You can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the
Internet. See section Document library on the Internet on the inside of the
back cover. For manuals not available in the Document library, contact your
local ABB representative.
The code below opens an online listing of the manuals applicable to the
To check the version of the control program, see parameter 07.05Firmware version.
Safety instructions
Follow all safety instructions.
• Read the complete safety instructions in the Hardware manual of the drive before
you install, commission, or use the drive.
• Read the firmware function-specific warnings before changing parameter values.
Chapter Parameters lists the relevant parameters and related warnings.
380 machinery control program 2.05 or later.
12 Introduction to the manual
Target audience
The reader is expected to know the fundamentals of electricity, wiring, electrical
components and electrical schematic symbols.
The manual is written for readers worldwide. Both SI and imperial units are shown.
Purpose of the manual
This manual provided information for designing, commissioning, or operating the
drive system.
Contents of the manual
• Introduction to the manual (this chapter) describes the applicability, purpose and
content of the manual, and terms and conditions.
• Control panel (page 17) introduces the internal control panel.
• Start-up, ID run and use (page 23) contains instructions on how to start up the
drive and perform the ID run, and descriptions of the main use cases.
• Control macros (page 31) contains a short description of each macro together
with a connection diagram. Macros are pre-defined applications and saves the
user time when configuring the drive.
• Program features (page 51) describes the program features and parameters.
• Parameters (page 111) describes the parameters used to program the drive.
• Additional parameter data (page 355) contains further information on the
• Fault tracing (page 389) lists the warning and fault messages with possible
causes and remedies.
• Fieldbus control through the embedded fieldbus interface (EFB) (page 415)
describes the communication to and from a fieldbus network using the embedded
fieldbus interface of the drive.
• Fieldbus control through a fieldbus adapter (page 481) describes the
communication to and from a fieldbus network using an optional fieldbus module.
• Control chain diagrams (page 495) presents the reference chains of the drive.
• Appendix A - ACS380 in crane applications (page 511) describes the functions
that are specific to the crane application. If required, these functions can be used
for other applications.
Introduction to the manual 13
Terms and abbreviations
ACS-AP-xAssistant control panel, advanced operator keypad for
communication with the drive.
The ACS380 support types ACS-AP-1, ACS-AP-S and ACS-APW (with a Bluetooth interface).
ACS-BP-SBasic control panel, basic operator keypad for communication
with the drive.
AIAnalog input; interface for analog input signals
AOAnalog output; interface for analog output signals
AsynMAsynchronous motor
BAPO-01Optional side-mounted auxiliary power extension module
BCAN-11CANopen interface
BCBL-01Optional USB to RJ45 cable
BMIO-01I/O and Modbus module
Brake chopperConducts the surplus energy from the intermediate circuit of the
drive to the brake resistor when necessary. The chopper
operates when the DC link voltage exceeds a certain maximum
limit. The voltage rise is typically caused by deceleration
(braking) of a high inertia motor.
Brake resistorDissipates the drive surplus braking energy conducted by the
brake chopper to heat. Essential part of the brake circuit. See
chapter Resistor breaking in the hardware manual of the drive.
will identify the characteristics of the motor for optimum motor
sequential numbers as base units. The hexadecimal numbers
are 0-9 and the letters A-F.
program. Each macro is intended for a specific application. See
chapter Control macros.
(CIP™), such as DeviceNet and Ethernet/IP, denotes the control
of the drive using the Net Ctrl and Net Ref object s of the ODVA
AC/DC Drive Profile. For more information, see,
and the following manuals:
• FDNA-01 DeviceNet adapter module user’s manual
(3AFE68573360 [English]), and
Registered trademarks of PI - PROFIBUS & PROFINET
Introduction to the manual 15
RCDResidual current device
RectifierConverts alternating current and voltage to direct current and
RFIRadio frequency interference
RORelay output; interface for a digital output signal. Implemented
with a relay.
SDOService data object
SILSafety integrity level. See chapter Safe torque off function in the
drive hardware manual.
STOSafe torque off. See chapter Safe torque off function in the drive
hardware manual.
Related manuals
The related manuals are listed behind the front cover under List of related manuals.
Cybersecurity disclaimer
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is Customer's sole responsibility to provide and
continuously ensure a secure connection between the product and Customer network
or any other network (as the case may be). Customer shall establish and maintain
any appropriate measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls,
application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of anti-virus
programs, etc) to protect the product, the network, its system and the interface
against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion,
leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB and its affiliates are not liable for
damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized access,
interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.
See also section User lock (page 109).
