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Index ...............................................................................................................324
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Chapter 1: Extending Fireworks Overview
To extend Adobe® Fireworks® CS4, you must write JavaScript code. You can use JavaScript to write your own objects
and commands that affect Fireworks documents and the elements within them. To accomplish these tasks, you must
be proficient in JavaScript and in Fireworks.
This guide introduces the Fireworks Object Model, explains how to write cross-product extensions (extensions written
in, or for, other Adobe applications), and discusses the JavaScript Auto Shape construction. The final chapter is a
reference to the Fireworks JavaScript application programming interface (API)—the custom JavaScript functions that
are built into Fireworks.
Because Fireworks extensions must be written in JavaScript, this guide assumes that readers are familiar with
JavaScript syntax and with basic programming concepts such as functions, arguments, and data types. It also assumes
that readers understand the concept of working with objects and properties. This guide does not attempt to teach
programming in general or JavaScript in particular.
Anyone who wants to extend Fireworks should have a good JavaScript reference to help with syntax questions (for
example, is it
Goodman (IDG), JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan (O’Reilly), and Pure JavaScript by R. Allen
Wyke, Jason D. Gilliam, and Charlton Ting (Sams).
substring() or subString()?). Useful JavaScript references include JavaScript Bible by Danny
Installing an extension
As you start learning the process of writing extensions, you might want to explore the extensions and resources already
available through the Adobe Exchange website
you will become familiar with some of the tools that you need to work with your own extensions.
To install an extension:
1 Download and install the Adobe® Extension Manager, which is available on the Adobe Downloads website
2 Log on to the Adobe Exchange website (
3 Click the Fireworks Exchange link.
4 From the available extensions, choose one that you want to use. Click the Download link to download the extension
5 Save the extension package in a directory on your machine.
6 In Fireworks, choose Commands > Manage Extensions to start the Extension Manager (or you can start Extension
Manager, located in the Adobe program group, independently from Fireworks).
7 In the Extension Manager, choose File > Install Extension, and choose the extension package you just saved.
The Extension Manager automatically installs the extension into Fireworks.
( By installing an existing extension,
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Extending Fireworks Overview
You cannot begin using some extensions until you restart Fireworks. If you are running Fireworks when you install
the extension, you might be prompted to quit and restart the application.
To view basic information on the extension after its installation, go to the Extension Manager (Commands >
Manage Extensions) in Fireworks.
What’s new in Extending Fireworks CS4
Fireworks CS4 includes the following new features and interfaces that you can use to develop extensions for the
CSS-based layouts Fireworks CS4 now allows you to design complete web pages and export web standards-compliant
CSS-based layouts. You can select a layout and integrate foreground and background graphics with automatic margin
and padding detection. You can drop HTML rich symbols on your Fireworks layouts to specify headings, links, and
form properties for precise CSS control. You can also use rectangles with rounded corners and gradients for creating
Adobe Type Engine The new Adobe Type Engine provides enhanced typesetting capabilities similar to Adobe®
Photoshop® and Adobe® Illustrator®. You can import or copy/paste double-byte characters from Illustrator or
Photoshop without loss of fidelity, and create advanced effects such as setting text inside a path.
Export to PDF You can generate high-fidelity, interactive, secure PDF documents from your Fireworks design comps
and receive review comments through a shared PDF review.
Smart Guides Use Smart Guides to expertly position and layouts objects on canvas. Use Smart Guides with tool tips
to achieve precise positioning.
Live Styles With Live Styles, you can use professionally designed styles or create your own collection. Enhanced
capabilities include redefining styles, dynamically updating effects, colors, and text attributes by updating the style
FXG export You can export designs as FXG files and use them in advanced design tools to develop rich Internet
applications and experiences that can run on Adobe® Flash Player or Adobe® AIR™.
Adobe AIR export You can package your Fireworks documents as Adobe AIR applications that you can secure using
a digital signature.
The following APIs have been added or modified for this release:
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ClassProperty or MethodDescription
Extending Fireworks Overview
AIRExtAIRext.PreviewDocument()Calls the ADL tool to preview an HTML document as an Adobe AIR
AIRext.PackageApplication()Calls the ADT tool package an Adobe AIR application.
