Safety instructions
ACS380 drive
Quick installation and start-up guide
Process I/O (cyclic)
Service messages (acyclic)
Data flow
Control Word (CW)
Status Word (SW)
Actual values
Parameter R/W
Fieldbus controller
Termination ON
1) The device at both ends on the fieldbus must have termination set to ON.
Termination OFF
RJ45 X 2
RJ45 X 2
RJ45 X 2
RJ45 X 2
Terminal Block
Profibus DP
Ethernet IP
Modbus TCP
Read the safety instructions in ACS380 Hardware manual (3AXD50000029274 [EN]).
WARNING! Obey these safety instructions to prevent physical injury or
death, or damage to the equipment. If you are not a qualified electrician, do
not do electrical installation or maintenance work.
• When you install the drive, make sure that dust does not go into the drive.
• When the drive or connected equipment is energized, do not do work on
the drive, motor cable, motor, control cables or control circuits.
• After you disconnect the input power, wait for 5 minutes to let the
ermediate circuit capacitors discharge.
• Make sure that the installation is not energized:
• Use a multimeter with an impedance of at least 1 Mohm.
• Make sure that the voltage between the drive output terminals (U, V, W)
and the ground (PE) is 0 V.
• Make sure that the voltage between the drive input power terminals (L1,
L2, L3) and the ground (PE) is 0 V.
• Make sure that the voltage between the DC and brake resistor terminals
(UDC+, UDC- and R-) and the ground (PE) is 0 V.
• If you use a permanent magnet synchronous motor, do not do work on the
drive when the motor rotates. A permanent magnet motor that rotates
energizes the drive and the input power terminals.
WARNING! The installation, start-up and operation of this equipment
requires detailed instructions. Refer to this quick guide and the user interface
guide in the drive package. Retain the guides with this device at all times.
For more information, refer to the hardware manual and firmware manual.
You can download these manuals from the ABB website or order hard
copies of the manuals with the delivery.
To install the drive to a DIN rail
1. Move the locking part to the left.
2. Push and hold the locking button
3. Put the top tabs of the drive onto the
top edge of the DIN installation rail.
4. Put the drive against the bottom
edge of the DIN installation rail.
5. Release the locking button.
6. Move the locking part to the right.
7. Make sure that the drive is correctly
8. To remove the drive, use a flat-head
screwdriver to open the locking part.
3. Measure the insulation resistance
Drive: Do not do voltage tolerance or insulation resistance tests on the drive, because
this can cause damage to the drive.
Input power cable: Before you connect the input power cable, measure the
insulation of the input power cable. Obey the local regulations.
Motor and motor cable:
1. Make sure that the motor cable is connected to the motor and disconnected from
the drive output terminals T1/U, T2/V and T3/W.
2. Use a voltage of 500 V DC to measure the
insulation resistance between each phase
conductor and the protective earth conductor. The
insulation resistance of an ABB motor must be more
than 100 Mohm (at 25 °C/77 °F). For the insulation
resistance of other motors, refer to the
manufacturer’s documentation.
Moisture in the motor decreases the insulation resistance. If you think that ther
moisture in the motor, dry the motor and do the measurement again.
4. Select the cables
Input power cable: For the best EMC performance, use a symmetrical shielded
cable and two grounding conductors.
Motor cable: Use a symmetrical shielded cable.
Control cable: Use a double-shielded twisted-pair cable for analog signals. Use a
single-shielded cable for digital, relay and I/O signals. Use separate cables for analog
and relay signals.
5. Connect the power cables
Connection diagram
6. Connect the control cables
Connection procedure
Do the connections according to the default control connections of the application
macro that you select. For the connections of the factory default macro (ABB standard
macro), refer to Default I/O connections (ABB standard macro), for the connections of
fieldbus default macro, refer to Fieldbus connections. For the other macros, refer to
the ACS380 Firmware manual (3AXD50000029275 [English]).
Keep the signal wire pairs twisted as near to the terminals as possible to prevent
inductive coupling.
1. Strip a part of the outer shield of the
control cable for grounding.
