3COM TokenLink III User Manual

Basic Handbook for the Palm III™ Organi ze r


Copyright © 1998 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 3Com, the 3Com logo, Palm Computing, Graffiti and HotSync are registered trademarks, and PalmPilot, Palm III, Palm OS, Palm, the Palm Computing platform logo, the PalmPilot logo and the Palm III logo are trademarks of Palm Computing Inc., 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other product and brand names may be tra demarks or regis tered trad emarks of their respec­tive owners. This product is not manufactured by Pilot Corporation or Pilot Corporation of America, manufacturers and distributors of writing instru­ments.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

3Com Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any dam­age or loss resulting from the use of this handbook.
3Com Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this software. 3Com Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any dam­age or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery or repairs. Be sure to ma ke backu p copies o f all import ant da ta on o ther media to protect against data loss.
Important:Please read the 3Com End User Software License Agreement con­tained in this handbook before using the accompanying software program(s). Using any part of t he softwar e indicates t hat you accep t the terms of t he 3Com End User Software License Agreement.

3.5" Software Diskettes Available

Palm Desktop software is supplied on a CD-ROM disc. If you do not have ac­cess to a CD-ROM drive for your co mputer, you may obtain 3.5" disk ettes. S ee “Technical Support, Service and Repair" for the phone number to obtain these diskettes, or complete and mail (or fax) the diskette offer card supplied in the Palm III organizer product package.
P/N: 405-0331 A/N: 423-0219
Page ii Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer


Chapter 1: Getting Started With Your Palm III™ Organizer
Locating Front Panel Controls ............................................................2
Protective Flip Cover ...........................................................................3
Locating Back Panel Components .....................................................4
Installing the Batter ies .............................................. ............ .......... .....5
Calib ra t i ng the S creen . .. ................. .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .....6
Setting the Time ....................................................................................8
Setting the Current Date ......................................................................9
Connecting the Cradle .......................................................................10
Installing Palm Desktop Softw are ...................................................10
Chapter 2: Working with Your Palm III™ Organizer
Selecting Applications .......................................................................13
Using the On-Screen Keyboard ........................................................16
Writing With the Stylus .....................................................................17
Using Application Controls ..............................................................27
Using Menus .......................................................................................28
Choosing Fonts ...................................................................................32
Using Categories .................................................................................33
Attaching Notes ..................................................................................37
Marking Private Entries ....................................................................37
Beaming Informatio n to Othe r 3Com® Connected Organizers ..38
Chapter 3: Finding Information With Your Palm III™ Organizer
Using the Find Command .................................................................41
Using Phone Lookup .........................................................................42
Chapter 4: Installing and Removing Applications
Installing Applica tions ........................................ ...................... ........45
Installing Games .................................................................................47
Removing Applications .....................................................................48
Removing Palm Desktop Software ..................................................49
Chapter 5: Getting Help With Your Palm III™ Organizer
Displaying Online Tips ......................................................................51
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................52
Technical Support, Service and Repair ...........................................57
Corporate Offices ...............................................................................60
Contents Page iii
Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Palm III™ Organizer
Caring for Your Palm III Organizer ................................ ..... ....... ....61
Limited Warranty ..............................................................................65
3Com End User Software License Agreement ..............................67
FCC Statement ....................................................................................70
Canadian RFI Statement ................................................................... 70
Index ..................................................................................................... 71
Page iv Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer

Chapter 1

Getting Starte d With Y our
Palm III
This chapter explains the physical buttons and controls on your Palm III organizer, how to install the batteries, start your Palm III organizer for the f i rs t time, and set up you r Palm
Orga n i z er
Congratulations on your purchase of the Palm III™ connected organizer. This handbook describes how to use your Palm III organizer. To learn about the applications that come with your Palm III organizer, refer to the Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer.
Desktop so f t ware.
Chapter 1 Page 1

Locating Front Panel Controls

Palm III organizer screen
Graffiti writing area
Applic a tion buttons
Scroll button
Power button,
Backlight control
Palm III organizer screen
Graffiti writing area
Applicatio n buttons
Scroll button
Displays the applications and information stored in your Palm III organizer. It is touch-sensitive and responds to the stylus or y o u r f inger.
The area where you write strokes using the Graffiti alphabet. See “Writing With the Stylus” for details about how to write Graf fiti character strokes.
Activate the individual Palm III organizer applications that correspond to the icons on the buttons: Date Book, Address Book, To Do List and Memo Pad. You ca n reas sign the se butt ons t o activ ate any application on your Palm III organizer. See “Button Preferences” in the Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer.
If your Palm III organizer is off, pressing any application button activates the Palm III organ iz e r a n d opens the corre spondi n g application.
Displays text and other information that extends beyond the area of the Palm III organizer screen. Pressing the lower half of the scrol l button “scrolls down” to view information below the viewing area, and pressing the upper half of the button “scrolls up” to view the information above the viewing area.
Page 2 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Power button
Turns your Palm III organizer on or off and controls the backlight feature. If your Palm III organizer is turned off, pressing the power button turns the unit on, and Palm III organizer returns you to the last screen you were viewing.
If your Palm III organizer is turned on, pressing the power button turns the un it off, help ing to conserve battery l ife. Holding the power but ton down for about two seconds turns the backlight on or off.