AIRext.CreatePackage()Calls the ADT tool to create a signed AIR package.
AIRext.SaveDigSigPassword()Saves the password for the given digital certificate, for the current
AIRext.GetDigSigPassword()Returns the name of the generated password file.
AIRext.GetLastErrorLogName()Returns the name of the generated error log file if one was
AIRext.GetAIRInstallPath()Returns the full system path name and path of the generated file.
AIRext.GetJREVersion()An object with two properties - maxVersion and minVersion; if an
AIRext.CreateCertificate()Calls the ADT to create a self-signed digital certificate.
exportDocisBackgroundSpecifies whether the document has a background image. If an
backgroundAttachmentSpecifies whether the document is fixed or scrolls. Values are
docAlignmentSpecifies the page alignment as left, center, right. Default is left.
Calls the ADT tool to check a certificate password.
session of Fireworks (no persistent storage).
error occurs the values of the maxVersion and minVersion will be
image is set in the HTML set up, returns true.
Fixed or scroll.
backgroundURLSpecifies the URL of the background image as file:///)
backgroundRepeatSpecifies if the background image repeats, and if repeats in X, Y,
leftMarginSpecifies the left margin of the page.
topMarginSpecifies the top margin of the page.
rightMarginSpecifies the right margin of the page.
bottomMarginSpecifies the bottom margin of the page.
Repeat (Both) and No Repeat
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ClassProperty or MethodDescription
Extending Fireworks Overview
SliceInfobackgroundHorizontalPositionHorizontal position of the background image. (Left, right, or
backgroundVerticalPositionHorizontal position of the background image. (Left, right, or
backgroundHorizontalPositionValHorizontal position value of the background image if the
backgroundVerticalPositionValVertical position value of the background image if the argument
isBackgroundSpecifies whether the slice is background image or foreground
backgroundRepeatSpecifies if the background image repeats, and if repeats in X, Y,
backgroundAttachmentSpecifies if the bg image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the
RectPrimitiveModeSpecifies the roundness units which can be relative (percentage)
instancetranformSpecifies the transformation matrix of a symbol instance.
symbolNameSpecifies the symbol name.
framenameSpecies the name of the state.
FrameNLayerIntersectionnameSpecifies the name of the layer when the layers are accessed from
center, numeric value)
center, numeric value)
argument is value.
is value.
image. True = Background.
Repeat (Both) and No Repeat.
or exact (pixels).
documentdom.setRectRoundnessMode()Specifies the mode of corner roundness of the rectangle as either
dom.exportElements()Exports an array of elements on the canvas to a 32-bit PNG image,
dom.moveNineScaleGuide()Moves a 9-slice scaling guide’s position by specified pixels.
dom.placeTextInPath()Places the selected text inside the selected path. If no text and
dom.setSliceType()Sets the slice type as image (foreground image), background
dom.redefineStyleByName()Redefines the target style with the source style.
dom.attachTextInPath()Attaches the selected text inside the selected path. If no text and
a percentage value or or exact pixel value.
based on the image export settings.
path are selected, no action occurs.
image, or empty (HTML Slice).
path are selected, no action occurs.
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ClassProperty or MethodDescription
Extending Fireworks Overview
fwfw.saveAs()Saves the specified document in the specified filename and
fw.exportPDF()Exports the specified document to the specified file in PDF
fw.currentWorkspaceName()Returns the name of the current workspace layout.
fw.getFamilyNameForPSFont()Gets the family name of a PostScript font.
fw.getPlatformNameForPSFont() Returns the platform name of the PostScript font.
FileswriteUTF8Writes text in UTF8 encoding when the file is opened in UTF8
readLineUTF8Reads one line from the file that has been opened with UTF8
Sets the currently selected vectors to use the new AGM
Conventions used in this guide
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
• Code font indicates code fragments and API literals, including class names, method names, function names, type
names, scripts, SQL statements, and HTML and XML tag and attribute names.
• Italic code font indicates replaceable items in code.
• The continuation symbol (¬ ) indicates that a long line of code has been broken across two or more lines to fit on
the page. When copying the lines of code, eliminate the continuation symbol and type the code as one line.
• Curly braces ({ }) around a function argument indicate that the argument is optional.