2. Use a cable tie to ground the outer
shield to the grounding tab.
3. Use metal cable ties for 360-degree
4. Strip the control cable conductors.
5. Connect the conductors to the
correct control terminals. Torque the
terminals to 0.5 N·m (4.4 lbf·in).
6. Connect the shields of the twiste
pairs and gr
SCR terminal. Torque the terminals
to 0.5 N·m (4.4 lbf·in).
7. Mechanically attach the control cables on the outside of the drive.
ounding wires to the
Default I/O connections (ABB standard macro)
For the standard variant (I/O & Modbus) (type ACS380-04xS).
Ter min als Descriptions
1...10 kohm
Max. 500 ohm
Digital I/O connections
Aux. +24 V DC, max. 200 mA
Aux. voltage output common
Digital input common
Stop (0) / Start (1)
Forward (0) / Reverse (1)
Speed selection
Speed selection
Ramp 1 (0) / Ramp 2 (1)
Ready (0) / Not ready (1)
Digital output auxiliary voltage
Digital input/output common
Analog I/O
Freq. ref. / Speed ref. (0...10 V)
Analog input circuit common
Not configured
Analog input circuit common
Output frequency (0...20 mA)
Analog output circuit common
Signal cable shield (screen)
Reference voltage
Safe torque off (STO)
Safe torque off function. Connected at factory.
Drive starts only if both circuits are closed.
Relay output
Relay output 1
No fault [Fault (-1)]
EIA-485 Modbus RTU
Embedded Modbus RTU (EIA-485)
Connecting EIA-485 Modbus RTU terminal to drive
Connect the fieldbus to the EIA-485 Modbus RTU terminal on the BMIO-01 module
which is attached on the control unit of the drive. The connection diagram is shown
1. Examine the installation area
The drive is intended for cabinet installation and has an ingress protection rating of
Make sure that in the installation area:
• There is sufficient cooling and hot air does not recirculate.
• The ambient conditions are suitable. Refer to Ambient conditions.
• The mounting surface is non-flammable and can hold the weight of the drive.
Refer to Declaration of conformity.
• Materials near the drive are non-flammable.
• There is sufficient space above and below the drive for maintenance work. Refer
to Free space requirements.
2. Install the drive
You can install the drive with screws or to a DIN rail.
Installation requirements:
• Make sure that there is a minimum of 75 mm of free space at the top and bottom
of the drive for cooling air.
• Install R0 drives upright. R0 drives do not have a fan.
• You can install R1, R2, R3 and R4 drives tilted by up to 90 degrees, from vertical
to fully horizontal orientation.
• You can install several drives side by side. Side-mounted options require
approximately 20 mm of space on the right side of the drive.
WARNING! Do not install the drive upside down. Make sure that the cooling
air exhaust (at the top) is always above the cooling air inlet (at the bottom).
To install the drive with screws
1. Make marks onto the surface for the
mounting holes. Refer to
Declaration of conformity. The R3
and R4 drives contain a mounti
2. Make the holes for the mounting
screws and install suitable plugs or
3. Start to tighten the screws into t
mounting holes.
4. Install the drive onto the mounting
5. Tighten the mounting screws.
a. Two grounding conductors. Use two conductors if the cross-section of grounding
conductor is less than 10 mm
use the cable shield in addition to the fourth conductor.
b. Separate grounding cable (line side). Use it if the conductivity of the fourth
conductor or shield is not sufficient for the protective grounding.
c. Separate grounding cable (motor side). Use it if the conductivity of the shield is not
sufficient for the protective grounding, or there is no symmetrically constructed
grounding conductor in the cable.
d. 360-degree grounding of the cable shield. Required for the motor cable and brake
resistor cable, recommended for the input power cable.
Cu or 16 mm2 Al (IEC/EN 61800-5-1). For example,
Connection procedure
WARNING! Obey the safety instructions in the ACS380 Hardware manual
(3AXD50000029274 [English]). If you ignore them, injury or death, or
damage to the equipment can occur.
