3B Scientific Piezoelectric Charge Source User Manual

Piezoelectric Charge Source U8490210
Instruction sheet
01/11 SP/ALF
1 Button 2 Earthing lead 3 Charge-carrier 4 Protective cap
1. Description
The piezoelectric charge source enables safe volt­ages to be generated for electrostatic experiments.
The instrument is, in principle, a piezoelectric gas­lighter that is adapted for the special requirements of electrostatic experiments. For that reason it is fitted with a shortened earthing shell onto which a lead is soldered.
The heart of the charge source is a piezoelectric crystal of lead-zirconate-titanate (Pb(Zr,Ti)0 ing the button causes a separation of charges, Q, in the crystal. In the absence of an external circuit, the voltage thus produced is limited by the break­down voltage and the intrinsic capacitance C the crystal. When an external capacitance C present, the resulting voltage is: U = Q/(C
2. Technical data
Voltage: 4.5 kV max. Cable connection: 4 mm plug Dimensions: 240x30x40 mm³ approx. Weight: 100 g approx.
). Press-
+ Ck).
3. Operation
When the button is pressed, a positive charge is produced at the tip, whereas if pressure is released after the instrument has already been earthed, a negative charge is obtained.
To positively charge a capacitor (e.g., a conducting sphere), proceed as follows:
While pressing the button, touch the capacitor
with the charge-carrier.
Earth the charge source while it remains in
contact and release the button.
If necessary, repeat the charging process until
the desired charging voltage is obtained.
Considered from a physical standpoint, the process is as follows: When the capacitor is touched, the positive charge produced by the piezoelectric crys­tal is shared between the crystal and the external capacitor in proportion to their capacitances. Only if the capacitor has a very large capacitance (>>100 pF) will the charge be completely trans­ferred to the capacitor. When the pressure is re­leased, the negative charge generated is dissipated through the earthing cable, and the crystal is then uncharged.
Elwe Didactic GmbH Steinfelsstr. 5 08248 Klingenthal Germany www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH Rudorffweg 8 21031 Hamburg Germany www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments