does not allow a one-to-one correspondence in
functions. It is accordingly expected that any particular printer/controller
configuration will be a subset of the IBM 3287 function set.

General Information
The AGILE 6287 ULTRA is a protocol converter that allows an industry-
standard parallel or serial, ASCII or EBCDIC printer to be attached to an
IBM 3270-type mainframe controller. It is a self-contained unit with a
printed circuit board, a power supply and an operator control panel.
The coax port allows a standard IBM RG62 A/U cable to connect to an
IBM 3174 or 3274 establishment controller (EC) with a category A device
adapter, a 3276 terminal/controller unit, or an IBM CPU with a Display
Printer Adapter (DPA).
By using the ULTRA, a non-IBM impact or laser printer can replace an
IBM 3287 or 3289 printer. Popular printers from Xerox, Hewlett-Packard,
Lexmark and others are supported and appear to the host as IBM printers.
The ULTRA also allows an alternate host to share the attached printer. The
ULTRA may also be attached to a plotter, rasterizer, bar code printer or
another output device that supports parallel or serial interfacing, although
this manual will refer to the attached device as a printer.
Supported Printer Interfaces and Character Sets
The ULTRA supports the following printer interfaces and character sets:
DB-25 Centronics Parallel (IBM PC compatible)
DB-25 Dataproducts Parallel
DB-25 Serial (to 19.2K baud)
ASCII, EBCDIC or APL character sets
IBM Port
The ULTRA connects directly to the IBM establishment controller, or
equivalent CPU with a Display Printer Adapter, through an IBM standard
coaxial cable.
Alternate Host Feature
The ULTRA has been designed to support an alternate host device, such as
a DEC VAX, Burroughs, PC, etc. This feature allows the mainframe and
the alternate host to share a printer without the necessity of an A/B switch.

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage 1-2
6287 ULTRA Features and Specifications
Input/Output Ports
IBM RG62 A/U Coax Port
DB-25 Parallel Input/Serial Input Port
DB-25 Centronics Parallel Output/Serial I-O Port
Host Interface
IBM BNC type A Coax
Printer/Plotter Output Interfacing ( single port configurable to
support parallel/serial)
DB-25 Centronics/Dataproducts Parallel Port
DB-25 Serial Port (150-19.2K baud)
ASCII, EBCDIC and APL character sets
Alternate Host Input Interfacing ( single port configurable to support
DB-25 Parallel Port
DB-25 Serial Port (150-19.2K baud)
Printer Sharing
Printer sharing between coax host and alternate host(s)
IBM Specifications
Category A device
Type 1 or 3 logical unit (LU1 or LU3)
IBM or compatible type A RG62 A/U coax cable attachment to
IBM 3174, 3274 or 3276 controller, or IBM CPU with a DPA
Host Systems Supported
IBM 30XX, 43XX, 9370, 370 with 3270 support
IBM 8100, 4700, S/3X, AS/400 with type A coax support
Printer Emulations
IBM 3287 and 3289
Printers Supported
Xerox 2700, 3700, 4010, 4011, 4030, 4045, 4197, 4213, 4220,
4235, 4700 and other distributed electronic printers
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II, IID, IIID, IIISi, 4, 4Si and compatibles
Lexmark 4019, 4029 and 4039 printers
IBM laser, dot matrix and compatible printers
All parallel- or serial-attached ASCII or EBCDIC printers
Plotters Supported
Hewlett-Packard 7221, 7475 and 7550
Zeta plotters
All HPGL- and GML-capable plotters

Supports up to 24 logical pages-per-minute at 100% print density
(132 columns by 66 lines, for a total of 8712 characters per page)
Removable EPROM for configuration and upgrade ease
On line through coax host data stream
Via an alternate host
From the ULTRA front panel
User Programmable Function Strings (PFSs)
21 PFSs 76 bytes each
IBM 35h
Xerox 36h
2-trigger pseudo transparency
Trigger + count byte pseudo transparency
Translation tables changeable on line
Character Sets
Supports LU1 (SCS) and LU3 (DSC) character sets
Custom Application Support
DisplayWrite 370
Special application customization available
110V 60Hz/220V 50Hz
9.2" x 11.1" x 3.6"
6 lbs
Product Support
Toll-free tech support is available from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST
Two-year product warranty

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage 1-4
6287 ULTRA Front Panel
The front panel of the ULTRA provides ten Status Indicator Lights and nine
Operator Function Buttons.
The Status Indicator Lights show the current functional activity of the
ULTRA. They are described in the following subsection.
The Operator Function Buttons are used to configure the ULTRA from the
front panel. This procedure is described in Section 8 Front Panel
Configuration. The Operator Function Buttons are also used to perform
special ULTRA operations. These functions are described later in this
Status Indicator Lights
Operator Function Buttons
Status Indicator Lights
Power is ON. If the ULTRA is in front panel configuration mode, this is the
only Status Indicator Light that will be lit. If the ULTRA is in alternate host
configuration mode, only the POWER and DATA OUT Status Indicator
Lights will be lit.
The coaxial link between the ULTRA and the cluster controller is active.
An alternate host print order is being processed.