Protective Flip Cover

The cover protects the Palm III organizer screen when it is not in use and helps reduce glare while you use your Palm III organizer. You can open the cover so that it is at an angle, open it fully or remove it altogether by pulling the cover out of the holes on the sides of the Palm III organizer. To reattach the cover, reinsert the pegs in the holes.
Chapter 1 Page 3

Locating Back Panel Components

IR port
Reset button
Contrast control
Batter y door
Serial port door
IR port
Reset button
Slides in and out of the slot on th e bac k si de of the Palm III organizer. To use the stylus, remove it from the slot and hold it as you would a pen or pencil.
Important: Always use the po i nt of th e s tylu s
for tapping or making strokes on the Palm III organizer screen. Never use an actual pen, pencil or other sharp obje ct to write on th e Palm III organizer screen.
Uses infrared technology to transmit data to
and receive data fr om other 3Com
connected organizers. See “Beaming Information to Other 3Com Connected Organizers” for more information.
Under normal use, you should never have to use the reset button. See “Resetting Your Palm
Organi z er” for informat ion about how to
III use the reset button.
Page 4 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Contrast control
Adjusts the appearance of the screen for the clearest screen display. Depending on the lighting conditions or temp erat ure of the environment where you use your Palm III organizer, you may need to adjust the setting of the cont rast control.
Battery door
Covers the batteries that power your Palm III organizer. See “Installing the Batteries” for information on removing the battery door and installing batteries.
Serial po rt d o or
Protects the serial port that fits into the connector of the Palm III organizer cradle to ensure t hat t he con nection surf ace of th e s erial port re ma ins clean an d cl e a r o f deb r is.

Installing the Batteries

To use your Palm III organizer, you must install two AAA alkaline batteries. The batteries fit behind the batte ry door on the back of the Palm III organizer.

To install the batteries in your Palm III:

1. Press the latch on the battery door and lift the battery door away from the Palm III organizer.
Press tab to open
2. Install the two AAA alkaline batteries supplied with your Palm III organiz er into the battery compa rtment.
Chapter 1 Page 5
Note: A diagram in the i nterior of the battery comp artment
shows the orientation of the + and - e nd s of the bat te ries. When correctly installed , the clips in the batter y compartment secure the batteries in place.
3. Insert the battery door back into place so that it is flush with the back of the Palm III organizer and “clicks” into position.
Important: Do not force the battery door. When the batteries are
correctly installed, the battery door clips smoothly into place. If you feel resistance when replacing the battery door, make sure the door is ali gne d with the slots on the back of your Palm III organizer, and that the batteries are firmly seated in the battery compartment.

Calibrating the Screen

The first time you start your Palm III organizer the calibration screen automatically appears. Follow the steps in this section to align the internal circuitry of your Palm III organizer with its touch-sensitive screen.

To calibrate your Palm III:

1. Press the green power button on the front panel of your Palm III organizer to di splay the ca li b ration screen.
Power button
Page 6 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Note: If necessar y, adjust the c ontrast con trol locate d on the side
of the Palm III organizer, so the alignment screen is clear and readable.
2. Remove the stylus from its storage slot on the back of the Palm III organizer.
3. Tap the exact center of each target that appears on the screen with the tip of the sty lus.
After you tap eac h of the t ar get s, co nt inue w ith the f oll owi ng s ect ions to set the time and date.