WARNING! If the drive is connected to an IT (non-grounded) system or to a
corner-grounded TN system, disconnect the EMC filter grounding screw.
1. Strip the motor cable.
2. Ground the motor cable shield under
the grounding clamp.
3. Twist the motor cable shield into a
bundle, mark it accordingly an
ct it to the grounding terminal.
4. Connect the phase conductors of
the motor cable to the T1/U, T2/V
and T3/W motor terminals. Torque
the terminals to 0.8 N·m (7 lbf·in).
5. If it is applicable, connect the brake
resistor cable to the R- and UDC+
terminals. Torque the terminals to
0.8 N·m (7 lbf·in). Use a shield
and ground the shield unde
he grounding clamp.
6. Strip the input power cable.
7. If the input power cable has a shield,
twist it into a bundle, mark it and
connect it to the grounding terminal.
8. Connect the PE conductor of the
input power cable to the grounding
terminal. If it is necessary, use a
second PE conductor.
9. Connect the phase conductors of the input power cable to the L1, L2 and L3 input
terminals. Torque the terminals to 0.8 N·m (7 lbf·in).
10. Mechanically attach the cables on the outside of the drive.
Make sure that there are no sources of strong magnetic fields such as high-current
single-core conductors or contactor coils near the drive. A strong magnetic field can
cause interference or inaccuracy in the operation of the drive. If there is interference,
move the source of the magnetic field away from the drive.
Fieldbus connections
For the configured drives with the preconfigured fieldbus protocol
(type ACS380-04xC).
Ter min als Descriptions
Digital I/O connections
Aux. +24 V DC, 200 mA
Aux. voltage output common
Digital input common
Fault reset
Not configured
Safe torque off (STO)
Safe torque off function. Connected at factory.
Drive starts only if both circuits are closed.
Relay output
Relay output 1
No fault [Fault (-1)]
Extension module connections
+K457 FCAN-01-M CANopen
+K454 FPBA-01-M Profibus DP
+K469 FECA-01-M EtherCAT
+K475 FENA-21-M Ethernet/IP, Profinet,
Modbus TCP
+K495 BCAN-11 CANopen interface
+K470 FEPL-02 Ethernet power link (RJ45x2)
+K451 FDNA-01, DeviceNet (Terminal Block)

7. Start up the drive
H1 Height back
H2 Height back
H3 Height front
W Width
D1 Depth 1
D2 Depth 2
M1 Mounting hole distance 1
M2 Mounting hole distance 2
For information on the user interface, refer to the ACS380 User interface guide
(3AXD50000022224 [English]).
1. Power up the drive.
2. The drive software recognizes the connected adapt
/O & Modbus module or some of the fieldbus
modules) and selects the correct settings. For fieldbus
communication refer also to Configure fieldbus
3. Select the unit (international or US). In the Motor data
view, set the motor type:
AsynM: Asynchronous motor
PMSM: Permanent magnet synchronous motor
SynMR: Synchronous reluctance motor
4. Set the motor control mode:
Vector: Speed reference. This is suitable for most
cases. The drive does an automatic standstill ID run
when the drive is started for the first time.
Scalar: Frequency reference. Do not use this mode
for permanent magnet synchronous motors.
Use this mode when:
- The number of motors can change.
- The nominal motor current is less than 20% of the
nominal drive current.
5. Set the nominal motor values.
6. Examine the direction of the motor.
If it is necessary, set the motor direction with the
Phase order setting or with the phase order of the
motor cable.
7. In the Motor control view, set the start and stop mode.
8. Set the acceleration and deceleration times.
9. Set the maximum and minimum speeds.
10. In the Control macros view, select the applicabl
. To configure fieldbus communications, refer to Configure fiel
11. Tune the drive parameters to the application. You can use the Assistant control
panel (ACS-AP-x) or the DriveComposer PC tool. Refer to the ACS380 Firmware
manual (3AXD50000029275 [English]).
Configure fieldbus communications
If you have a configured variant with the preconfigured fieldbus protocol, you can
control the drive from an external control system through the fieldbus.