The following naming conventions are used in this guide:
• You refers to the developer who is responsible for writing extensions.
• The user refers to the person using Fireworks.
• The visitor refers to the person who views the graphic that the user created.
Additional resources for extension writers
To communicate with other developers who are writing extensions, you can visit the Adobe online forums at
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Chapter 2: The Fireworks Object Model
If you want to extend the functionality of Adobe Fireworks CS4 by writing or modifying a JavaScript extensibility file,
you must become familiar with the objects that Fireworks makes available through JavaScript. The hierarchy of these
objects comprises the Fireworks Object Model, which contains the following major components:
• Six global methods that are available from any part of the application and need not be declared as methods of a
particular object. For more information, see
• Core objects: Dialogs, Document, pngText, Errors, Files, Find, and System. For more information, see “Core
objects” on page 16 and “The Document object” on page 27. (The App object that was used in Fireworks 3 is
supported for backward compatibility, but its use is deprecated in favor of the Fireworks object.)
• The Fireworks object (for more information, see “The Fireworks Object” on page 189).
• Numerous objects associated with Fireworks documents, such as ExportOptions, Guides, Path, Image, and Text.
For more information, see
• A set of objects that you can use to specify the format of HTML code when exporting from Fireworks. For more
information, see
“HTML export objects” on page 270.
“Objects within Fireworks documents” on page 236.
“Global methods” on page 13.
Using the Fireworks Object Model
When scripting extensions for Fireworks, you write JavaScript commands that send calls to the Fireworks Object
Model to determine or change the current settings for a Fireworks document. For example, the following command
calls the Fireworks object (
expressed as a file://URL. In other words,
is a property (for more information, see
resulting value to a variable, as follows:
var expSetDir = fw.appExportSettingsDir;
Accessing a Fireworks document
All the functions listed in “Property inspector functions” on page 315 are methods of the Document object, which
represents a Fireworks document. To perform a function on a Document object, you must first get the Document
Object Model (DOM) of the document. You then call the functions as methods of that DOM.
When accessing a Fireworks document, consider the following points:
• To use a DOM function with a document other than the active document, use the following syntax; note that
documentIndex is a zero-based index that specifies which document the command will affect.
• To use a DOM function with the active document, use fw.getDocumentDOM().functionName() (for more
information, see
fw) to obtain the path to the Export Settings directory (appExportSettingsDir), which is
fw references the Fireworks global object, of which appExportSettingsDir
“The Fireworks Object” on page 189), so a JavaScript command can assign the
Passing values
For all properties that are not read-only, you can pass values to change elements of a document. For example, the
following command sets the fifth brush in the third open document to a square shape:
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fw.documents[2].brushes[4].shape = "square";
The Fireworks Object Model
The preceding example includes the following properties:
• documents is a property of the Fireworks object and contains an array of Document objects.
• brushes is a property of the Document object and contains an array of Brush objects.
• shape is a property of the Brush object.
Note: Throughout this manual, optional arguments are enclosed in {braces}.
Fireworks Object Model calls and API calls
In some cases, you can use Fireworks Object Model calls or API calls to perform the same operations. In other cases,
a certain function might be available in either the Fireworks Object Model or the API, but not in both.
For example, if the first open document is the current document, the first code fragment has the same effect as the
second and third code fragments. The
information, see
fw.getDocumentDOM() function references the current document (for more
Formatting nonstandard data types
In addition to the standard data types that can be passed to functions as arguments, or used as properties, such as
integer, string, and so on, Fireworks accepts other data types.
• Some functions accept values that are Fireworks objects. For more information, see “The Fireworks Object Model”
on page 6.
• Some functions accept a string in a specific format. Others accept value types that are not Fireworks objects but are
JavaScript object types that are specific to Fireworks. These types of arguments are described next, in alphabetical
Color string data type
Functions that accept colors as arguments use the HTML syntax "#rrggbb". You can specify a color with an alpha
(transparency) component by passing a longer string of the form
Mask data type
The format for a mask is {maskBounds:rectangle, maskKind:string, maskEdgeMode:string, featherAmount:int,
• maskBounds specifies the bounding rectangle of the mask area.
