AGFA CR 75.0 User manual

CR 75.0 Digitizer
User manual
CR 75.0
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without the written permission of Agfa-Gevaert N.V. Agfa-Gevaert N.V. makes no warranties or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the
accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this document and specifically disclaims warranties of suitability for any particular purpose. Agfa-Gevaert N.V. shall under no circumstances be liable for any damage arising from the use or inability to use any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document.
Agfa-Gevaert N.V . reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice. Agfa-Gevaert N.V ., Septestraat 27, B-2640 Mortsel, Belgium.
CR 75.0 is a trademark of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium. Agfa and Agfa-Rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert AG, Germany.
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Table of conte nts

Chapter 1: Introducing the CR 75.0 .................................................................. 5
CR 75.0 intended use.......................................................................................6
CR 75.0 features..............................................................................................7
Safety precautions ...........................................................................................8
Safety compliance..........................................................................................12
Operating modes ...........................................................................................13
The user interface..........................................................................................14
Switching on the CR 75.0...............................................................................21
Switching off the CR 75.0...............................................................................23
Resetting the CR 75.0 ....................................................................................24
Chapter 2: Basic operation (‘ Operator mode’)...............................................25
Reading an image plate ................................................................................. 26
Reading an emergency image plate ...............................................................29
Re-eras ing an image plat e .............................................................................32
Chapter 3: Advanced operati on (‘ Key-operator mode’)................................37
Survey of advanced functions.........................................................................38
Prevent ive ma inte nan ce.................................................................................39
General procedure in case of malfunction.......................................................41
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................42
Clearing cassette jams...................................................................................43
Clearing image plate jams..............................................................................47
Appendix A: Equipment informati on sheet....................................................51
Appendix B: ADC Compact cassette..............................................................55
Safety precautions .........................................................................................56
Description of the ADC Compact cassette......................................................57
Cleaning the image plate................................................................................59
Cleaning the cassettes...................................................................................61
Technical specifications of the cassettes.........................................................62
Technical specifications of the image plates....................................................64
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2242A EN 20040303
Introducing the CR 75.0
This chapter draws attention to important safety precautions and introduces the CR 75.0.
! CR 75.0 intended use ! CR 75.0 features ! Safety precautions ! Safety compliance ! Operating modes ! The user interface ! Switching on the CR 75.0 ! Switching off the CR 75.0 ! Resetting the CR 75.0
CR 75.0 intended use
This device must only be used to scan exposed X-ray cassettes, containing an erasable image plate (IP). This device is part of a system, consisting of X-ray cassettes with erasable phosphor image plates, an identification station for the cassettes and a workstation where the resulting digital image information is further processed and routed. It is intended that this device is only operated in a radiological environment by qualified staff.
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CR 75.0 featur es
The CR 75.0 scans the exposed ADC image plate, converts the information into digital data and automatically transfers the image to the image processing station for further processing and visualization.
The CR 75.0 requires but little manual interaction. All you have to do, after exposure and identification of the cassette, is to place it in the input buffer of the CR 75.0. You can deposit up to 10 cassettes of different sizes simultaneously in the input buffer. The Digitizer takes in the cassettes one by one. The Digitizer reads the demographic data and routing information from the memory chip in the cassette, opens the cassette, removes the image plate and scans the latent image by means of a sweeping laser beam.
Once the image is digitized, the cassette is returned to the output buffer to be used for new exposures. After a full Digitizer cycle, the plate has turned 180° in the cassette.
Depending on the X-ray intensity which has affected the phosphor during the exposure, more or less light will be emitted during laser scanning. The light is converted into an electrical signal. This signal is then converted into a digital bit stream. Once converted into digital form, the digitized image is transferred to the image processing station for further processing and visualization.
Further features of the CR 75.0 include:
" The CR 75.0 permits assigning the status ‘emergency’ to an image. An
emergency image will be given priority by the image processing station.
" The CR 75.0 permits re-erasing an image plate before re-using it. In specific
cases, this is necessary to prevent ghost images caused by previous exposures or stray radiation from interfering with the image of interest. You can erase a batch of up to 9 image plates.
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Safety precaution s

General safety instructions

For software and other technical platforms, and/or in combination with any
consumable, which constitute, after installation, a system for the interpretation of medical image data: such system is used by trained and qualified professionals. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that image quality, display quality, environmental lighting and other possible distractions are consistent with the clinical application. The user must be aware, that automatic collimation could possibly lead to misinterpretation of the image.
Make sure that the CR 75.0 is constantly monitored in order to avoid
inappropriate handling, especially by children.
Only trained service personnel must make repairs. Only authorized service
personnel must make changes to the CR 75.0.
If there is any visible damage to the machine casing, do not start nor use the
CR 75.0.
If you want to connect the CR 75.0 with other devices, components or
assemblies and if the technical data do not permit determining whether the combination with these devices, components or assemblies involves hazards, you must consult the respective manufacturers to avoid danger for operating personnel or the environment.
Do not override or disconnect the integrated safety features.
As is the case for all technical devices, the CR 75.0 must be operated, cared for
and serviced correctly.
If you don’t operate the CR 75.0 correctly or if you don’t have it serviced
correctly, Agfa-Gevaert is not liable for resulting disturbances, damages or injuries.
When installing the CR 75.0, care must be taken to ensure that there is either a
mains plug or an all-cable disconnecting device in the internal installation fitted near the CR 75.0 and that it is easily accessible.
If you notice conspicuous noise or smoke, disconnect the CR 75.0 immediately.
Check that the mains voltage is within the specified range of the self adapting
power supply of the machine.
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Markings and labels