The printer is ready to receive data. The light will be OFF under the
following conditions:
In parallel mode when there is data to be sent and the printer has an
error condition (e.g., out of paper or paper jam). The light will turn
back ON when the error condition is cleared.
In serial mode when there is data to be sent and the printer has sent
an XOFF to the ULTRA. The light will turn back ON when it
receives an XON from the printer.
When the ULTRA is in front panel configuration mode.
When the ULTRA is in alternate host configuration mode.
The HOLD PRINT button has been pressed.
The ULTRA is sending data to the printer. If only the POWER and DATA
OUT Status Indicator Lights are lit, the ULTRA is in alternate host
configuration mode.
The ULTRA is in SCS mode; if the light is OFF, it is in DSC mode.
There is a parallel port error. This is normally a problem at the printer.
Either the TEST button has been pressed, or dip switch A8 is ON (down).
An operator function button on the front panel is being pressed.

6287 ULTRA Users ManualPage 1-6
Operator Function Buttons
This button initializes the ULTRA to its power-on state. RESET must be
pressed after any dip switch setting is changed. It must never be pressed
during a print operation, because data will be lost, and an error message
may be sent to the host computer.
When dip switch A2 is in the ON (down) position and the RESET button is
pressed, the ULTRA will output a Printer Test. When dip switch A8 is in
the ON (down) position, pressing RESET will place the ULTRA in auto
buffer report mode. When dip switch B7 is in the ON (down) position,
pressing the RESET and CANCEL buttons will cause the ULTRA to output
a Translate Table Report. When dip switches B6, B7 and B8 are in the ON
(down) position, pressing RESET will place the ULTRA in alternate host
buffer dump mode.
Pressing RESET is also necessary to exit any of these diagnostic modes and
to return to normal operating mode after the dip switches have been
returned to their normal locations. Refer to Section 4 Troubleshooting
for more information on printing reports.
PA1 and PA2
In SCS mode, these buttons allow the user to communicate with the host
computer. The functions performed by the buttons are installation-
dependent, based upon the application being used.
If not in SCS mode, these buttons are ignored, except that they can be
programmed to send user-defined function strings to the printer. Refer to
Section 6 Programmable Function Strings for more information.
The HOLD PRINT button must be pressed before using the PA1 or PA2
buttons. ENABLE PRINT must be pressed after PA1 or PA2 to resume
This button outputs one line feed command to the printer, and it adds to the
line count for the form feed function if Option #2 is not set to infinite page
length. Refer to Section 5 Configuration Options for more information
on infinite page length.
The HOLD PRINT button must be pressed before using LINE FEED.
ENABLE PRINT must be pressed after LINE FEED to resume printing.

This button activates the HOLD PRINT Status Indicator Light on the front
panel of the ULTRA and puts the ULTRA in HOLD PRINT mode. No data
will be output to the printer, and the host will see the printer as busy.
The HOLD PRINT button enables all Operator Function Buttons other than
To exit HOLD PRINT mode, use the ENABLE PRINT button.
This button sends a General Configuration Report to the printer, if the
ULTRA is in normal operating mode. This report also indicates the current
firmware level.
The TEST button can also be used to output a Printer Test when dip switch
A2 is in the ON (down) position and subsequently either the RESET button
is pressed or the unit is powered up. Refer to Section 4 Troubleshooting
for more information on printing reports.
In SCS mode, this button sends a cancel message to the control unit. If not
in SCS mode, this button is ignored, except when used in conjunction with
the RESET button as noted below.
The HOLD PRINT button must be pressed before using CANCEL.
ENABLE PRINT must be pressed after CANCEL to resume printing.
When dip switch B7 is in the ON (down) position, pressing the RESET and
CANCEL buttons will cause the ULTRA to output a Translate Table
Report. Refer to Section 4 Troubleshooting for more information on
printing reports.
This button outputs one form feed command to the printer.
The HOLD PRINT button must be pressed before using FORM FEED.
ENABLE PRINT must be pressed after FORM FEED to resume printing.
When in HOLD PRINT mode, this button turns off the HOLD PRINT
Status Indicator Light on the front panel, exits HOLD PRINT mode and
allows printing to resume.