16 Introduction to the manual
Control panel
• Control panel
• Home view and Message view
• Options menu
• Main menu
• Submenus
Control panel 17
Control panel
By default, ACS 380 has an integrated panel. If required, you can use external control
panels such as assistant control panel or a basic panel. For more information, refer
ACX-AP-x assistant control panel’s user’s manual (3AUA0000085685 [English]) or
ACS-BP-S basic control panel’s user’s manual (3AXD50000032527 [English])
1. Display - shows the Home view as default.
2. Main menu.
3. OK button - open the Main menu, select and save settings.
4. Start button - start the drive.
5. Menu navigation buttons - move in the menus and set
6. Stop button - stop the drive.
7. Back button - open the Options menu, and move back in
the menu.
8. Options menu.
9. Status light - green and red colors indicate the state and
potential problems.
18 Control panel
Home view and Message view
The Home view is the main view. Open the Main menu and Options menu from the
Home view.
Home view
1. Control selection - local or remote
2. Local start/stop control - enabled
3. Rotation direction - forward or reverse
4. Local reference setting - enabled
5. Speed - target
6. Speed - current
7. Main menu - menu list
8. Options menu - quick access menu
The Message view shows fault and warning messages. If there is an active fault or
warning, the panel shows the Message view directly.
You can open the Message view from the Options menu or Diagnostics submenu.
Message view: Fault
Fault messages require your immediate attention.
Check the code in the Fault messages table on page 402 to
troubleshoot the problem.
Message view: Warning
Warning messages show possible problems.
Check the code in the Warning messages table on
page 392 to troubleshoot the problem.
Options menu and Main menu
Control panel 19
Options menu
1. To open: press the Back
button in the Home view.
Main menu
2. To open: press the OK
button in the Home view.
Options menu
The Options menu is a quick access menu.
1. Control location - set to local or remote control
2. Rotation direction - set to forward or reverse
3. Active faults - view possible faults
4. Reference speed - set the reference speed
5. Active warnings - view possible warnings
Main menu
The Main menu is a scroll menu. The menu icons represent specific groups. The
groups have submenus.
Note: You can define which Main menu items are visible (see parameter 49.30).
1. Motor data - motor parameters
2. Motor control - motor settings
3. Control macros
4. Diagnostics - faults, warnings, fault log and connection status
5. Energy efficiency - energy savings
6. Parameters - parameters
20 Control panel
The Main menu items have submenus. Some submenus also have menus and/or option lists.
The content of the submenus depend on the drive type.
Motor Data
1. Motor type - AsynM, PMSM, SynRM
2. Control mode - Scalar, Vector
3. Nominal power
4. Nominal current
5. Nominal voltage
6. Nominal frequency
7. Nominal speed
8. Nominal torque
9. Phase order - U V W, U W V
10.Nominal Cosphi
11.Unit selection - SI or US units
Motor Data: Motor type
1. AsynM
3. SynRM
Motor Data: Control mode
Motor Data: Phase order
Motor Data: Unit selection
1. Scalar
2. Vector
1. U V W
2. U W V
1. SI units
2. US units
Motor Control
Control panel 21
1. Start mode - Const time, Automatic
2. Stop mode - Coast, Ramp, DC hold
3. Acceleration time
4. Deceleration time
5. Maximum allowed speed
6. Maximum allowed current
7. Minimum allowed speed
Motor Control: Start modes
1. Const time
2. Automatic
Motor Control: Stop modes
1. Coast
2. Ramp
3. DC hold
Control macrosThe control macros available depends on the option module
1. ABB standard (2-wire)
2. ABB limited (2-wire)
3. Alternate
4. Motor potentiometer
5. PID
6. Modbus RTU
9. EthernetIP
10.Modbus TCP
11. Ethe rCAT
22 Control panel
Energy Efficiency
1. Active Fault - shows the fault code
2. Fault History - list of latest fault codes (newest first)
3. Active Warnings - shows the warning code
4. Connection Status - Fieldbus and I/O signals
1. Saved energy in kWh
2. Saved money
3. Saved energy in MW
4. Saved money x 1000
5. Cost per kWh h
1. Complete parameter list - groups menu with complete
parameters and parameter levels
2. Modified parameter list
3. Parameter restore - reset to factory default parameters
Start-up, ID run and use 23
Start-up, ID run and use
• Start up the drive
• Do the identification (ID) run
• Start and stop the drive
• Change the rotation direction
• Set the speed or frequency reference
• Set the drive parameters
• Open Diagnostics
• Change the units
Note: In this chapter the drive uses an integrated panel to perform the start-up, ID
run, and other actions. You can also perform these functions using an external control
panel or a drive composer PC tool.
Start up the drive
1. Select the unit (international or US) and press OK.
The drive recognizes the connected adapter and sets the correct settings. This
may take a few seconds depending on the adapter.
2. In the Motor data view, set the motor type:
AsynM: Asynchronous motor
PMSM: Permanent magnet motor, or
SynRM: Synchronous reluctance motor
3. Set the motor control mode:
Vector: Speed reference. This is suitable for most cases. The drive does an
automatic stand-still ID run.