Always take into account the markings and labels provided on the inside and outside of the machine. A brief overview of these markings and labels and their meaning is given below.
Safety warning, indicating that the CR 75.0 manuals should be consulted bef ore making any connecti ons to other equipment. The use of accessory equi pm ent not complying with the equivalent safety requirem ents of this Digitizer ma y lead to a reduced level of safety of the res ulting system. Consideration relating to the choice of accessory equipment shall include:
• Use of the accessory equipment in the patient vicinity,
• Evidence that the safety cer tif icati on of the acc esso ry equip ment has been performed in accordance wit h the appropr iate IEC 601­1 and IEC 601-1-1 harmonized national standard.
In addition all con figurations must comply with the medical electrical systems standard IEC 601-1-1. The party that makes the connections acts as system configurator and is responsible for complying with t he systems standard .
If required contact your local servi ce organization. In order to reduce the ri sk of electric shock, do not r em ove any
Caution hot: Keep hands clear from the erasure unit.
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Type B eq uipme nt: Indicates that th e CR 75.0 complies with the limits for type B
Supplementary protective earth connector: Provides a connection between the CR 75.0 and the potential
equalization busbar of the electrical system as found in medical environments. This plug should never be unplugged before the power is turned off and the power plug has been removed.
Intergrounding connector: Provides a connect ion between the Digitizer and other equipment
which might exhibit minor ground potential differences. These differ ences may degrade the quality of communication between different equipment. Never remove connections to this terminal.
Protecti ve eart h (ground): Provides a connect ion between the Digitizer and the protective
earth of the mains . Do not remove this connection, because this will have a negative influence on the leakage current.
Power on
Power off Note that the power cord has to be disconnected from the wall
outlet in order to disconnect the unit entir ely from the mains. Precautions for use in USA only:
Make sure that the circuit is single-phase center-tapped, if the Digitizer i s connected to a 240 V/60 Hz source instead of a 120 V/ 60 Hz source.
You can hurt your fingers if they are caught between the ADC Cassette and the
edge of the input slot. Insert the cassette in the input buffer as described in
‘Reading an ima ge plat e’ on page 26. At all times, keep your fingers clear of the
input slot. As soon as the CR 75.0 takes in the cassette, release it.
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TÜV safety issues

Accessory equipment connected to the analog and digital interfaces must be certified according to the respective IEC standards (e.g. IEC 950 for data processing equipment and IEC 601-1 for medical equipment). Furthermore all configurations shall comply with the valid version of the system standard IEC 601-1-1. Everybody who connects additional equipment to the signal input part or signal output part configures a medical system, and is therefore responsible that the system complies with the requirements of the valid version of the system standard IEC 601-1-1. If in doubt, consult your local service organization.

Safety instructions for laser products

The CR 75.0 is a Class 1 Laser Product. It uses a 2x50 mW laser diode, classification class IIIb.
Under normal operating conditions - when both doors are closed - there can be no laser radiation outside the CR 75.0. It is nonetheless imperative that the local radiation safety regulations regarding the protection of staff against scattered radiation are complied with, if the CR 75.0 is located in the immediate vicinity of an X-ray room.
Open the front left and right door only to solve cassette or image plate jams. When you open either of the doors, the power supply of all critical components is switched off automatically as a precaution.
Observe the Caution instructions on the Optical module label:
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User interventions other than those described in this manual can be hazardous with regard to laser radiation.

Safety compliance

The CR 75.0 complies with:
the general safety regul ati ons:
EN 60601-1:1990+A1:1993+A2:1995, IEC 601-1:1988+A1:1991+A2:1995, IEC 601-1-1 / EN 60601-1-1, EN 60601-1-2:1993, UL 2601-1 Second Edition, CAN/CSA 22.No.601.1-M909;
the laser safety regulations:
EN 60825, DHHS/FDA 21 CFR, Parts 1040.10 and 1040.11, ANSI Z 136-1980.
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Operati ng m odes

The CR 75.0 can be operated in three modes: operator mode, key-operator mode and service mode.

Operator mode

The operator mode groups all basic functions which are aimed at radiographers:
Reading an image plate;
Reading an emergency image plate;
Re-eras ing an image plat e.
A normal image plate is read automatically after it is placed in the CR 75.0 input buffer; the other functions of the operator mode can be accessed via the keypad. All functions of the operator mode are described in Chapter 2, ‘Basic
operation (‘Operator mode’)’.

Key-oper ator mod e

The key-operator mode groups advanced functions which are aimed at technicians.
The key-operator mode can be accessed via the Key-operator key on the keypad and is menu-driven. The key-operator functions are described in
Chapter 3, ‘Advanced operation (‘Key-operator mode’)’.