About the Backlight Feature

If you have difficulty seeing the information on your Palm III organizer, you can use the backlight f eature t o illuminat e your screen .
Note: If you upgraded your Pilot 1000 or Pilot 5000 or g anizer with
the 2MB memory card, the backlight feature is not available. In this case, only the operating system and applications are upgraded. To obtain the backlig ht featur e, you must pur chase
a PalmPilot
To activate the backlight feature:
Press the green power button and hold it down for about two
Professional or Palm III organizer.
seconds. Release the button when the back light tur ns on.
To turn off the backlight feature:
Press and ho ld the gr een powe r button for about two sec onds. Th e
backlight feature also turn s of f au tomatically (after a period of inactivity) with the Auto-off after feature.
In add i tion, you ca n use a f u l l- s creen pe n stroke to activ a te the backlight feature. See “Buttons Preferences” in the Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer for more informa tion.
Chapter 1 Page 7

Setting the Time

The General Preferences screen is the first screen to appear after you align the digitizer on your Palm III organizer.
Note: If the General Preferences screen is not on your Palm III
organizer screen, you may have pressed one of the application buttons on the front panel. See “Opening Preference s Screens” in the Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer for information on displaying the General Preferences screen.

To set the curr ent time:

1. Tap the Set Time box in the General Preferences sc reen to open t he Set Time dialog.
Tap here
2. Tap the up or down arrows to change the ho ur.
3. Tap the minu te s bo x, and then t ap t he ar rows t o a djus t th e s ettin gs for th e cu rre nt time.
4. Tap the AM or PM box to select the time of day. Note: Your Palm III organizer can also display time based on a
24-hour clock. See “Formats Preferences,” in the Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer.
5. Tap the OK button to close the Set Time di alog and retur n to the General Preferences screen.
Page 8 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer

Setting the Current Date

The Set Date box in the General Preferences screen is used to set the current date for your Palm III organizer.

To set the current date:

1. Tap the Set D a te box to op e n the S e t D a te d ia l o g .
2. Tap the arrows at the top to select the current year.
Tap arrows to select year
Tap to select month
Tap to selec t da te
3. Tap a month bo x to se l e c t the cu rrent mo n t h .
4. Tap the current date to close the Se t Date dialog and retu rn to the General Preferences screen.
Note: You do not need to adjust the other General Preference
settings at this time. See “General Preferences” in the Applications Handboo k for the Palm II I Or ganizer for informati on about the rema ining options.
Chapter 1 Page 9

Connecting the Cradle

The cradle that comes with your Palm III organizer enables you to synchronize the information on your Palm III organizer and the Palm Desktop software using HotSync

To connect the cradle:

Turn off your computer and plug the cable from the Palm III
organize r cradle into the serial communications port on your computer.
Note: Your Palm III organizer requires a dedicated port. I t cannot
share a por t with an int ernal m odem or other d evice . If you are unsure about the e xact location of the serial port on your computer, re f e r to the user’ s manual supplied with the computer.

Instal ling Palm Desk to p S o ftware

Palm Desktop organizer software extends many of the functions of your Palm III organizer to your computer. Although using Palm Desktop software is optional, when you use it with your Palm III organizer and the built-in HotSync technology, you can fully synchronize the information on your Palm III organizer with the information on your computer. Changes you make on your Palm III organizer or Palm Desktop appear in both places after you synchronize.

With Palm Desktop software you can:

Work with your Palm III organizer application s on your
computer . Palm De sktop duplicat es the Date Book, Addres s Book, To Do List and Memo Pad applications on your Palm III organizer, so you can view, enter and modify any data stored on your Palm III organizer.
Page 10 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Back up the data stored on your Palm III organizer with HotSync
technol o g y and synchroniz e the data with Palm Desktop. Synchronization is a one-step procedure that ensures your data is always safe and up-to-date. See th e “HotSync” chapter in the Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer for information about using thi s f e atu re.
Import and export data, so you can easily t ransfer dat a from other
Windows applications i nto Address Book or Memo Pad.
Print your Date Book, Address Book, To Do List and Memo Pad
information on any Windows-compatible printer.

System R equirements

To install and operate Palm Desktop, your computer system must meet the following requirements:
Minimum Re q u ir em en ts
Windows 95 or Wind ows NT 4.0
IBM-compatible 486 computer or higher
8 MB RAM (memory) minimum, 16 MB recommended
12 MB available hard disk space
VGA monitor or better (the Palm Quick Tour requires a 256 color
video display)
CD-ROM drive
(3.5" diskettes available upon request. See “Technic al Support, Service and Repair” for information.)
One available serial port
Optional Equipment
Modem (such as PalmPilot Modem)
Windows-com patible print er
Chapter 1 Page 11