When the fieldbus adapter is connected to the drive, the drive control program sets
the applicable parameters. The preconfigured settings apply to the CANopen,
EtherCAT, Profibus and Profinet (default in FENA-21 adapter) protocols. If you have a
CANopen variant with the BCAN-11 adapter, refer to the exceptions in the table. In
other fieldbus protocols (DeviceNet, Powerlink,...) refer to ACS380 Firmware manual
(3AXD50000029275 [English]) and the applicable fieldbus adapter documentation.
To configure fieldbus communications:
1. Power up the drive.
2. The drive software recognizes the connected fieldbus adapter and selects the
correct fieldbus control macro.
The changed parameters which apply to all fieldbus adapters:
Parameter Setting (general) Setting (CANopen with
20.01 Ext1 commands Fieldbus A Embedded fieldbus
20.03 Ext1 in1 Not selected Not selected
20.04 Ext1 in2 Not selected Not selected
22.11 Ext1 speed ref1 FB A ref1 EFB ref1
22.22 Constant speed sel1 Not selected Not selected
22.23 Constant speed sel2 Not selected Not selected
23.11 Ramp set selection Acc/Dec time 1 Acc/Dec time 1
28.11 Ext1 frequency ref1 FB A ref1 EFB ref1
28.22 Constant frequency sel1 Not selected Not selected
28.23 Constant frequency sel2 Not selected Not selected
28.71 Freq. ramp set selection Acc/Dec time 1 Acc/Dec time 1
31.11 Fault reset selection DI2 DI1
50.01 FBA A enable Enable N/A
50.02 FBA A comm loss func Fault N/A
The parameters that apply only to specific fieldbus adapters:
Parameter Setting
CANopen (FCAN-01-M)
51.05 Profile CiA 402
51.02 Profile CiA 402
51.02 Node address 3
51.05 Profile ABB Drives
52.01 FBA A data in1 SW 16 bit
52.02 FBA A data in2 Act1 16 bit
53.01 FBA A data out1 CW 16 bit
53.02 FBA A data out2 Ref1 16 bit
51.02 Protocol/Profile PNIO ABB Pro
51.04 IP configuration Static IP
52.01 FBA A data in1 SW 16 bit
52.02 FBA A data in2 Act1 16 bit
53.01 FBA A data out1 CW 16 bit
53.02 FBA A data out2 Ref 1 16 bit
Modbus TCP/IP
51.02 Protocol/Profile MB/TCP ABB C
Ethernet IP
51.02 Protocol/Profile EIP ABB Pro
CANopen (BCAN-11)
58.01 Protocol enable CANopen
3. You can see the selected fieldbus control macro in the Control macros view or
from parameter 96.05. In the Control macros view, you can also change some
adapter specific settings.
4. If you need to change other parameters, you can set them manually. Refer to the
ACS380 Firmware manual (3AXD50000029275 [English]) and the applicab
ieldbus adapter documentation.
Warnings and faults generated by the drive
Warni ng Fault Description
A2A1 2281 Warning: Current calibration is done at the next start.
A2B1 2310 Overcurrent. The output current is more than the internal limit. This can be
A2B3 2330 Earth leakage. A load unbalance that is typically caused by an earth fault
A2B4 2340 Short circuit. There is a short circuit in the motor or the motor cable.
A3A1 3210 DC link overvoltage. There is an overvoltage in the intermediate DC circuit.
A3A2 3220 DC link undervoltage. There is an undervoltage in the intermediate DC
A5A0 5091 Safe torque off. The Safe torque off (STO) function is on.
Fault: Output phase current measurement fault.
caused by an earth fault or phase loss.
in the motor or the motor cable.
3130 Input phase loss. The intermediate DC circuit voltage oscillates.
3181 Cross connection. The input and motor cable connections are incorrect.
3381 Output phase loss. All three phases are not connected to the motor.
6681 EFB communication loss. Break in embedded fieldbus communication.
Warni ng Fault Description
7510 FBA A communication. Communication lost between drive and fieldbus
AFF6 Identification run. The motor ID run occurs at the next start.
