Piezoelectric Charge Source U8490210
Instruction sheet
01/11 SP/ALF
1 Button
2 Earthing lead
3 Charge-carrier
4 Protective cap
1. Description
The piezoelectric charge source enables safe voltages to be generated for electrostatic experiments.
The instrument is, in principle, a piezoelectric gaslighter that is adapted for the special requirements
of electrostatic experiments. For that reason it is
fitted with a shortened earthing shell onto which a
lead is soldered.
The heart of the charge source is a piezoelectric
crystal of lead-zirconate-titanate (Pb(Zr,Ti)0
ing the button causes a separation of charges, Q, in
the crystal. In the absence of an external circuit,
the voltage thus produced is limited by the breakdown voltage and the intrinsic capacitance C
the crystal. When an external capacitance C
present, the resulting voltage is: U = Q/(C
2. Technical data
Voltage: 4.5 kV max.
Cable connection: 4 mm plug
Dimensions: 240x30x40 mm³ approx.
Weight: 100 g approx.
). Press-
+ Ck).
3. Operation
When the button is pressed, a positive charge is
produced at the tip, whereas if pressure is released
after the instrument has already been earthed, a
negative charge is obtained.
To positively charge a capacitor (e.g., a conducting
sphere), proceed as follows:
• While pressing the button, touch the capacitor
with the charge-carrier.
• Earth the charge source while it remains in
contact and release the button.
• If necessary, repeat the charging process until
the desired charging voltage is obtained.
Considered from a physical standpoint, the process
is as follows: When the capacitor is touched, the
positive charge produced by the piezoelectric crystal is shared between the crystal and the external
capacitor in proportion to their capacitances. Only
if the capacitor has a very large capacitance
(>>100 pF) will the charge be completely transferred to the capacitor. When the pressure is released, the negative charge generated is dissipated
through the earthing cable, and the crystal is then
Elwe Didactic GmbH ▪ Steinfelsstr. 5 ▪ 08248 Klingenthal ▪ Germany ▪ www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ www.3bscientific.com
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