Service mode

The service mode functions are reserved for trained service personnel. They are password protected.
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The user inter f ace

Main components of the Digitizer

Cassette output buffer
Keypad with display
Serv ice connect or
Status indicator
Cassette input buffer
Main switch
CR 75.0
The main components of the CR 75.0 are:
" Cassette input buffer
The cassette input buffer accepts up to 10 cassettes - even of different sizes ­for digitizing and up to 9 cassettes for erasure.
" Keypad
As the handling of the cassettes is fully automated, normal operation is a zero-button operation. The keys on the keypad are only used to activate special functions such as reading an emergency image plate or erasing an image plate.
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" Status indicator
A light indicates the status of the CR 75.0.
" Cassette output buffer
The cassette output buffer receives cassettes which have been handled by the Digitizer.

The control panel

The control panel of the CR 75.0 consists of a backlit LCD display and 10 keys.
As the handling of the cassettes is fully automated, normal operation is a zero-button operation. Only when you are performing special functions or in the event of problems (e.g. a cassette or image plate jam), you will need the keys.
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The keypad

Special functions can be accessed via the keypad. The keypad features the following keys:
Erase key
Service key
Escape key
Confirm key
T o gi ve an i mage the st atus ‘e merge ncy’ when it is sent to the image proce ssing station.
To erase images without digitizing them. This must be done if:
• an image plate has not been used for more th an 3 days;
• an image plate has been exposed to an exceptionally high X-ray dose.
To access advanced functions (‘key-o perator functions’).
To access service-level functions. Reserved for trained service personnel.
To quit the curren t function or exit a menu without saving modifications.
In key-operator mode:
• to select a menu.
• to accept an entry in a menu and go back to operator mode.
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Up key
Down key
Left key
Right key
• To move the cursor to the previous entry field.
• To scroll upwards.
• To i ncrement the number in a numeric entr y field.
• To move the cursor to the next entry fie ld.
• To scroll downwards.
• To decrement the number in a numeric entry field.
• To scroll backwards throu gh multiple choices within a field.
• To move the entry position in a numeric al entry field from right to le ft.
• To t oggle between values in a field.
• To scroll forwards through multiple choices within a field.
• To move the entry position in a numeric al entry field from lef t to right.
• To t oggle between values in a field.
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The display

The CR 75.0 control panel has a backlit LCD display with 8 lines of 40 characters each. Its lay-out depends on the operating mode.
" In operator mode, the display has dedicated areas for specific information:
Patient_Last_Name Sub_Exam
Patient_Last_Name Sub_Exam
Patient_Last_Name Sub_Exam Station Name ERROR
2nd Mess ag e
Set-up of image processing station:
• [blank]: Default image processing stati on selected.
• Off line: Tr ansmission to all image processing stations di sabled.
• [process.stat ion] not ready: Image processing station not available.
• [process.stat ion] rerouted: Images rer outed to other image processing station.
2 Ty pe of message 3 Extra comment or action to take 4 System status:
• READY: The CR 75.0 is ready for operation.
• BUSY: The CR 75.0 is busy with scanning or erasing.
• ERROR: An error has occurred.
• LOCKED: id.
• WARNING: id.
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Operation mode:
• [blank]: Normal operat ion mode.
• EMERGENCY: Emergency function for image plates with I D data.
• ERASURE: Re-erasure function. Error status: service code (SERVICE XXXXX) or error code (CODE
St ati on name of the CR 75.0 Identifier of ima ge plate being treated:
After image ID data is read;
During scanning of image plate and transmittal of image data;
During transmittal of image data to image proc essing station.
If the system has been idle for 5 minutes, the backlit LCD display dims. The display lightens if:
The display message changes, e.g. if the Digitizer receives a message from the
image processing station.
You place a cassette in the input buffer.
You press a key on the keypad.
" In key-operator mode, operation is menu driven. The menu displays the
key-operator functions, the active keys, and the service code.
2242A EN 20040303
Queue management Digitize r se t- up Date and Time
Send test image System info Install Save confi guration Fast preview
Key-operator functions
2 Active keys 3
Service code
: quit : ok : select

The status indicator

The light at the top of the CR 75.0 indicates the status of the CR 75.0.
Constant/ Flashing
Status Action
Ready. Proceed. Busy (treating image
• Check display for messages.
• Refer to ‘General procedure
in case of malfunct ion’ on
page 41.
• Locked or warning.
• Power on/self-test in progre ss.
• Key-operator mode.
• Service mode.
• CR 75.0 not
• Check display for messages.
• Refer to ‘General procedure
in case of malfunct ion’ on
page 41.
connected to image processing devi ce.

Audio signals

The CR 75.0 gives status information via beeps. The length of the beep indicates the response of the system to a key command.
A short beep means that CR 75.0 has accepted the key command and is
starting the operation.
A long beep means that you have pres sed a non-active key or that the
CR 75.0 has rejected the key command.
An interval beep accompanies an error, locked or warning message.
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+ 46 hidden pages