Software Installation

The following instructions guide you through installing Palm Desktop software. After you inst all the software, refer to the Help menu for complete information about how to use Palm Desktop.
To ensure a safe and uninterrupted installation of the Palm Desktop software, pleas e do the follow ing be for e insta lling:
Connect the cradle to your computer.
If you have placed your Palm III organizer in the cradle, remove it
during software installation.
Exit all programs, including those that run automatically at
startup, su ch as fax software, virus p rotection software, screen­saver software, and ap p lication toolbars such as Microsoft Office.
If you are installing from diskettes (rather than the CD-ROM),
make sure the original Palm Desktop diskettes are write­protected, and then make backup copies of them. When you finish, use the copies to install the software, and store the original disk et t e s i n a sa f e pla ce. Refe r to your compu te r ’s m a nu a l or Windows User Guide if you need information about locking or copying diskettes.
Do not simpl y cop y the Pal m Desktop files to yo ur hard drive. You
must use the inst aller to plac e the files in their proper locat ions and to decompress the files.
To install Palm Desktop softw are:
1. Exit any open Windo ws pr ogra ms and disa ble any vi rus- sca nnin g software.
2. Insert the Palm Desktop CD-ROM into the computer’s CD-ROM drive (or insert the diskette labeled Setu p into the diskette drive).
3. Wait for the introduction screen to appear.
4. Click the Ins tall button to begin the instal lation proced ur e .
5. Follow the instruction s on the screen t o complete the installation.
Page 12 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer

Chapter 2

Working with Yo ur
Palm III

Selecting Applications

Your Palm III organizer is equipped with a variety of applications. All the applications installed on your Palm III organizer appear in the Applications Launcher. You can use the Applications Launcher to open any application installed on your Palm III organizer. You can also open the four main appli cations — Date Book, Address Book, To Do List and Memo Pad — with the buttons on the front panel your Palm III organizer.
Tip: When you press th e buttons on the fron t panel, you ha ve
instant access t o the selec ted appli cation. You don’ t even need to turn on your Palm III organizer first.
Orga n i z er
This chapter explains h ow to open applic ations, us e the on-scree n keyboard, write with th e stylus and use common features on your Palm III organizer.
In addition to providing a way for you to open applications, the Applications Launcher displays the current time, battery level and application cat egory .
Chapter 2 Page 13

To open applications:

1. Tap the icon on the Palm III organizer screen to open the Applications Launcher.
2. Tap the icon of the application that you want to open. If you have many applications installed on your Palm III organizer, tap the scroll bar to see all of your applications.
Tip: As a shortcut, you can write th e Graffiti
handwriting software character st roke for the first letter of the application you want to use. The Applications Launcher scrolls to the first application that begins with that le tte r.

Switching Applic ations

When working in any application, you can tap the icon or press the buttons on the front panel to switch to any other application. Your Palm III organizer saves your work in the current application and disp la y s it w h e n y ou re t u rn to the cu rre nt screen .

Changing the Applications Launc her Display Form at

By default the Applications Launcher displays each application as an icon. As an alternative, you can choose to show a li st of applications.
To change the Applications Launcher display:
1. Tap the icon on the Palm III organizer screen to open the Applications Launcher.
2. Tap the icon on the Palm III organizer screen to open the Applications Launcher menus.
3. Tap Preferences from the Options menu to open the Preferences dialog.
Page 14 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
4. Tap the View By pick li st and select the List option.
5. Tap the OK butt on to close the P reference s dialog and displa y the Applicatio ns Launche r in list format.

Displaying Applications by Category

The category feature enables you to limit the number of applications that appear on the screen. You can assign categories to your applications and then choose to display a single category or all your applications.
To display applications by category:
1. Tap the icon on the Palm III organizer screen to open the Applicatio ns Launche r .
2. Tap the icon on the Palm III organizer screen to open the Applications Launc her menus .
3. Tap Category from the App menu to open the Category dialog.
Chapter 2 Page 15
4. Tap the pick list next to each appli cation to assi gn it to a category.
Tip: To create a new categor y, tap Edi t Categor y from the pick
list to open the Edit Categories dialog. Tap the New button, enter the cate gory name, a nd then tap the OK button to add the category. Tap OK to close the Edit Categories dialog.
5. Tap the Don e but ton to c lose the C ategor y d ialo g an d ret urn t o the Applications Launcher.
6. Tap the pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen and select the applicati on categor y you want to displa y.
Tip: You can also tap the icon to scroll through the
application catego ries .

Using the On-Screen Keyboard

You ca n ac ti v ate the o n - sc re e n ke y b o a rd any tim e y ou n e e d to enter text or numbers on your Palm III organizer. Note that you cannot enter Graffi ti chara ct e rs wh il e using the on-scre e n ke y b o a rd.