• Acceptable values for maskKind are "rectangle", "oval", "zlib compressed", "rle compressed", or
• If the value of maskKind is "rectangle" or "oval", the maskData string is ignored, and a mask of the right shape is
• If the value of maskKind is “zlib compressed“, “rle compressed", or “uncompressed", the maskData string is
constructed that fills maskBounds and that has the edge specified by maskEdgeMode and featherAmount.
presumed to contain 8-bit mask data in hexadecimal format that precisely matches the maskBounds to define the
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The Fireworks Object Model
Matrix data type
The format for a matrix is {matrix:[float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]}.
This guide assumes that you know how to use these nine values to construct a three-by-three transformation matrix;
discussion of the construction of transformation matrices is beyond the scope of this manual.
Point data type
The format for a point is {x:float, y:float}. For instance, dom.addNewLine(startPoint, endPoint) could look like
the following example:
Three categories of API functions are described in this book: Document functions, History panel functions, and
Fireworks functions. The following rules apply to all functions.
Zero-based indexes
Some functions take an index argument which is a zero-based, one-dimensional array. That means a value of 0
represents the first item in the array,
deletes the second layer of the active Fireworks document:
Functions that take a frameIndex argument can be passed –1 to indicate the current frame. Similarly, functions that
take a layerIndex argument may be passed –
Passing null values
In general, passing a null value to a function causes an exception to be thrown. A few functions do allow null as an
argument; such cases are noted in the function descriptions.
1 represents the second item, and so on. For example, the following command
1 to indicate the current layer.
Working with selected elements
Many API functions in this chapter refer to a “selection” or to “selected items.” These terms refer to Fireworks
elements, such as text boxes or images, that are currently selected. In most cases, the functions work even if only one
item is selected. If a function requires more than one selected item, this is noted in the description of the function.
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The Fireworks Object Model
Palette or panel
Several API functions reference the History panel (see “History panel functions” on page 318). Throughout the
Fireworks documentation and online help, the term palette is reserved for discussions of a color palette, and the term
panel is used to refer to the floating windows that are available within Fireworks. Therefore, when the function name
contains palette, the descriptions refer to a panel.
Using the common API
You can use the common Adobe API if you want commands to use a common syntax (and thus run a single command
in multiple applications). You can access this API using
supported in Fireworks and Dreamweaver to let developers easily create commands for both applications.
Identical to fw.toggleFloater().
Identical to fw.setFloaterVisibility().
app.methodName().The following methods are currently
Identical to the Fireworks object property appDir •.
Identical to fw.browseDocument().
Note: The app.getRootDirectory() function is useful if you want to use app.browseDocument() to view files within the
applications’s folder.
Working with selected objects
When an object is selected, either programmatically (for example, using the dom.selectAll() function) or by a user,
you can return (get) or set the value of that object’s properties using common notation that will work on various
objects. In other words, you can write a command that will get or set the value of an object’s properties whether the
user selects a Text object, or an Image object, or any other recognized object. In Fireworks, a recognizable object is
classified as one of the following element types:
• Hotspot
• SliceHotspot (basically, a slice)
• Path
• Group
• Instance
• Text
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• RectanglePrimitive
• PathAttrs
• Image
To test whether a text block is selected, type the following code:
firstSelection = fw.selection[0];
if (firstSelection == "[object Text]"){
alert("I am a text block");
You can use the information in the following sections to return or set property values.
Note: The return value for a property may be null.
Working with properties for any selected object
You can get values for the following read-only properties of any type of selected object:
• top
• left
• width
• height
• visible
• opacity
• blendMode
• name
• mask
To return the name of the selected object, type the following code:
The Fireworks Object Model
The following properties contain other read-only properties that you can return:
• element
• linked
• enabled
• mode
• showAttrs
• autoExpandImages
• name
• effects
To return the name of the first effect that is applied to the selected object, type the following code:
Working with specific properties for selected elements
Some elements have specific properties that can be returned in addition to those that can be returned for any selected
object (for more information, see
properties are available for each of the following elements when the elements are selected.
• shape
• urlText
• altText
• targetText
• contour
• behaviors (returns an array of behaviors)
• color
To return the alt tag that has been applied to the currently selected Hotspot, type the following code:
altTag = fw.selection[0].altText;
“Working with properties for any selected object” on page 10). These specific
SliceHotspot is a subclass of Hotspot. A slice has all Hotspot properties, plus the following properties:
• baseName
• htmlText
• tdTagText
• sliceKind ("image" or "empty")
• exportOptions
• sliceID (read-only)
To return the name of the currently selected slice, type the following code:
sliceName = fw.selection[0].baseName;
• pathAttributes
Note: For the complete list of path attributes properties, see “pathAttributes” on page 98.
• randSeed
• textureOffset
• contours
To return the value of the fill color for the currently selected path, type the following code:
The following are the global Fireworks methods, along with their argument data types and, where appropriate,
acceptable values and notes.
Fireworks 3.
message A string containing the message to display.
Displays the message in a modal alert box, along with an OK button.
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Fireworks 3.
message A string containing the message to display.
True if OK is clicked, false if Cancel is clicked.
Displays a string in a modal alert box, along with OK and Cancel buttons.
prompt(caption, text)
The Fireworks Object Model
Fireworks 3.
prompt(caption, text)
caption A string containing the title of the dialog box.
text A string containing the prompt for the user.
The string entered if OK is clicked, null if Cancel is clicked.
Prompts the user (with the string that is specified by text) to enter a string in a modal dialog box; the dialog box is titled
with the string that is specified by caption.
write(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)
Fireworks 3.
write(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)
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The Fireworks Object Model
arg1, arg2, ..., argN Strings containing content for output.
An output file.
Same as WRITE_HTML; WRITE_HTML was created to let you differentiate HTML output calls from other JavaScript
calls in your code.
Fireworks 3.
An output file.
Available only when exporting. Writes the CSS as an external file.
WRITE_HTML(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)
Fireworks 3.
WRITE_HTML(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)
arg1, arg2, ..., argN Strings containing content for output.
An output file.
Available only when exporting. Converts each argument to a string and writes it to the HTML output file. To enter an
end-of-line character, use “\n”; this is converted to the correct line ending for your platform. For more information,
“HTML export objects” on page 270.
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Fireworks 10.
fw. setUseAGMRenderingForSelection()
Sets the currently selected vectors to use the new AGM Rendering.
This section describes the set of core objects that are always available: Errors, Files, Find, and System. The Document
object is described within its own chapter: see
Note: For information on how to format nonstandard data types, such as rectangle or point, see “Formatting
nonstandard data types” on page 7.
Errors object
All Errors object properties are read-only strings that are used to simplify the localizing of scripts. They return
localized error messages appropriate to the specific error. For example, the English version of Fireworks returns
"Memory is full." for the EOutOfMem property.
The following list contains the properties of the Errors object alphabetically:
The following table lists the methods of the Files object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable
values and notes.
“The Document object” on page 27.
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MethodData typeNotes
The Fireworks Object Model
copy(docname1, docname2)
fileType, fileCreator)
string, stringCopies the file specified in the first argument to the file
specified in the second argument. Each argument must be the
name of a file, which is expressed as file://URL. Only files (not
directories) can be copied. The files do not need to reside on
the same drive, and the method does not overwrite a file if it
already exists. Returns a value of
false otherwise.
true if the copy is successful;
stringCreates the specified directory. Returns true if successful;
false otherwise.
string, string, stringCreates the specified file. The file must not already exist. The
first argument is the name of the file, which is expressed as
file://URL. The last two arguments let you specify the file type
and file creator strings. The
fileType and fileCreator
strings should each be strings of exactly four characters in
length, for example:
stringDeletes the specified file or directory. Returns true if
false if the file or directory does not exist or
cannot be deleted. Compare with
stringDeletes the specified file or directory. Returns true if
false if the file or directory cannot be deleted.
deleteFile(), this method returns true if the file or
directory does not exist.
stringReturns an array of file URLs. If docOrDir is a directory, the
array contains an entry for every file or directory that is
contained in the specified directory. If
docOrDir is a file, the
array contains a single entry (the file passed in).
stringReturns true if docOrDir refers to a directory or file that
false otherwise.
stringReturns only the directory name from docname, which is
expressed as file://URL. For example,
stringReturns the filename extension, if any, of docname. For
".png". If the filename has no extension, an empty
string is returned. A filename that is expressed as file://URL is
stringReturns just the filename from docname, which is expressed as
file://URL. For example,
stringReturns the URL of the language directory associated with the
currently running language.
noneIf the last call to a method in a Files object resulted in an error,
returns a string that describes the error. If the last call
succeeded, returns
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MethodData typeNotes
The Fireworks Object Model
getTempFilePath ({dirname})
me, plainFilename)
open(docname, encoding,
stringThe argument, if used, must be expressed as file://URL. Returns
stringThe argument must be expressed as file://URL. Returns true if
string, stringThe first argument must be expressed as file://URL.
string, string, BooleanThe first argument must be expressed as file://URL. Opens the
string, stringThe docname argument is a file path or a file URL to the file that
a file URL in the Temporary Files directory or in the specified
directory. This method does not create a file; it simply returns a
unique file URL that does not conflict with existing files in the
directory. If
returned indicates a file in the specified directory rather than in
the Temporary Files directory.
the specified URL refers to a directory that exists;
Concatenates the two arguments to return a file URL that
references the specified filename in the specified directory. For
specified file for reading or writing. The second argument
specifies the encoding. If the third argument is
opens for writing; otherwise it opens for reading. If the file
cannot be opened, returns
Reference object.
you want to rename.
The newPlainFilename argument is the new name to assign
to the file.
The rename method returns a URL path of the newly renamed
file if successful; otherwise Fireworks returns
dirname is passed and is not null, the URL that is
true, the file
null; otherwise, returns a File
swap(docname1, docname2)
string, stringThe first argument must be expressed as file://URL. Returns a
file URL with
"file:///work/oldlogo.png". This method does not
affect the file on disk; it simply provides a convenient way to
manipulate file URLs. To change the name on disk, use
string, stringEach argument must be expressed as a file://URL. Swaps the
contents of the two specified files, so that each file contains the
contents of the other file. Only files (not directories) can be
swapped, and both files must reside on the same drive. Returns
true if the swap is successful; false otherwise.
docname replaced by newPlainFilename. For
File Reference object
The File Reference object is used to refer to a specific open file. The following table lists the methods of the File
Reference object, along with their data types and, where appropriate, acceptable values and notes.
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MethodData TypeNotes
The Fireworks Object Model
readLineUTF8stringReads one line from the file that has been opened with UTF8
writeUTF8stringWrites text in UTF8 encoding when the file is opened in UTF8
noneCloses the current File Reference object. You are not required
noneReads the next line from the current File Reference object and
stringWrites the specified string to the current File Reference object.
to use this method (the file is closed when the Files object is
destroyed), but it is useful for controlling access to a file.
returns it as a string. The end-of-line character(s) are not
included in the string. Returns
if the line is longer than 2048 characters.
No end-of-line characters are appended; to include one, use
null if end-of-file is reached or
Find object
There are several ways to specify a Find object, depending on what you want to find and replace. Use the whatToFind
property to specify the type of find operation, along with the properties that are associated with each legal value for
whatToFind. These properties are listed in the following tables. Read-only properties are marked with a bullet (•).
Finding and replacing text
PropertyData typeNotes
whatToFindstringIn the format: "text"
findstringText to find.
matchCaseBooleanIf set to true, the search is case-sensitive. Defaults to false.
numItemsReplaced •IntegerNumber of replacements done in a file using Find and Replace.
regExpBooleanIf set to true, the find and replace text is interpreted as a
replacestringText to use as replacement text.
wholeWordBooleanIf set to true, only whole words matching the search text are
regular expression. The default is
found. The default is
Finding and replacing fonts and styles
PropertyData typeNotes
whatToFindstringIn the format: "font"
findstringName of font to find.
replacestringName of font to use as replacement.