24 Start-up, ID run and use
Scalar: Frequency reference.
Use this mode when:
- The number of motors can change.
- The nominal motor current is less than 20% of the nominal drive current.
Scalar mode is not recommended for permanent magnet motors.
4. Set the nominal motor values:
•Nominal power
•Nominal current
•Nominal voltage
•Nominal frequency
•Nominal speed
•Nominal torque (optional)
•Nominal cosphi
5. Examine the direction of the motor.
If it is necessary, set the motor direction with the Phase order setting or with the
phase order of the motor cable.
6. In the Motor control view, set the start and stop mode.
7. Set the acceleration time and the deceleration time.
Note: The speed acceleration and deceleration ramp times are based on the
value in parameter 46.01 Speed scaling/46.02 Frequency scaling.
8. Set the maximum and minimum speed or frequency. For more information, see
parameters 30.11Minimum speed /30.13Minimum frequency and 30.12
Maximum speed/30.14 Maximum frequency on page 218.
9. In the Control macros view, select the applicable macro.
For units with a fieldbus adapter connected: you can see the fieldbus in the
Control macros view. There are certain parameters that you need to change, eg.
the station ID. See chapter Fieldbus control through a fieldbus adapter.
10. Tune the drive parameters to the application. You can use the Assistant control
panel (ACS-AP-x), or the Drive Composer PC tool with the drive.
Start-up, ID run and use 25
Do the identification (ID) run
Background information
The drive automatically estimates motor characteristics using Standstill ID run when
the drive is started for the first time, and after any motor parameter (group 99 Motor
data) is changed. This is valid when:
• parameter 99.13 ID run requested selection is Standstill and
• parameter 99.04 Motor control mode selection isVector.
In most applications there is no need to perform a separate ID run. Select the ID run
for demanding motor control connections. For example:
• permanent magnet motor (PMSM) is used
• drive operates near zero speed references, or
• operation at torque range above the motor nominal torque, over a wide speed
range is needed.
Note: If you change the motor parameters after the ID run, you need to repeat the
Note: If you have already parameterized your application using scalar motor control
mode and you need to change to vector:
• in the Motor data submenu, set Motor control to Vector , or set parameter 99.04Motor control mode selection to Vector.
• for I/O controlled drive, check parameters in groups 22 Speed reference
selection, 23 Speed reference ramp, 12 Standard AI, 30 Limits and 46
Monitoring/scaling settings.
• for torque controlled drive, check also parameters in group 26 Torque reference
ID run steps
Warning! Make sure it is safe to run the procedure.
1. Open the Main menu.
2. Select the Parameters submenu.
3. Select All parameters.
4. Select 99 Motor data and press OK.
5. Select 99.13 ID run requested, select the wanted ID mode and press OK.
An AFF6Identification run warning message is shown before you press Start.
The panel LED starts to blink green to indicate an active warning.
6. Press Start to start the ID run.
26 Start-up, ID run and use
Do not to press any control panel keys during the ID run. If you need to stop the ID
run, press Stop.
After the ID run is completed, the status light stops blinking.
If the ID run fails, the panel shows the fault FF61ID run.
Start and stop the drive
Change the rotation direction
1. In the Options menu, move to the rotation direction
item with the arrow buttons.
2. Press the OK button to change the rotation
Start-up, ID run and use 27
1. Press the Start button to st art the drive.
2. Press the Stop button to stop the drive.
Set the speed or frequency reference
1. In the Options menu, move to the speed or
frequency reference item and press OK.
2. Press the arrow buttons to edit the value.
3. Press the OK button to confirm the new value.
28 Start-up, ID run and use
Set the drive parameters
1. Select the Main menu from the Home view.
2. Scroll to Parameters, and press the OK button to open
3. Select the complete parameters list with the arrow button
4. Select the modified parameters list with the arrow button
5. Select the parameter and press the OK button.
See chapter Parameters for more information.
Open Diagnostics
1. Select the Main menu from the Home view.
2. Scroll to Diagnostics and press the OK button to open
3. Select the warning or fault with the arrow button and
the submenu.
and press the OK button, or
and press the OK button.
The parameters are shown in respective groups. The
first two digits of the parameter number represent the
parameter group. For example, parameters starting with
30 are in the Limits group.
the submenu.
press the OK button.
See chapter Fault tracing for more information.
Change the units
Start-up, ID run and use 29
1. Select the Main menu from the Home view.
2. Scroll t o Motor data and press the OK button to open the
3. Scroll to the unit selection item and press the OK button.
4. Select the unit with the arrow button, then press the OK
You can see the selected unit on the Home view.
30 Start-up, ID run and use
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