4ipnet OWL510, OWL500 V1.00 Quick Install Guide

V1 . 00
O W L 5 0 0 / 5 1 0 L o n g R a n g e O u t d o o r C P E / A P / B r i d g e ENGLISH
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O W L 5 0 0 / 5 1 0 L o n g R a n g e O u t d o o r C P E / A P / B r i d g e ENGLISH
N o t e
The respective FCC ID for This document serves only as a sample manual and QIG for this sample unit. The
respective FCC ID for O W L 5 00/ O W L 5 1 0 w ill b e V Z 9090003 , application in prog ress in J uly 2 009.
O W L 5 0 0 / 5 1 0 L o n g R a n g e O u t d o o r C P E / A P / B r i d g e ENGLISH
Preface Pack ag e C o n t en t s
The 802.11 b/g compliant OWL500/510 is a Long
Range Outdoor CPE/AP/Bridge device that can be
used for dual purposes. First, it can be deployed as
a traditional fixed wireless Access Point (AP).
Secondly, it can be used as a Customer Premises
Equipment (CPE) that connects to the outdoor
wireless network of Wireless Internet Service
Provider (WISP).
The metal sealed OWL500/510 is compact in size
and weatherproof. Coming with a mounting kit, it
can be mounted on a pole or wall. It is suitable for
both indoor and outdoor usage with its 500mW
1. OWL500/510 x 1
2. Quick Installation Guide (QIG) x 1
(with User’s Manual and QIG)
4. Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) with
AC cable x 1
5. Mounting Kit x 1
It is recommended to keep the original
packing material for possible future shipment when repair or maintenance is required. Any returned product should be packed in its original packaging to prevent damage during delivery.
x 1
output power, which is higher than a typical indoor
AP (100mW).
This Quick Installation Guide (including FAQ
Instruction Guide) provides instructions for getting
started with OWL500/510.
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System Overview
O W L 5 0 0 / 5 1 0 L o n g R a n g e O u t d o o r C P E / A P / B r i d g e ENGLISH
1 WLAN Green LED ON indicates system ready 2 Wireless Signal Strength For showing the signal strength situation 3 Ethernet Green LED ON indicates connection, OFF indicates no connection,
4 PoE Connector For connecting to the Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) 5 N-type Connector For connecting to an antenna 6 Power Red LED ON indicates power on, and OFF indicates power off
7, 8 Wireless Signal Strength For showing the signal strength situation (7: Yellow; 8: Green)
and BLINKING indicates transmitting data.
1 WLAN Green LED ON indicates system ready
2 Wireless Signal Strength For showing the signal strength situation 3 Ethernet Green LED ON indicates connection, OFF indicates no
connection, and BLINKING indicates transmitting data.
4 PoE Connector For connecting to the Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE)
5 Built-in patch antenna 10 dBi (Horizontal: 110 degree; Vertical: 60 degree) 6 Power Red LED ON indicates power on, and OFF indicates power off
7, 8 Wireless Signal Strength For showing the signal strength situation (7: Yellow; 8: Green)
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O W L 5 0 0 / 5 1 0 L o n g R a n g e O u t d o o r C P E / A P / B r i d g e ENGLISH
H a rd wa re I n sta l l a tio n
The following diagram is a basic network topology which can be used for testing and configuring the
Installation Steps:
Step 1. Connect an N-type antenna to the N-type connector (applicable for OWL500/510 only).
Step 2. Connect the PSE (POWER & DATA OUT) to the PSE 1 connector on the lower panel.
Step 3. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the PSE 2 connector on the lower panel and the other end
to a computer.
Step 4. Connect the power cord to the PSE.
Step 5. Power on the PSE in order to supply power to the OWL500/510.
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O W L 5 0 0 / 5 1 0 L o n g R a n g e O u t d o o r C P E / A P / B r i d g e ENGLISH
G ettin g Sta rted
4ipnet OWL500/510 supports web-based configuration. OWL500/510 is a dual-mode system, AP Mode as the
default mode for the first time entering the system, which also can be configured as either an access point (AP
Mode) or a gateway (CPE Mode) based on your needs. It is required to follow the respective installation
procedures provided to properly set up the desired mode for this system.
Default IP Address of Web Management Interface:
The default IP address and Subnet Mask for the AP mode and CPE mode are as follows:
Mode AP Mode CPE Mode
IP Address
Subnet Mask
1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1
2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 0 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 0
Default User Name and Password:
There is only one management account for AP mode, root. In addition, there are two system management
accounts for CPE mode to maintain the system, root and admin, and each has different levels of management
capabilities. The root account is empowered with full privileges while the admin account is with partial ones.
The default user name and password for both the root and admin account are as follows:
Mode AP Mode CPE Mode
User Name
root root a dmin
a dmin a dmin a dmin
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