FA81 Safe torque off 1. The Safe torque off circuit 1 is broken.
FA82 Safe torque off 2. The Safe torque off circuit 2 is broken.
For the complete list of warnings and faults, refer to the ACS380 Firmware manual
(3AXD50000029275 [English]).
IEC ratings
Typ e
A A A A kW A kW A kW
1-phase UN = 200…240 V
02A4-1 5.0 4.2 3.2 2.4 0.37 2.3 0.37 1.8 0.25 R0
03A7-1 7.8 6.4 4.3 3.7 0.55 3.5 0.55 2.4 0.37 R0
04A8-1 10.1 8.3 6.7 4.8 0.75 4.6 0.75 3.7 0.55 R1
06A9-1 14.5 11.9 8.6 6.9 1.10 6.6 1.10 4.8 0.75 R1
07A8-1 16.4 13.5 12.4 7.8 1.5 7.4 1.5 6.9 1.1 R1
09A8-1 20.6 17.0 14.0 9.8 2.2 9.3 2.2 7.8 1.5 R2
12A2-1 25.6 21.1 17.6 12.2 3.0 11.6 3.0 9.8 2.2 R2
3-phase UN = 200…240 V
02A4-2 3.8 2.4 2.2 2.4 0.37 2.3 0.37 1.2 0.25 R1
03A7-2 5.9 3.7 3.2 3.7 0.55 3.5 0.55 1.8 0.37 R1
04A8-2 7.7 4.8 6.7 4.8 0.75 4.6 0.75 3.7 0.55 R1
06A9-2 11.0 6.9 8.6 6.9 1.1 6.6 1.1 4.8 0.75 R1
07A8-2 12.5 7.8 12.4 7.8 1.5 7.4 1.5 6.9 1.1 R1
09A8-2 15.7 9.8 14.0 9.8 2.2 9.3 2.2 7.8 1.5 R1
12A2-2 19.5 12.2 17.6 12.2 3.0 11.6 3.0 9.8 2.2 R2
17A5-2 28.0 17.5 22.0 17.5 4.0 16.7 4.0 12.2 3.0 R3
25A0-2 40.0 25.0 31.5 25.0 5.5 24.2 5.5 17.5 4.0 R3
032A-2 51.2 32.0 45.0 32.0 7.5 30.8 7.5 25.0 5.5 R3
048A-2 76.8 48.0 57.6 48.0 11.0 46.2 11.0 32.0 7.5 R4
88.0 55.0 86.4 55.0 15.0 52.8 15.0 48.0 11.0 R4
3-phase UN = 380…480 V
01A8-4 2.9 1.8 2.2 1.8 0.55 1.7 0.55 1.2 0.37 R0
02A6-4 4.2 2.6 3.2 2.6 0.75 2.5 0.75 1.8 0.55 R1
03A3-4 5.3 3.3 4.7 3.3 1.1 3.1 1.1 2.6 0.75 R1
04A0-4 6.4 4.0 5.9 4.0 1.5 3.8 1.5 3.3 1.1 R1
05A6-4 9.0 5.6 7.2 5.6 2.2 5.3 2.2 4.0 1.5 R1
07A2-4 11.5 7.2 10.1 7.2 3.0 6.8 3.0 5.6 2.2 R1
09A4-4 15.0 9.4 13.0 9.4 4.0 8.9 4.0 7.2 3.0 R1
12A6-4 20.2 12.6 16.9 12.6 5.5 12.0 5.5 9.4 4.0 R2
17A0-4 27.2 17.0 22.7 17.0 7.5 16.2 7.5 12.6 5.5 R3
25A0-4 40.0 25.0 30.6 25.0 11.0 23.8 11.0 17.0 7.5 R3
032A-4 45.0 32.0 45.0 32.0 15.0 30.5 15.0 25.0 11.0 R4
038A-4 50.0 38.0 57.6 38.0 18.5 36.0 18.5 32.0 15.0 R4
045A-4 56.0 45.0 68.4 45.0 22.0 42.8 22.0 38.0 18.5 R4
050A-4 60.0 50.0 81.0 50.0 22.0 48.0 22.0 45.0 22.0 R4
Nominal use Light-duty use Heavy-duty use
Output ratings Frame
NEMA ratings
Typ e
3-phase UN = 460 V (440…480 V)
01A8-4 2.6 1.6 1.6 0.75 1.1 0.50 R0
02A6-4 3.4 2.1 2.1 1.0 1.6 0.75 R1
03A3-4 4.8 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.1 1.0 R1
04A0-4 5.4 3.4 3.5 2.0 3.0 1.5 R1
05A6-4 7.7 4.8 4.8 2.0 3.4 2.0 R1
07A2-4 9.6 6.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 R1
09A4-4 12.2 7.6 7.6 5.0 4.8 3.0 R1
12A6-4 17.6 11.0 11.0 7.5 7.6 5.0 R2