Last updated 12/8/2009
The Fireworks Object Model
PropertyData typeNotes
findStyleintegerNumber that represents the style to find:
AnyStyle = -1
Plain = 0
Bold = 1
Italic = 2
BoldItalic = 3
Underline = 4
BoldUnderline = 5
ItalicUnderline = 6
BoldItalicUnderline = 7
replaceStyleintegerNumber that represents the style to be used as replacement.
findMinSizeinteger0 to 9999
findMaxSizeinteger0 to 9999
replaceSizeinteger0 to 9999, or pass -1 to leave size as is
Finding and replacing colors, fills, strokes, and effects
PropertyData typeNotes
whatToFindstringIn the format: "color"
findstringA color string that specifies the color to find (for more
information, see
replacestringA color string that specifies the color to use as a replacement
(for more information, see
fillsBooleanIf set to true, fills that match the specified colors are replaced.
strokesBooleanIf set to true, strokes that match the specified colors are
“Color string data type” on page 7).
“Color string data type” on page 7).
effectsBooleanIf set to true, effects that match the specified colors are
Finding and replacing URLs
PropertyData typesNotes
whatToFindstringIn the format: "url"
findstringURL to find, which is expressed as file://URL.
replacestringURL to use as replacement text, which is expressed as file://URL.
wholeWordBooleanIf set to true, only whole words that match the search text are
found. The default is
matchCaseBooleanIf set to true, the search is case sensitive. Defaults to false.
regExpBooleanIf set to true, the find and replace text is interpreted as a
regular expression. The default value is
Last updated 12/8/2009
Finding and replacing non-websafe colors with the closest websafe color
PropertyData typeNotes
whatToFindstringIn the format: "nonwebcolor"
The Fireworks Object Model
effectsBooleanIf set to true, colors in effects are replaced. The default value is
fillsBooleanIf set to true, colors in fills are replaced. The default value is
strokesBooleanIf set to true, colors in strokes are replaced. The default value
System object
The following table lists the properties of the System object, along with their data types and, where appropriate,
acceptable values and notes. All System properties are read-only.
Property (read-only)Data typeNotes
osNamestringReturns the name of the operating system under which
controlFaceColorstringReturns the system color used for the control and panel faces
controlHilightColorstringReturns the system color used for control highlights (Windows-
controlShadowColorstringReturns the system color used for control shadows (Windows-
controlDarkShadowColorstringReturns the system color used for control dark shadows
Fireworks is running.
(Windows®-only property).
only property).
only property).
(Windows-only property).
hilightItemColorstringReturns the system color used for highlighting selections
hilightTextColorstringReturns the system color used for highlighting selected text
textColorstringReturns the system color used for text (Windows-only
menuColorstringReturns the system color used for menu backgrounds
menuTextColorstringReturns the system color used for text in menus (Windows-only
siteRootPath Path to the site root folder in which the file that need to be previewed reside.
0 if the operation succeeded.
Calls the ADL tool to preview an HTML document as an Adobe AIR application. The path to file that needs to be
previewed is not specified because it is included in the application descriptor; this path is relative to the site root.
Fireworks 10.
status = AIRext.PackageApplication(siteFullPath, packagePath, fileList);
siteFullPath Path to the site root folder in which all files that needs to be included in package reside.
packagePath Full path of the resulting Adobe AIR package.
fileList Array of paths to files and folders that need to be included in package; all paths need to be relative to the
site root.
0 if the operation succeeded; 1 if an error occurred; 2 if the ADT tool generated an error (this error is saved into an
error log file).
Calls the ADT tool package an Adobe AIR application.
Fireworks 10.
status = AIRext.CreatePackage(siteFullPath, packagePath, fileList, appXMLPath,
certificatePath, password);
Last updated 12/8/2009
The Fireworks Object Model
siteFullPath Path to the site root folder in which all files that needs to be included in package reside.
packagePath Full path of the resulting Adobe AIR package.
fileList Array of paths to files and folders that need to be included in package; all paths need to be relative to the
site root.
appXMLPath Path to the application descriptor (if blank or missing, defaults to application.xml in site root).
certificatePath Path to the digital certificate with which to sign the package (if blank or missing, an unsigned AIRI
file will be created instead of a signed AIR file)
password Password for the specified certificate (if blank or missing, user will be prompted for the password).
0 if the operation succeeded.
Calls the ADT tool to create a signed AIR package.
Fireworks 10.
status = AIRext.CheckCertificatePassword(certificatePath, password);
certificatePath Path to the digital certificate with which to sign the package.
password Password for the specified certificate.
Exitcode from ADT; 0 if OK, 7 if could not access certificate, and so on.
Calls the ADT tool to check a certificate password.