To use the on-screen keyboard:

1. Open any Palm III organizer application (such as the Memo Pad application, as described in the previous section).
2. Tap any record na me, or tap the New b u tt on.
3. Tap the left target to open the Alpha keyboard, or tap the right target to open the Numeric keyboard.
Tap here for letters keyboard
Page 16 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Tap here for numb ers keyboard
Caps lock Caps shi f t
Tap here to display Alpha keyboard
Tap here to disp lay Numeric keyboard
Backspace Carriage return
Tap here to display International keyboard
4. Tap the characters of the on-screen keyb oard to enter te xt and numbers.
Note: The on-screen keyboard also includes a dialog for
international characters. You can switch among the three dialogs at any time to enter the exact text you need.
5. After you finish, tap the Done button to close the on-screen keyboard and place the text in your Palm III organizer application.

Writing With the Stylu s

Your Palm III organizer includes Graffiti handwriting software as the primary system for enteri ng text and numbers. Graffiti is a sy stem where simple strokes yo u wr ite with the stylus are inst antly recognized as letters or numbers.
This section explains the basics of Graffiti, and how to make strokes in the Graffiti writing area. Your Palm III organizer also includes Giraffe — a game you can use to practice writing Graffiti. See “Installing Games” for instructions on how to install Giraffe.
Chapter 2 Page 17

Opening the Memo Pad Application

The Memo Pad application is ideal for prac ticing the Graffit i alphabet. This section explains how to open the Memo Pad and use it to practice Graffiti. A complet e explanation of the Memo Pad application appears in the Applications Hand book for the Pa lm III Organi zer.
To open the Memo Pad application:
1. Press the button on the front of your Palm III organizer to open the Memo Pad application.
2. Tap the New button to open a new Memo Page.
New memo cursor
Tap New
Write in Graffiti area
Note: A cursor appears in the upper-left corner of the Memo Page to
indicate where new text will appear.

Writing Letters With Graffiti

Most people fi nd t hey c an e nter t ext quick ly and accu ra tely with only minutes of practice. Graffiti includes any character y o u can type on a standard keyboard. The Graff iti stro kes closely resemble those of the regular alphabet which ma kes it q uick and eas y to learn. For example, the following Graffiti strokes are portions of the regular alphabet equivalents.
Page 18 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
K 5
There are four basic concepts for success with Graffiti:
If you draw the character shape exactly as shown in the tables later
in this chapte r (like the shap e s shown in the following diagram), you achieve 100% accuracy.
The heavy dot on each shape shows where to begin the stroke.
Certain characters ha ve similar shapes, but different beginning and end points . Always begin the stroke at the heavy dot.
Most charac te rs require onl y a single stroke. Wh e n you lift the
stylus from the Graffiti writing area, your Palm III organizer recognizes and display s th e text character immediately .
The Graffiti writing area is divided into two parts: one for writing
the letters of the alphabet and one for writing numbers. The small marks at the top and bottom of the Graffiti writing area indicate the two areas .
Write letters here Write numbers here
Division marks
To write letters o f th e alphabet with Graffiti:
1. Tap the screen where you want your text to go.
2. Use the table on the next page to f ind t he stro ke shape for the letter you want to create. For example, the stroke shown below creates the lette r “n.”
Note: There are two different stroke shapes available for some
letters. For these letters, choose the one that’s easiest for you.
Chapter 2 Page 19
Lift stylus here
Start stroke at heavy dot
As you’ll see later, you use these shapes to create both upper- and lowercase lette rs.
3. Position t he st ylus i n the left- han d sid e of t he Gra ffi ti wr iti ng ar ea.
4. Start your stroke at the heavy dot, and dr aw th e stroke shape as it appears in the table.
Note: Don’t try to draw the dot shape itself. The heavy dot is
ther e to show the starti ng p oi nt of the s troke.
5. Lift the sty lus from the screen at the end of the stroke shape.
That’s all there is to it! When you lift the stylus from the screen, your Palm III organizer recognizes your stroke immediately and prints the letter at the insertion point on the scre e n.
As soon as you lift th e stylus from the scr een, you can begin th e stroke for th e nex t ch a r ac ter you wa nt to wri te.
Important: You must begin the character strokes in the Graffiti
writing ar ea. If you do not make Graffiti strokes in the Graffiti writing area, your Palm III organizer does not recognize them as text characters.

Graffiti Tips

When writing wi th Graffiti, keep these tips in mi n d:
Accuracy improves when you write large characters. You should
draw strokes that nearly fill the Graffiti writing area.
To delete characters, simply set the insertion point to the right of
the character you want to del e te and make the backspac e stroke (a line from right to left) in the Graffiti writing area.
Write at natural speed. Writing too slowly can generate
recognition errors.
Do not write on a slant. Verti cal strokes shou ld be parallel to the
sides of the Graffiti writ ing area.
Page 20 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
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