17A0-4 22.4 14.0 14.0 10.0 11.0 7.5 R3
25A0-4 33.6 21.0 21.0 15.0 14.0 10.0 R3
032A-4 37.9 27.0 27.0 20.0 12.0 15.0 R4
038A-4 44.7 34.0 34.0 25.0 27.0 20.0 R4
045A-4 49.8 40.0 40.0 30.0 34.0 25.0 R4
050A-4 50.4 42.0 42.0 30.0 40.0 30.0 R4
Output ratings Frame
Nominal use Heavy-duty use
For more information on fuses, circuit breakers and manual motor protectors, refer to
the ACS380 Hardware manual (3AXD50000029274 [English]).
Dimensions and weights
H1 H2 H3 W D1 D2 M1 M2 We ight
mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm in kg lb
R0 205 8.07 223 8.78 170 6.69 70 2.76 174 6.85 191 7.52 50 1.97 191 7.52 1.4 3.1
R1 205 8.07 223 8.78 170 6.69 70 2.76 174 6.85 191 7.52 50 1.97 191 7.52 1.6 3.5
R2 205 8.07 223 8.78 170 6.69 95 3.74 174 6.85 191 7.52 75 2.95 191 7.52 1.9 4.2
R3 205 8.07 223 8.78 170 6.69 169 6.65 181 7.13 191 7.52 148 5.83 191 7.52 2.9 6.4
R4 205 8.07 240 9.45 170 6.69 260 10.24 181 7.13 191 7.52 238 9.37 191 7.52 5.8 12.8
Dimensions and weights
Free space requirements
Frame size Free space required
Above Below Sides
R0-R4752.95752.95 0 0
mm in mm in mm in
Ambient conditions
Requirement During operation (installed for stationary use)
Installation altitude 230 V units: 0...2000 m above sea level (with derating above 1000 m)
Air temperature -10...+50 °C (14...122 °F). Up to +60 °C with derating (except R0).
Relative humidity Up to 95% without condensation
Contamination levels
(IEC 60721-3-3)
Shock (IEC 60068-2-27,
Free fall Not allowed
1) Up to 4000 m altitude is possible for 400 V units when these conditions are taken
into account:
• The maximum switching voltage for integrated Relay Output 1 is 30 V at 4000 m
r example, do not connect 250 V to Relay Output 1).
• With the BREL-01 side option module, the maximum potential difference
between adjacent relays is 30 V (for example, do not connect 250 V to Relay
Output 2 and 30 V to Relay Output 3).
400 V units: 0...4000 m above sea level (with derating above 1000 m)
No frost allowed.
Class 3C2
Class 3S2
Not allowed
• If the conditions are not met, the maximum installation altitude is 2000 m.
• For a 3-phase 400 V drive at 2000...4000 m, only the following power systems
are permitted: TN-S, TN-c, TN-CS, TT (not corner earthed).
The applicable certifications are shown on the product’s type label.
CE marking EAC marking UL marking TÜV Nord marking RCM marking
Declaration of conformity
© 2018 ABB Oy. All rights reserved.
3AXD50000018553 Rev D EN 2018-06-01